HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-10-02, Page 4BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE • CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8,00 p.m. FRIDAY & SATURDAY October 3 and 4 Showing at 8:30 p.m. "THOROUGHLY MODERN MILLIE" In Color — Starring - JULIE ANDREWS — MARY TYLER MOORE and CAROL CHANNING — Second Feature — "WHATS SO BAD ABOUT FEELING GOOD" Showing at 10:45 p.m. — Starring GEORGE PEPPARD and t„ MARY TYLER MOORE Color Cartoon • inir-Next.-Weekend:._—___ "The Split" and Hot Millions" (Adult Entrtainment) ANYONE INTERESTED In Playing JUNIOR HOCKEY in MITCHELL . Contact Coach, Lou Heinbuck, 348-9971 or Manager, Mac McCulligh, 348-8935 Collect , V. Come and See FUNK'S G-D SEE THE NEW VARIETIES OF THE 'Ns ALL INTERESTED PEOPLE ARE INVITED Refreshments Served From 10 a.m. to 12 Noon, on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 8th ALLEN . HAUGH'S 1 Mile East of Brumfield old days loves this young man for hithself. DEAR DORIS - Would you please tell me if there are any good lady doctors in my town? I feel better, more relaxed for certain problems, if I am able to go to a lady doctor. NOBODY UNDERSTANDS DEAR NOBODY - Sure there are some, good ones too; and I understand. Call up your general hospital and ask for a recommendation; or look in the yellow pages of your telephone directory. Being a good 'doctor is not so much a matter of sex as of na- tive ability and personality; You cringe at discussing intim- ate physical things about your- self with anyone at all; yet there are both male and female doctors who can put y,ou at ease about this and any other old worry, at your very first visit. Others -- of both sexes -- may concentrate more on tech- nical aspects of any condition and hardly be aware that your race is red! CONFIDENTIAL TO RE- MORSE - I hope you'll never again think it amusing to make fun of anyone's personal short- comings. Your wife broods enough over her so-called hand- icap, simply because she wants ,to he perfect -- for her man. Admit your thoughtlessness, ,apologize. Then pay her a sin- cere compliment for an asset or skill: lovely complexion, or delieious baking., The husband who 'keeps giVing a wife a build- up, keeps a' wife! DEAR DORIS - When I was about seven, we had a teen- age boy as our babysitter. He forced Me to do things which I am very'ashamed of, although I now realize I was too young to understand. My question is, when I get married will this affect my love for my husband in any way? Will I be able to forget this part of my past? - A C H AM ED DEAR ASHAMED - Em- phatically yes. It wor'ies you because, at the time; yeti were horrified and afraid. But you were indeed too ° young to understand; ' too inno- cent to be given any blame at all. Don't judge yourself as you " might now, if you did some- thing a. girl of your madrity, wouldn't do. You have control and knowl- edge now. Your future is your own unwritten, unblemished. 'page. DEAR DORIS - (1) At a wed- ding reception, how does the M. C. word the asking of 'a minister to say graCe? (2) When is the toast proposed and'how? (3) To both parties or only one? -MASTER OF. CERE- , • MONIES. DEAR MASTER - (1)Get the minister's consent ahead of time. When guesp have found places, say: "Before we sit down, we will ask the Reerend Doctor Hamilton to say grace." If they are already down, say, "If we will all rise, I will ask, etc." (2) Round about the end of dessert; glasses are filled. Then M. C. gets to his feet, reads, any telegrams, calls on pre-arrang- ed toaster to propose toast. (3) To the happy, long-wed- ded couple. Why should' the blushing bride get all the fuss? Remembe takes but a moment to ,pla e an EXpositor Want Ad and be money In• pocket. To advertise, Just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. 11101101•011110Mmoliffillfilne lli CASH BINGO Legion Halli.Seaforth FriCkly, Oct. 3rd 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games $75.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Prises ADMISSION woo Extra Cards 25e or '7 for $1.00 (Children under 16 not) permitted) Auspices Seaforth rlirench 156 Royal Canadian Legion Proceeds for Welfare Work 1114 . H,1409N EXPOSITOR, 50AFORTH, 1100,1***rofttaamanmee** Observance of , World Communion Sunday At Morning Worship Cavan — 9:30 a.m. Northside, — 11:00, a.m.- Sunday, Oct. 5th Sunday, Oct. 12th Thanksgiving Services Sunday, Oct. 19th Cavan Anniversary thoo a.m. Rev. Donald Beck of Bayfleld U.C., will preach Sunday, Oct. 26th Northside Anniversary Rev. Clayton Searle, MA., B,D. of Toronto, will preach le RECEPTION for Mr. and Mrs.. Ross Jewitt (nett Bonnie Shell) Oct. 10, 1969 Londesboro Hall Scott's Orchestra . Everyone welcome The Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 156, Welcomes You and Your Friends TO A —Social'Evening— SA T.,---OCTOBER--- Music at its Best by THE ROYALAIRES $2.00 Per Couple Refreshments Available Persons Over 21 'Years Only ;nide- Cavan United Churches The ,bad DEAR DORIS - My daughter writes that she is in love, but she also says this young man is a diabetic, has to take a needle every day, had countless good jobs for short periods. But he says he is never accepted per- manently anywhere on accopi of his illness. Doris, can you tell me if that can be true? I think it is bad either way, but if she knew it wasn't true, it might open her eyes. What would be the chance of heredity damage to any child- ren they might have? I think she may be mistaking pity for love. - ANXIOUS MOTHER DEAR MOTHR - He may be losing the jobs because he is not doing his part in keeping his diabetes under control. Diabetes is not the sort of thing one might wish on one's grandchildren. If a diabetic marries one who isn't, an d whose family isn't, the child- ren won't be either, 'although they could transmit the tendency to the next generation. Urge you daughter to talk with her doctor about all the as- pects of diabets - AND THERE ARE PLENTY' And to postpone marriage until she is sure she ANTI OCT. 2, i j 1965 University, Paul Spittal to Water- loo University, George Ktuse, Jr. to Centennial Community Col- lege, Toronto and Paul Hagan to Sheridan Community College, Brampton, Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Spittal were his brother- in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Graham Robertson of Bridge Of Allan, Scotland. During their three weeks in Canada, 7thg, Robertsons visited Niagara Fads,. Montreal, Ottawa, Quebec City and many-other points of interest. were here on Monday attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Hod.gert. Mrs. F. Kennedy, Woodstock, Mrs. Hugh McPhail, Toronto, Mrs. Wm. Roe, Miss Mary Lynn Kennedy of Woodstock and Mrs. Geo. Kennedy of London were Sunday guests of Mrs. Milton Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Hodgert, Milwaukee, Wis., Mrs. James Hodgert; Exeter and Mrs. Milton Hodgert, London were here at- tending the funeral of the late Mrs. Thos. Hodgert on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Coughlin of London were week end guests of Miss Alice Reid. Among students who returned to their studies last week were - Sally Cosford to Western Univ- erKitSu-s-an-I;eonhardt-to-Erttelph----- Mr. Ronald S. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jack- spent a few days in Halifax, Nova son have returned 'from a motor Scotia last meek. trip to Elliott Lake, Sault Ste Mr. and Mrs. Keith Sharp Marie, North Bay and Sturgeon ar,e in Regina attending the fun- Falls. eral of Mrs. Sharp's father, the, late George Robb who died on "1""ft•P''''''''''."'"'.1'1"'""'"'•••• Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Agar attended the Hawgoocr-Hamilton wedding in Exeter on Saturday. On the occasion of their 49th Wedding Anniversary on Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meagher had. Seaforth Legion Hall with them six of their seven child- ren. Those present were - Anne and Frank Osborne, Kit- chener; Marian and Frank Stock, London; Joe and Joan Meagher. Ottawa; Harold Meagher, Dub- lin; John and Marie Meagher, qua tford ; Phonsine and Vince Morrison, Waterloo. After ev- ening mass at St. James Church, they had dinner at the Com- mercial Hotel followed by an enjoyable evening at the home oft he celebrants. 17th ANNUAL Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hodgert of Toronto, Mrs. John Hodgert hooting Match and Mr. Foster -Bray and daughter S Mrs. Sfewart Cudmore of London of Barrie and Mr. Cecil Oke and Thanksgiving Day Monday Oct. 13 LOCAL` BRIEFS at MONKTON PARK Commencing at 1 p.m. sharp Classes' for HEAVY RIFLES, SHOTGUNS, AND .22 ° CALIBER RIFLES Wed., Oct. 15th Local Talent Program 2 p.m. sharp . IN Community Centre • Dravtin the Evening for $2,000.00 at 0:30 p.m. PRIZES --LUNCH Guests Welcome Sponsored by Branch 156 Royal, Canadian Legion Bingo & Games of Chance STAG EUCHRE ..ter Dance IN THE- -EVENING— IN Community Centre ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENING `The Carolyn Booker Show' Colored TV in the Man's Room Special All Day Friday 7 STEAK 6"PM' FOR BREAKFASTS" AT THE QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTI1 All ex-service personnel and their dependents are in- vited to take advantage of a free Legion service. H. W. Moyer, Service Bureau Officer from London, will be at: SEAFORTH LEGION BRANCH. 156- . Monday, October 6th at 1:30 p.m. to give skilled advice on veterans' be,nefits. Anyone wishing to see Mr. Moyer is urged to call or write Mr. J C. Cornish, Welfare Officer of Seaforth Branch 156, at 527-0680 or 527- 0044, who will arrange an appointment. EX-SERVICE PERSONNEL Saturday Night TOP THREE' CHICKEN.<&' CHIPS HURON HOTEL Dublin Keep your eye on the goal and •'they won't, skate the puck your way all evening. CARD PARTY and PROGRAMME ST. COLUMBAN PARISH HALL on Wed., Oct. 8th 9 p.m. Special Invitation to All Senior Citizens Lunch Dress Casual Admission $1.00 SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY Presents "THE MAJORITY" SATURDAY, OCT. 4th DANCING 9:00 —12:00 AT THE SEAFORTH 'COMMUNITY CENTRE. —........../............../..••••••••••••••••••• Country & Western Music In the Red Knicht Room FRIDAY -L-MEL KITCHEN TRIO SATURDAY — ELGIN FIKKER TRIO Also entertainment every Thur., Fri., and Sat. in the Ladies and Escorts Beverage Room. Ample Free Customer Parking Reverse ream snacks Colored TV COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ontario rw SOW DRIVE-IN THEATRE HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 . PHONE 524.9981 FRI., SAT., SUN. — October 3-4-5 GEORGE SEGAL ASSIGN URSULA ANDRESS MENT (Adult Entertainment) Lots of Action, Humor. and Adventure in West Africa &IF 1)111:14 lillYll A Spy Story with Style . Filmed Abroad Next Friday and Saturday, October 10.11 "Stranger In Town" arid , "The Maltese Bippy" And to End the Season , on Sunday, October 12th 5 Big Features from 8:30 p.m. to 4:19 a.m. BLYTH LIONS CLUB CASH BINGO BLYTH MEMORIAL HALL SATURDAY,. OCT. 4 Commencing at 8:30 p.m. 12 Regular games for $10 each 2 Big Share-the-Wealth Games 1 Game for $25 (Must Go) 1 Jackpot Game for $125, if won in 60 calls Admission at Door $1.00 — Extra Cards Available PLAN TO ATTEND AND SUPPORT BLYTH LIONS BENEFIT DANCE far Mr. and Mrs. Jack Van Miltenburg AT SEAFORTH COMMUNITY CENTRE Friday, October- 3rd at 9:30 p.m. EVERYONE WELCOME Ladles Please Bring I, glitch LT BEST PICTUR EC THE YEAR! October 16-28 Inclusive MU% MIAs RCUIUS Pf70U1e11311 " LIONEL BART'S WINNER 6 ACADEMY AWARDS! EXCLUSIVE DISTRICT SHOWING! LIMITEDINGAGEMENT Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, Oct. 28 Nov. 1st JOHN WAYNE 'GLEN CAMPlIfit R THEATRE '5:-.04mEtzwi Phone 524-7811 MONTHLY CALENDAR FOR OCTOBER Show times- — Sunday through Thursday,, one show only starting at 8 p.m. 'Friday and Saturday — two shows nightly — first show ,starting at 7:30 p.m. Second show approximately 9:10 p.m. . Thursday • Friday • Saturday, October2, 3 and 4 ELVIS '69 knows... co-starnng"Marlyn Mason aThe trouble Sheree North, Edward Andrews with girls" guest starsjoy Vcelyncaenn ipt aPsrticene (andhow to, Panayision.8 Metrocolor get into it) II it • I Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, October 5-11 ACADEMY AWARD WINNER BEST ACTOR OF THE YEAR ITO-Itt-RTON.Aci+Aitot • TECHNICOI:OR. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 12, 13, 14, 15 ALL LEE cos. sooviloit RICHARD CRENNA AllaRVIN ANNEHEYWOOD ADULT rain I rin FRED ASTAIRE nie ....INME MIDAS RIN rmarie most 11 ...Q 11QQ.Mi robbery! SPECIAL CHILDREN'S MATINEES SATURDAYS 'AT 2:00 p.m. October 11111, Ste RED TOMAHAWK Amminimmiammeaminsurnimmonimerism