The Huron Expositor, 1969-09-25, Page 1012Arr,eTHE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, MT.. SEPT. 25, 1969 Ow Feed 'Advisory Program Farmers Developed for Ont. Farmers can now participate in a Feed Advisory Program de- veloped by the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture and Food in co-operation with the Depart- ment of Animal Science, Univ- ersiiy of Guelph. The program consists of a Feed Analysis Service, a Ration Recommendation Service, and opportunities for participation in a number of educational act- ivities. ' Under the Feed Analysis Ser- vice, farmers who want to have feed samples tested for moisture HORIZONTAL 1 Bulbous flowers 7 Modest dower 13 Awn .14 Printing mistakes 15 City in Chile 16 Gap 17 Literary scraps 18 Detests 20 Hypothetical forces 21.Wealthy 23 Barrier 24 Leg joint 25 Black buck 27 Brown again 29 Placed 31 And not 32 Indian weight 33 Pedal digit 34 Fast driver 38 More crippled 42 Fall flowers 43 Affirmatives 45 Egyptian river 46.High peak 47 Entries 49 Rodent 50 Canadian lake 52 Chemical salt 54 Working order 55 Tagged (prov. Brit.) 56 Horses 117 Border tools VERTICAL 1 Moguls 2 Astronomy muse Flowery 3 Flowering shrubs 4 Noun suffix 5 Egyptian deity 6 Dinner course 7 Impassioned 8 Fleur-de-11s 9 Mouths 10 Roman goddess ri Musical studies 12 Armor part 19 Pitch 22 Shows disapproval 24 Native of war-torn land 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 bp P. 12 3 Iii IS t6 17 ie. 13 20 21 22. 23 211 25 20 27 28 29 32 k.—...,— 30 31 33 34 I5 34. 37 38 39 40 41 92 43 45 144 so . 46 41 50 51 52 5 , 51 55 56 57 ' - 26 Require 40 Click beetle 28 Implement 30 Entertainers 41 Spreads again 44 Struck 47 Angered 34 Slaps 48 Slipped 35 Young hen 51 Follower 36 Fence in 53 Incite 37 Cereal to act on 39 Vision E-3f7iiprziM Q •r-Ilffll Eu t;.if?,7Oli F.n -IliillfflE2 ikAillW.O. Pg410WIR oon omffou nom Wilg BWO ezauim glmialii3 Fi 1 nigim PAA111 gMDBM r.morodPIgED 1 lilp3o g p'.p.Im MOni MIROt1 ild1 III ZORNWOU02.10 r-1 omw1g] NgII-0 PilflAUGS rit5111W Here's. the Answer FARMERS. Now Is the Time to put in that Concrete Barnyard with High Quality — CONCRETE Free Estimates Sidewalks, Walls, Bridges, Etc. Be sure of what you are getting by USING READY-MIXED CONCRETE' from HURON• CONCRETE SUPPLY Ltd. Goderich - 5247361 Seaforth — 527-1206 SCREENED TOPSOIL (Stone, Grass and Root Free) CEMENT GRAVEL Also for Lanes or Yards/. Fill Etc. LANDSCAPING Light Bulldozing, Back Filling, Levelling Etc. BACKHOE WORK' • — LYLE MONTGOMERY — PHONE 482-7644 EVENINGS OR CLAYT'S GULF SERVICE, CLINTON, 402.7661 BALL MACAULAY L Panel Adhesive Tubes $1.98 Colored Nails Box 75c A Weldwood Exclusive! Enibejlished HOMESTEAD ELM PANELLING AVailable Only at Ball - Macaulay Ltd. a 4 ...the most exciting look in wall paneling today ! 4' x 8' SHEET Anniversary Special $9.89 Other Famous Weldwood Patiels Available From $4.95 for 4' x 8' Sheet, Galvanize .wwcI STEELFING- Anniversary Special for 15 Square or More, Only STANDARD GUAGE — HOT DIP EXTRA STRENGTH — 6 IIIBEIED 35 S Per. Sq.. Delivered INSULATION ' For Those Hard to Get at Places MICA FILL $1.59 , (Pouring Type) 3 cu. Ft. Bag BUY 9 BAGS .— GET ONE FREE PAL-A-PAK ,$1.40 (Blowing Typej 5 en, Ft. Bag BUY 9 BAGS — GET ONE FREE BARN HARDWARE 4 No. 61 Trolley $3.90 pr. No. 886 Galvaniz- ed Barn Door Track, 6-8-10-12 Ft Lengths - 36c Per Pt No. So - Track Hanger Galvanized With' Lag Screws Single 45c - ea, WOODHAM and crude protein May use the facilities of the Feed Analysis Laboratory at the University , of Guelph. At present, feeds which can be tested are grate. roughage; custom formula feeds, and farm- mixed feeds. including those containing a registered supple- ment. In general, the, main value of testing roughages is to determine protein levels in hay and moisture levels in corn sil- age, while both factors may be significant in the case of haylage, For meaningful results, care- ful sampling technique is im- portant. Samples of all feeds must be sent to the laboratory in kits provided for the purpose. These kits are available only through county and district offices of the Ontario Department of Agri- culture and Food, and consist of appropriate container with en- velopes. plus information sheets, which must accompany each sample. When samples have been tested, an Analysis Report will be sent to the Agricultural Re- presentative in the county .or • district concerned. Using the Report and the in- formation sheets as a basis, Ex- tension Branch staff of the De- partment of Agriculture and Food will make individual ration re- commendations for farmers. This advisory service is part of the educational program offered by the Department which also in- cludes participation, on a group basis, of interested farmers in nutrition'workshops, in-depth courses, and educational meet- ings, aimed at improved crop - ping and feeding practices, Correspondent MISS JEAN COPELAND Mr. and Mrs. George Hodg- kinson of Buffalo, Miss June King of London and Mr. David King of Hamilton were week end vis- itors with Rev, and Mrs. John King. ' Mrs. Frank Scafe of Clio, Mich. visited with Mrs. Mary Jaques on Tuesday. Mrs. Ellis Strahan and Miss ,,Jean•Copeland attended the annual meeting of District 10. Horticultural Society in Strath- roy on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell 'Wil- lis of British Columbia were Thursday supper guests with Mrs. Mary Jaques and also cal- led on several other friends in the village. Mr. and Mrs,, Fred Doupe of St. Marys and Miss Jean Cope- land visited Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Don Brine and Cheryl. Mr. and Mrs. Don Rixon and family, Mrs. A..Rixon, Mrs. Lawrence Mills and Mr.Russell Mills of London were Sunday Every week more and more people discover ;what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want 'Ads. Dial 527-0240. wisennwimomaipmempeneidee... INSURANCE Anto, Fire, Life Donald G. Eaton Insurance Agency Limited Office inWasonic Block Main Street Phone 527.1610 Seaforth visitors with Misses Blanche and Rhea Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Cope- land, Cynthia, Ellen and Deane -1 na and Miss Jean Copeland were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Adrian Pringle. Wayne and Terry of London. , . MESSENGERS The Messengers held a weiner roast at Wheeler's Creek with twenty-four present. A scavenger hunt and games pre- ceded the weiner roast. The Messengers met in the church on Sunday with eighteen present. The President. Michel- le Robinson read the theme. Margaret Parkinson read the scripture and David Tomlinson led in prayer. Readings were given by Karen Insley, Pamela Rodd, David Tomlinsbn, Cyn- thia Copeland and Michelle Robinson. Mrs. Wm. Dickey read the Study Book story fol- lowed by a discussion. David and Susan Spence received the offering. Mrs. G. Copeland led in a sing-song and Bible study. SEAFORTH 4.H CLUi3 Seaforth No, 1, 4-H 'Club - Needlecraft met at the home of the leader, Mrs. Bill Strong with 12 girls attending. Officers are - President - Mary Van Dyke; Treasurer - Carole Eggert. Mrs. Strong explained the requirements of the club. At a subsequent meeting at the Eg- gerts, the girls were taught how to do the blanket stitch and how to thread a needle pro- perly. They started to work on their runners and samples. SEAFORTH JEWELLERS Photie 527-M70 Seaforth DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELLERY„ cm:NA SILVERWARE CRYSTAL Gifts for every occassion Watch, Clock and Jewellery repairs WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 in appreciation of your loyal patronage to our Clinton and Seaforth building yards during the past 20 years, and to introduce our newest yard in Hensall Ontario (Formerly A. Spencer 8t• Son), are offering these 'outstanding sale items, POWER DRILLS 1/4" 3/8" 101-' —1 9.75 11.25 11) SHOPCRAFT ALUMINUM DOORS Standard Guage 1 1/4" Frame Pre-Hung, Ready to Install, all Hardware Included. Self:Storing CEILING TILES 2' X 2' ' Light Wei l g uhet-o .Styrofoam G No Strapping Required Super-White 12" x 24" CEILING. TILE Washable — Full Carton Lots Only. yQ 0;;:z.:,,,,,,,3.%,,,i." 3 '3 31 ... . 9 ./.' ''''''.?Wi*iiiii0i:.:,..-...... i..::,:::".:'''.0:PW:ii.• Mii:' 1 m• ATTENTION 6 Mill Black POLYETHELENE Plastic 24' x 100' Rolls — 40c Per Lineal Foot 32' x 100' Rolls — 55c Per Lineal Foot BALL-MACAULAY LTD. Building. Supplies CLINTON 482-9514 HENSALL 262-2713 SEAFORTH 527-0910 Green Fibreglas SKYLIGHTS 14.95 To• fit Steel Roofing Sheet 8 ft. Long Any Quantity - 0,A14;•• FARMERS ! ! Only 29i95 Only 39.95 .sit a /OW Anniversary Sale Ends Se tt. 30th a-- Don't Miss This Opportunity