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The Huron Expositor, 1969-10-16, Page 16
SOL1511;111111111,7-1)6 Oir/VE/PS Taylor's Family Footwear Main Street' - Seaforth. OF 144 IS 00# 440 Of STOCK MAIN STREET• SEAFORTH IhMTI•THIE 'HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT4 Oci.1154, 1969 -News Qf Correspondent MISS MARY McILWAIN Mrs, Annie Medd attended the Medd- Whittaker wedding held in Clinton on Saturday. Jane, Paul and David Reid of London spent the holiday week end with their grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Luther San- ders. Mr. and Mrs. John Whyte, Jeffery, Andrea and Lisa of Osh- awa were week end visitors with Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Bill and Tom. Mr, and Mrs. Paul Dedrick, Jeffery and Jim of Simcoe;Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoggart and Tam- my of Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. Paul MCMaster, Carol and Mark and Miss Betty Hoggart all of London, Mr. and Mrs. John Hog- gart, Larry and Connie were over the week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggart and Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Geor ge Mc- Ilwain visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kings well of Huronview. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Woods, Debbie. and Michele of Ganan- oque spent the holiday week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mrs. Ralph Milner has left for Holland to attend the fun- eral of her Mother and is re- maining for, the next few weeks. Glenda, Elaine and Dennis Pfaff of Crediton spent the week end with their aunt and unole, Mr. and Mrs.' Ken Presz- cator, Linda, Dianne and Nancy Hughie Haverkamp of Au- burn spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs.-Bert Haverkamp- and family. ' Mr. and Mrs. Erik Fogt, Carol and Jimmy of Streets- vine, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dale, Debbie, Donna and Claris of London were over the week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Verne Dale. Mr, and Mrs. Jack Ch:)zier, Brian, Paul,. Kevin and Lori of Listowel visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. George Mc- Ilwain and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Riley of. Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Riley, Kim and Greg of Win- throp were Thanksgiving Day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Week' end visitor's with Mr, and Mrs. Bill Dale and Cheryl 'were Mrs. Thelma Bromley of Kitchener, Mrs. Tom Knox of Londesboro, Miss Vina Knox of Toronto, Miss Evelyn McMich- ael of Goderich; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Flynn and Mrs. Margaret Taylor, all of Seaforth. Mrs. Ella Jewitt and boys; Mr. W and Mrs. Dennis Jewitt, Kathy and David of Clinton, Mr. and Mil. Jim Preszcator, Debbie and Billy were Sunday visitors with Mr. arid Mrs. John Jewitt, Carol Anne, Judy, Danny and Billy. Mr. and Mrs. John Mann of Goderich were Thanksgiving' Sunday visitors with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family visited on Sunday ' with Mr. and Mrs. George Hart of Brussels: Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Find- later of Hamilton were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Storey. - im HORIZONTAL I Aristocratic eat 8 Jungle cat 13 Short song • "i4 Dropsy 15 Self esteem 16 Common cat .17 Psyche parts 18 Poor neighborhood 20 Nobleman 21 Charges 23 Group of three /5 To (Scot.) 26 Part of the Rhine 28 involves 30 Apple seed 32 Body organs 33 Comfort 36 Weight of India 37 Type faces 39 Swiss song - 43 Curve 44 French chalk 46 Roman emperor 47 Book of Bible' (ab.) 49 Norwegian city 51 Self-esteem 52 Trojan hero (var.) 54 Defensive wall 56 Standing (comb, form) 52 On earth's , surface (geo,) 58 Old Greek • initkunge. 59 Removed r heart again Catty Crosswords CONSTANCE VERTICAL I Calm 2 Eats away 3 Washes lightly 4 Dry 5 Followers 6 Tipped '7 Disposition 8 Beverage,e, 9 Unoccupied 10 Jelly-like food 11 Gem 12 Unillumined 19 Chinese dynasties 22 Calyx part 24 English'town . 27 Permitted I 2 3 4 5 1 8 glio II 17. la n • 14 in IIIII 111 fi II 18 19 il 21 u 23 n 24 is 26 • " ill ill MR 30 MI Ol N iiii Wil iii M mil MEM IMAM ° n M Ulla MEM 47 Ma MUM iiiiiiiMM MOM= Mini aiiii M NEM NMI iiii Vim= -A native of McKillop Town- ship,she was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beattie, She attended school at S. S. 4, ' McKillop. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. She is survived by a number of nieces and nephews. • Funeral services were conduc- ted from the G. A. Whitney Fun- eral Home at 1 o'clock on Wed- nesday by Rev. 5. C. Britton and- interment 'followed in Maitland- bank Cemetery. Pallbearers were Guy Dorrance, /Arnold Scott, George Campbell, Mac Scott, Elgin. Kerr and Scott Kerr. Flower bearers were Robert Kerr, Rob- ert Scott, Arnold Campbell and Wayne Scott. Miss Margaret Louisa Beattie , R. R. 1, Seaforth, died Sunday in Kilbarchan Nursing Home here following a long illness. She was 85. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. lack laedd; David. Jim and Kerri were Mr. and Mrs. Nick Tzannes of Toronto and Mn, Harold Philips of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Preszcator and girls visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Pfaff of Cre- diton, Glenda,' Dennis and Elaine returned to their home. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Dyk and family and Mr. and Mrs. Simon Dyk all of Galt; Mr. and Mrs. Art Ivlorbrook and family of Brantford•and Carl Muller were Thanksgiving visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Haverkamp and family and also on the occasion of Ralph's birthday. Mrs. Wendy Grant and family of Port Colborne visited on Thanks. giving Monday with Mr. and Mrs. John Jewitt and family. Mr. and Mrs. George McIl- wain, Lynn and Steven of Strat- ford visited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. George McIlwain and Mary. Mr. and.Mrs. Ralph Glew of Dorchester spent the holiday week end with Mrs, Elma Jewitt, Bev. and Brian and Mrs. Annie Leitch.. Mr. and Mrs. John Thomp- son and family spent the week end visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reynolds and family of South Field, Michigan. Miss Doreen Riley of Strat- ford spent Thanksgiving• Day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Riley and family.. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mitchell of Guelph, Miss Na chan- an of Brampton, Mr I Buch- anan of Waterloo spent the holi- day week end with Mr. and Mrs. Don Buchanan and family. Over the week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ,Ken Thomp- son, Jim and Joan were Mr. and Mrs. Carman Scarrow, Jim and John of Sarnia and Mr. and Mrs. Art McMichael and Rhonda of Seaforth, • FUNERAL 29 Moses' 41 Turkish river brother (Bib.) 42 Pillaged 31 Nut 45 Mourning 33 Slant-eyed 48 South African cat town 34 Italian 50 Greenland seaport discoverer 35 Milk-like 53 Old English 38 Slanter 'franchise 40 Profounder .55 Past MISS M. P.EATTTE COMOBOM MUE100 UMEIMMMO OMOOM numumon 000M0 00E ODOM BOOM OMEM OWOB OEM WOOOM OBOWOMO 0100 ff1001000 OOMOWEI MOM OWOOKIMM WOMMS WOO OBOE'! OMEIM WODU MIEWO MOO KJUMWO BUMOMOB 00E300 animation MONO ©DODDER Here's the Answer Cr 49/6. VALUE/ SPECZ41./ 48/6- MGT/ BARGAIN/ Bur Noe Special Group! • Children's Shoes Reg. $6.98 pr. Now 'N) ,4 pr. Special Group! Children's Shoes Value to $5.98. Now n 77 Pr,' LADIES' WALKING HEEL SHOES Reg. $8.98 pr. Now 4.44 pr. 19.77 pr. Men COWBOY BOOTS Reg. $31.95 pr. Now One Group' Assorted Styles SHOES Values to $12.98. Now 21.88 pr. Hartt Men's DRESS SHOES Reg: $28.98 pr. Now 4.63 pr. NOW. 1959 WM. E.L0E141,: it Win. E. Loeber • 1•62 A MESSAGE TO THE PUBLIC: Because of limited space I find it imperative to make room for new Fall and Winter Footwear coming in. I have, therefore, hired the professional services of The Wm. E. Loeber Sales System (Canada) Ltd. and have re- quested them to drastically reduce prices of my entire stock •in order to sell down fast regardless of loss of profit. At this time I wish to thank my many valued f lends and cus- tomers for your valued patronage. r Signed, Ed Taylor Sale Starts Tomorrovi at 10 a.m. STORE 'HOURS: THIS WEEK- NEXT WEEK=: Open Friday 10 a.m.' till 9 p.m. '9 a.m. till 6 p.m. Daily Saturday 10 a.m. till 6 p.m. 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Friday Open All Day Wednesday DOOR CRASHERS-- .1 WHILE THEY FRIDAY 10-QUART r PLASTIC PAILS 10k Linilt: One to an Adult LAST ! ! SATURDAY 1 BAG OF I ORANGES. ‘ • I C Limit: One to an Adult . ILLUSION HEELS . • Reg. $9.98 - - LADIES' DRESS SHOES - - - -' NOW. pr• Boy's REGULAR $6.98 Pn. OXFORDS - Now 5.44 BOT'S REGULAR $7.98 pr. Desert Booti NoW 5.44 CUBAN HEEL Reg. $14.98 i 2 77 LADIES' DRESS SHOES . NOW IIIII . , Men and Wiimen's Golf Shoes , ‘Phuii: TO Pr. They Last 1/4 Off WoMen'a High-All new styles . Boots ' VALUES TO $16.98 Pr. - now up . to 20% Off Rg. 19.98 7 77 LADIES' WALKING SHOES NOW I • I I Pr° Men' Wellington BOOTS RBOULAR $16- 1101;12.77 Men's REGULAR •$12.98 Pr. DRESS SHOES - NOW 9-.37 MEN'S and WOMEN'S . Values to $9.98 200/ OFF OVERSHOES Now up to 0 Men's VALUES TO $10.98 DRESS SHOES - Naw 7.77 Ladies' Illusion Heel REGULAR $14.98 DRESS SHOE Now 12.77 ALL CHILDREN'S, BOY'S & MEN'S Values to $4.98 20% OFF RUNNING BOOTS NOW Ladies' Illusion Heel DRESS SHOES '$ 10.98 Now 8.77 Ladies' Khmky Heel ' DRESS SHOES F4:8786"iv, 6.77 . Were $12.98 to $19.98 pr. MEN'S DRESS SHOES - - : • - Now 9.37 -14.57 pr. Ladies"' Klunky Heel DRESS SHOES AR- NOW-71 ,117Z 7 I: Ladies' .Walking " - ... itt SHOES ,. REG7t.,R rir 12.77 ONE GROUP . Reg. N $9.98 DESERT BOOTS - - - ---- - OW 7. 37 r' P Ladies' Illusion Heels REGULAR Sling Back Shoes, 708w 7.77 All Regular 'stock of Children's SHOES crow up to £0% Off ONE GROUT' . NOW 7 37 pr. SPORT OXFORDS Reg . NOW " VALUES TO $5.98 Pr. Misses', Women's & Men's Tennis 20V OF 0 F Oxfords Now . SORRY NO RfoRTYNDS. 4011ANGES CHEERFULLY MAI)4, IF WITITIN4€3` HOURS THIS WILL BE FOR A LIMITED .TIME ONLY Bar Noe One Group Women's & Misses' RUNNING SHOES Values to $2.98 pr. Now 9 itc pr. 1616 VALUE! Ladies' DES 1184 Teenage BOOTS , Reg. $6.98 pr., Now, 3.86. spsrme LADIES' ° DRESS SHOES Accent by Savage Reg. $12.98 pr. Now • 7.77 pr. 4676 141/YE FOne Gisoupitt of. H t Ladies' it ts, - Values to $10.98. Now '2.57 pr. SPECIAL/ LADIES' DRESS SHOES dent by Savage Reg. $14.98 pr. Now 837 Pr' B,4,u,41/v/ Special Group! MEN'S SHOES Values to $10.98. Now 4.731;r' BUY NOW. 00541 WPA.E.LOLI4UZ Men's. Women's & Boys' ROLLER SKATES Values to $49.95. Now