HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-10-16, Page 7ANNOUNCEMENT We wish to announce Cr Bell'has joined our staff as Real Estate Salesman. Neil has successfully passed his exam and received his license from the Department. Let us handle your Real Estate problems. 10. Used Cars for $a e 1969 Mustang, fully equipped. 527-0793. 10-01-tf 3/1 -Ten 1958 Ford pickup, good ' ,condition. 527-1396. 10-01-1 1963 Ford ,Fairlane, 2-door sed- an, 6-cylinder, $325. McLean's Greenhouse, 527-0600. 10-01-1 1063 Falcon Futura! .Sports Coupe, 6-cylinder, automatic, bucket seats,t radio, white wall tires and snow tires, good con- dition. 5211-0257, Mrs. Wm. Hop- per- 10-01-1 11. Articles for Sale THREE bird cage.i."527-0221.- 11-01x1 53,000 BTU Coleman oil burner with' blower. 482-7555. 11-01-1 FOURTEEN rabbits and cages for sale. 345,2453, 11-01-1 CRUSHED gravel delivered or at the pit. John Thompson, 527- 0238. 11-99-tf INTERNATIONAL W6, in good condition. Apply Doug Hugill, RR 2, Seaforth, phone 482-7548. 11-00x2 PIANO, Linton make, antique chest o rawers, shell shaped lamp from World War I, brass • bottom. Phone 527-1394. 11-01-1 . WALKERS and Beagles, ready to train, some trained, also pups all ages. Apply after 5 p.m. Mrs. Leslie Pepper, RR 4, Walton, phone 527-0506. 11-01x2 $5.00 table. Come in and see what you can buy for only 5,00 at Jack Thompson's Footwear Service, shoes and repair, 8 Main St. 11-01-1 SMALL white enamel annex 'for coal or wood, in perfect condi- tion; also six good storm win- dows. Phone 345-2527. 11-99-3 EIGHT ""'N Ford 'tractor, plow, cultivator and discs, 3-point hitch,' 1 Massey 4-bar side rake, 1'Dearborn loader and chains. R,easori for selling,, back injury Phone 565-5250. , 11-00-2 FLOWERS Foreell occasions. Cut flowers, Potted plants", etc. MeLean'S Greenhouse „Phone 527-0800. 11-984f ZENITH, the color TV with the brightest picture and outstand- ing cabinetry, plus hand crafted ehassis is at Stannah's. And Zen- ith repair costs are , among the lowest. When you buy from• Stannah Youe get 'service from Stannah. 527-0703.0 11-014f APPLESfor sale, pick your own, top quality Spies, $3.00 per bushel; Delicious, $2.25 per bus., off low trees; windfalls $1.50 per bus. Brim yottkbaskets and save while they last . Mid- dleton's Orchards, 1 mile east of Baytfield, north of the river. 11-01-1 IF you are in the market for a good encyclopedia and don't want to pay $200 and more for recqgnized reccenmended mater- ial but would like to keep your investment under $60. Write RI Frontier Press Distributing Co., Box 25, Landon,' Ont. Distri- butors to schools and libraries of the finest in reference mater- ial. No salesman will call in res- ponse to this ad. 11-99-3 APPLES, pick Your own, low trees, Spy, King, Talman Sweet, Snows, Delicious, Greening, Rus- set, etc.; also picked McIntosh and cider apples. Beginning Oct. 6th; {picking days Mondays, .Wednesdays, Fridays and Satur- days, closed Sundays. Phone 482-3214, Fred MeClymont and Son, 1 mile south of Varna. 11-99x3 15. Property for Rent SIX room apartment, heated, water supplied. Available Nov. 1st. Apply John Tremeer, • 91 Victoria St. 15-01x1 NEW .2-bedroom house, broad- loom throughout. In Egmond- ville,, $100.00 per- month. 345- 2314. 15-01-tf HOUSE, close to down town, gas heat, modern conveniences. Apply Box 1870, The Huron Ex- positor. 15-01x1 TWO bedroom upstairs apart- ment. Available Nov, 1. Heated, self contained, on High Street. 527-0722. • i 15-01x1 MODERN 3-bedroom residence, oil heat, garage, on No. 8 High- way, at' Se -Columban, available Nov. 1. 15-01-2 TWO bedroom duplex apart- mei4 in. Egmondville, gas heat- ed, private entrance and drive, available , immediately. 527-1529. . •15-994 17. Wanted to Rent HOUSE and barn, east of Sea- forth. Will pay rent in advance. Write Box 1868, The Huron Ex- positor. ' 17-00x2 19. Notices BACKHOING Contact Don or Bob Wallace, 527-1396. 19-99-tf NOTICE St. Columban store is now handling Singer parts and notions, also' accepting service calls. Special on• service calTs, - $1.95. Phone 345-2750, 19-014 CUSTOM work - we will cus- tom dry your corn, will' take corn in payment if you wish. We will be buying wet corn, IL J. Andrews and Son, RR 4, Seaforth, phone 527-1106. 15-01-2 BRAESYTE NURSING HOME Now open under new manage- metre Chronic and older rest dents welcomed. Phone 348-8861, 'Mitchell Mrs. Ann Jurecic Manager Lie. No, 1447 19-01-tt CLINTON COLOURS: Interior and exterior painting, spray painting, sprayer rentals. GORDON CHARTER " 201 Albert Street Clinton. Phone 482-9654. • 19-9941 VACUUM cleaner sales and ser- vice for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna. Phone Idensall 262-5748. 1999-ti NOTICE - St. Columban store is now handling Singer parts and notions, also accepting service calls. Phone 345.2750. 19-9941 DEAD STOCK Please Call Promptly MARLATT BROS. IPhone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24 hour service - 7 days .a week LICENSE NO. 390-C'65. 19-994/ yl/4 \.(EALI .xc.EPT 494 . NOW 11-1LS IS 'THE 0.10 of GAR I LIKE TO SEE RACE ITS. SOST LAKE TH'E ONE DRIVE I _ 4...:;-1Tremect-461_-.4=rie !„ .titkeeee, 11 liMWONE SECRET OF A NAPPY MARRIAGE..is ,BOTh PARTNERS BEING ENTHUSIASTIC ABOUT THE 5AME THINGs;" BOY,,THIS SPACE BUSINESS INTRI6uE5 ME' WOULDN'T IT BE GREAT S t COULD BE THE FIRST MAN To GO To m.p.,F4S3 CAN'T SEEM To GET VERY ENTHUsiA5Ttc ABOUT SPILLED TOBACCO, AND ASHES; Foe A 54 ROLL CAGE, A HEAVY - DUTY TRANSMK.slot•i, BEEFED-LP SHOCKS AND SPRINGS, SWAY-GARS 1-1k.),;E RIMS AND *300 1-tRes, HOLES ALL OVER To LET HEAT OQT A MOToR Sc TvJEAKED IT tAioN'T IDLE ONDER 4doo ..... IT OFF I r a,m e• .,. low Hit a Real Jackpot! dvertise Your 64 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, .$,AFORri, 9 T„ WT. ik 19. Notices 2O Auction Saleo • '20, -Auctimt Sa a.' K. W. COLQUHOUN LTD. INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE CLINTON, Ontario 4 USE THESE CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAGE 1. Coming Bventi " • 2. Lost, Strayed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Business Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale, 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property Far Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted, 22. Legal Notices- 23. Business Directory 24. Cards OF Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals 27. Births 28. Deaths 29. Marriages Classified; ads .are inserted• at a rafe of '3 cents per word. Each,,,, nunfber, initial and ab- betation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2,'3, 7, 8, 10, 11,• 12, and 13 min- imum 65c. Classifications 24, 25 and 26, minimum 2c per word, minimum $1,15. All other clas- sifications minimum $1.15 per inSertion, except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21) -and Legal Notices (22), rates on re- quest. .„ 1. Coming Events CABARET Dance, Brodhagen Hall, Nov. 21, 1969. Music by the "Royal Aires".Dublin' and District Athletic ssociation. 1-99-7 STEP dancing begins Oct. 20th, at the Orange Hall, Registration from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. or con- tact Mrs. Orval Storey, 527-1298. 1-01-1 St. James' CWL are sponsoring' a card party on Wednesday; October 22nd, in the School Auditorium, 8:30 p.m.' Lunch and prizes. Admission 50c. 1-01-1 THE Turkey buffet dinner for the Fireside Fellowship Group of First Church will be held on Thursday, Oct. 23, from 5 to 8 p.m. Admission $1.75, children, 6 to 12, $1.00. 1-01.1 ANNIVERSARY Services, Knox United Church, Moncrieff, Sun- day, October 19, at 11 am, and 6 p.m. Guest minister Rev. R. G. Hazlewood, former minister of the charge. -"- 1.00-2 RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pullman (nee Barbara Dock- ing) Friday, Oct, 17, at 8:30-p.m., at Staffa Hall. Music by the Wa- gonwheels. Ladies please bring lunch. Collection at the door. 1-00-2 K of C Banquet and Dance, Sat- urday, October 25th, Zurich Anena. Social at 6:30 p.m. Tick- ets available from Clayton Looby, V. J. Lane, Ron Ryan, Leo Hagan and James Dever- eaux. Dance follows banquet. Tickets $1.00 per persOn to those 21 or over at the door. 1.01-1 COMING EVENT - Special bus to the Grand Ole Opry, Nash- ville, Tenn., leaves Friday eve ning, November 14th, 8 , p.m., 'returning Sunday 'evening, Nov- ember 16th Reseree your 'seat now. Habkirk, Transit Services Ltd., Box. 700, Seaforth, or phone 527-1222. .1-99-7 2. Lost, Strayed PRESORIPTION sun glasses, in a dark case, on, Centre St. Re- ward. Mrs. John MacTarvish, 52 West St., 527-1622. 2-01-1 4. Help Wanted LADY to cook at Kilbarchao Nursing Home, 7 a.m. to 1:30 P,M., two days a week. 52/-00461k afternoon or evenings. , 4-01-fr MEN and women pensioners who would like good home of their own not living with the owner, , doing light work in a small fact- ory. Also men who -would like to work on a farm: F, D. Kyte, Till- sonburg, Ontario Phone 842 2718. 4-99-tf MEN or women who would Hie to travel, delivering goods from one town to another. Car Sup- plied and expenses paid. If you are married-and would like to take wife we also supply a house trailer. F. D. Kyle, Tillsonburg. Phone 842-2718. 4-99-tf HURON County Board of Edu- cation requires one custodian for Huron Centennial Public School, Brucefield. Duties to commence . 3rd of November, 1969. Competitive salary sche- dule on excellent shared cost fringe benefit plan in effect. Written applications should be addressed to R. MeVean, Plant Superintendent, Huron Coenty Board of Education, P.O. Box 370, Clinton, Ont. Interviews will be held at Huron Centen- nial Public School, between, 9:30 a.infl and 12 noon, on Wednes- day, Oct..22nd, 1969. J. B. Levis, Chairman. D, J. Cochrane, Dir- ector of Education. 4-01.1 5. Bus. Opportunities AVON CALLING Guarantee yourself e wonderful Christmas by selling AVON'S Christmas beauty-line in spare time - in areas of Winthrop, Egmondvilie, St. Columbane Con- tact: MRS. MILLSON 17 !Tewkesbury Ave., Londoll, Evenings, 451-0841 541.3 8._ Farm Stock for Sale SIXTY started pigs. John Jewitt, 482-9822. 841-1 FOUR beef calves, 200 lbs. 345- 2783, Edward Melady. 8-01-1 FIFTY good pigs and one York boar, 61/2 months old Phone 345- 2294. 8-01-1 ELEVEN pjege,,e8 "weeks • old. George Love-,-Walton, 527-0637. 8-01-1 TWO bunches of pigs, 10 weeks and six weeks old. Jim Cronin, RR 4, Seaforth, 345-2959. 8-01-1 ELEVEN pigs about 11 weeks old.. Ronald Murray, phone 345- 2038. 8-01-1 FOUR yearling Holstein heifers; 6 stockers, between 600 and 800 pounds. Apply after 5 p.m., Mrs. Leslie Pepper, RR 4, Walton, phone 527.0506. 8-01x1 SPECIAL SALE Of 1,200 stocker and feeder cattle at Brussels Livestock Ltd. Brussels, Ontario, on . TUESDAY, OCT. 21' at 12:30 p.m. Offerings consist mainly of last year's top quality ranch calves, about 900 yearling steers weighing 600 to 950 lbs. and the balance heifers. HUGH PEARSON and JACK BRYANS, Managers 8-00-2 COPIES Copies of your iniportant pa pers or doemments while you wait. 'Letter size, 25c each. The Huron Expositor 11-99-tf TV and Radio repairs, certified technician, all rates posted in shop. Also home service any- where in Seaforth and surround- ing district. Stannah the Radio Man. 527-0703, 17 Sperling St., Seaforth, 11.941 COLOR TV. Choose between 2 leading makes at Stan•nah's. See the new Philco's • with solid state signal system and life like color realism and ask about the Philco Ford portable service warranty. From $549 with trade. Sperling at John, Seaforth, 527- 0703. . • 11-014I TIMEX WATCHES SOLD AND Maw= THROUGH ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-99-tf • Considering a MOBILE HOME or recreational vehicle? Drop us a line or call: RUSTON MOBILE HOMES LIMITED 547 Pi ins Rd., East. Phone 416-632-8400, Burlington, Ontario Many models and makes to choose from. 11-9941 JUST $1.00 will .lay it 'Miley for Christmas - dayeat SEAFORTH --JEWELLER Aluminuni Awnings and Siding 10 years in, the area,, workman- ship guaranteed. Call Mathers Home Improvement Clinton 482-7372. '• 11-9941. CHOOSE your new stereo from six models on display from $235 at -"Stannah's. Time payments, free record packs, nice people to serve you (me and my wife). Come to 17 Sperling St. and see us. Bring money if You like. 11-01-tf 12. Wanted to Buy HOUSEHOLD effects of an old- er house. Phone 482-7358. 12-99-tf WILL buy household, effects of older -home` Call for appraisal, 527-1920 _anytime. 12-99-ff OLD books, post eirdsTalbuitis, jeweliry, china, -glass and small furniture,, . telephone 482-9193 12-99-tf 13. Wanted A lady companion. Phone 527- 0221. 13-01x1 OLDER furniture crocks, art glass, lamps, plus odds and ends. Phone 482-7878 evenings. 13-99-tf ONE baby walker, 3 storm win- dows, size 35" x 781/2 " and one storm window 35" x 20" 527- 1249. 13-01-1 A room free for a woman or girl, with kitchen oprivileges, to be a companion. Apply Box 1871, Huron Expositor. 11-01-1 • 14. Property for Sale HOUSE for sale in Dublin; all conveniences, in good'condition. Will carry mortgage. George CoYme. ' 14-01-3 THREE bedroom house in Sea- forth, new. gas furnace, modern 'kitchen, immediate possession. Bill Flood, 54 East William St. -14-01x2 • PROPRII.ES - FOR.1ALE 3 bedroom hOlise in Egmond- ville, on large lot, small barn, gas furnace. Modern kitchen, immediate 'possession. 3 bedroom brick house in Sea- forth; close to Main Street, good repair. Apply to HAROLD JACKSON, REALTOR, Seaforth, Ontario 14-00-2 FOR SALE 6-room insul brick residence on James Street, hardwood floors, downstairs, large attrac- tive lot, well located. NEIL C. BELL, Salesman 101 Goderich St. East Phone 527-0915 K. Colquhoun Ltd. Insurance & Real Estate 'Clinton, Ontario 1401.1 SELIJ:NG2? BUYING?? REAL ESTATE CONTACT WILLIAM M. HART SALESMAN - SEAFORTH GEO. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. • BROKER. PROPERTY FOR SALE HULLE'IT TWP. - 150 acre farm with 135 acres workable. Large. barns in good repair, 13* storey 4 bedroom frame home with insul brick siding, com- pletely renovated. Drilled well, TUCKERSMITH TWP, - 1110 acre 'farm with river running through the property. 40' x 60' steel barn, silo, 2 storey solid white brick 5 'bedroom home, Hiring room with fireplace. Lots of shade trees. The house needs some •repairs and redecorating but the price is drastically re- duced. EGMONDVELE - Large lots well •located on high •ground in a quiet area. A restful location for your new home. DO YOU HAVE A VACANT HOUSE - In the country that needs some repairs, or house and barn with small acreage? We have buyers who are inter- ested in moving to the Seaforth area. Mervyn Eyre 169 Goderich St. West, Seaforth, Ph. 527-0523 DON HOLST REAL ESTATE •LTD. REALTOR "Rilral Ontario Specialists" "For Best Results Photo-list Your Property With Don• Hoist" 14-01-1 ' ELECTROLUX Canada Ltd. Sales and Service, authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-99-ti SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. -Phone Clinton 482-3320. 19-994.1 REPAIRS on all makes and mod- els of Sewing Machines. New models available. Repairs guar- anteed with genuine Singer parts. Singer Co. of Canada, 40 West, Goderich. Phone 524-8431. 19-9941 CONCRETE WORK All types, of foundations and floors, cement barnyards. - Reasonable Rates-Free Estimates MALONEY BROS. Dublin Phone 345-2984. 19-9941 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 - Seaforth. 19-99-tf HURON DEAD •STOCK REMOVAL Clinton, Ontario We pay $5 to $15 for fresh -sloq pus salon-pope:sip Jo peep es. 1941-1 NOTICE We are shipping cattle' every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. WILLIAM J. DALE phone Clinton, 482,9802 or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 345-2549 Dublin, call col- lect. 19-994 20. Auction Sales ESTATE AUCTION• SALE Of Property and Household Effects in Seaforth, 37 Church Street, on SATURDAY, NOV. 1, at 1 pun. PROPERTY - 3 bedroom stucco house, new gas- furnace. Imme- diate possession. Sod subject to reserve bid. ro line household effects. Estate of the late MRS. LILLY HODGERff HAROLD JACSON, Auctioneer MEL GRAHAM, Clerk 20-01-1 CAJOLE= DISPERSAL SALE OF ' REGISTERED HEREFORD CATTLE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 18th 1969 at 1:00 p.m, sharp vr THE FARM 5 miles south of Seaforth, On- tario, or 3 miles east of Kippen, Ontario. FEATURING: 1 HERD SIRE, 3 performance tested ,bulls; 45 cows, and bred two-year-old heifers, 12 open yearling heifers. AUCTIONEERS: Emerson_ Martin, Court House, Ohio. Percy Wright, Cromarty , E. W. Elliott, Clinton Stanley Jackson, Prop. Kippen, Ontario 20-00-2 AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Effects in Seaforth, Goderich Street East, on SATURDAY, WI.,25th, at 1 p.m. Sideboard, antique; rocking chair, antique; beds; mattresses; dressers; rocking chairs; odd chairs; chrome table, 4 chairs; floor lalmp; frig.; 2 cook stoves; • Po moms - 'Chattels Cash • Property, 10% flown, balance 30 da3r9. Sold subject to reserve bide Proprietress, formerly" Helen Addicott, Mrs. Everett Cott HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer Mel Gkaharn, Clerk 20.01-2 AUCTION SALE ON FRIDAY, OCTOBER 17, at 1:30 P.m., of 30 Swinging Holstein Heifers, at lot 8, con. 8, Logan TOT., 2 miles east of Bornholm or 7 miles northeast of Mitchell. Sale includes 10 heifers due sale time With the balance due Oct- ober and November. All heifers are bred to a Hereford bull. All heifers will be checked by vet- erinarian day of sale. This is a good lot of heifers and anyone needing replacements should plan to attend. TERMS - Cash ROBERT F. OSBORN, Prop. R. G. GETHRE, Auctioneer 20-00-2 For Other Classified . SEE PAGE 8 11 Articles Foi Sale 14. Property for. Sale • 19. Noticis is 9. Poultry for Sale UMBER LEGHORN • Day Old and Started Pullets • SCOTT POULTRY, FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-084", Box 169 ' 11-99-ti We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to you. Call collect 482-9811 Licepse No. 190-C-69 19-9941 Jayb9e 'Hereford `Tarns' bedding, '044c1419 *24911. SOW and cultivator; lawn mOrr3 gar den tools Wow. carPenter tPelal• dishes; kitchen! utensils, PBOPBrerr -3 bediVont Pot- tage, living room inning room garage, excellent lobotierl, dese to school .and elinrch. ilnlmedlatO esed# DEADLINE FOR Classified Ads To ensure publication in the current issue, FOR-SALE; WANTED, AND OTHER CLASSIFIED ADS must be received not later than: 5 P.M. ON TUESDAY OF EACH .WEEK illERE'L.L. BE i:ARGN, LYNNE , NANCY, Ce-(HARINE, rj SUZANNE ,„, e--- 2‘..'S NAMES \lio -f HAVE 1VE SAME FLo NOBon Reese) USES PRE1TY NAMES ANY MORE ...... LIKE ' ?ocz,aTK-(,, 2,R. cff2 . 1 WHO'D WANT A ROUND NAME? IT SOUNDS, FAT ... ..,...._____----- Dti,y.r. . KAREN . : ... ii/A NANcsf . . .. ''t "114e.‘f SUS' SOUND , SLENDER y, , 4 At, SoUNo •TbDA'N. _ -,4 , ' t_ ____ --'' j I ionv...., TIM i I h, , Nr ''4 ,..