HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-10-02, Page 7esti EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Of Tractors,. Farm Mdchinery, Pony, Antiques,' Household Ef- fects and Miscellaneous Items, on the premises, Lot 20, Con. 4, Hay Township, 31/2 miles east of • Zurich or 2 mirei west of Hensall, Highway 84. The-.und- ersigned Auctioneer received instructions to sell by public Auction on SATURDAY, OCT- OBER 25, at 12:30 p.m. Watch for complete list in following, issue. EDITH MAY BELL Y. RW1110134E, • DONALD BFILL . Executors for, the Estate of the Late. Harold Bell ALVIN WALPER, Auctioneer 20.-99-1 s tun' 14. Property for -Sale TWO good building lois in Eg- mondville. Reasottably priced. Phone 527-1043 or 527-0172. 14-98.2 SIX-room frame house on West William St., with garage. Mrs. Evelyn Mills. 14-99-2 PROPERTY FOR SALE COMFORTABLE COUNTRY Home - Well built and in •"like new" condition, this home has, 6 sun flooded. rooms, electric heating, screened porch, en- trance hall, 4-piece bath, and beautiful hardwood and tile floors. 12' x 24' garage, nicely landscapest - lot. Reasonable of- fers' will 'be considered. TUCKERS1V1ITH TWP. - 100 acre farm 5 miles from Seaforth 2 storey home with 4 rooms and bath clOwn and 4 bedrooms up. Bank barn 55' x 65' has tie-up , for -40 cattle and loose pens. Drive shed rnd drilled well. This farm is priced to sell. GODEISICH 'rW,P. 60 acre farm, 3 1/2 miles from Clinton. Good barn, drilled well, double garage, remodelled 3 bedroom bungalow with new asbestos GREY' TWP. - 227 acre farm with 175 acres workable - all tile-drained. 1 1/2 storey 5' bed- room home with attached- gar- age. 50' x 70' barn with stable in loose housing, silo, 28' x 38' shed, drilled well. Mervyn Eyre 169 Goderich St. West, Seaforth, Ph: 527-0523 DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR "Rural Ontario Specialists" "For Best Results Photo-list Your Property With Don Hoist" 14-99-1 15. Property for Rent THREE bedroom house, gas fur- nace. Phone 527-0032. 15-98-2 NINE room house, gas furnace and garage, close to business section. Phone 482-9892. 15-98-2 .FOR RENT'- 2 bedroom house in Bgrnolidville, available Oct. lat.'Phohe 527-1794, after 5 p.m. 15-994f TWO bedroom duplex apart- ment in Egmondville, gas heat- ed, private entrance and drive, available Immediately. 527-1529. 15-99-ff THREE bedroom' house, modern kitchen; gas heat, convenient to Seaforth Main St. Apply to box 1864, Huron, Expositor. 15-98x2 TWO bedroom apartment, gas heated, bathroom, North Main, 119 B. Available October 1st. Clarence Montgomery, phone 527-8043. 15-99x2 MODERN 1-bedroom apart- ments, heated. Contact 11, T. Dale, 482-3320. 15-99-1 16. For Sale 'or Rent THREE bedroom house in(\,Eg- rriondville, gas heat. Possession October 15th. Apply Gordon. Papple, 527-1418. 16-98x2 MALE HELP WANTED WE REQUIRE MEN FOR PRODUCTION IN OUR PLANT No. 4 IN MITCHELL - No experience necessary. - Life Insurance, Hospital and Medical plans paid for by' the COmpany on completion bf probationary period. APPLY TO: Personnel Department STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 Erie St. Stratford, Ontario Phone 271-3360 • 4-99-1 4. Help Wanted 4. Help Wanted SELL REAL ESTATE Experience not necessary, full or part-time basis. Representa- tives wanted to sell farms, towns and vacation properties, with a good town, village or highway location and a willingness to work, your success is assured. Terrific advertising quota and commission arrangement. Join our Ontario Wide Organization. For further information contact Robert McMinn, H. Keith Limit- ed, 181 Eglinton Avenue East, Toronto 12, telephone 487-3333. 4-96-3 NV; Motit.cAN INAvE DESS ER T SUPPER?Nes._ 'YOU RE ALWAYS ricKiri? ON ME. GONNA RUN AWAY-- TIAEN YOU'LL BE SORRY you TREATED ME SO MEAN! . .-“,-- 4:10,. .-..P --trraw.-:""-'t÷-,`-: •,--'V:'-t----c-;- ---•-k--^.--.--nw,.-- - . AA. \ - r-.-,------1..,44 7 -.----- r'"7 ._.‘ - -1 k.,: • ,--- . -,...rs--i,7i P 4'1' denr".--m• -fyvo ' -'-4...tm-..2‘ -- i.,.,,,,7,-__ .---ef0.----•po.'Llel'ctir'' 7 •,)) :::21 ,....,.--,... ,..N.... 'k, //1 '1'4_ , -- •-, 1 COULD WE WATCH 1ME MOVIE RzcA 'YOUR BAck SEAT'? YOU bONT NAVE THosE HeAD•REsts sssx,-"s • 0JB Itz).... OR ARE YOU SCARED OF 6EQB$? ) IM. 11-IEPE'5 it, sap° BISeRABoo DOH WAY I'S &oiG WITH THIS _,. CODE ..:•- .4 :,, N,. %‘ ' k,-.` . 4. ,•.... z. BoT ToDAY IS lizo100T6 Foct' m-i SCHOOL REVUE!- --• Vsiad5. Tvio 20:50Tes I, 1'8 clieetri& I Mn' _ -, : l'S C..0138(43i -.. itr /,_. 4,- b .. A,... .0 '`. I* 5 igg ::•• ,,, ‘ )' ok Ili ' ^ / 'If-- •P' o „: • )eI ' *.s.,..1 f4 '' 0 0 tor 17. Wanted to Rent it, Notices LAND to rent for Craving in VACATION TA R lipRON. earos.riORt ARAFORT ONT., Oct! 19; ritiOtheO 20. Auction Si " sacKHOINQ,;4r:PiletAgt n sor Bob WO*, 5.VT4390, $9•tf• crest Disperse 20. Auction Sales On%rio '4Agig4 .1"!c'icCP:54a rit ~r4R 1w No. I and tuOnt, 18, at 1:30 * OCt ' 0 0 W. M. 000KiBURN, 260 Kathryn , Newmarket, at 1 pm, OW • • Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each • number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to 'the follow- ing minimums: Classifications Z 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 13 min- imum 65c, Classifications 24, 25 and °"26, minimum 2c per word, minimum $1.15. All other clas- sifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except.Auction Sales. (20), Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on re- quest. . 1. Coming Events TFIE annual Bazaar of First Presbyterian Church will -be held on Saturday, Nov.. 1st, at 3 p.m., in the church hall, 1-99-1 DANCE sponsored by Staffs WI in the Staffs Hall, October 10th at 9 p.m. Christie's Orches- tre, admission $1.00. Lunch' sup- - • THE Happy Citizens will hold their meeting and euchre on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 9, at 2 o'clock, in the Legion Hall. Everyone welcome: Ladies please bring lunch. 1-99x1 REGULAR meeting of Seaforth Red (Dross will be held Friday afternoon at 3 p.m..-at Carnegie Library. Summer knitting and . sewing may be brought in. • 1-99x1 SMORGASBORD Ham and Tur- key Supper in the Varna United Church, Wed., Oct. 8th, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Adults $1.75, under 12 years, 75c, pre-school, free. 1-99-1 TURKEY Supper, Duff's United ,Church,• Walton, Wed, Nov. 5. Supper served from 4 to 8' p.m. Adults $1.75; children • 6-12, $1. 1-99-2 CABARET Dance, Brodhagen Hall, Nov. 21, 1969. Music by the "Royal Aires". Dublin and District Athletic Association. 1-99-7 2. Lost, Strayed ONE perculator lid, lost between Seaforth and Brussels, Saturday, Sept. 27th. Phone 345-2163. 2-99-1 4, Help Wanted SOMEONE to do dreSsmiking, reasonably. Phone 527-1496, 4-99-1 TRUCK driver, Vandenberk Pro- duce Parra& Ted Vandenberk, liR. 2, Monkton, Ont. 347-2723. 4-99-ti CORN and FORAGE' SEED AGENT ,..Large, welt known seed Co. has ' local opening for a Corn add Forage Seed Agent, (full or spare time) retired or active far- mer preferred, Excellent income for' right man. Write: BOX 1866, THE HURON EXPOSITOR 4-99-2 4. Help Wanted MAIM help wanted for harvest- lug POtaboes, Vanden Berk Pro- (hied Illarma, Ted Vanden, Berk, BE 2, Moat* Contact 347-2723. • 4-99-tf MEN and women pensioners who would like good home of their own nob living' with the owner, doing light work in a small fact- ory. Also men who would, like to work on a farm. P. D. Kyte, Till- sonb'urg, Ontario. Phone 842- 2716. , 4-99-ff MEN or women Who would like to travel, delivering geode from one town to another. Car Sup- plied and expenses paid. If you are married and would like to take wife we also sum*, a house trailer. F. D. Kyte, Tillsonburg. Phone 842-2718. 4-99-ff 5. Bus. Opportunities AVON CALLING Christmas selling starts ear- ly with Avon. I have open- ings for only three mature ambitious ladies in this area. Contact Mrs. M. Mill- son, 17 Hatirkesbury Ave., London, '461.0541, evenings now while territories able. 5-974 8. Farm Stock for Sale EIGHT Holstein cows plus quota,. Stephen Eckert, 345-2608. 8-99-1 A bunch of strong York pigs. Alvin Dodds, 527-1748. 8-99-1 9. Poultry for Sale KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY ' FARMS, LTD. Seaforth • Phone 527-0847 Box 169 400 year-old hens, Red Rocks. Roy Williamson, 392W6, Brus- sels. 9-99-1 PULLETS, starting to lay: Moore's Poultry Farm, phone 527-0508. 9-99x1 10. Used Cars for Sale 1965 Falcon two-door hardtop, 8 auto., 25,000 miles. Phone 345- 2006, after sit . 10-98-2 1957 6-cylinder i)odge - sedan, goOd condition, without licenCe. Best offer. Charles Williamson, 527-0233, after seven. 10-99-1 1966 Valiant 6-cylinder sedan, 20,000 miles, car in excellent condition, carrying balance of new car warranty. Phone 262- 5402. 10-99x1 1961 Chev. Bel Air 6-cylinder, in good running condition. ,$100. Phone 527-1738. 10-99-1 11. Articles for Sale FIVE-piece .kitchen chronic set. In' good condition, phone 345- 2928. s 11-99-1 ROASTERS, oven ready, will be ready• for Thanksgiving. Phone 345-2189, Mrs. Frank Ryan. 11-99-2 ONE TV, good condition; one child's tar seat. Phone 527-0039. ' 11-99x1 APPROXIMATELY 400 to 500 feet of 1 inch new elm lumber. Wilfred O'Rourke, phone 345- 2975. 11-99-2 TWO girls' winter pile coats, with hoods, wine and medium blue, size 10. Phone evenings, 527-1355. 11-99x1 ONE Farman "A" tractor with mounted scufflers and plow. Phone 527-1827. • 11-99x1 Spinrite Yarns & Dyers Ltd. FACTORY SALE8 STORE SAVINGS ON YARN (3I,F.AR. ANCFS AND MILL ENDS Main St. Listowel, Ont. 291-3951 11-99-1 11; Articles 'for Sale IF you are in the market for a good eneYelePtidia and don't want to pay $200 an more for recognized recomsnended Mater tal but would like to keep your investment 'under $60. Write to Frontier Preis Distributing Coss Boit 25, London, Ont. - Distri- butors to schools and libraries of the finest in reference mater- ial. No salesman will call in res- ponse to this ad. 11-99-3 APPINS, Pick your own, low trees, Spy, King, Tatman Sweet, Snows, Delicious, Greening; Rus- set, etc.; also picked McIntosh and eider apples. Beginning Oct. 6th, picking days Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Satur- days, closed Sundays. Phone 482-3214, Fred MeClymont and Son, 1 mile south of Varna, 11-99x3 Good Selection of COOKED • MEATS Sliced to your order at • WILKINSON'S IGA 11-99-1 CRUSHED gravel delivered, or at the, pit John Thompson, 527- 0238. 11-99-ff CHOICE young beef by. the quarter or half. Phone 482-7578. 11-98-3 FOR SALE - Gale forage har- vester, corn and hay heads. Will-sell separately or together. Ken Beuerman, 345-2689. 98-2 OXFORDS and slippons, men's, sizes, $7.75 a pair at Jack Thom- pson's Footwear Service, Shoes and Repair. 8 Main Street. 11.90-ti MEN'S insulated boots, high cuts, discount price $15.00 pair at Jack Thom,pson's Footwear Service, shoes and repair, 8 Main St, 11-994f STEREOS by Philco and Zenith; six on display and many others to choose from at Stannah's -Stereo-Store-wheresthe-boss'per sonally delivers and services every set. Sperling at John, 52/- 0703. 11-99-tf RED and BLUE BRAND BABY BEEF for Home Freezers at s , WILKINSON'S IGA BEEF ROUND-UP SPECIALS 200-lb. sides - 60c' Fronts 2-- 55c - - Hinds - 73c . Cut and Wrapped • .11-99-1 .COPIES Copies of yotir important pa- pers or • documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. The Huron, Expositor TV and Radio repairs, certified' technician, all rates posted in shop. Also home service any- where in Seaforth a0d surround- ing district. Stannah the Radio Man. 527-0703, 17 Sperling St., Seaforth. 11-99-tf Considering a MOBILE HOME or recreational vehicle? Drop us a line or call: RUSTON MOBILE 'HOMES LIMITED .547 Plains Rd., East. Phone 416-632-8400, Burlington, Ontario Many models and makes to choose from. 11-99-tf FLOWERS Far all occasions. Cut flowers, Potted plants, etc. McLean's Greenhouse Phone 527-0800. 11-9841 TWENTY-FIVE inch color TV, $699 with trade, not just 2 years, not 3 years but 5 years protec- tion on -picture tube and tuner with one year free service, good anywhere in Canada. This is a console made in Canada by Philco-Ford and it's at Stannah's Sperling at John in Seaforth. 11-99-tf FRESHLY-CUT CHEESE Now available at WILKINSON'S IGA Mild - Medium - Old Freshly-Cut To Order. ' 11-99-1 McINTOSH apples, top quality, bring containers, pick your own windfalls, $1.50 a bushel; also Cortlands and Macs, picked. Ross Middleton's Orchards, 1 mile east of Bayfield, north w sf river. Il I JUST $1.00 will lay it away for Christmas day at SEAFORTH JEWELLERS 1.1-99-ff WHITE enamel wood stove and an organ, together for $35. 527 1738. 11-99-1 ROUND oak table; 1 &Ifni room suite.; antique dishes and chairs, etc. 5214606, Sea- forth. 11-99-1 11 Articles tier Sale ONE girl's winter. Oat,' Median! blue, size 10. Mr's. Howard, 537- 1669. 11-904 TIMEX WATCHES SOLD AND SERVICED THROUGH ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-9941 IF you need service, phone Jack Thompson Footwear Ser- vice, shoes and repairs, 8 Main St. 11.084 Aluminum Awnings and Siding 10 years in the area, workman- ship guaranteed. Call blathers Rome Irnetrovement Clinton 482-7372. 11-99-tf ONE hundred tons of mixed grain, $42.00 per tan, in buyer's truck. Phone 527-0206. 11-98-2 SMALL white enamel annex for coal or wood, in perfect condi- tion; also six good storm win- dows. Phone 345-2527. 11-99-3 RSA motorcycle, 1969 Thunder- boldt 650 o.c„ excellent condi- tion. Phone 527-0351. 11-99x1 12; Wanted to Buy HOUSEHOLD effects of an old- er house. Phone 482-7358. 12-994f WILL, buy household effects of older home. Call for appraisal, 527-1920 anytime. 12-9941 OLD books, post cards, albums, jewellry, chine, glass and small furniture, telephone 482-9193 12-99-tf CHILD'S large size crib. Call 527-1674. 12-99x1 13. Wanted OLDER furniture crocks, nit glass, lamps, plus odds and ends. Phone 482-7878 evenings. 13,99-ti WANTED-to-buy, coffee-jars,--6. 8 and 10 ounces; orange juice jars, 32 and 64 ounces; •jam jars, 1 and ,.2 pounds, all with lids, Will pay 5 cents ' each. Wallace Ross Apairies, Seaforth. 13-99-2 CLINTON COLOURS Interior and exterior painting, spray Painting, !Prayer rental s. . GORDON CHARTER 201 Albert Street - Clinton. Phone 482-9654. 19-99-tf VACUUM cleaner sales and ser- vice for all makes. R. 8, Peek, Varna. Phone Henson 262-6748. • 19-99-11 NOTICE - St. Columban store is now handling Singer parts and notions, also accepting service calls. phone 345-2750. 19.994if FI,FICIROLUX ' Canada Ltd. Sales andService, ' authorized dealer. Alvin Riley, 153 Light- house St., Goderich, phone 524- 6514. 19-99-ti 81/2 % guaranteed, Trust Certif- icates and Debentures, represent- ing Canada Trust, Huron and Erie. Contact Ted Saeauge, 527- 1522. 19-99-tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- ' antee all work. Write or call• Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton, 492-3320. 19-994 Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery re- pairs, Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair costume jewellery Anstett •Jewellers Ltd. 19-994/ CONCRETE WORK All types of foundationa and floors, cement barnyards. -Reasonable Rates-Free Estimates MALONEY BROS. Dublin Phone 345-2964. 19-9941 NOTICE BUS FURNITURE recovered, repaired, refinished. Free estimates. 2 week service • Heinbuck Upholstery Phone 348-9971, Mitchell 19-99-5 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 - Seaforth. 19-99-ff HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Clinton, Ontario • We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows and hors- es. We pick up calves and-small pigs as a service to you. Call collect 48241811 License No. 190-C-69 19-9941 NOTICE We are shipping cattle every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- up at your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. WILLIAM J. DALE -phone Clinton, 482-9892 or 'DEAD STOCK Please Call Promptly MARLATT BROS. !Phone 133 - Brussels, Ont. 24,hour service - 7 days a week LICENSE NO. 390-C-65. 19-994f Secre 20-99-1 Ontario LANDRACE Association' Sale At Palmerston, Fair Grounds Fri., October 10th at 1:30 W. M. COCKBURN, 260 Kathryn Ores., Newmarket, • Secretary 20-99-1 Jaybee Hereford Farms oF REGISTERED HEREFORD CATTLE OCTOBER 18th 1969 At the.larm of Stanley' Jackion, Xilsisen, Ontario. Waech next week's papet for details. 2049-1 Stocker Feeder AUCTION SALE Hensall Sales Arena on Mon., Oct. 45th Commencing at 7:30 pm. 800 Head consiist- ing of calves, hei- fers and steers For consignments contact the management. Victor Hargreaves at 482-7511 Jack Morrissey at 234-6.1100 Auctioneers HECTOR McNEIL LARRY, GA.RDINER 20-98 -2 65Choen:distingot reesof ftered aenliongWrinalt Holsteins with 42 outman; COWS and balance, heifers anti spring calves. Herd on EVA', and Clas- sified with eleven GOO ,Plus. Catalogues available on clay -14 sale. Herd Sire' selling, Stone- town Star Duke from very .good dam with .164 and 160 next dam excellent. Milk Quota and Dairy Equip- ment selling at 1 p.m. sharp. 926 lb. quota in pool No. 1, 'to be sold in, 100 lb. lots. DeLaval 44 can vacuum bulk cooler, Mille Porter Sputnik, 300 lb. capacity with com re 4 SEE PAGE 8 USW THRRII'MARRIFICArotis - TO YOUR ADVANTAGIO 1. Coaling Events 2. Lost, Strafed 3. Found 4. Help Wanted 5. Braiinesa Opportunities 6. Teachers Wanted if. Situations Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wonted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20. Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards OF Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals 27. Births 28. Deaths 29. Marriages the vaciniti erSeaforth or Walt, ton. Apply to • Brix 1667, The Huron Expositor, stating par- ticulars and amount of rent. 17-90x1 WARP'S, MAINTENANCE SFR- 19. Notices VICE will be closed Oetober 6- 11. 19994 REPAIRS on all makes and mod- els of Sewing Machines. New models available. Repairs guar-, anteed with genuine Singer, MICHAEL J. DOYLE, • parts-Singer-Cos-of -Canada,-40---phone-345-•2549 Dublin,--call co- West, Goderich. Phone 524-8431. lest 19-99-tf 19-9944 NOW OPEN! ORO duel finjection equipment Now available: service to all porlar makes of diesel pumps and injectors. Call Doug Lemon at 482.7971 '' P.O. Box 788, Clinton, Ontario. Located next to H. Lobb & Sons, Bayfield Rd. " • A BA LE Association Sale G'io,ormPetto!lv4simcp.t:athon-bt. . . At Setratid.,toordertoFaheir Grro8tunhaa N,A0O. 040 atiligzh_14741,,,y, G , COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE size milker sorugrr 511172 vacuum Milker, pump and mot- or, double stainless steel sinks and other small dairy equip, meat. NOTE, This is one of the better Holstein dairy herds ,in Huron County. Proprietor and Auctioneer not responsible in case of any accident or injury on day of sale. No Reserve as proprietor is going out of the dairy business. Terms - Cash on day of sale. ADAM BELL, Sales Manager PETER SIMPSON, Proprietor FRANKLIN. BUICK, Auctioneer Dial Stratford, 271-3049 _ 20.49a.. •