The Huron Expositor, 1969-10-02, Page 9The climate aboard was almost too much for.this
young miss anxious to take part in one of the ev-
ents at Brussels Fair.
There-was keen competition in the harness .races at -the Brussels Fair. The winner in'
this race was Audrey-G., owned by August De Grooth and driven by Arnold Campbell,R.R.
1, Seaforth. Ron Williamson'of.Walton drove the second place finisher. •
While rain was prominent
throughout the district on A-1-
day , there was nothing but sun-
shine f8r the annual Brussels
Fall Fair.
While central schools, meant
fewer schools participated in
children's activities, it didn't
affect the number of students
who played a role in the succ-
ess of therfair..
In the parade, led by Seaforth
District High School Girls Trum-
pet Band under the direction of
George Hildebrand, Mrs, Aubrey
Toll's 76 pupils from Walton
school captured first prize mon-
ey. The second largest school,
Brussels, With Kenneth Scott as
principal was second and Grey
Central, led by principal James
Axtmann, was third with '345
The fair was officially open-
ed by Robert McKinley, M. P
who congratulated the teachers
and pupils for the work and effort
they had contributed to the sue- .,
cess of the fair.
With junior Holstein heifers,
radley Spei;an, R. R. #3, Brus-
tels, was first and Bill Bone-
chansker, R. R. 1, Ethel, second.
Gerald Baan, R. R. 3, Walton;
David Baan, R. R. 3, Walton;
-Michael Pattapiece, R,R, 1,
Monkton, were the winners with
their senior Holstein heifers. They
were the only three with seniors.
Gerald Baan was first for
showmanship in the dairy club
with Bradley Speiran and Bill
Boneschansker second and third.
There were four entries in
the 4-H club for baby bee f
steers. Warren Knight, R. R. 2,
Brussels, was first followed by
Bob Thomas, Brussels and
,;Gordon Mitchell, R. R. 3, Walton.
With junior beef steers Allan Car-
diff, R. R. 5, Brussels", and Ray
Hemingway, R. R. 3, Brussels(the
only entries) placed first and
Placing first, second and
third with junior 4-H beef heif-
ers were : Dianne Thomas, Brus-
sels; Karen Hemingway, R. R. 3,
Brussels; Ross Mitchell, R. R. 3,
Brussels. The, top and only senior
beef heifers 'entered were shown
by David Thomas, Brussels;Hugh
McKay, R. R. 2, Brussels; Neil
Hemingway, R. R. 3; Brussels.
The top showmen in the beef
club were Neil Hemingway; War..
ren Knight and Dianne Thomas. . •
The entries in the 4-H multi-
crop club were judged Thurs-
day, afternoon, the first day of
the fair. Showing corn and
winning top placings were;
David Thomas, Brussels; Bob '
Thomas, Brussels; Warren
Knight, R. R. 2, Brussels, With
barley exhibits, the top win-
ners were: Bruce Kniglit, R, R. 2,
Brussels; Bob Thomas, Brussels;
DaVid Baan, R. R.3, Walton.
In the open dairy cattle com-
petition the winners in the
Holstein breed class were:
bull calf, John Bonescharlsker;
junior heifer calf, Bradley
Speiran; senior heifer calf,
Gerald Baan. Champion fe-
' male, Bradley Speiran,
Showing the only Guernsey
cattle, Thomas Cursey, Ches.;
ley, won all the prizes.
In the beef cattle competi-
tion the winners were; baby
beef'under 750 pounds; Car-
man Kaye and Sons, Palmerston;
Glenn Hill; 'Hugh McKay;over
750 pounds, Andrew.Gaunt,
Lucknow; Marman Kaye and "`
Sons; Gordon Mitchell.
With a pen of three feeder
steers Brian and Graham Work
were winners, Showing three
,yearling heifers under 800 pounds,
Clarence McCuteheon, first and
second; Brian Work. Three year-
ling heifers over 800 pounds:
Graham Work.
in the class for Shorthorns.
Frank Falconer, R, R. 5. Clinton, •
and Andrew Gaunt, Lucknow,
were the main winners, Aber-
deen Angus - Glen Hill, Har-
riston and Carman Kaye and
Sons, Palmerston, won all the
John Kelly, Elora, and Em-
ke Bros. , .Elmwood, had th e
top long wool sheep. Emke -
Bros, and Donald Dearing, Ex-
eter, showed the best medium
wool sheep and P, E, Dearing,
Exeter, Mr. Kelly and Emke
Bros. shared the honors for
short wool sheep.
In the swine competition
William Turnbull, Brussels, ,
and Gordon Peters, Rothsay had
the top Yorkshire. G or don
Peters had the only Landrace
and Mr. Turnbull the only La=
Orval Bestard, Thorndale;
Charles Halliday, Chesley;
Oliver Bannerman, Monkton;
Jim McKay, Dobbington, were
the main showmen in •the
heavy horse classes,
From the entries judged
Thursday inside the Crystal
Palace the judges found the
baking class to be much larg-
er than last year. There were
82 cakes and 40 loaves of
bread entered.
Mrs. Ron Gross, Londesboro,
a new competitor, was an
overall winner in te baking
and won a Silver server fe.r the
nts ocirna;tte tikci4:::Wesley
Heirvnel,. WroXe.ter, was, the
top winner with 88 poOkritS,
Joyce Brodhageu, Brunner,
had 28. points. With floWers be-
ing more plentiful than•last year,
Mrs. Earl Cudniore, BruSseLs, was
top winner. ,Mrs: Ruth Hi:WTI*
Brussels, was overall winner in
the hobby crafts section. Lake
Brothers, Brussels, 'took an the
prizes for apples. '
The top winners in the grain
section were; timothy, Bruce
Mc Donald ; fall wheat, Charles
Dietmer; barley, Getald Smith;
mixed oats and barley, Rae
Houston; husking corn on cob,
Hans Den Dekker; sheaf of oats,
sheaf of barley and a sheaf of
wheat, Joyce Brodhagen; oats,
wheat and barley, Clarence Mc-,
In the field crop competit-
ion the top winners were: barley,
Martin Baan; mixed oats and
barley, Graham Work; wheat,
oats and barley mixture, Ger-
ald Smith;, six stalks of corn, •
'Glenn Coultes.
With forage crops the judges
chose ,these top winners: first
cut hay, Wallace Black; second
cut hay, Wallace Black; second
cut chopped hay, Bradley Knight;
sheaf of six stalks of ensilage
corn, Martin Baal),
These lads at Brussels F air seem to be' agreed
that while pop and hot dogs are alright, a drink
of clean cold water is even better.
Reeve Roy Cousins of Brussels
welcomed the visitors to Brussels
and spoke on behalf of Reeve
Wm. 'Elson of Morris and Reeve
Charles Thomas of Grey who, lie
, explained, were at a county
council meeting.
Hundreds'of bright-eyed school children flocked
to the Pet Show to see the entries at the Brussels
Fair. Shown here are (left) Tracy Engel and(right)
'Ruth Ann Engel, - daughters of Mr. and Mrs.Gokion 4"
Cranbrook; and '(centre)Elizabeth Jacklin,
daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Chelton Jacklin of Brussels,
It took the combined effoPts of many helping hands to load a conc,erned onto
a truck owned by E.A.Spieran, R.P..3, Brussels.