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now Cruisers
The Second r sori isinow
mobiles, the over the snow fun-
vehicle that has brought about
the greatest outdoor Winter rev-
olution that thenation has ever
witnessed: 'A good healthy rev-
• olution that is helping to draw
mankind back to the enjoyment
and relaxation of the great out-
by Bob Palmer •
in the Huntsville Forester
The Huntsville District'of
Muskoka boasts that it gets more
winter sunshine than any other
vacation snoWland in the country.
The exponents of the need
for more family togetherness
in modern day society -Should be
delighted wi the impace of
snowmobile ... As a result of
this versatile vehicle, a growing
number of families are finding
a reason to spend a day, a week-
end or a coniplete winter holiday
together in the snow country.
The snowmobile is reaching
into many phases of outdoor•liv-
ing and activities-for the outdoor
worker in the snow country, utility
men, conservation officers and
the trapper who'formerly Covered
miles of traplines on snowshoes,
the snowmobile is a reliable and
efficient form of transportation.
For those with a competitive ,
spirit,- the snowmobile opens up
a whole new world. Every week-
end during the winter, an excit-
ing array of races, derbies and
rallies for both the expert and
novice, driver, are sponsored by
Clubs and Associations thrOugh-
r...„„ out the snow country'.
But the main reason for the
fast growing popularity of snow-
Mobiles is the fun affairs where
all members of the family can
participate, safaris on-wilderness
snowmobile trails, cruising over
frozen lakes, Winter plinks in'
the outdoors, journeys to snow-
bound lakes for ice fishing...An
opportunity •to travel away froth
the black ribbons of traffic jarn-
mei! highways.. Today many
people' are seeing interetting
and exciting wilderness country
that would be inaccessible ex-
cept to the experienced bush
travellers on snowshoes, and
enjoying a more healthy exist-
ence because of these activities.
And to see the snow covered
hills and lakes of this rugged
-region sparkling in the sun on
a crisp winter day is, an exper-
ience to..be remembered.
That's one of the reasons
why an increasing number of
people are flocking to the dis-'
viol' each year for a winter
Huntsville District is
Snowmobile Paradise
mour and snowmobilers were
clamouring for an opportunity to
explore the backwoods country.
To meet this demand in the
Huntsville District of Muskoka a
complex of wilderness trails were
established six years ago, a com-
plex that has been growing' each
year and providing snowmobilers
with miles of interesting and safe
The trails are planned to put •
snowmobile travellers through the
most interestingjections of the
country, through dense cedar•
-swamps and over countless small
lakes. Some of the trails utilize
old logging roads and right 9f
ways while others ate cut through
the heart of the bush country.
--Where-pessible-trails are rented
in the vicinity of points of interest
such as skeletons of early settlers"
homes and abandoned lumber
camps Of years gontby.
The majority of The trails in
the district were pioneered and'
maintained by the local Snow-
mobile Clubs, notably the "HilP'
and Gully Riders" of Port Sydney
and the."Algonquin Snowmobile
Club" of Dwight. The "Dorset
Snowmobile Club" was formed in .
Dorset this past season to provide
trails and facilities in that area.
In addition, the Ontario Depart-
ment of Lands and Forests are tak-
ing an 'active part in providing
snowmobile trails throughout the .
country. .7,
An abundance ofitiow, some.
-of the most attractive snowmo-
bile faellites to be found in the
country, along-with a program
of interesting, outings is, good .
reakiii -fok the bowriibbile ere'
thusiasts to spend a winter va-
cation in the Huntsville District
of Muskoka.
Summer vacation resorts? While we'll always have them,
the owners and managers of such resorts, after a long, hard
look at the 'new' sport Of snowmobiling are now looking -for-
ward to a thriving business in the"winter months. A few have
been known to go year-'round, already
• The winter resort business is coming on strong, and predict-
ions are that year- 'round resorts will definitely be better
money makers from now on.
Motel owners saw this coming years ago and a good num-
ber are already active 12 months of she year,
Snowmobilers are a mobile people. Unlike skiers, they
travel around all winter and stay overnight as do'car owners.
Winter time "NO VACANCY" signs are popping up all
over Snowmobile country.
Summer' Resorts
Boast "Noy Vacancy"
Sign During Winter
* •
Let us not forget the young-
sters in our winter outings, for
children take to snowmobiling
like A duck to water and with a
little parental guidance and su-
pervision, are soon enjoyink the
greatest"thrill of a lifetime.
The sight of a family laden
car with a trailer carrying one
'or 'two snowmobiles bobbing along
behind on roads leading into the
snow c9untry is- now as common-
place as the trailer and boat ,t
during •the summer months,
As the snowmobile enthusiaim
burs Onto prontinence it quickly
becttfie apparent that Interest-
ing routes for travel were required
Travel over snow covered lakes
and open fields soon lost its gla-
Want to
Eluy a
(Continued from Page 8B)
consisting of weatherproof suit,
boots, mitts, helmet and gog-
gles; These outfits will cost an
adult about $99, with kids get-
ting outfitted for about $30.
less. All you really need to
wear, however, is warm, - sen-
sible, unrestricting winter cloth-
ing, taking - care to avoid long
scarves or other loose apparel'
which could get tangled in the
mechanism, The snowmobiler
should pay special attention to
protecting his ears, hands and,
face. One "occupational hazard"
of the sport seems to be frostbite!
Thinking of going on a cross-
country snowmobile safari? This
is a popular activity, some -
times covering distances of over
100 miles. This type of "safari"
should never • he attempted by
pne person, or by a group that
is inadequately equipped to face
an emergency: That means
extra equipment must be bought
before you hit the snowy trail.
All snowmobiles should be equip-
ped with an extra drive belt (and
do learn enough about your snow-
mobile mechanically to be able
to carry out small repairs your-
self), spark plugs and tools.
If going "safari-ing," die .lis
of essentials for each vehicle is
much longer: A pair of snowshoea
or skis for every passenger(as
necessary as a life jacket in a
boat,. if stranded miles from the
newest snow-ploughed road), an
emIrgency fuel supply, light-
weight block and tackle with 5C
feet of one-quarter inch nylon
rope, - typographical map of area
to be traveled and a, compass
(remember even familiar places
look much different in winter
arid at night), hand-axe, bunting
knife, waterproof container of
matches, small pan or kettle,
dehydrated emergency rations
and tea bags, first.aid kit, small-
size water-proof tarp and space-
type survival blanket. If taking
lot of food: and equipment, it's
best to, trailer supplies 'behind
your snowmobile. And rdver ente
urikhOWn ratiffOriwiihout an ex-
perienced guide.
Compare! You're getting more
with Snow Cruiser
GA product of Outboard Marine Corporation of Canada Ltd., Peterborough, Canada. Manufacturers of Eviprude
and Johnson outboard motors. OMC Stern Drive engines, Lawn-Boy power mowers and Pioneer chain saws.
Exclusive Torque Sensitive Chive! WIlet her
you:re, climbing a hill Ar pulling a loaded
sleigh, exclusive Tontie Sensitive- Drive
automatically adjusts engine power for
varying terrain and load conditions.
r ,
Powerful, Quiet Cruising! For quiet cruis-
ing, Snow Cruiser has an attenuator Which
works like a second muffler without cut-
ting power:
Snow Cruiser Leads the Way! Once again,
Snow Cruiser is out in front with a choice
of three new 25 h.p. models. Featuring
powerful Canadian' built -OMC engines,
backed by a full warranty.
Se them today and cor,npare at your
Snow Cruiser dealer.
irricirat ="iwitismirr
Built to Last! Part for part, from its chrome-
plated bumper to its cushioned tail-light,.
Snow Cruiser is stronger and more .de-
pendable than any other.
''Comparet More Features as StanclaiII
Equipment. Snow Cruiser offers more,
reverse gear, largest underseat storage,
exclusive neutral lockout, extra-wide, end-
less cleated track for dependable traction.
Compare! Snow Cruiser gives you niore
features 'as_ standard equipment and has
more built:in safety features than any other
Box 250