HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-10-02, Page 3Seaford' Golden Bears, un- for the score.
beaten in two exhibition games, Both teams suffered a num-
extended their winning streak to ber of injuries in the hard-fought
three last week when they dump- battle.
ed the South Huron Panthers of
Exeter 16-6 at Huron Park in the
opening game of the H-P senior
football conferenpe.
The Panthers went ahead 6-0
early in the game on a 49yard
pass and run play. Ron Janke
caught the pass from quarter-
back Barry Baynham for the maj-
Gary Bennett, halfback, suf-
fered a broken finger on the '
first play of the game. He play-
ed the whole game and Will
appear against Listowel in a
Murray Pepper, defensive
tackle, had his ankle badly
sprained late in the game and
Not including Saturday's results)
Bowl- mot. 24
Exeter 22
Goderich 20
Mike's Lanes 20
Centre Restaurant 15
Seaforth 14
St. Mary's 14
Mitchell 11
Valian ts 9 ,
Clinton 5
There was lots of action in Exeter Thursday when the Seaforth Golden Bears handed the Pan-
thers a 16-6 setback. On this play the Panthers blOck the field goal attempt by Gary Bennett„
Seaforth kicker Gary Bennet Bill Price suffered a cut lip
put the Golden Bears on the score- and twisted leg.
board with a single in the first Other initiries to the Seaforth
quarter. It marked the first time players were not serious and
Seaforth had scored a point in the all the players will appear in
first •half of a game this year. the line-up against Listowel.
The Golden Bears closed the . Results of the Listowel-Sea-
gap to 6-3 on a safety touch when forth game were not available
their defense caught an Exeter ball at press time.
carrier behind the goal line. Seaforth will host Stratford
Bill Price put the local team Northwestern at the SDHS grid-
ahead in the third quarter when he iron on Tuesday . Game time is
squad include (left top) Coach Ed. Pelss, Doug. Glanville, Paul Storey, Casey Jones, Tom Mur-
Ken Chalmers, Neil Beuerman, Glen McLachlan, Asst. Coach; (front left) Gerry O'Reilly, Ken
Kale, John Van Bakel, Chris, Steven, Darwin Dietz, Tom Ryan, Greg O'Reilly and Ken Janmaat, • (Staff Photo)
touchdown of the game with 1;05
remainirwon the clock,
Price picked off a Panther set-back.
pass and ran it back 40 yards
Shakespeare connected for
two runs in the first sixth and
eighth and one in each of the
fourth, -seventh and ninth.
Walton halted a , Shakespeare
rally in the 6th when they turn-
ed a bases-loaded ground ball
into a double play and ended
scored Seaforth's first touchdown 2 :45.
on a .,70-run up the middle on a In other Huron-Perth action
draw play, Bennett kicked the con-last week Goderich Vikings struck
vert to make the score 10-6. for six touchdowns en route a
Seafoeth made a nurnberlof key 39-0_ shut-out over St. Mary's
6 interceptions in the fourth quart- Redmen . The Clinton Redmen
er to thwart the Panther attack, romped to a 27-0 shut-out over
Bill Price put the game out Mitchell. Listowel squeezed
of reach when he scored his second past Stratford Central 14-13 and
the Wingham Mustangs handed
Stratford Northwestern a 32-0
Walton Bantams
Near WOAA Title
s .
Members of the SDHS Soccer
ray, Danny Murray, Gary Eisler,
Anderson, Brad Finlayson, Lorne
The Walton Bantams displayed
impressive form on Sunday when
they walloped Shakespeare 33-9
to take a commanding three-
games-to-none lead in the W. 0.
A. A. Bantam home brew final
Walton won the first two
The SDHS soccer team re-
'corded two shut-outs this week
to run their unbeaten string to
four games.
Seaforth scored early in the
first half at Listowel on Tues-
day and hung on to shut-out the
home team 1-0.
Tom Ryan put Seaforth on
the scoreboard at the five-min-
ute mark.
Last Thursday the junior
soccer squad played host to St,
Mary's and routed the visitors
Tom Ryan scored twice in
the first half to give Seaforth
a 2-0 lead at half time.
He added a third marker in
the dying seconds of the game.
Larry Kale counted the other
two goals in the second half,
Tom Murray in the Seaforth
goal has allowed only one goal
in four games.
The team blanked Clinton
7-0 in exhibition play and
downed Northwestern 8-1 in their
previous games.
In the game against St. Mary's,
the visitors were allowed only
MO shot at the -Seaforth 004
Seaforth wo4 Mat ,sale
The team will play at hArne on
Thursday afternoon against St:tat-
ford Central. Game time is
which indicates the powerful
defense of the soccer team. -
The soccer squad received
some sad news last week when
they found that one player, Gerry
Staples, was not eligible to play.
The age limit for junior soccer
is under 16 by the beginning of
September. Staples was sixteen
in June and overage.
He played in the season opener
against Northwestern and the rule
book states that if a team uses a
player that is overage, they forgeit
the game.
However, no decision has been
made as yet by the committee in •
charge of junior soccer And the
game may stand as a Seaforth vic-
The committee has the right ,
to reverse any prior dedision and
they are final authority on the
Curlers Set Plans
For 196.940 Season
by Don A-Mlles and managed-15y- Humphries, Sreplien_Sholdire, Our lawn bowling season . -
Bill Humphries, both of Walton. Murray Houstdn, Ross Mitchell will soon be over but so far the
The Walton boys struck early and David Watson. weather has been good. ;Last
in the game and built up a com-
manding lead. They counted 6
runs in the first and 8 in the
second and never looked back,
They scored at least one run in
every inning throughout the 8 •
times they were at bat.
games 14-1 and 16-1 and should the inning.
be able to wrap up the champion. Members of the. Walton team
ship when they travel to Shakes- are Bill Shortreed, Rick Mac=
peare Thursday for the, fourth Donald, Murray McColl, Rick
game of the best-of-seven series. Sholdice, Phil Blake , Ronny
The John Leeming, Roger The Walton team is Coached
Now that the bowling season
has been underway for a couple
of weeks and most bowlers have
had a chance to get the arm •
back into shape, some good ,
scores are be inning to come. ,
First on the black board this
season was, Eric Matzold who
rolled a 354 single and 838 triple.
High scores recorded this week
at the lanes were John Coleman
with a 318 single and 768 triple
on Monday night, Ann Ndbel,
255 and 634 and Hazel McGon-
igle, 674 triple also on Monday
Congratulations go out to
Martha Van Geffen for being the
first woman this year with a-
300 game. She had a 326 single
anti 711 triple on Tuesday in the
Country Club league. ,
The Legion league and the
Men's Commercial league are
the only groups yet to start bowl-
ing. The Legion begins Friday
night and the Men's• league will
begin in mid-October,
Seaforth hosted toa-placed
Bowl:mor of Stratford on Satur-
day and came out on top of a 7-
4 split. •
Seaforth won the opening
game with a total of 1853. Bowl-
mor squeezed past the„/O,Cals
the second, winning by. 12 pins.
Seaforth won the third 1329-1219
and dibp'ped the-fourth 1258-1199.
In the deciding game Seaforth
edged the visitors by 18 pins ,for
7 points.
Individual scores were as
Art Finlay son 278, 235, 275, 230,
196 = 1214; Jim Scott 254,210,
260, 230, 281 = 1235; Roger Ben-
newies 315, 210, 184, 196, 193=
1098; .Goad Noble 242, 227,270,
316, 192 = 1247; Jack Thomp-
son 239, 190, 25 3, 223, 243
1148; Eric Matzold 264, 241,
271, 200, 241 =1217.
Seaforth had a total for the
day of 6157 compared-with BoWl-
mor's 5930.
Dublin Loses
To Brodhagen
Last week the Dublin Boys•
Bas'eball team, coached' by Joe.,
Cronin"; played against the well
exileii-enced boys from Brodhagen
on Friday evening. The team is
coached by Mr. and Mrs. Mervin
Dietz. The Brodhagen boys play-
ed skilfully defeating the newly
formed Dublin team 34 to 4.
Kinkora played host to a •
team selected from the three
teams in Dublin :Sunday after-
noon.... Ed.' Rowland coached the
team and the Dublin boys defeat-
ed the Kinkora boys 13 to 12.
The Brodhagen boys will play
against the Dublin boys in Brod-
hagen Community Park on Fri-
day at 7:30 under the lights. The
Dublin team' have Undergone a
period of re-organization and
are planning to give Brodhagen a
run for their money according to
officials. ,•
As the mercury drops and the'
cooler fall weather sets in, Sum-
mer sports activities enter their
final days for 'another year.
While golf will still continue,
to attract many area residents,
the season is nearly over.
The match play tourney
which has been on throughout
the summer draws to a close
with only four contestants left
in contention. _
Bill McLaughlin and Colin-
Stevens will meet in one semi-
final and Pat Flannery and Al
Nicholson will meet in the other,
The baseball season for Sea-
forth residents ended several
weeks ago when the town's two
Optimist sponsored. teams were
knocked out of contention.
However, a couple of area
teams are still very much alive
in final play-offs for champion-
The Walton Bantams ,under
coach Don Achilles, are current-
ly leading Shakespeare three
games to none in the final series
'fee the W. O. A A. homebrew
bantam championship. Walton
won the title last year and it
looks like they may repeat that
The other local team is the.
Clinton Colts. They are tied at
one game apiece with Corunna
for the Ontario Baseball Assoc-
iation Intermediate B Champion-
ship. Clinton won the topening
game '7-6 and Coruna won the
second 512 in the best-of-three
aeries, Final game is in Clinton
an Sunday at 2:30.
dined the position last Thurs-
day, saying there was too'much
time involved in the 40-game
schedule including practices
and traA/elling time.
Mr.' Weber was given. until
Thursday to make the decision.
Club officials say they are
looking at other possibilities
in this area,
The Strathroy Rockets, last
year's champions in the Central
Junior '13' league have launched
complaints over the lack of
players and have threatened to
pull out of the league.
Jim Strachan,. coach, cited
London and other larger centres
as taking all the good prospects
and not sending any back in
St. Mary's Lincolni, on the
other hand, have invited 24 out.
of-town prospects to their train-
ing camp which opens on Sat-
urday in St. Marys.
Note: Any information regard-
ing area sports activities should
be addressed to'the Sports Editor
c/o The Huron Expositor, Sea-
Saturday night eight were down
bow mI' g women rain stopped the
second game. However, they
enjoyed hamburgers and corn in ,,,
the.club house after. Tuesday
evening there were twelve out
and three came over-from Clin-
ton. Winners were for the ladies;
1st. Katie Phillips 2W + 8; 2nd.
Marguerite Walden 1W + 9. For
the men, 1st. Art Finlayson 2W+
12; end Bert Garrett, Clinton
2W + 4.. Weather permitting
Thursday night will be Mixed
jitney again. Last Sunday after-'
noon two rinks from Seaforth
took part in mixed doubles at
aWingham for the Hannah Trophy.
The executive of the Sea-
forth Curling Club under presid-
ent Harry . Williams of Clinton
met last Thursday to advance
plans for the coming season.
The ice at the club should
he•_ready_for. (-lir g.. a:round. the
first of November. Manufacturing
of the ice will begin later this
month in an effort to have the
ice ready earlier this season.
Last year, due to mechanical
problems with the ice.rnaking
the a te curling season
did not get underway till mid-
December. '•
As well as outlining plans''
for the coming season, the ex-
•eetniive'advanced plans for the-
pot-luck -supper and dance- whith
marks the opening of the season.
Although no definite date was
agreed on, it is expected to
take place early in November.
Reports were given by most '
of the executive committees.
The go-ahead was approved
for the manufacture of a motor-
ized ice scraper, which club
officials said, should provide
for a better ice surface this
Approval was 'given for re-
pairs to the curling club,' which
are to be completed before the
season opens. The repairs call
for some block work at the rear
of,the building and insulating
the pipes. •
`The membership committee .
of the club will be •active during
the next couple of months solicit
ing -new members throughout the
district. Pre:ient membership is
approximately 140.
The next meeting Of the ex-
ecutive is scheduled for October
16 at the curling club,
At The
By Lee Hee
News of the Seaforth Lawn:autkli t,
'Foul Ball' was the call on this one, but look at that determined swing. The batter is a mem-
ber of the Shakespeare Bantams who Lost 3.3-9 to Walton Sunday.
Turning to hockey, the
Goderfeh Siftos of the 01-1A
Central Junior 'B' League will
open training camp on Saturday,
Workouts will begin at 9 a.
171. at the Goderich Memorial
Arena and hockey players of
junior age eligibility from the
area are invited to attend the
The Siftos have yet to name
a coach for their club, but
manager Jim Wilkinson said an
announcementls expected in
the next few days:
Club officials have , been
looking in the Seaforth area for
a coach and one resident was
offered the Job,. ""
Players from both teams converge on the St. Mary's net as Seaforth presses an attack which
resulted in' their first goal of a 5-0 victory over St. Mary's, Thursday at SDHS.
Bill Weber , Goderich Street,
a teacher at Central Huron Sec-
ondary School, Clinton, ,and a .
former player with the Seaforth
Beavers and Clinton Colts de-
It looks like a good pitch, and it was. Walton batter, Phil Blake, connected with this one at the Walton ball park on Sunday.