HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-10-09, Page 6Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. , J.. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON - • Box Office Opens at 8.00 ,p.m. FRIDAY and' SATURDAY October 10 and 11 -r DOUBLE., FEATURE - , :"THE SPLIT" Showing at 800 p.m. - Seaming JIM BROWN - DIAHANN CAROLL and JULIE HARRIS \-.,. (Adult Entertainment) In Color - PLUS - - "HOT MILLIONS" Showing at 10:45 - Starring Peter Ustinov - Maggie Smith t • and Karl Malden Color Cartoon . Special Holiday Show SUNDAY, OCT. 12 - BIG TRIPLE BILL - - STARTING AT DUSK - "CORRIDORS OF BLOOD" (Adult Entertainment . Boris Karloff and Christopher Lee "WILD WILD PLANET" Tony Ruisell -, In Color "BATTLE BENEATH THE • EARTH" Starring Kerwin Mathews In Color And Cartoon The Management and Staff at Brownie's Drive-In wish to say ' "Thank You" for your patron- age during the past season. lt, Saturday Night THE HARBURNS CHICKEN 8k CHIPS HURON HOTEL Dublin - ma ,- "1:41, • tio ...,:./k . ",n..:ter... . GI __ t4 -- - " - AY • ' . The Seaforth Police Depart- ment has been instructed , to again enforce the use of park- . ing meters. So, therefore as of Friday, the meters will be in use. it Town of , Seaforth Protection To Persons and Property Committee • ' a O a Seaforth, Ontario Please enter a Subscription in the name of: NAME . ADDRESS FROM: 0. ADDRESS V • 0 Indicate here if Gift Card to be sent. ci $6.00 Enclosed 4c Please bill me ARE . YOU ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO READ THE HURON EXPOSITOR OCCASIONALLY? JUST SEE WHAT YOU ARE MISSING? Why be an occasional reader? Regular readers know the, corn- plete news coverage The Expositor provides They appreCiate the money-saving ads, the interesting features, the news of churches and societies. They watch for The Expositor pictures. Read The Expositor-Every Week Call us collect, or drop us a note and we'll start a Subscription in your name. You may pay later. the /*Won (Expositor One way to make a small boy behave -when visiting friends: ' Shake well before taking. DANCE Sponsored by the ,Staffa Staffa Hall Friday, Oct. 10th at 9 p.m. CHRISTIE'S ORCHESTRA Admission $1.00 Lunch Supplied a 9 9 A A a a V a A "MUSTANG" THEATRE PHONE 524•9981. OPENS Ar8:00 P.M. SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE NWT. 8 FODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 FRIDAY 8 SATURDAY October 10 & 11 "STRANGER IN TOWN" Starring Tohy Anthony and Frank Wolfe A Western with plenty of action, ,Filmed abroad. "The Maltese Bippy" Da n Pawn, Dick Martin and Cerro! Lynley in • )horror ' comedy. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12 To End The Season . . . A Dusk to Dawn Show — 5 FEATURES - "PREMATURE BURIAL" • , -Starts at 8:30 p.m, "TOMB OF LIGIER" -Starts at 10:00 p.m, "THE RAVEN" -Starts at Midnight "MASK OF RED DEATH" • -Starttr 1Y2.5.a.m. "HAUNTED PALACE" -Starts at 2:53 a.m, Show All End at 4:11 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCON'DITIONED GOIDERICH Exclusive • LIMITED ENGAGEMENT! District STARTING MATINEE Showings .. THURS.,,OCT. 16th sA,TupT' BEST PICTURE OF THE YEAR! WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! m. ntoomiuRomlikRomomproottrioNe LIONEL BART'S ha,...4b, JOHN WOOLF (*.we,/ CAROL REED dog PSNAVISION'TECHNO3LOR*0, Women CAN beat Cancer! YOU can beat cancer by participating in Woman to el "Woman Plan TODAY to attend the PANEL SHOW and• ENTERTAINMENT At C.F.B. CLINTON RECREATION CENTRE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28th at 8:00 p.m.. Program by Sisters' of St. Joseph Concert Band •11• 111 war VP P- Week J PERSONALIZED COASTERS - GIFT IDEAS - SERVIETTES THE HURON _EXPOSITOR Phone 527-0240 Seaforth Country & Western Music In the Red Knight Room FRIDAY — SATURDAY — ELGIN FISCHER TRIO Ail$0 entertaminent every Wed., Thur., Fri., and Sat. in, the Ladies. and Escorts Beverage Room. s Ample Free Customer Parkihg Savarese room smacks Colored TV COMMERCIAL HOTEL ANYONE INTERESTED In Playing JUNIOR HOCKEY in MITCHELL Contact Coach, Lou Heinbuck, 348-9971 4 or Manager, Mac MeCulligh, 348-8935 ' Collect *aato•;; Huron Board Discusses Future of French Classes , Frenchovere hardly available,. "1 don't think we can recom- mend a teacher of conversation- al French in every school in this county, " the superintendent declared. Some school boards were hiring consultants to aid other teachers, he said. l-i said the sources of teach- - ers of French conversation were limited to students from college and housewives who were given special permits to teach after 'taking a short course. This was the case in the Clinton area with a housewife from Canadian Forc- es Base. Mrs. Marian Zinn, Dungann- on, asked what choice would be made in securing a librarian or a teacher of French. Fourteen of the 25 schools have neither. "It's a matter of economics, " Mr. Coulter replied. "In one case, you only have to supply the body; in the other you have to supply the body and the room. • --•••Helen- and Mrs. Ruth McGrath, all of - Dublin, were installed .by the president. The 8, 30 draw was won by Mrs. Muir, the mystery prize by Mrs. Edith Jessome and the special prize by Mrs. Peg Coorribs, A hooked rug will be drawn for around Christmas. A dinner for Senior citizens will be held the last Saturday in November. A bus trip to London for the Auxil- iary members is being sponsored by the Legion men. RECEPTION for Mr .and Mrs. James Coleman Ines Shirley Bernard) Walton Community Hall ' Sat., Oct. 18th Dancing 9-12 Everyone Welcome Music by The Ramblers ' Ladies Please Bring Sandwiches their meeting in Central Huron Secondary School. Clinton, Mon- day evening. It is now being taught in four schools in the Clinton area-- Clinton, Holmesville. Hullett and Huron Centennial (Bruce- field) -- and also in the Howick public school. Board chairman John B. Lavis, Clinton, asked J. W. Coulter, superintendent of schools, if he was pinning to increase the reaching of conversational French in all the elementary schools of the county. Commenting that the Howick School was the only one outside the Clinton area where It was taught, Mr. Coulter replied: "We feel that this is a test area and should help us make a re- commendation for the next school year, early in 1970." Mr. Lavis inquired further if the superintendent considered the venture a success. Mr. Coul- ter felt there had not been enough time to evaluate it. "Don't worry,' it will take a long time to evaluate", Mrs.l. W. Wallace, Goderidh, a form- er school teacher,' commented. "Is it possible to get teachers if we think we want to expend this Service?" Mr. Lavis quest- ioned. Mt. Coulter replied that teaching clone to grades two and one would require t0 additional teachers in the county, and qual- ified teachers in conversational CASH-BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, Oct. 10th 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games $75.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Prizes • ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (Children under 16 not) ' permitted) Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion - 4, Proceeds ' for Welfare 'Work By • Richmond Atkey. Huron County Board of Ed- - -ecation,-at_irs_meering in_Cen_ tral Huron Secondary School,. Clinton, Monday evening, de- cided to refer back to commit- tee for re-assessment, the policy on fees for non-resident pupils. • As' a result of a new fee schedule` adopted September 15, the annual‘fee for non-resident students is $900, based on act- ual costs, the maximum allowed uhder the Schools Administrat- ion Act. D.J. Cochrane, director of education, reported that several cases had been brought to the attention of the Board where it was thought that fees, calculat- ed according to the maximum under the Act, were excessive, particularly in view of the fee policy of former Boards. One of these cases involved a pupil returning from a city to live with his grandparents.' Form- er Board policy would have al- lowed free tuition'sinte the ' grandparents •t',,re tax payers. The second Case invohted a hockey team wishing to "imprirt" three hockey players. . "Since the tearri is no longer sponsoied (in forMer years a sponsoring industry would have . been asked to pay fee), either the team organizations or an in-. dividudl wil haVe to pay $270. per month," Mr. 'Cochrane said. "It is possible that in the past the one-school-one-town-one- llere's 'the Answer 0 a N 51 a is O a .1. w .attNa,ni. H51 CI NY team philosophy would have es- tablished no fee. " • D J. Murphy, Goderich, pres- ented an eloquent pled to lower the. fee_ He sniff the_G.orierich _ hockey team used to be sponsor- ed by Detrbit Red Wings but was not now sp'onsorecPF. Two players were being brought in 'from Saint John, N. B. The team did not have $1; 800 to buy their tuition. Mr. Murphy suggested a fee of $100. to $150.; not $900. He received enough support to have the regulation sent hack to com- mittee for further 'discussion. "Is it fair for all persons in the County?" asked Robert M. Elliott, Goderich Township, a former athlete. STAG EUCHRE Seaforth' Legion Hall Wed., Oct. 15th at 8:30 p.m. PRIZE'S — LUNCH - Guests Welcome Sponsored by Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion ENTERTAINME T FRIDAY and SATURDAY EYE ONO 'The Carolyn Booker Show' Colored TV irr the Men's Room Special All Day Friday — STEAK "OPEN FOR BREAKFASTS" AT THE QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH -a 6.•-THE WiUgOtil EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., OCT. 9, 1969 BY Richmond Atkey The future of the teaching of French conversation in the elem- entary schools of the county, was discussed by members of 11w on County Boar(' of Education at ciftc)sslriolti) .144.144M494, a he Legion Auxiliary Meets The Seaforth Legion Ladies Auxiliary held their October • Meeting Wednesday evening in the Legion Hall with 16 memb- ers present. President,Liz. Brown presided. Three new members, Mrs Vegetable Gcirden HORIZONTAL 3 Term of 1 Vegetable endearment Charged atom 7 Another vegetable 5 Shirt part Ba • 13 Interstice er 14 Handled 15 Tilted 16 Bakers of Edinburgh 17 Auricle (ab.) 18 Heron 10 Appellation 20 East (Fr.) 11 Followers 21 Shifted 12 Confined 23 Parasitic bug 19 Transposes 27 Not all 22 Eater vegetables are 23 meadows — above 24 Hops' kiln ground 25 Employer 31 Direction 26 Discolor 32 Low haunt 33 Vegetables sun and rain to grow 34 Bewildered 35 Unit of energy 36 Sea eagle 37 Some . vegetables have 39 Protective covering 40 Sea nymph 42 No title page (ab.) 45 Oriental civet 46 Roof finial • 49 Expunged 51 Parched 53 Sally 54 Baseball official 55 Emphasis 56 High regard 7 Diminishing 8 Joins 9 Royal Society VERTICAL 1 Chest rattle Scope The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 156, Welcomes You and Your Friends TO A —Social Evening-- SAT., OCTOBER 18th Music at Its Best by THE ROYALAIRES $2.00 Per Couple- Refreshments Mailable Persons Over 21 Years Only , G9'3 VA a a 't aw n V Hs • d 9 9 CI 1 a 240W WWII'S cl 9 N a 9 3 N a V N a N a I N a V 2t. V a N Nie V 28 Road edge 43 Horse's gait 29 Cotton fabric 44 Young salmon 30 German river 46 Iroquoian 32 Traduces Indian 38 Genus of 47 Father (Fr.) marine worms 48 The same 39 Revokes 50 Female saint 41 Egress (ab.) 42 Promontory 52 Casialiflect I 1 3 4 5 .6 7 8 'a 9 10 II' 13 Ai 6 16 17 I , 19 120 21 22 • 23 24 25 26 . 27 28 29 30. SI 32 33 34 35 34, 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 ..1 MLIS 1146 47 48 49 SO 51 SZ 153 91 SS 56 .. . • Defer Fee Policy for Non-resident Pupils 4 f • ‘' • a • 416 l • • 9 • i o 0 a t • a 4 o 4