The Huron Expositor, 1969-10-02, Page 11S Kitchen Cooking Warning FIRE r 616 S SO FINAL CIAO INSURANCE CO OPCItATORt 1NSOPANCE ASSOCCATIONS Or a VELtql ' local Agent W. ART WRIGHT John Street, Seaforth, ont. Phone 527-1464 t, r.z Ifte • HOW FIRES START 1967 NO. OF FIRES $ LOSS HEATING Stoves, Furnaces, Boilers, etc. Solid Fuel 1,708 Oil Fired 1,550 Gas Fired 507 Unclassified 3 ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Defective and Overheated Chimneys 985 Hot Ashes, Coals, Open Fires SMOKING Matches Smokers' Carelessness PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS EXPOSURE INCENDIARISM isalISCELLANEOUS Lightning Lights (other than electric) Sparks on Roof Spontaneous Ignition Miscellaneous Known Causes UNDETERMINED 65,941 162,370,992 Men Women Children o Total 265 142 241 648 279 150 252 681 247 115 216 578 231 139 219 589 254 104 245 603 209 129 215 553 242 117 267 626 225 120 211 556 209 125 232 566 221 106 233 560 1,114 9,109 2,329 20,675 1,857 585 1,103 2,739 1,382 175 429 9,553 10,338 3,333,888 4,553,869 2,454,367 837 1,665,129 2,556,985 20,087,534 2;880,188 9,833,567 9,815,832 1,643,627 8,098,413 2,832,180 2,769,554 284,251 2,272,565 14,268,830 73,019,376 THOSE THEY ' DESTROY (10-year record) 1968 (est,) 1967 1966 1965 1964 1963 1962 1961 1960 1959 a :111. HURON. EXPOSITOR; .3*AFORM, lost, ACTt ;f61P-"--7,14 648 Die In Fires ,Last Year r I Last year, 63,767 fires in Canada claimed 648 lives. The victims included 241 children. The estimated property loss was. $158,420,000; The assessment of the annual toll of fire was made by the Joint Fire Prevention CtAnmit- tee of the fire services,. based upon provincial reports to the Dominion Fire ,Commissioner. Highlights of the holocaust review: • The success of the fire services in. fire prevention edu- cation is truly reflected by a decrease, in the number of fires. They have come down 25 per cent over the disastrous highs often years ago, despite a population gain of 3,000,000. THE ASHES ON THE FLOOR... MAY BE YOURS! •• Tens of thousands Of Canadian homes will be struck by fire this year. Most of these fires will be caused by carelessness and neglect: Make sure that your home isn't one of them Think about FIRE - WhereverYou Are! JOHN A, CARDNO DONALD G. EATON General Insurance Phone 527-0490 • General 1nsurance 'Phone 527-1610 DON'T GIVE FIRE A MACE TO W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Complete insurance Phone 527-1464 START! 2,331 5,960 HAPPEN FIRES $ LOSS 45,245 42,012,9/3 233 2,150,404 407 6,038,386 224 57-7,426 45 314,372 318. 2,,501,696 5,919 14,849,517 1,639 24,417,208 3,994 46,879,649' 7,917 22,629,411 65,941 162,370,992 Sourde: FIRE LOSSES CANADA Annual reports by Dominion Fire Commissioner. Fire Kills It only takes, "a minute" for • fire to kill and statistics indic- ate that children and elderly people are too fre,quenit victims. 'A child doesn't understand that the pretty match which lights his•birthday cake or the. fireplace can also burn him. If he sets himself on fire, or if fire breaks out when you are away, he, like the disabled' elderly person, is helpless to escape, These•defenscless human be- jogs depend on you for.itheir well-being. Grief a•pd guilt will riot bring them back if tragedy occurs. It is responsibility , a parent's to teach his child by example and instruction to respect fire, The child must understand that a match is not a toy and matches should not: he left with- in easy reach. It is also a parent's responsi- bility to hire a reliable babyc sitter and to see that emergency telephone numbers and instruc- tions for fire safety and escape are provided. Section 189 of the Criminal' Code of Canada states ,that "E very one who, unlawfully abandons or exposes a child who is under the age of 10 years, so that its life is or is likely to he endangered or its health is or is likely to he per- manently injured, is guilty of an indictable offense and is liable to imprisonment for two years." FREE FOR YOU Close your door to fire, keep it open for fire prevention. This neatly describes the persuasive philosophy of Canada's cam- paign ,for greater fire safety in the home, in the school, on the job, and in the community. In plants and office buildings, stairwells, ,fire doors must be kept closed. Why? To shut off live air (oxygen) from fueling a fire, In the home, too, a closed door will slow down the spread of fire. BM because three-quarters of all fires happen in the home, and because the basic hazards are simple (over-fusing, frayerl, wiring, faulty heaters, rubbish and the like) their elimination wilt go a long way in preven- tion. YOU.seed..this* when deep—fat frying French-fried potatoes, chicken, • and many other foods are delicious -when.,prepared in your deep-fat 'fryer. But, for safety's sake, keep the frying temperature at, the proper level -by using and watching -a cooking thermometer. The flash point, or temperature at which the vapours from the boiling fat can be ignited by a match flame or spark, is less than 100 degrees ,above the maximum frying temperature of 400 degrees. And the ignitionlemperature, at which the hot fat itself can bifrst into flame, is only about 200 degrees higher than' the flash point. Therefore, it is very important to Kepp the frying temperature to a controlled, safe level, Never leave your fryer unattended while warming -fat to frying temp- erature. because heat -from the stove element under the fryer cannot escape rapidly, the temp- erature 'of ,the fat icises quickly. It cart increase past the frying level to..flash point and ignition stages -i`in • the , time,. you might ., take to answer the door or telephone. If you are interrupted by a call during frying, be sure to turn down the element under your fryer. Don't rely on fryer thermo- stats -- although they help reduce the danger of overheating, they don't always work, Would you like to enjoy safer deep-fat frying in your home. CIAGi has a limited supply of reliable, deep 41 fryino thermo meters available at, cost To obtain one, please complete the attached. qoupon and send it with your cheque or money urcif?r for $ I ( includes 5% sales rio to CrAC INSURANCE To CIAG INSURANCE_ Pridry Square, Guelph From Address 1 Please send me a fat 'frying thermometer. Enclosed is my , t:hrgite or I money order for $1 i -* • iffa TOTAL 2,647 1,247 WHERE FIRES NO. OF Houses, Apartments, etc. Churches, Presbyteries, Chapels Schools, Colleges, Acadwies, Convents Hospitals, Sanatoria, Homes Theatres Other Institutional and Assembly Occupancies Farm Properties Manufacturing Properties Mercantile Properties Miscellaneous 1 Be- wise . . . inspect your home today! And make sure you're fully insured. Insurance won't prevent fires, but it will prevent total loss. For the up-to-date fire coverage you need . . . see one of our agents today., 11 A li • Be Careful. !pull rall•MT. NI.. THINK FIRE SAFETY Office — Mal2-STTeet SEAFORTH • The McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance' Co. INSURES: Town Dwellings — Summer Cottages All Classes of Farm Properties -- Churches -- Schools -- Halls AGENTS: JAMES KEYS, RR 1, Seaforth; V. J. LANE, RR 5, Seaforth; WIVrLEIPER, Jr., Londesboro; SELWYN liAKER,,l3russels, HAROLD SQUIRES, Clinton; GEORGE COYNE, Dublin; DONALD G. EATON:Seaforth.