HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-10-02, Page 14LAUNDRY AS YOU LIKE IT. 7 - - A whole new conception of laundry care With the 750 PLEASURE PAIR WASHER - DRYER With CGE you control the washing re- sults exactly, You choose from 3 wash temperatures and 2' rinse temperatures and 4 wash and spin speed p.combinatio ns. You don't waste water or use too little — just right, because you judge it. The fabulous 750 lets you do that small load in the mini-basket,,a great little attach- ment that drops inside the big tub. Team this washer with its matching auto- matic dryer with Perma-Press cycle and cool-down and full width door for easy load- ing and you've got a wonderful answer to — 'Laundry As You Like It" LIMITED 527-1320 Seaforth An authentic canvas reproduction of a famous masterpiece with every purchase of C.G.E. automatic washers. Now you can have great art in your own home with these superb 20 x 24 inch reproductions n artists' authentic canvas. Phone 527-1910 Seaforth •$I:i1OMPr°77.-•••—•—• - • • . Now at ER L 'S SUPERTEST • . . .... • • , • '' . ' ' a rz• 16117THE HURON EXPQ5,1TOR, SEAPIORTH, ONT., OCT. 2, 1969 HEATING Crop Report placed the ribbons. -George Hay- year-old heifer class, This was den, Cloerie, won both the Preen- Castorvue President Potty Ann, ier 'Breeder and Premier Exhibit- a nicely blended row with good or• awards: with Ross Marshall, /Ina Ii1y,ivider. She wa.s just - Kirkton, in second place for both completing a 20, 000 lb. record. • honours, Thy whining -senior yearling Last year's Grand Champion —heifer•Was ..funior 'Champion for cow wasISenior and Grand Champ- Elston A. Speiran. She was ion again this year for Ross Mar- "'plc), Nlarquis Rota, a stylish, shall, She was Meri Acres Jana, "individual, strong on top, and first prize agedlcow, and winner, with plenty of dairy character. of the Interbreed Hest Udder class. Hie l'eseme 'Jana was very deep i n the body, fernal c was Banella Linda Avirla who headed the•junior yearling class tot George Ilayden. Linda. was very large for a junior, tall and upstandiii ?.;, with a long, —level quarter, There were five entries in the hull calf class, with Me entry of4Ilson A. Speiran stand- ing first for the Charnpionship. He was International R. J. , a Iliec dairy hull, long in the body and with good depth. George flaydein had the second, place c. Show Holsteins at Seaforth THE .DUEEN AT SEAFORTH • Among the hundreds of visitors CO Seaforth Fair last week was the 1.008-,00 International Plow- ' ing Match "Queen of the Furrow" Miss Irene Wilson of Brampton, Here with her beaming their • rapport of the international, which this year is being held:at Paris, are (left) Gordon a director of O. P. A. and Russel Bolton,• secretary-treasurer Of the Huron AssoCiation, - VARNA Correspondent MRS. WM. DOWSON lK COAL & OIL Willis Dundas PHONE Office 527-0150 — Res. 527-1053 USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE - COMPANY HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. President William Chaffe RR 4, Mitchell Vice-President Raymond McCurdy RR 1, Kirkton Directors Martin Feeney RR 2, Dublin Clayton Calquhoon RR 1, • Science Hill Tim Toohey RR 3, Lucan Robert Gardiner RR 1, Cromarty Agents Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - - Exeter Clayton Harris Mitchell Secretary-Treasurer Hugh Patterson • - • Exeter 'RHEUMATIC PAIN? Rumacaps capsule's give proven relief!' .Rumacaps.are specially formu-, lated to give yolI fast relief—the very first day—from nagging rheumatic pains and aches. Also proven effective for relieving lum- bago, sciatica, headache and neu'ritic pains. Ask for new Rumacaps—a distinctive blue and white capsule of soothing comfort—at your local druggist's. Rumacaps are capsules of soothing comfort! FOR RHEyMATIC PAIN 0 umacaps. Rumacaps by T. W. Clapp, for Huron For most farmers, cutting corn for ensilage is close to completion. The quality was quite good even though the leaves. were turnipg brown due to a lack of moisture.' Last week end's rain was too late to help the ensilage corn, but may help the picking corn. A great deal of winter wheat has been 'sown and some is up. Recent rains will add to soil intaisrure, helping the regrowth of the hay and pasture fields. The rains should also soften the ground so that more fall plow- ing can be done. Plan Colin Day A Corn Day program is plan- ned for the farm of George Proc- ter, 14 miles east of Belgrave on Thursday„at 2:00 p. The variety, herbicide and fertilizer demonstrations will he discussed by area Soils and Clops Specialists, Howard Lang and Doug. Jamieson, Hiad, Crops Division, Centralia College of Agricultural Technology. Feature speaker will be Professor George . Jones, Crop Science Department, • University of Guelph. Those interested in Corn Pro- duction are invited to attend • • the event'which is sponsored by the Huron Soil.and Crop Improve- ment Association, Use Exposifor Want - Ads Phone '527-0240 win tier and Reserve tilampion, Banella Linda Valour, a we'll balanced calf, stylish and attrac- tive. Ross Marshall had die winning breeder's herd, the first prize four-year-(41 cow, and firs: year-old heifer, Edward Bell, lily th, showed the first prize dry cow; Lynda Walden, Luc know, tire first seniorheifer calf, and George Hayden the first prize junior heifer. Holden Farm, Clin' ton, showed the winning pair, a darn and one of her offspring, • • while Mac- Smith, Listowel, show- ed The winner in the class for aged cows with other 100, 000, Ihs. of, milk. 'Ibis was hauderlea Glen- vue Cora. • Seaforth 11 met at the home of leader, Ricki Willems and elected officers, President - Debbie Wallace; Vice President- Joyce Haney; Treasurer - Brenda Haney; Press Reporter - Mary • Margaret Kelly. . • The group discussed history PasT OFFICE RELEASES CHRISTMAS MAIL DATES .Every year at Christmas some-one overseas misses out on some mail from loved cities and friends because someone else in Canada was too late in writing. Suddenly the Christmas mailing deadline is upon them and nothing can he done until the rush is over after the New Year. 'Better to be early than sorry' should be the slogan for people with friends and relatives over-. seas, the post office department. emphasizes. The following is the schedule of deadline bates for overseas Onistmas Mail: People who doubt the reality of guardian angels haven't been missed by a motorist lately. TSUN PI oes the job at half the cost! more-for-your-money YOu get a handy-sized pickup that costs onry.about half you'd pay for , other trucks — and it costs only about half as much to run! The spunky, economical overhead valve engine gives you 30-35 miles per gallon and can zip you along at 70 MPH with still some power in hand. hauls a ton batsun proves you don't have to be big,to be tough. It can haul a ton and no sweat. DATSUN GERALD'S SUPERTEST Corner of Goderich and Main Streets — Phone 527-1010 DAILY HOURS: 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. SEAFORTH, ONTARIO Light Bulldozing, Beck Filling, Levelling Etc. BACKHOE WORK — LYLE 'MONTGOMERY — PHONE 482-7644 EVENINGS OR CLAYT'S GULF SERVICE, • CLINTON, 482,7661 SCREENED TOPSOIL (Stone, Grass and Root Free) CEMENT GRAVEL-. Also„for Lanes or Yards, Fill Etc. LANDSCAPING Mr. and Mrs. Doug, Proctor of Hamilton spent the .week end with Mrs. Proctor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnston of Varna. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Johnston surprised them at their home on Saturday even- ing on the occasion of their 25th Wedding Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Dowson and family visited on Sunday with Mrs. Ella Jewitt and boys of Constance. ' Mr. and Mrs. Harold Dow-: son spent the week-fend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earle Tipping, Danny and David of Sarnia. Anniversary Service was celebrated at the V. rna United Church on Sunday with Rev, Morley Clarke as.guest speaker, and Miss Mary Ann Hdyter as guest soloist. Rev. -Clarke, Field Secretary for Christian Educat-' ion for London Conference, spoke on "Cliangei.Friend or Foe". • Mrs. Robert Sterling, the organ- • ist and choir presented the an- them "Harbour lk•11." , The Varna 4-H Club met at the home of the assistant leader, Mrs. Bill Dowson, WedneSday evening. The leader , Mrs. Allan •Hayter, discussed with the girls "How to Create a Design". Mrs. Dowson demonstrated how to cut out the "Learning Stitches Article"; how to Dull o a thread from a skein, how to thread a ,needle with embroidery cotton; how .to,start and finish a thread when embroidering and h6w to embroider the blanket stitch. The girls practiced the blanket stitch. ALSO ick SEED WHEAT .;‘ LAWN SEED and 46 LAWN FERTILIZERS FALL FERTILIZERS We have a 'good line of VETERINARY SUPPLIES AND PREMIXES Bulk or Bagged 4 Sixteen Huron County 1101- and dairy like, with a'good udder and colour Schemes and review- stein breeders brought out (IL an- well attached. The Reserve ed 'learning stitches; and 'free imals at their Black and White Grand'Championship went to. choice' articles. Jane Sills show held at Seaford] 1-'air, where Elston A. Speiran, Brussels, on expressed appreciation. Judge D. W. Shively, Springfield, his first placing in the three- When you,go on vacation or Weekend trips, take a camper along. Full size 4-berth campers or canopies fit easily on its 6 ft. long steel bed at back. And you can always rely on Datsun to go where bigger, trucks fear to tread! 2-speed wipers, windshield washers, tough vinyl leather upholstery, quad headlights and full range of instruments. There are more than 150 Datsun dealers coast-to-coast In Canada and $1,000,000 in parts to back you. • comforts of a car The new Datsun can seat three six- footers and you' get an instant-acting heater/defroster with 3-speed blower, all synchro 4-speed gearbox, padded dash and sunvisors, -$ from 2135