HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-09-25, Page 15T.Via:Migo
"Of course Jim wants you to conic. Mother. He's getting
your room ready now!"
"1 guess they're the nto;t unfriendly people "in the
whole neighborhood!"
Instructor length pile
hoed. blue, moo and
brown. Sixes 11,16.
lined with attached
Girl's Galaxie Pixie
'Quilt Lined,' Attached
Hood With Fancy Trim 10.99 Sizes 4-6x
Boy's and Girl's
Nylon shell, pile lined
with attached hood,
blue, navy, brown, skis
44x .98•
Neoprane, water
proofed nylon,
matched with pile
jacket for perfect
snow suit
Instructor Lengih
Fur trimmed
hood pile lined,
o ran ge, blue,
green and red,
'sizes 8-14.
District Weddings of Interest
• Iii0!Vg9N1)060O.Ng'50AFOR ,14.e•ONT EPtir5;
sleeves with apple blossom ap- Pint"' crepe with hat to match. ,,
WilTstomp out of the house in fun:' -pliques -adorning-di-eh-04We— --Prior to her -iv-edilifq, the --After—d—VEdaing--u—ip---to'—an evening and return with the - Place a handful of I o os e
and skirt which fell full from bride's mother entertained her Northern Ontarib, the couple
the back to form a cathedral daughter at a trousseau tea. will live in Kitchener. The - flush only a man who had been change in a large brown paper
kissing could have, bag, and have the guests count
train. Matchjing appliques form- Pouring tea-A/ere - Mrs. Milton bride is a recent graduate of the
Guelph General Hospital School He is also insistent that I it with their hands inside th e-
ed her headpiece which held a Wiltse; Mrs. Etta Eyre: Mrs. Wm,
tiered illusion veil. Dale; Mrs, C. Eyre and Mrs. F. of Nursing. not wait up for him. Often bag, so they can't see. The win-
when checking his pockets be- net is the one who gets the right Guests were present from' The matron of honor was Wright. Servinglwere - Miss
Breslau, Kitchener, Niagara fore washing, I have found tis- total, or nearest to it.
Mrs. Shirley Mills, London and Gwen Bosman; Miss Faye Dalton; sue stained with lipstick,
the bridesmaids were Miss Rita Miss Janice Eyre; Miss Dianna Falls, London, Stratford, Mount When I confront him with ''' CONFIDENTIAL TO
McMichael, Waterloo and Mrs. Wright and Mrs. John Solomon. Forest, Exeter, Clinton, Wing- these things, he denies them. TONGUE-TIED --
ham, Toronto„ Bluevale and - I.'m you my Betty- Ann Hagen, Brantford. Insists that I stop meddling. Am • sending - Displaying the trousseau were - Brussels. They were dresied alike in el- leaflet, "Tips On Talking".
Mrs. D. Mills; Miss Rita 'McM1- • ' I meddling? At this point he
hael;-Niri. Wayne McMichael; '--- -has told-me he.doesa't even ie This should "give you some good' low chiffon over yellow. taffeta,----c
empire waisted, accented by
want me to touch him ,' ideal Bui remember: When
Mrs. B. Bender; Mrs. D. Cassidy; moss green velvet ribbon and
DEAR END' - He wants to eat you are comfortable with a Mrs. W. Snell and Mrs. L. JEyre. yellow flowers. They carried ., his cake and have it too. Not person, you don't have to talk,
bouquets of yellow roses and Miss Sharon McMichael and practical. He wants home to be talk all 'the time, Silence can
girl, Miss Sharon McMichael
little feminine friendship on than a lot of aimless chatter.
'guest book throughout the day. was dressed similarly with match- Helping in the kitchen were - the side. A meddler is not one As for wanting a snapshot ,
The marriage of Audrey Anne
McMichael, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert McMichael,
Walton, to Blair R, •Bender, sort
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bender,
Bayfield , took place in ,.North- •
side United Church, Seaforth,
on August 2nd, 1969 decorated
with white gladioliand yellow
mums with Ret, C. Britton of-
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore an empress
line gown of pure White silk or-
ganza, scooped neckline, short °
ing yellow flowers in her haisr.
The ring bearer was Joel Bender.
Brian Brown, Elmira, was the
groomsman and the ushers were
Doe Lorbetski, Elmira and Wayne
McMichael, Preston.
The organist, Mrs. James
Stewart, played traditional wed-
ding music and accompanied the
soloist Graeme Craig when he
sang "Wedding Prayer", "0 Per-
fect Love".
The reception was held in the
Seaforth Community Centre.
The bride's mother received the
guests wearing a sea-green dress
of chiffon over lace with white
accessories and a corsage of yel-
low cybidium orchids. She was
assisted by the groom's mother
who wore a matching turquoise
coat and dress ensemble with
navy and turquoise accessories •
and corsage of white cybidium
For a wedding trip to South-
ern Ontario the bride wore a
white lace ever mauve crepe
blouson dress with matching
bolero, white kid accessories,
and hot pink gladioli.
Guests were present from
Sarnia, Brantford, Toronto,
London, Elmira, Brampton,
Kitchener, Waterlob, Preston,
Galt and Bancroft. '
• The couple will reside In -
. Want - Ack
Phone 527-0240
Pink and white gladioli
amid candlelight formed the
setting when Lorraine Alice
Sander exchanged marriage vows
with Barry Richard Nolan on
September 19th in St. Ambrose
Church, Brussels.
The bride is a daughter of
Mrs. Mary Sander, Breslau. and
the late Waller Salida, while
the groom's parents, are Mr. and
Mrs. James Nolan of R. R. 2,
Rev.. John Mooney performed
me ceremony. The wedding
music was played by Miss Yvon-
ne Connelly.
Mr. James Sander, Breslau,
gave his sister in marriage. The
bride chose a sweet - fen g t h
dress of white velvet and her
flowers were a cascade of pink
The bride's only attendant
was her sister, Mrs, Keith
Douglas. Her dress of forest
green velvet was styled identic-
ally to that of the bride and she
carried-a bouquet of white and
pink roses. Pink roses adorned
the hair of both the bride and
her sister.
• Mr. Donald Nolan, R. R. 4,
Brussels, brother of the groom,
was , best man and the ushers '
were Mr. Douglas Lowe, Kit-
chener, and Mr. Keith Doug-
las, London, brother-in-law,
of the bride.
A floral arrangement of
pink roses graced the table for
the buffet lunch at the recept-
ion which followed in the par-
ish hall.
The bride's mother received •
wearing and ensemble of sky
blue silk.shantung with match-
ing hat, She was assisted by the
groom's mother who chose a
dress of emerald green French
One of the district's oldest
residents, Mrs. John McLean
died at the Hillside Nursing
Home Thursday night at 102
years of age.
She was the former Louisa
Corkett, borze at Marsworth,
Buckinghamshire,' Eng. Her
parents were Mr. and Mrs.
Peter Corkett, In May, 1909,
she imigrated to Canada with
the son from her first marriage,
Albert Boulter,
In 1913, she remarried and
she and her husband, John Mc-
Lean, farmed for 40 years near.
The couple retired to the
Braeside Rest Home, Mitchell,
in 1953 where her husband died
two years later at the age of
Surviving is her one son ,A1-
best Boulter of London. •
The funeral service was at
the Heath-Leslie Funeral Home,
Mitchell, on Saturday, Burial
followed in Roys Cemetery, Ful-
larton Township.
Henry Leonhardt of R. R. 1,
Bornholm, died Friday night in
Seaforth Community Hospital.
He had been a patient there one
day and had resided at Kilbar-,,
chan Nursing Home for some
time previously.
He was born in Logan Town-
ship, April 29, 1883, a son of
the late John and Elizabeth
(Diegel) Leonhardt. On March
6, 1906, he married Amelia
Hoppenrath, who died in 1964.
He was a member of St. •
Peter's Lutheran Church, Brod-
Surviving are a son, Herman,
of R. R.1, Bornholm and one
daughter, Mrs. Ernest (Martha)
Drager, Seaforth; one brother,
Chris. A. Leonhardt, Seaforth;
one sister, Mrs. Lena Bennew-
ies Of Logan Township and
thirteen grandchildren.
The funeral arrangements
were in charge of the Lockhart
Funeral Home at Mitchell. Mr,,
Leonhardt was removed to St.
Peter's Lutheran Church on Mon-
day for funeral service. Pall-
bearers were Mervyn Leonhardt,
Edwin Leonhardt, Irvin Leon-
hardt, Fred Leonhardt, Edwin
Hoppenrath, and Carl Steinbach,
white Shasta daisies. The-flower there to come-home to, with a say just as,much - or more-
Miss Andrea Eyre attended the OBITUARY
DEAR UNSURE - The ans-'
wet to 1,2, and 3, is "Hands
Off"! Hands off any food other
than the diet I am sending you.
Hands off your face if you
expect it to clear up. Want my
leaflet about Acne?
Hands off - when it comes BUDGIES to pawing and petting, Necking
is caressing above the neck, pet-
ting below it. If a boy r e a Ily
Likes you as a person and Wants
to be with you' because you're or 11.88 with cage
fun, he won't expect you to go
in for anything Intimate.
DEAR DORIS - My daughter
is entering university and I
would like to have a party fer
her before she leaeres, inviting
her grandmother, three aunts, abr add a few girl friends. Is it bad Regular Piles /kr....
taste to put her clothing size
.on the invitation if.they wish to SEE OUR FINE
Would you have any games
bring a gift?
could do at this party? Weather
Pet Supplies or suggestions-of something we
peimitting,it will be held out in ..,—, just Arrived
the back yard.
DEAR GOING - A broad
hint like that would never do. -Dealer Seaforth.
Even relatives shouldn't hear a ememeemeameseemommerseasammes
. who probes into his own affairs, bring out your own camera and
and "this is certainly your affair, snap a few candid poses when
But marital tangles are corn- something interesting is going
plicated things, The quarrels on. Then yoU'll have the pic-
you mention - did they hurt a ture you want and something
little more than you thought you can share. Camera bugs
they did at the time? Could are popular,
there be ways in which sharp CONFIDENTIAL TO
words from• you have taken the WANTING TO QUIT -
place of what might have been To admit you loathe
low-geared talk? There are so
many things which can trigger
make, My leaflet "Why Smoke?' The best thing I can do is
So get you off to a counsellor,o give you some guides, and
' will be on its way when you
S 1, I live and . send me your address on ,a
and I am 10 stamped envelope. ,
pounds overweight. Could you A recent survey showed that
suggest a diet that would help '77 percent of Canadian men
me lose weight yet supply believe smoking is injurious to
health; this energy for outdoor work?ealth; this includes both smok
I love to eat, ers and non-smokers. As know-
2. How can I get over a ner- ledge increases, though, quit-
vous habit of picking my face fterasst do not increase nearly so
and causing ugly sores?
• 3. How far should a steady What kind of sense is that?
couple go when,it comes to
..necking and petting?
My mother never told me
In-Yorkrninget. Baptist Claa,
pel, Toronto, on September 6 ,
1969, Miss Marjorie Hyde be"
came the bride of Mr. Orrin
Baird. The bride is the daught-,
er of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde,
Kippen, and the groom is the
son of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart
Baird, Brumfield,
Rev. Wallace Stephenson, Of
Eryden, brother-in-law of the
bride. officiated at the double,
ring ceremony and was assisted
by Rey. S. R. McClung of Tor-
Onto. Renditions by the soloist
were 'i The Wedding Prayer"and
"Mozart's Hallelujah".
Given in marriage by her
father, the bride wore a soft A-
line full-length gown of ivory
brocade accented by a mandar-
in collar and below elboW sle-
eves featuring a full ruffle. She
wore a mantilla of French lace
for a headpiece and carried a
miniature bouquet of white
gladioli which were 'grown in
her parent's garden and arrang-
ed by her sister, Mrs. Jean
Welch, London, upon a white
work on a far
DEAR DORIS- What'seemed whisper of a gift expected.
at first to be just innocent re,. I'll send you my leaflet on
action to a'quarrel, now looki "Party Games and Refreshments",
like unfaithfulness My- hubancL_ AncLbe.re's_another game that-is • —
Hubby won't touch me
the smoking habit is the first
step. After that there are rou-
tines to break, substitutions to
.Evelyn Yacknoveti,
Oshawa, sister 'of the bride,
weadfig a yellow floor-length •
gown featuring a wide Empire
sash of mint green satin and'
carrying a nosegay of yellow
daisies was matron of honour.'
Carrying a similar nosegay of
yellow daisies. Miss Shelly
Yaclutovets, niece of the bride,
dressed in white pleated organ-
dy accented with daisies, was
flower girl. Mr. Jerry Baird,
Detroit, brother of the groom,
was best man. The ushers were,
Alex. Hyde, London and Douglas
Hyde, Chatsworth, brothers of
the bride.
The bride's mother wore a
beaded chartreuse dress with
beige accessories and the
groom's mother wore a cocoa
brown dress with beige acces-
The reception was held at
• the Guild Inn, Scarborough.
For travelling through North-
ern Ontario and points east, the
bride chose a plum crepe dress
trimmed with off-white loose
pleating and ac c ess or i es
to match.
The couple will reside in
'BOWL 62c
$3,99 ea.
'Let us assist you with your Wedding Plaliti
A distinctive line of
is available from
. See our complete line of
"Forever Yours" and "Bouquet"
FREE With Your Order . . .
A Bridal Gift Register, a copy of answers to most queries
regarding wedding details and 6 MONTHS FREE SUB-
was. Jack Bosnian and Miss
Anna Stewart.
A miscellaneous shower' was
held for Audrey in Waterloo by
the staff of the Bank of Montreal
where she was employed, -
Miss Reta McMichael also
had a shower for Audrey in Wat-
p opApp
100/0• Pur.chgaseonor Outerwear
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Boy's and Girl's
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Nylon lined with nylon
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groom. Sixes 4x4 .