HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-10-09, Page 5CAR COATS Just in time for early Fall buying Buy NOW While Selections are the Greatest and Most Complete CHILDREN'S & TEENS', Shirts and Blouses Sweaters and T-Shirts Sleepwear Pyjamas and Gowns Hosiery and Underwear A small deposit holds any articles Fall Sewing Supplies LARONES Seafortles 5c to $1.00 Store - Stationery - Gifts • 1"--" Advance Showing . ROY HANNON Occidental Life Insurance Company RR 3, Mitchell Phone 345-2274 $100,000 25 year decreasing •Term Ufa Insurance At These Low; LoW Rates Age 25 — $157.00 Age 30 — $207.00 Age 35 — $300.00 Age 40 — $463.00 Should husband and father whose chief "estate" • is his job, pay a high premium fora little pro- tection — or a low premium for a lot of pro- ' tection? "Be Protection Rich — Not Insurance Poor" KE Cuddy Farms (boneless, vac pac) TURKEY ROLLS 31/2 to lb. naki Size 4 UU lb, • • Esmond BLAN • "Windsor" With Every $3.00 IG Food" Purchase 72" a 84". 3 Ab ttaankte. advantage of this outstanding value • • • kist Each .... .9/7 in time for the fall and winter seasons Available fully guananteed. Machine washable. Shrink reels- in Rose, Green, Gold and Blue. First quality _ TS Tables laden with. home bak- ing, driftwood and craftwork, vegetables, jams, jellies; knit- ted goods, aprons and novelties were a feature of a bazaar and tea"lield in Northside United Church on Saturday afternoon. The bazaar was opened by Reverend J. Clifford Britton. Guests were received by Mrs. George Ribey, president, and Mrs. Britton. Branches of crimson maple leaves, berry-laden mountain ash and centennial crabapple decor- ated the school room. A centre- piece on the main table was a huge horn .of plenty made of pastry and filled with fresh fruits. Arrangements of mums and ground cranberry around the room added colour. Mrs. John McElwain was the convener of the tea room where the small tables were centered NorthOcle S'I.011SOTSY Bazaar and Tea- with tiny pumpkins filled with marigolds. , Mrs. WilliaM Ball, Mrs, Ken- rfeth Bennett, Mrs.. Donald Wood, Mrs. George Addison, Mrs, R. McGregor and Mrs. Orville Oke arranged the flowers and dec- orations. Mrs. William G. Campbell and Mrs. Lorne Daleco-con- vened the event, with the fol- lowing conveners: baking, Mrs.- Gordan Papple and Mrs. Peter Moffat; sewing, Mrs. James M. Scott and Mrs. Ernest Williams; miscellaneous, Mrs. Sam Scott; produce, Mrs. Robert McKer- cher; touch and take table, Miss Rena Fennell; crafts and hobbies, Mrs. William Ball; social, Mrs. Williani B. Campbell. Mrs. Wilmer Cuthjil, treas- urer, reported the event was .a financial success. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig were Mr. and Mrs. James' Millard, Flint, Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. *Earl Phillips, Alpena, Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee and family, London, visited on Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hulley and family of Winthrop.- Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner visited on Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Readhead of Kit- chener. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Alex Gardiner were Mr. and Mrs, Leo Weitersen, Brod- hagen, Mrs, Carl Becker and daughter Beverley and Mrs. Don-. aid Mckillon of Rostock. Guests entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. George Vivian and family, Mr, and glrs. Carlyle ,Meikle and family, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Taylor and family, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Finlayson and family and Mr. and Mrs. MerVin Shute 'and family of Kir kton. „Mr.. and Mrs, Wilbert Wors- ley and daughter, Eleanor of Cameron, Ont, are visiting with Mr: Worsley's sister, 'Mrs, E. Moore and with Mr. and Mrs. ( NEWS OF Correspondent MRS, KEN McKELLAR CROMARTY T. L. Scott and sons, John and Hugh. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne spfarie and Miss Frances Scott, London, spent the week end with Mr.• and Mrs. Gordon Scott. Mr. and Mrs. John Saunders of Windsor were week end visit- ors with Mr. and-Mrs. Roy Mc- Culloch. Mrs. J. R.Jefferson attended anniversary service at Donny- brook United Church and spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leddy and Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson of Auburn and Misses Gladys and Irene Jefferson of Goderich. Mrs, Kenneth McKellar is a patient in Seafotth Hospital with a fractured heel. Mrs. T. L Scott was guest speaker at the afternoon meet- ing of the W. M. S. in the At- wood Church. Me and Mrs. John Wallace and Mrs. Grace Scott were guests at the Pucci-McKellar wedding in ,Buffalo, S. A. Saturday. Baptiied in Cromarty Presby- terian Church op Sunday by Rev. W. Jarvis were Richard Douglas, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Eyre of Shedden; Thomas William, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Laing; Karen Isabel, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Meikle. THE.4.44RON iegromPRi. with the for your festive • 25- LB. BAG FRESH Ocean spray CRANBERRIES Broilers 6-9 lb. size Hens 10-14 lb. size TURKEYS Freihly Cut, Young • TURKEY LEGS The pitblii 'hit ;44.: gonaut defensive halfback Jim Tomlin intercepted Montreal quarterback Sonny Wade's pass with less than one minute remaining in a game won by - the Argos 36-23. Hence, the importance of the theft. good distance before being Tomlin ran the ball back a Vernon Vanoy cracked him the only solid shot he received dur- tackled by none other than Son-, ing the first half. However, fly Wade. -As Tomlin lay face this is when Montreal claims he doWn on the Autostade turf, Wade received a concussion. clamped his right foot down on Argo head coach Leo Cahill sTpoamrkinling'sabnaeckanwihiugchfesretsbueltwtedeeinn says: "I am sick and tired of hearing false and slanderous the two teams, charges about us.. I don't know -- After the game it was -also how Dalton can say things like revealed that Wade had re- r ed colored o Ed. defensiveFirri that. I thought after the game fer ngtoenn,d,Toarsoan- was over that it was a good, hard- to's foeght game..• I was flabbergasted' "black nigger" after Harrington to-hear all the charges he made, had tackled the Montreal pivot, • "I also hear he said he'd Wade, according to Montreal apologize at the corner of Peel head coach, Kay ,Dalton, was and St. Catherine if the films suffering from a concussion sus- showed he was wrong. Well, tained during the second quarter they do show he's wrong, He and could not be held account- knows where Peel and St. Cath- able for his actions thereafter. erine are. • Dalton also said that Wade -was "Their quarterback didn't get the game. taken to hospital for x•-nays After hit any more than four the " whole game and I'm damned if I The point is this; If Wade did can see anything illegal about any of those, " have a concussion, why . Alouette general manager, Dalton allow him to continue? Tony Golab, said that his team , plans no complaint to Canadian Football League commissioner Tati-G-andaur backirig-Dattores— accusations, Golab also reported Wade as being "fine". Dalton had this to say: "I'm really not interested ip.this kind -of baloney. But the films certain- ly back up' what I said. There certainly won't be an apology." Commissioner Gaudaur! "I would not care to comment. I would say two things: I don't believe that any coach in the CFL counsels his players to go out and maim someone. "No team has ever brought to my attention any incident or complaint that Toronto plays dirty football." And Montreal assistant coach Ralph Goldston;' "When we get to Toronto we're going to-have nothing to lose. And we're gonna maim your quarter- backs. Trat's all." Well, that's about it. Who was right? Who was wrong? ' SEAFORTH JEWELLERS Phone 527-0270 Seaforth DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELLERY CHINA - SIT.VERWARE CRYSTAL Gifts for every occassion Watch, Clock and Jewellery repairs of Children's SNOW SUITS and SCREENED TOPSOIL (Stone,,GraLs and Root Free) CEMENT 'GRAVEL -Alio for Lanes or. Yards, Fill Etc, LANDSCAPING Light Bulldozing, Back Filling, Levelling Etc. BACKHOE WORK LYLE MONTGOMERY — PHONE 482.7644 EVENINGS OR CLAYT'S GULF SERVICE, • CLINTON, 482.7661 4' CANADA NO. 1 was pianist and accompanied her group in a special musical num- ber. The W. M. S.. Thanksgiving Service was announced for Oct. 28th. The theme "Thanksgiving" was carried out in the reading.of :Psalm 24 in unison.- The Medit- ation was given by Mrs. Mervin Dow and a reading by Mrs..Caul- der McKaig. Mrs. Arthur Ham- ilton stressed that each one show Freshly Cut, Young TURKEY BREAST . "The recent football game be- charged iog(*wttit-4.10Y • tween Montreal Alouettps and and crndeplAyi 34)14.i&vAq.. Toronto Argonauts has result- • slugged /Fe ed in White-hot controversy, In ing the gala*. • fact, according to the Argos, 'this is what -.4.13,Un •- the controversy might be aptly show: Wade threW prig t, labelled "black-hot." ' • completed 19. He was *Wed To refresh your memory: Ar- once in the first spatter by Mary Luster, below the waist. Eight times in the first quarter Wade threw' a pass without • • being touched. In the second'quarter he was tackled three times. Harrington . landed on top of him once arid. W M S Mrs, Arthur Hamilton of At- wood was guest speaker at a joint meeting of Cromarty Wom- en's Missionary Society and the Marion Ritchie Auxiliary held in Cromarty Presbyterian Church. The W. M. S. president, Mrs. d..Maritreal had another quartet- Mervin Dow presided. Mrs. Gor-back suited and ready. And dop iaing.of-the_Marion Ritchie___also,...Wade_didiftgd to kospital- he was sent home after the game and told to keep his mouth shut. Following the game, Datton'. NIFTY NEEDLES Seaforth Nifty Needles met at Joanne Arts on Thursday. Min- utes were read by Nancy Dever- eaux, Members were shown how to enlarge a design, Later the leaders were shown the love•of Christ to all she may plained the, f th tit h er,s c runners and samples then ex- mtWeicee etvheergyrdeaayt.'HNioghownaey trILeille% Sills showed how to mount the A time of fellowship followed feather stitch. The group thanked the meeting. Mrs. Arts, Government 'inspected, Canada Grade 'B' Plump, Tender, Predressed Frozen, Young All Popular Brands CIGARETTES S 6 to 9 it size . SEAFORTH 527-0910 CLINTON 482-9514 HENSALL 262-2713 Prices Effective up to Saturday, October 1) WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES NEW 1.6 A LAY-AWAY CLUB SAVES YOU SO% ON . ELEGANT TABLEWARE! — DESIGNED BY ROGERS, CUTLERY COMPANY — An outstanding offer for just $19.80 TWO DISTINCTIVE PATTERNS TO CHOOSE FROM IN SILVER OR GOLD PLATE HERE'S HOW OUR LAYAWAY CLUB PLAN WORKS BARN HARDWARE No. 886 Galvaniz- ed Barn Door Track, 6-8-10-12 Ft Lengths 36c Per Ft, No. go Track Hanger Galvanized, With Lag Screws Single S 1. SELECT . ••. Select the tableware pattern and finish of your choice from a special display prominently lo- cated in your nearby IGA. Pick up a reservation card from the display area or ask the cashier fa a reser- vation card. 2. RESERVE .. . Complete the reservation card — making sure to include your name and address and indicate the pattern and finish of your choice, Hand the completed card to the cashier. The tableware of your choice will be Immediately reserved in your name. EXTRA RESERVATION CARDS 3. COLLECT . . To collect your tableware at a 50% saving, simply purchas6 one lay-away certificdte for just 99 cents with every $5.00 food purchase. Buy the first certificate when you reserve your set. Collect the others at your convenience, 4, REDEEM.. . Collett 20 fay-away certificates at 99 cents each (with every $5.00 food ,purchase) and your starter set is yours to enjoy for years. to dome. Collect another 20 lay-away certificates at 99 cents each (with 1$,00 food purchase) and the matching completer set is also yours to enjoy. AVAILABLE AT YOUR IGA Reg. Size Carton King Size Carton 9