HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-10-09, Page 8K+ '41 Ow/ • WOMEN'S HOSPITAL AUXILIARY The regulai meeting of the Wornens' Hospital Auxiliary will be held Tuesday, October 14th at B p. M. at, the Hospital. Miss Ethel Beattie will speak on 'Antiques'. Roll call is to be answered with an antique. Correspondent „ MRS. MAUDE REDDEN 11 UNIT 4 U.C.W. The Autumn Thankoffering meeting of Unit -41.1 . C. W. was held in Fellowship Hall Thursday afternoon with an attendance of 36, Mrs. James McAllister was in the chair and Mrs. Harry Horton had charge of the Devot- ional. The study of the Bible on the signs that precede the coming of Jesus was taken by Mrs. Eric Luther, who had several ladies read passages of God's word which was history in advance "Feed your faith and your doubts will starve to death". Visits reported totalled 71 calls. Mrs. McAllister thanked all who had helped with a recent. , wedding and those who had helped with flowers and the nursery for the month of Sept ,- ember, Mrs. E. Clapchase read letters of thanks from Overseas Relief Depot, Toronto and Dr. Whiting of Hazelton, 13. C. for bales .of clothing received anal • it was agreed that a fall bale should he packed after the Kin- nette Rummage Sale, Niembers were asked to start sorting and saving suitable clothing. It —Ware.teri-det-ttiTfarI-CT-rsro—fr'i '— quilting. Mrs. W. H. Weeks „ conducted a contest: AMBER ,REBEKAH LODGE Noble Grand, Mrs., Earl Campbeili, presided for a meet- ing of Ainber Rebekah Lodge Wednesday evening when twenty year veterans jewels were pre- sented to twenty Members of the Lodge. The presentation was made by Past District De- puty President Mrs, Mary Lowe, Brussels. Those who received jewels were Mrs. Garfield Brod- erick; Mrs. Glenn Bell; Mrs, Edna' Caldwell; Mrs. Wm. Kyle; Mrs. Nancy Kyle; Mrs. J. K. McEwen; Mrs. Inez McEwen; Mrs. Maude Hedden; Mrs. Mar- garet Ingram; Mrs. Bertha Mc,- Gregor; Mrs. Harold Parker; Mrs. Leona Parke; Mrs. Alvin Pyrn; Mrs, Ross Riehardson;Mrs. Wes'. Richardson; Mrs. 'A. Schol I; Mrs. R. A. Orr; Mrs. Pearl Shad- dick; Mrs. Clarence Volland; Miss Mabel Whiteman. Mrs. Margaret Bowra- of Goderich and installing staff, will install the incoming officers at the October meeting with Goderich Lodge as guests. Members yolunteered to can- -, vas for the CNIB drive. Cards were sent, to shut-in member's and Mrs. Harold Parker and Mrs. Leona Parke will visit re- sidents at Queensway Nursing home this month. • '2. DOWN vFOR A A U.00 BOND . $5.00 DOWN FOR A $10000 BOND 25.00 DOWN FOR A $500" BOND $50.00 DOWN FOR A $1.000" BOND Canada Savings Bonds. The bonds that benefit all Canadians. NowAtthe Bank of Montreal. . Bank of, Montreal Canada's First Sank All Canadians benefit when you buy Canada Savings Bonds. Especially you. Canada Savings Bonds. Available in denominations of ' $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, or $25,,000. Cashable at any time for full face value plus earned interest. Offering this year a higher-than-ever average annual yield of 8%. Which means- you'llhave doubled'your money by the time the bonds mature in 9 years. Buy by instalments at the Bank of Montreal Pay as little as 5% down and the remainder in easy payments over.a year. SEND FOR MARY MAXIM'S NEW FREE CATALOGUE OF COMPLETE RUG-HOOKING KITS! 44 Easy-to-make deep-pile hooked rug designs, available in complete kits of: • "to Pre-cut yarns • 43 gorgeous colours • Stencilled rug canvas • latchet hook • Illustrated instruction sheet • Fully gdOranteed. MARY MAXIM Dept PARIS, Ontario Please send hie FREE the new Mary Maxim book of Hooked Rugs I con make from complete kits. NAME ADDRESS . CITY L • • ATTENTION FARMERS WANTEIV • GENESSEE • TALBOT fv. *..YORK STAR WHEAT FOR SEED HIGHEST PRICES PAID 5 UNLOADING PITS GUARANTEE FAST SERVICE WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR: FEED 8L'SEED • WHEAT OATS • • BARLEY For Fast-Service and Quality Grain Contact • W. G. Thompson And Sons Limited NENSALL 262-2527 PRODUCTS OF PROGRESS. A NEW PROGRAM iv High and Low Urea Supplement Feed Lot Conditioning, Feeds Winter Booking Program LOAD. and VOLUME DISCOUNTS .BUY QUALITY PHONE COLLECT AND REQUEST SALESMAN TO CALL Phone 527-1911. • W.1 A rd News of Woodham HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH. ONT., OCT. PP+ 1969 Hunin Reeves Gain Information CSEAFORTH MEAT MARKET St. Pauls Sponsors Thanksgiving Harvest Thanksgiving Service was held in St. Pauls Anglican Church, Hensall, Sunday when the church was decorated with flowers, fruit and vegetables. Rev, Bren de Vries of Ilespeler, former rector, was guest speak- er, The choir sang an anthem "Give Thanks" utder the dir- ection of Mrs. F. Forrest. Mrs, Agnes William, of San Bernardino, Cal, is visiting with her sister and brother-in- law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Camp- bell. Mrs. Bertha links has return- ed after a visit last week spent with Mr. and Mrs. Ross finks, Gail and Billy, and -Miss Susan finks, of London., A number of ladies from Hensall, along with Clinton ' ladies, took a bus trip to Aylm- er, St. 'Thomas and Port Bur- well on Tuesday. The trip was organized by Mrs. Wilfred Col- (Hough of Clinton, Miss Sylvia Henderson, who has been on a six months tour of Europe, and her brother, John 1-1.q1.1.4.f1§Q11. Wgeks_ _ vacation in Ireland and`England, arrived home on Sunday. Kinettes Plan for Activities The Kinette• Club of Hensall met at the home of-Mrs. Ron Wareing with president Mrs. Harold Knight presiding. Guests for the evening we re Mrs. Gary Maxwell and Mrs. Homer Camp- bell, . Plans were made to hold the Fall Rummage Sale on October 24th, It was-decided to send $10. 00 to their adopt4 child for. Christmas. A committee for the March of Dimes Campaign on Feb. 2 included general chairman, Mrs. Bill Fuss; Recruiting, Mrs. Jack Drysdale; Finance Chairman, - Mrs. Bob Caldwell. ' For their next meeting the Kinette Club Will attend a theatre in London to celebrate the club's 13th birthday. In a quiet session of County Council Friday, Huron reeves and deputy-reeves found it a time for gathering information. Del—gates on hand to discuss county welfare and regional health units were received and heard with no resulting deci- sions. The property committee re- ported on the completion of the work on• the court house walls and advised that repairs to the roof will be carried out by Dob. son Roofing, Exeter. The Dob- son tender was $2,598 and the Department of Public Works has agreed to pay its share' of that amount, The former department of ed- ucation office suite will be oc- cupied by Family Court officials. As a , result, the province will be paying 50.68 percent of all maintenance on the building, plus the rentals for the various facjlities in the court house. A private office will be built for the county registrar at a 100 percent cost to the province. New lighting at the registry of- fice has also been financed 100 percent by the province. 1 Furnishings at the adminis- trative building have been pur- Chased by the province for $19,- 000. The new caretaker, Mal- colm Macaulay commenced his STAFFA Correspondent MRS.JOHN TEMPLEMAN STAFFA #3 47H CLUB The Staffa Seamsters 4-H Homemaking Club met at the home of Mrs. Spencer Jeffery • Tuesday evening, The roll call • was answered by 12 girls. • Mrs. Jeffery discussed the proper care of the skin. The guest speaker, Mrs. Ackinson, showed the proper use of make- up'and demonstrated on two of the girls. , The girls divided into groups arid Mrs. Jeffery and Mrs, But- son checked the girls patterns. ' Miss Edna Miller, London, spent last week with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Leslie Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Par- sons have returned home from a motor trip to the-EiStern Provinces. Mrs. 'Lloyd Miller and anne, Mrs. Dale Marryn, Mrs.' ohn 'Dempleman and girls attended Miss Joyce Mayers -trousseau tea, Srturday, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Robert Mayer, Kirkton. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Edgar" and family, Wingham, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Crifp ton Miller and Paul. Mr. and Mrs. John Temple- man and family visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Cole and family, Cromarty. Mr,' Ross McNicol and Janice, Hensall visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family. duties there July 24. The new curator of Huron County Museum, Raymond Scot- chmer gave a glowing report of museum visitations and receipts. He said more people than ever before toured the museum and receipts were up $550 over last year. Total visitors were 63,641. In his report, -E. F. Hall, as- sessment canimissioner, said trailers will become a special concern ,,of the assessment de- partment soon. He advised that. trailers which have bedome a part of the land (on feundationsc for-instance) will be assessed as „ Aernianent homes. 'AThe eta assessment will go to tliir'd'OtP er of the latid," Hall explained, "and the trailer own- er and the. property owner will have to work it out between the Roy m." V. Pattison, chairman of the county development commit- tee, gave a brief report on -the official tour of CFB Clinton, again soliciting the county's co- operation to "get something in t h ere". Exeter deputy-reeve Mery Cudmore reported- 'that the total sum for the official plan of the County of Huron will be some- what in excess of $58,000. The firm of G. V. Kleinfeldt and Associates Ltd., 4London, has been engaged, Correspondent MISS JEAN qOPELAND Er. Grant Mills of Calgary called on Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills on Friday afternoon, Mr. and Mrs., at Dickey visited-on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sparling of London. Mrs. Gordon Johns is a pat- ient in St. Josephs Hospital at time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. David ,Wheeler and Mrs. Robert Corsaut visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Corsaut of Ilderton, plisses "Blanche and Rhea Mills were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doupe of St. Marys. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Dickey entertained members of the Whalen Boys Baseball Team to a turkey supper on Friday even- ing. Mesdams Gerald Brintnell, Joe Taziar, Vic Jansson, Lloyd Jaques, John Rodd, Oscar Brine, Jim Miller, Lawrence Beckett, Fred Parkinson, Ellis Strahan, Wm, Spence, Bob Elston, Har- old O'Brien, Nelson Baker, Otto Reimer, Archie Kosyniski e Dun- can McNaughton, Misses Rhea Mills and Jean Copeland were among those who enjqyed the bus trip to Barrie on Thursday- sponsored by the Kirkton Wom- en's Institute. , Fully' Cooked Clubstyle HAMS.% or whole lb. Fresh KIlled--Oven-Ready CAPONS 7-9 lbs. 'lb. Store-Sliced Breakfast BACON Oven-Ready Fresh Killed Turkey From 6 to 20 lbs. Bill Hoy, son of NIr. and Mrs. Harry Hoy, Was joined the Armed Forces and leaves for Cornwallis, N, Ootober 25thi to begin a nine weeks basic training. Brucefield Correspondent MRS. HUGH BERRY Mrs. Chas. Snelling and day to visit friends in Ottawa, Mrs. Murray Tyndall.left Mon- Mr. and Mrs. r/m. Lohh, Michigan, are visiting this week with their cousin, Mrs. G. Hen- derson and-other relatives. Mr. Wesley Ham.8, Son spent the wk end with his mother, Mrs. A. Ham and aunt, Miss Ni. Swan. Mr. and Mrs. John Br,dadfoot slant a few, days last week with, Mrs 'Bruadfoot's sisters at Sund- -ri-dge; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Griffeth, Stratford, spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Berry. Holy Communion and Baptis- mal Service was held in Bruce- field Urryed Church 'when the following children were baptized. Kimberly Ann, daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Falconer; Lynn Marie, daughter of M.r! and Mrs. John Moffatt; William Charles, son of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Fotheringham and Stephen Robert, son of Mr: areMrs. Robert Cald- well. Mrs. Geo. Clifton is visiting friends in Switzerland,and Ger- many. Mr. Donald Doucette suffered a heart attack 'and is a patient in Seaforth Hospital. Brucefield United Church an- niversary will be held Oct, -26th morning and ,evening. call and discussed the questions for the meeting. Mrs. Chappel showed flow to do the staystitch. STAFFA SEAMSTERS W M S.. MEETS The W. M. S.. of Carmel Presbyterian Church met in the church on Monday. The Ares- iderit, Mrs. R. A. Orr, presided And along.with Mrs. J, McEwen • conducted the worship.serviee. The Staffa /1'3 4-FI Club met Mrs,-"Orr reported on the atthe home of 'Mrs. Filther_workshop held_atPaisley_ftes- __ Chappel, 171Z. iir,Staffa. hyEerian Churcli recently. • Members answered the. roll A Ladies Aid meeting follow- ed with Mrs, Harvey Hyde pre- siding when final arrangements were made for then, fowl supper on Thursday. lb! .Boneless Rump or Round Steak Roast lb. 99c WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0?40