HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-10-02, Page 12IPOSITORA„.SRAPORTIlt ONTa OCT. 2, 1%9 COLEMAN — BERNARD FARMERS Now Is the Time to put in that Concrete Barnyard with High Quality CONCRETE Ffee Estimates Sidewalks, Walls, Bridges, Etc. Be sure of what you are getting by USING READY-MIXED CONCRETE from HURON- CONCRETE SUPPLY Wm Goderich — 5247361 $.*forth — 5274206 Perth Council Meets iscuss Regional Moves momoomsomsvorsomemmenunsosommomsommummemumememssommonsumuessmoress, ARNOLD STINN1SSEN' ti GROUP • LIFE • ACCIDENT and SICKNESS • MAJOR MEDICAL , PENSIONS ANNUITIES Representing Eun Life Assurance Company of Canada TELEPHONE 527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST — SEAFORTH 1.1111111=0111, SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS All Types of CEMETERY MEMORIALS OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON Inquiries, are invited — Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235.0620 CLINTON 402.9421 , SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas Or Bill •Pinder 5274382 Bus 527-1750. OVERUM PLOW THE PLOW IN DEMAND Swedish Workmanship with Swedish Steal OVERUM- HIGH CLEARANCE PLOW 2.6 fUrrow, fully and semi, mounted. Adjustable cutting width 12", 14" and 16", Trip beam system with. fully and half automatic reset. Reversible plow points, self sharpening for longer wear. Specially designed mouldboards. Lift rear bottom for toughest plowing. SEE IT IN ACTION, also, at The Huron Plowmen's Association Plowing Match CONTACT US FOR THE'NAME OF YOUR CLOSEST DEALER FARM MACHINERY LIMITE Canadian Owned and Operated THAMES ROAD EAST, EXETER, ONT., Ph, (519) 235.1021 • or Personally Selected, Red Brand •Sirloin—T-Bone--,-Wingib or Full Slice Round 4 Personally Selected, Red Brand • Country Style Cut Prime Rib ROAST 6-7th rib Table Trim Bottom Round STEAK or (Short Cut) Prime, Rib ROAST lb. Its ow _ il Gold Crown Reconstituted ;APPLE IKE § , Stokely 5 Fancy Assorted I„ VEGEIBLES . I Powdered Detergen I (Special Pack) I I1DE X it t . i Heinz Tomato .. I ITT COUP Baneless Sirloin Tip or Top Roimd STEAK or ROAST DELMONTE Halves or Slices, Fancy AYLMER Tomato or Vegetable PEACHES 4 '7: LOO SOUP 8 7::.1.00 IFacelle Modern. (Ant's!. Colours) Westinghouse Soft White (Assed. Watt) FACIAL TISSUE b 6 LIGHT BULBS :788 Top Yalu (in Tomato Sauce) Dick's Assorted 3 28 tins -os. 7; 294e 2 PICKLES 14- oz. tins Mil lel EOM NOM WS 48- oz. tin t king size box 1 • SPAGHETTI or BEAOS with pork tl II i 12 to 32-es. Iar 490 Boneless Imperial OVEN ROAST 99!. oz. btl. Nan wiii"'" , l-iibbert, Ellice and Logan; St. Marys, Blanshard and part or all a DOwnie. Municipal affairs minister Mc- Keough would like to see this type of consolidation done vol- untarily, Mr. Morris told the council. Reeve Wm. G. Hill was inter- ested to. know if, under regional government, the region would be able to make important de- ,Oisions en its own without the province having 'to be contacted first for permission. Some of the regions already set up are getting some of the power formerly held 6y the province. Mr, Clasky said. (St. Marys Journal Ares) Perth County Council was told last week that the province is moving toward regional gov- ernment to create larger units of administration which will be able to provide better services. When questions were asked about the skyrocketing costs, S. J. Qasky, director of research• for the Dept. of Municipal Affairs said. "Anyone who says you can save money today is talking through his hat. Of course we are not going to save money, but we will be able to get a lot more from the money spent. " With Mr. Clasky explaining regional government and the moves being made in that direc- tion were .D. L. Morris, London, a member Of the municipal ad- ministration branch, of the de- partment; Murray Lawson and Wm. Turnasz, both municipal accounting advisors from Toro- nto. When the. new County Boards of Education came under fire for higher costs and was used as an illustration of what might happen in the matter of Region- al government, Mr. Clasky said; "The county board was set up as a central unit to equalize opportunity. Regional govern- ment is not centralized. All the decisions will not be coming from one place., There will be a two tier system similar to county council today, " he said. Albert Carson, reeve of Wal- lace Township, agreed with Mr. Clasky when he said the ,prov- incial government should be changed and .moved into the 20th century. "The first amal- gamation of services should take 'plaCe in-Queen's Park. There are so many departments there you spent all your time being sent from one to another look- ing for an answer. -Mr. Clasky promised the councillors there would be "no wholesale introduction of re- gional government in Ontario as there was with the county board of education system. There is a, priority list of areas to be changed to the regional system of government, but Perth is a long way down on that list. . If Perth did decide, however, tha(it wanted regional govern- ment sooner, the province would co-operate in beginning a study of the area and advise the offi- cials of the 'move, Mr. Clasky said. THERE I'S NO LAW Mr.• .Morris told the council that although there is no law saying a municipality has to look into the move to regional government, it is being done in many areas. He'suggested some of the municipalities 'in Ptah get together voluntarily and con-, sider the establishment Of larger units of local administration: "If you -don't like it you are under no obligation. If you don"t have the spirit and desire to ,move to a larger unit at the grass roots, there's no use think- ing about it on a county scale, " he concluded. When Mr. Morris presented a sketch of what he thought might Make four good units of local administration in Perth, he re- ceived a few chuckles from the - councillors and a few nasty glances. The proposal (just something to talk about, Mr. Morris reminded the councillors) grouped Stratford, North East- hope and South Easthop'e and maybe part of Downie; Listowel. Wallace, Elma, Mornington and Milver ton; Mitchell, F'u 1 lar ton, I Victoria it Grey Trust Certificates Paying E 1/20/. Are Available From JOHN A. CARDNO PHONE 527-0490 SEAFORTH "When the province says we are going to give you money, what it is really saying is we are going to tell you how to spend it. This is wrong. It is making a sham of municipal decision making. Wider regional govern- ment the assessment function will be returned to the region and unttonditional grants made to the regions, by the province, " Mr. Clasky promised. WINCHELSEA Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson and family of Lucan celebrating Leslie's fifth birthday. Mrs. Wm. Walters visited in Exeter on Saturday with Mrs. W. J. Beer. Remember! lit takes bat a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. A Baskets of gladioli decorated St, John's Anglican Church on Saturday, September 6t1flor the double-ring ceremony which united in marriage Shirley Mar- garet Bernard and James Doug- las. Coleman. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Bernard of R. R. 4, Brussels and the grOom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coleman of R. R. 1, Sea- forth. • The organist was Mrs. Bevan Elliott and Mr. Exel sang "Wed- ding Prayer" before the cere- • mony and "0 Perfect Love" during the signing of the regis- ter. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was dressed in a floor-length gown which featur- ed a round neckline, elbow - length sleeves and sheath skirt: Her full-length train was trim- med with matching lace. A petal shaped headpiece held her shoulder-length veil. She wore the grooln's gift, a pearl neck- lace and earrings. She carried pink roses on a white Bible. Mrs. Gordoh-Tryce, R. R. 4, Walton, sister of the bride, was matron of honour and the brides- maids were Miss Sandra Cole- man, R.R.1, Seaforth And Mrs. Lorne Gackstetter of Exeter, sisters of the groom. Miss Dian- ne pernard, cousin of the bride, was flowergirl. All were gown,' ed. in pink lace over taffeta featuring elbow-length sleeves with empire waistline. They wore matching rosette head- pieces and carried baskets of white shasta daisies. Mr. Gerald Coleman, R. R. 1, Seaforth, brother of the groom, was best man and the guests were ushered by Mr. Gordon ,Pryce, ,R.. R. 4, Walton, brother- inzlaw of rhe hride and Mr Lorne Gackstetter of Exeter, brother-ih-law of the groom. The wedding dinner was ser- ved in the parish hall of the church. The bride's mother received guests wearing a two- piece dress of red crimplene , white accessories and corsage of white carnations. The gro om's mother assisted' in a brown sheath dress with brown and )yellow accessories and corsage of yellow carnations. 'For a wedding trip to North- ern Ontario, the bride travelled in a blue brocaded dress with matching coat, white•accessor- ies and corsage of pink roses. The couple will reside in Seaforth. Prior to her ,wedding the bride was honoured at several miscel- laneous showers. Mrs. Clarence Mc Cutcheon ,and Mrs. Carson Watson were hostesses at a shower in the church basement for friends and nelghbours. Mrs. Gordon Pryce was hostess at a shower for. aunts and cousins and Mrs. Glen Huether'for the staff of the Callaeder Nursing Home, Where the bride was employed prior to her marriage. WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527=0240