HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-10-09, Page 4NEWS of VARNA Correspondent MRS. Wkl. DOWSON C .W. The Varna U. C. W. met Thursday evening at the church. The president, Mrs. Reid opened the meeting with prayer and Mrs. Bob Stirling led the Worship . Service with "Thanksgiving" as its theme. Mrs. Stirling opened with the Call to Wotship follow- ed by hymn 17, 'Praise, my,,. our. Mrs. Elliott read the scripture, Psalm 95 and Mrs. Bill McAsh gave the meditation 'Call to Harvest', The offering was re- ceived by Mrs. Bill Taylor and dedicated by Mrs. Joe Postil, Mrs. Bob Taylor read a story from the Obseryer, "The Great Fail Supper", Mrs. Bob Stirling gave a report of the Study Book on China, Mrs. Louis Taylor offered prayer and the meeting was turn- ed over to the president, Mts. Reid. &thank you letter was read from Mrs. Hal Flaro, who has moved to Exeter. The treas- urers report was given by Mrs. Webster and twenty-one calls to sick and shut-ins were reported, Wjare sorry to hear that Mrs. ±om Consitt is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London and we hope she is soon well and, able to return home. Danny and David Tipping-of Sarnia are spending the week with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dawson. Area Blood Clinic Is Successful .1,0.0.F.EUCHRE At a euchre held in the 1, 0, 0. F. hall on September 3.0 prize winners were '- Ladies high - Mrs. Tom Carter; Ladies lone hands - Mrs Julie Flannigan; Ladies consolation Mrs. Harold Maloney; Gents high - Thomas Carter; Gents lone hand - Andrew Turnbull; G,ents consolation - Jolin Tre- meet. . 00r $1 G1L21 now buys • in 1974 Want $016.21 in five years? That's what you get when you buy a Victoria and Grey Guaranteed Investment Certificate paying the highest rate in history... a magnificenteight and a half per cent. And Victoria and Grey Guaranteed I nvestment e gates are fully guaranteed both as to principal and interest. past presider.: of the Brussels Lions Club and is a past master of Brussels Lodge 284 A. F. and A. M. and a former member, Mr. Johnston is a former director of the Board of Men of the United Church of Canada. He was elder and superintendent of the Walton United Church Sunday Schoql and served as resident of the Huron Presbytery of United Church-Men. While working at Huronview, Mr. Johnston has been a member of the Clinton Lions Club and Clinton Lodge No. 84, A. F. and A.M. He belongs to the Scottish Rite and Mocha Temple and the Blue Water Shrine Club. He was president of the Huron unit of the Canadian Cancer So- ciety for the last three years and served also as director of the Ontario Division of the society. He is currently an elder of Ontario Street United Church and Clerk of the Session. He is secretaryetreasurer of the Ex- Wardens Association. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston have . moved from their apartment at Huronview and, now reside at 304 Albert Street. ,The new administrator and his wife are on Raglan Street, also in Clinton. Mr. Johnston continues in an advisory capacity at Huronview until October 31. • • ." AVOID POOR 'DRAINAGE FOR HEALTHY ORCHARD DRON 'EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., OCT 9, 1969 tiview Administrator arvey Johnston Retires • Herarey C. Johnston, who recently retired as administrator Of put onview , is a former war- de, of Htlron serving in that OSition in 1952. .fle has been succeeded by Chester A. Archibald, a native Of Seaforth who was treasurer of the City of Brantford before taking the Huron County post. Before coming to Clinton 15 • years ago, Mr. Johnston served do the Morris Township Council for years, six of them as reeve. A past president of the Morris Township Federation of Agric- ulture, he was also president of Hurbn Co-Operative Medical Services and served for many years as director of the medical ' co-op which recently merged into a provincial organization, He is a charter member and Let Joe go DEAR DORIS - All four of us are 15. Joe came with Doug in Joe's father's truck, which he stole and hot wired, and Joe didn't have a licence. Marian and I knew all this before we got in. Well, we got caught, and the next day Marian's father .came down.', He gave me a choice. Either forget Joe or forget Marian. Myparents say so, too. They say I'll end up pregnant if I hang around with Joe. But it's has not been settled? Some of the heirs are in the old country; too far to do much about it. I thought all beneficiaries get a copy of the will but I know that is not • the. case this time. -INFORMATION NEEDED DEAR INFORMATION - In two years the will should have been settled. The one reaso by it might not be probated w be if there were no assets in the w. .re If the deceased's debts used up all the cash or bonds or •Viratevereed-rerewonleFbeejust-- no sense in going to the expense of probate, All beneficiaries should indeed sick people..I wonder if it is too late to make a change? -STILL BOUNCING DEAR BOUNCING - You need to bounce, CO wait on sick people, whatever part of the work it is. But you sound like a gal who could make it and love it. Many a practical nurse has taken training at an older age than yours. There are courses of a few months of classroom work followed by a similar pe- riod at supervised hospital work. For details write to your provincial department of health. • .1 12/ 10-oz. tins St. William's Asst'd, JAM, JELLIES - AND Marmalades 4/ 9-ox. an Clark's Fancy • (Spec. Pack) TOMATO JUICE 3 /1 48-oz. Libby's Halves or Slices FANCY PEACHES Aylmer Asst'd. PREMIUM SOUPS 6/ 1 .00 88. tins Top Va lu Atd SOFT DRINKS 28-oz. Tin 10-oz. tins .59 York Fancy Asst'd. Vegetables 4/ 12 to 14-oz. tins New Antileok Formula Prestone ANTI-FREEZE AND SUMMER COOLANT 1-gal. tin Treesweet Reconstituted Asst'd. FRUIT JUICES 2/ 48-oz. tins Mother Parker's (Spec. Pack) INSTANT COFFEE Assorted ROSE PICKLES Clinic, 6-oz. jar C THERE'S AN IGA STORE NEAR YOU: POTATO . CHIPS ... Pkg. Rose Plain DILL TICKLES Regular or, Winterfresh Colgate DENTAL Giant Tube CREAM .. Size Wilkinson's Seaforth Hostess Regular CREAM 12-oz. ROLL 1... Roll Shirley Gay Chocolate 24-oz. Jar TIMM and GREY TRUST COMPANY 'SINCE "1889 VG ...is brimming ditional foods Coleman's, Defatted & Skinless Shank Portion FROM OUR FROZEN FOOD AND DAIRY COUNTER: Phone 527-1420 Thanksgiving is right around the corner and IGA is featuring a wide choice of wonderful holiday foods — so perfect ,or this festive occ Rion I 19-inch' Colored Television For as low 'as $489.00 , Limited Time Only CROWN HARDWARE Butt Portion See this and other Sany0 products on "Laugh-ln" Friday nights on the CBC.TV Network. • Centre Cuts and Slices Seaforth • .4 .r. A • Programs to test the effects of poor drainage on sweet cher- ries and other fruits have had dramatic effects this year at the Horticultural Research Institute of Ontario. Dr. Robert Cline, research . Members of the Seaforth "On behalf of the Canadian scientist with the Institute, has Branch of the Red Cross SocietY Red Cross Blood Donor Service I been compacting soil in a peach and the general public who par- want to thank you for your gen- and sweet and sour cherry orch- ticipatedthave been commended etous assistance to us in organ- ard. In this program the soil sure for a successful 'blood donor izing a Clinic at Seaforth on rounding the trees is packed down clinic held here recently. , Monday, September 15, 1969. In a letter to Mrs. A. Y. M'c- "The Clinic,,was most succes- Lean, the president of the local Slul there were 116 Donors, please branch, Mrs. Alma Wallace, convey dur thanks to all those in is slow and roots are unable to ' supervisor Blood Donor Services Seaforth'who helped at this obtain sufficient oxygen. says; The program, begun in 1957, showed few effects until this with a loaded sprayer. During heavy rains 'moisture movement not true.' He le-wvei love him, but he doesn't use me because of it. ' Is it fair that Marian's 'father should make me ma Re a choice have a copy the ill; and could the tiles are blocked off the trees like that? request this, are withered, but clear tiles have -REAL LOVE DEAR DORIS - At 51, I find kept the trees healthy. DEAR LOVE -.Fair? It's myself in what leednsider a dead- These tests demonstrate the essential, and it's up to your end, boring job: filing cleik in a importance of good drainage for parents to keep yoe out of big office. My friends say I would fruif trees, all-of which will . trouble if they can, I'd hate to make a good nurse. • suffer badly if the soil is satur- _ have a person like Marian's Hospitals have always interest- ated , father classify me as undesirae ed me, and .1 have sympathy with Dr. Gline recommended that ble company, if I were you. Do what they say. A year from now; or 'even sooner, you'll discover you should have signed yourself, - not "Real Love", but "What a CrUsh. I had!" , DEAR DORIS - We usually .havea party where the guests bring a bottle with them. I would like :to .know if they, should go to the rumpus room with their package or am I sup- posed to accept it at the door? - HOSTESS DEAR HOSTESS - eAt the door. You take it from there. Same with a food gift. If you are handed ,a pie or cake, or a ,choice homemade paste, and can work it into your meal, do so. DEAR DORIS - I have extra hair on my face, stomach and arms. You told me to see a doctor, I forgot to tell you that I haven't told my mother and, . don't intend to. Therefore, if I went to see a 'doctor I'd have to tell her, Would you please consult' a. doctor and ask him what the treatment would be for such a problem? You see, if I only need a needle or something small I'll probably be able to tell my mother. -KEEPING MUM DEAR KEEPING - And if it were something big, you'd carry the load alone? Heaps ,of people have too much hair in the wrong places; far more than you'd think: De- pending on how_ it looks and where it.is , one chooses one method, another chooses some- thing different; razors, hair removing creams, tweezers, electrolysis, all have their place. But they do get removed. And it doesn't usually take a doctor. I'm sending you my 10 cent leaflet, "Removing Une wanted Hair". Take the plunge, tell your mother, and work on'it together. DEAR DORIS - A man died two years ago, but the will is not in the recording office. ' Could it be because the will PI"e111110""emoPeentosemtemetema INSURANCE Auto, Fire, Life Donald Eaton • insurance Agency Limited Office in Misonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 ' Seeforth Coming . . NEXT WEEK REXALL SALE 10 BIG DAYS Beginning Thursday, October 16th Through Saturday, Octobet' 25th • WATCH for DETAILS 'In NEXT WEEK'S PAPER KEATING'S PHARMACY PHONE 527:1990 SEAFORTH year, when the heavy spring rains created sudden changes. The sweet and sour cherry tees were completely ruined, showing max- imum withering and very little fruit growth. The peach trees, however, were only slightly af- fected. Dr_ cline is engagedeereirpe____ liar tests with tilodrainage, block- ing up some tiles with cement to prevent moisture seepage, Where peach growers plant cover crops such as ryegrass in early July for a winter cover to take up moist- ure and nitrogen from the "soil, Too much nitrogen in pea or- chards will lead to winter injury and canker, which can reduce tree life by as much as 15 years. Thus cover crops fulfill several useful functions. Fruit growers should also ex- periment with mulches, says Dr. Cline. Tests have shown that mulched trees suffer less winter- kill. Corn cobs, hay and straw can all he used. Potassium,fer- tilizer may also prevent winter injury.