HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-10-02, Page 6711 f HURON EXPOS1T0FL, SEAPORT/I. ONT., OCT. 2. 1969 Mr. and Mrs. 'Barry Lyndon, Toronto, :spent the week end with Mrs. W, Haugh. Mr, and Mrs. John Broadfoot visited on the week end with Mr. and Mrs, Allan McLean, Wyoming. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pepper attended the fair at Teeswater also visited with their son, Mr. Bert Pepper, Neustead. Mr. and Mrs. De Wayne El- liott, London, called on relat- ives in Brucefield and spent the- week..,end with Mrs. Elliott's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Little, Winthrop. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Broad- foot spent the week end in Nia- gara Falls, Unit 1 of the U. C. W. Tuck-' ersmith will meet at the 'home of Mrs, Ervin Sillety Tuesday night. Miss Georgine.McCartney visited her parents Mr. and. Mrs. Wilson McCartney and Robert over the week end. 4-H Clubs '65 CHEV PICKUP C84670 '66 INTERNATIONAL % TON '1889 C80618 '66 CASE ' '375 • 3-furrow lift plow $315 '1915 MASSgY 30 TRACTOR and cultivator; overhauled '66 FORD 2000 GAS low hours FOR SALE TALBOT WHEAT, High Germination R. N. ALEXANDER Londedboro, Phone 482-7475 and 523-4399 alimmumumminnomun • Remember! It takes but a moment to place an .Expositor *ant Ad and be meneSr in pocket To advertise, just Dial Seaforth- 527-0240. SEAFORTH JEWELLERS Phone 527-0270 ' Seaforth Dublin WI Begin New Fall Program Approximately one hundred and thirty members from dae various parish councils of the Catholic Women's• League met at the Canadian Legion Hall in Seaforth on Wednesday of last week for the Seratford Deanery meeting of the I.,eague. The opening session began shortly after 10 o'clock with a prayer by Rev. J. L. Hennessy of London, diocesan' advisor to the CWL. Mrs, G. 0. Rutherford, Diocesan President, congratulat- ed Mrs. J. F. Flannery, presid- ent of St. James', Seaforth, CWL and Rev. H.J. Laragh of St. James' Parish welcomed the members to Seaforth. As the convenerships were changed this year and given new titles, these were explained by the different conveners on the Diocesan Council. Interesting talks were given on Church Life, Organization, Communications and Public Relations, Social; Economic and Chic Life, Social Action; Cultural Life, by each convener. Father Hennessy gave his thoughts and ideas on each of the subjects immediately fol- lowing each convener and ad- vised what was expected of the members at the parish level. Lunch was served at 12 o'cl- ock and shortly after one -o'clock the meeting resumed with the balance of the convenors giving their talks: Father Hennessey-, in his re- marks, touched qn matters re- lative to a sound Christian way of life, including Love of neigh- bours; communications between CWL Ladies Attend Deanery Meeting News of BRODHAGEN • THRIFTY THREADERS The McKillop Thrifty Thread- ers met at the home of Mrs.John Moylan, who was assisted by Mrs. Tom Murray and home • economist, Mrs. Wheatley. The girls were shown how to put the fly stitch on samples and how to put the lazy daisy stitch on run- ner. era The Seaforth 3 Nifty Needles met at the home of Linda Cole- man and discussed how to en- large a design. Mrs. Davidson demonstrated variations of the feather stitch, SEAFORTH 11 The Seaforth. Nifty Needlers met at Jane Sills' home when • Mrs. Sills introduced a new' member, Anita Whitman. Joanne Arts read minutes and Mrs. Sills told how to create a design. The girls cut off sample piec- es and started the blanket stitch and table runner. SEAFORTH 111 Seaforth 111 met at the home , of Mary Ann , Elsie andJanet Klaver, The group put blanket stitches on each of their samples and on their runners, Mrs. Storey told how to make and enlarge designs. NIFTY NEEDLES la Mrs. John Miller, Mrs. John Templinan and Mrs. Penelope Fell ware hostesses for the Home Economics and Health meeting of the Staffa Women's Institute held in the Township Hall on Wednesday evening. . The President, Mrs, Ed, Chappel opened the meeting. There were 17 members and three visitors 'present and the roll call was answered by an article, 'I wish I had not bought and why?' The members were reminded about the County Rally to be held at the Stratford Coliseum on October 16, Word has been received that the institute is to have the short course, 'Fashion cues for you' and the Goulds Women's Institute have been asked to join with Staffa. Mrs, Carter Kerslake and Mrs. Ed. Chappel were appoint- ed to attend the leaders train- ing school for the course'Hats for you,' on October 22 and 23, Mrs. Charles Douglas was nam- ed the, delegate to attend the area convention in Ste, Thomas. Correspondent in November. A committee MRS, HUGH BERRY and family Sunday afternoon. Chappe 1, R. R, 2, Staffa when Mi. and Mrs. Gerald Brinmell, Mrs. Waddell discussed good Terri and Scott visited with Mr. grooming. The girls cut mat- and Mrs, Wm, Rundle and Larry erial and got It ready for sew- on Sunday. ' ing. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton and Diane visited on Sunday at Stratford with relatives. Mr. Wm. Taylor returned to his home on Friday from St. Joseph's Hospital, London. , -Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hem at- tended a sul•prise party on Sat- urday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Maners, ' Thames Road, Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne visited on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Mathers and Larry. Mrs, Gerry Grubble and boys of Farquhar and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Horne visited on Sat- urday with Mr. and Mrs, Free- man Horne. The Elimville U. C. W. met Wednesday evening at the church with Mrs, Phil Hern and Mrs. Freeman Hornell-) charge of the meeting. The theme of the meet- ing was on Thanksgivirig. Mrs, John CoWard and Mrs. Torn Camp- bell were hostesses, The Elim- ville ladies catered to a wedding dinner on Friday for Mr. arid Mrs. Louis Johps and family of Elim- ville I4or thn Mrs. Isabel Sugden and Mr. Tennyson Johni visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Johns of met Elimville North, -who were cele- brating their fiftietli'wedding atiniversary. Me and Mrs. Robert Patterson. Leslie and Linda of Lucan, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, George Frayne of Sunshine Line. The September meeting of the Dublin Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Harold Pethick. Mrs. Herb Brit- ton opened the meeting with the singing of "0 Canada", the recit- ing of the opening "Ode" and the "Mary Stewart Collect", There were 16 members pre- se: t and one visitor. The guest speaker was Lealand Hill from Victoria and. Grey Trust in Strat- ford. Mr. Hill Was introduced by Mrs. Joe Dorsey. The topic of his speech was the Making of Wills and Estates. The main point which Mr. Hill stressed was that everyone should make a will and then every four or five years review it, After Mr. Hill spo'ke there was a question and answer period and at' the end of this period Mrs. Jack Burchill thanked Mr. Hill An open house was held at the home of Miss Molly O'Con- nell on 'the occasion of her 90th birthday by her niece, Mrs. Peggy O'Conpel Nelson of Ren- ton,t, Washington and her nephew .and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Connell, Davenport, Iowa. Miss O'Connell received many floral arrangements andNother gifts. She was visited by approx- imately 70 people. A lunch of coffee and cake and cookies was served. To Mrs. Krauskopf and Miss.. . O'Connell, everyone in the Town of Dublin extend to you their best wishes on this your birthdays and may you 'both have many, many more. for his interesting and informat- ive discussiop. Regular business then resum- ed and the minutes were read by Mrs. Tom Butters in the ab- sence of Mrs. Jim Statton. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Wilfred Annis. The current events were given by Mrs. Anne Burchill and Mrs. Tom Butters reported on the . District Execut- ive meeting held at the home of Mrs. W. Sebacic, Fullerton. Courtesy remarks were given by Mrs. Reuben Aikens and Mrs. Charles Rooney was the pianist. The District Rally will be held on October 16 in the Strat- ford Coliseum . Mrs. W. Smith and Mrs. L. Aikens served lunch and it was 'announced that the next meet- ing would be held at the home of Mrs. Herb Britton. Mrs. Frank Krauskopf, London, and Miss Marie Krauskopf, Ham- ilton, spent the week end with Mrs. Kate Krauskopf on the oc- casion of her 92nd birthday. On Friday evening a number of Mrs. Krauskopf's friends gathered to honor her on this day. She was presented with stationery, flow- ers and many other gifts and a social evening was enjoyed. A Birthday Cake was given to Mrs: Krauskopf and then coffee and Bake were served. St. - Columban Correspondent ' MRS, JOSFPH KALE Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan were Miss Luella Burke, Lortdon; Sister Bede Sullivan, Kansas City;-Sister Jean Moylan, St Joseph's Moth- erhouse, London; Mr. and Mrs. B. Weiler and baby, Anne, Kit- chener; Mr. and Mrs. Donald Moylan, St, Marys; Mrs. Jean Fortune; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred 1 Maloney; Mrs. Jack Case and- Jimmie, Seaforth. Fourteen C. W. L. members from here attended the Deanery meeting at Seaforth on Wednes- day. Mrs. J. L. Malone accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Mal- one to Tillsonburg to visit Mrs. Mary Malone. Mr. and Mrs. John Moylan were in Bay City attending the wedding of a cousin on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John von, De- troit, visited Msgr. J. J. White at the Rectory. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Lane and family, London. visited Mr, and Mrs. V. J. Lane. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dawe and family and Mrs. Gerrard Mar- chand, Windsor, visited their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mur- ray. Carl Stapleton, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Stapleton and Patrick, Lon- don, visited Mrs. Joseph Kale and other relatives. Correspondent MRS. KEN ELLIGSEN A farewell party was held in the basement of aSt. Peter's Luth- erareChurch, Sunday evening for Rev. H. N. Lossing, wb,o has preached here for the past three years. A program was enjoyed by a large crowd. Those taking part in the program were Vicki and Dennis Bennewies, Mrs. Laura Mogk, Mrs. Minnie Vock, The Henderson sisters, Don and David Elligsen, Joanne and Margaret Elligsen as well as the Junior, Youth and Senior Choirs. Edgar Elligsen was the Master of Cere- monies for the event. Pastor Lossing was presented with a purse of money from the congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gropp, Brunner, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bennewies on Sun- day. Mr, and Mrs. Alex Graham, Powell River, British Columbia, visited last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Leonhardt and BURNS' U. C. W Burns' U.ec. W. met at the home of Mrs. Jim Scott Sr. Tues• day afternoon with 11 members' and two visitor's present. Mrs. Scott opened the meeting with a reading and also read the Scripture taken from Psalm 15. Mrs. ,Ed. Bell favoured with a vocal number. A poem "Today is Mine", was read by Mrs. Scott, followed by prayer. The Study Book on Japan was• given by Mrs. Rice, ' ------Mrse----Eth -leell—CoTfductecI the business session. Roll call was answered by a Bible verse. The treasurer's report was given by Miss Jean Leiper. Plans were made for the bazaar,on October 22nd. Mrs. Bell closed the meet- ing with prayer. AUXILIARY The Barbara Kirkman Auxil- iary of First .Church•met in the church hall when Mrs, E. Rivers presided and opened the meet- ing with a suitable poem, The Autumn Thankoffering will be held on October 29th and the group will entertain the residents of the Seaforth Manor on October 23rd. Mrs, Reg. Kerslake read a letter from Mrs. Dickson in For- mosa telling of how 100 men walked for three hours into the mountains to help build a church. They were paid $1.25 for a days' week and they donated that to the church. Mrs. Harold Coleman led in . prayer, The collection was taken by Miss Janet Cluff and dedicat- ed by Mrs. E. Rivers; Mrs, Jas. A. Murray read "Paul's farewell when hp left to go to Jerusalem" and Mrs. Kers- lake gave the study book telling of how the mission cause is chang- ing, FUNERAL DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELLERY CHINA - SILVERWARE CRYSTAL Gifts for every occassion Watch, Clock and Jewellery repairs ARRY SNIDER MEANS FINE TRADES '62'ENVOY SEDAN '250 E42486 '64 FORD GALAXIE 500 4-door hardtop, H78462 '875 '65 PONTIAC PAR ISIENNE HARDTOP 9295 H78439 11995 _....0000011. suPkp SURD FOOD 1405°4T II SA MIOS OF SAVE 20c — KIST FAMILY SIZE , , GINGER ALE _5 for 1.00 4 Plus Deposit ,•1 SAVE 23c . Bick's Baby Dills or Sweet Mixed , PICKLES 24-oz. 2 for 89 CENTENNIAL BRAND JAMS large size 2- *for 1.00 Raspberry, Strawberry and Other Aasorted Flavours WHITE SWAN ' " -. ' • Toilet Tisue 8 rolls for 1.00 ruNALLEy , ' PEACHES 28-oz. tin 35c NESCAFE INSTANT — 6-oz. Size COFFEE 1.09 Reg. 1.39 ' -. 114c Off Label- REG. 63c — FACELLE ROYALLE , TOWELS 2 rolls 49c, BAYER ASPIRNS 100's -- Reg. 99e , , 69c LADY HAIR PATRICIA — Large Size — Reg. 99e SPRAY . ' .69c REG. sbc - .. WASH CLOTHS 25c IBEX ONLY TOP QUALITY 7.39 — 80" A • BLANKETS x 90" PAIR coETTLERys ... MARKET Dublin Phone' 345-2420 4111111111111111111111111111111111111.111111111111111111111111W Come one,corne all! The Dublin Athletic Association has completed plans for,a Walkathon on Saturday, Oetober• 18. Anyone, from the age of 8 to 80 may par- ticipate and all proceeds will go for Park and Playground facilities. Forms for the walkers are available from the Athletic As- sociation. Executiye a'nd from the town merchants. The walk, will begin at the Dublin separate School'Grounds and go South' to Staffa, East to highway 23, North to Mitchell then West back'to Dublin for a was named to plan a dance for some time soon, • Mrs. Calder IvIcKa„ig present- ed an. interesting paper on the motto - 'People are like tea bags, you never know their strength until thq are in hot water'. Mrs. Chappel read a poem on 'Autumn'. Mrs. Ross Smale introduced the guest speaker, Mrs. 'Don Mc- Kercher, who was chosen by the Ontario Junior Farmers for the overseas trip in 1967. 'She gave a most interesting account of her 'tour of England, 'Ireland, Scotland and Walei by both word and pictufe. Mrs. McKercher was thanked by Mrs. Frank Ham-, ilton. Mrs, Ross Smale gave a ' reading, 'Recipe for Living'.Mrs. George Vivian conducted. a con- test on kitchen helps. Mrs. Lloyd Miller had an interesting display on Mosaic work, explaining how it was done. Mrs.. Sam Norris, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family vis- ited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Norris and family, Bramp- ton. Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Dianne, Mrs., John Templeman and girls attended a shower for Miss Joyce Mauer in Thames Road United Church, Friday evening. WINCHELSEA Correspondent MRS, WM, WALTERS INSURANCE Auto, Fire, Life Donald G. Eaton Insurance Agency Limited Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 327-1610 Seaforth , -.moor.- -dmmoirm.-_ ..... . STAFFA #3 The Staffa Club at the home of Mrs. Filmer Holds Open House On- 90-th- Birthday Dublin AA Plans 20-Mile Waikathon total of 20*miles. All that is necessary is that each walker have one or more sponsors. Any- one can he a sponsor or walker. Hold Surprise Party A surprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. -Ed. McGrath on the occasion of their 20th anniversary, There were about 60 of their fiends and neighbours in attendance, An evening of card playing and dancing was enjoyed by every- ' one. Mr. James O'Connor read an address and Mr,. and Mis, McGrath were presented with a platform rocker and a mirror. "WANTED" Walkers and Sponsors for a Walk SAT., OCT. 18th "T 'From Dublin to Staffa to 23 Highway • to Mitchell and .back to Dublin, to provide park & recreational land for DUBLIN AND DISTRICT ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION Walkers can obtain form from Shil- lelagh or members of the executive. Woodham , Correspondent - MISS JEAN COPELAND Mr. and Mrs. 'Oscar Brine, Misses Myrtle 'and Pearl Brine and Mr. Lloyd Brine were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrs. Willard Schaefer of Kitchener. Mesdames Reg. McCurdy and Gerald Brintnell held a Belline Party at their homes this past week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Robinson and family of Kirkton visited with-Mr. and Mrs. Bob Robinson MRS,. THOMAS HODGERT Mrs, Thomas Hodgert of Seaforth died at Seaforth 'Com- munity Hospital on Thursday following a short illness, ,She was '77. . The former Lillie Maude , Wood, she was lidrn in Usborne Township. On November 24, 1915 she married Thomas Hodg- ert and two years later moved to Tuckersmith. Mr. Hodgert died in 1944 but his widow con- tinued on the farm until 1957 when she retired to Seaforth. Mrs. Hodgert is survived by a daughter Janet, Mrs. Harold Rice, Seaforth and by four sons, William A., Seaforth, W. Rus- sell, Milwaukee, Wis. , Neil L. and T. Bruce, both of Seaforth and by eleven grandchildren. An adherent of Egmondville United Church, funeral services were conducted by her minister, Rev. D. Steven at the Box Fun- eral home on Monday. Inter- ment followed in Exeter Cemet- ery. „, Pallbearers were Earl Papple, Preston Dallas, Wilson Allen, Joe White, Claire'Reith and Andrew Houston. Flower bearers were Doug. Wallace, Jack Calwill, Alvin Cooper and Reg, Hodgert. family. • Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Beuer- man, Jeffrey and Dennis, Lon- don and lAr. arid Mrs. Russell Sholdice, Stratford, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beuer- man on Sunday, A cabaret dance was held ' Saturday evening at the Corn- . munity Hall. The Royalaires supplied the music for dancing. Mr, and Mrs. Ken Elligsen, Terry and Warren, attended Silver Wedding Anniversary celebrations at the Orange Hall in Mitchell, Saturday evening for Mr. and Mrs. Daltog Mal- colm. Harvest Home services were held at St. Peter's Lutheran- Church on Sunday. The church was decorated beautifully with the fall flowers, fruits and veg- etables. Pastor H. N. Lossing preached his final sermon upon retiring. Kenneth Kistner was the acolyte. Mrs. Lorne Mueller presided at the organ and direct- ed the junior and senior choir's. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Ahrens visited with Mrs. Rachael Ahrens at the Joseph Brant Hospital in Burlington on Sunday, '66 FORD SQUI RE WAGON X90835 BARBARA KIRKIvIAN Larivir fin "der :Motors ltd. Fard, Fabians, Falcon and Ford Trucks • . `4* A8P44.South; Exeter 2357.1640 parents and children; supporting the Missions; adopting children in mission lands; help for the Indians in Canada and adopting elderly persons in, hospitals. Mrs. Rutherford thanked Mrs. Flannery for the welcome ex- tended in Seaforth and -expressed appreciation to all the members who had made the day such a success. STAFFA- Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 0 11 - Correspondents MRS, BOB CRONIN . MISS MONICA BYRNE Sister Stephanie, Wallace- burg, was visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Flynn. Mr. and Mrs. Don Klinkham- mer and family, Kitchener, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Klinkharumer. Miss Susan Friend and Miss Diana Allan of Penticton, who is attending the University of Guelph, were visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend and Melba Jean on the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wallace, Arnside, England, spent last Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend and Melba Jean. Mr. and Mrs. Don Muegge, Woodstock 'with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred O'Rourke. , Mr. and Mrs, Allen Butters and daughter, Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Butters. Mr. and Mrs. Con Eckert , and family, Clarkson, with 'Mr. and Mrs. George Coville. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred O'- Rourke have returned' from Grand Prairie„ Alberta' where they were visiting with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Feeney -haveetakeneuperesirience in Dub- lin after spending a week in Northern Ontario on their honey- moon. Mrs. George Coville has re- sumed teaching at No. 8 Mc- Killop where she teaches grades 6•and Mrs. Hans Vonk; Mrs. Frank Van Bergen; Mrs. Louis Brosens; Mrs.' Melva Murray; Mrs, Fergus Horan; Mrs. George Coville; Mrs. Laura Holland and Mrs. Mary Jordan represented St. ' , Patrick's Parish at the C. W. L. Deanery- meeting held 10 Sea- . forth, Miss Barbara Holland and her father, Mr. George Holland, 'Stratford, were visiting with friends and relatives on Saturday. •