HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-09-25, Page 7r • ' For (Nit* Results • liPRON EXPOSITOR, ;Mi. NOtigifl BACKSOING conhietypon 4 sob Wt ince, 027-1306. 194104$ ,S PT:' MM USE TIMM CLASSIFICATIONS TO YOUR ADVANTAINI I. Cooing Events • 1.00t, Strayed Fotutd 4. Help Wanted' 5. Budness Opportunities O. Teachers Wanted 7. Situations Wanted FarmH. O. Farm Stock For Sale 9. Poultry For Sale 10. Used Cars For Sale U. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Reet H. Foy Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18 Properly Wanted 19. Notices 20,4 Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted I 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards OF Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals , 27. Births 28. Deaths 29. Marriages Classified ads are Inserted at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each number, initial and ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the , follow- ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 13 min- ham 65c. Classifications 24, 25 and • 26, minimum 2c per •word, Minimum $1.15. All other elate sifications. rainimum $1.15 per insertion except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal Notices (22),'rates on re- quest. Opportunities ; AVON CALLING Christmas selling starts ear- ly with Avon. I have open- ings for only three mature ambitious ladles in this area. Contact Mns. M, Mill- son, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London, 451-0541, evenings now while territories avail- able. 5-974 1. Coming ventsE 'ft is happening at Canada's TEESWATER FAIR • LARGEST RURAL FAIR On "FRIDAY and SATUR- DAY, SEPTEMBER 26 and 27. Friday evening the DELL FAMILY of London entertains. Saturday the TBAVELLERS ' television and recording artista Per- form afternoon and evening. Dance follows evening show. Also at FAIR --R.C.R. Band; Chariot races; Air- plane acrobatics; 4-H Silver Dollar Competition; newest Apollo Alin; Agricultural shows; oars; rides; free grandstand. Come to: 4. Help Wanted 11 Articles For Sale ONE black velvet drew, size 12- 14, worn a few times. Phone 5274342. 11-984 14. Property for Sale_ white Welk .6 bedroom battik' elnlehnts rooms, -living meta 1 " imictrom d. vice, all MALE 'help Wanted for harvest- ing potatoes, Vanden Berk Pro- duce. Farms, Ted Vanden Berk, RR 2, Moniiiton, Contact 3472723. 4-964f with iirepince. Lots of shade NOTICE', Bt. Caltun**Orell$e " trees. The house needs some re- now handli rts hang Singer 'pa and pairs and redecorating but the notions, also. mewing service price is drastically reduced. caiic. Phone 3452750. 10440 „ cattle TWO LOTS --Take your Ltd. MO oar vo united Co4Veilt#4411 pick of these large lets in Eg.. Seen end Service, authorized gf outs* Iscikrang0 aGr a.' fid location for your new home. 6514' 04% guaranteed* Threpreseeretii. Dho qinton, 484;002 qvi‘ Mervyn Eyre 'rates and Debenturen, at\ - 169 Goderich St. West, pi/ Crie. aTitdiltlet Trust,T sailvitatv4 ;lan4i. Phone SO-26W Seaforth, Ph. 527-0523 1522. REAL ESTATE LTD. ' veSE2CPTI0,11CIA17TANylveoSr94:ritf leet20:. Anation‘1;41*- 1945:" Harvey Dale, unton geaforth. Stocker Feeder REALTOR 12. Wanted to Buy CRAB and mattress,• in good con- dition,. Phone 33735, Brussel% 12-98-1 HOUSEHOLD effects of an old- er house. Phone 02-7358. 12-734f WILL buy household Weds of older home. Call for appraisal, 527-1920 anytime. 12-964f OLD books, post cards,albums, iewellrY, china, glass and small furniture, telephone 482-9193 12-954f Construction LABOURERS Required. Phone 345-2964, Maloney Bros. Construction Ltd. 4-97-U , • up Faar utow wok monliNille, Well located on high denier' Alvin ItneY* 153 4416w at filta One Al house Sf„ Goderich, Phone 424-, 19-954f, ground in a quiet area. A rest- WILLIAUf 3, DA= MOTHERS DON HOLST Time on• your hands with children back in school? Home - School co-ordinating work. Ten to thirty hours a week. Excellent earnings. Write fully to: MR. R. E. CRAWFORD, Personnel Manager 93 Picton St. E., Goderich, Ontario, 5-98-1 13. Wanted OLDER furniture crocks, art glass, lamps, plus odds and ends. Phone 482-7878 evenings. 13-944f YOUNG lady desires transporta- tion- from Seaforth to Stratford, arriving at 9 a.m. nil departing at 5 p.m. Apply Huron Exposi- tor, Box 1862. 13-984 14. Property for Sale TWO good building lots in Eg- mondville. Reasonably priced. Phone 527-1043 or 5274172. 14-98-2 AUCTION SALE "Rural Ontario Specialists" Jewellery Repairs "For Best Results Photo list We do all types of jewellery re. Hensall Sales Arena Your Property With Don Hoist"- paint Mon., Oct. 6th . • Commencing at 7;33 p*. • TEESWATER FAIR 7. Situations Wanted BABYSITTING in my home. Mrs. Lynda Huard, phone 527-0852. 7-98x1 • Ring Sizing Retip Claws Rebuild Shanks • Bead Restringing Repair costume' jeWellery Motet Jewellers Ltd. REPAIRS on all makes and mod- els of Sewing Machines. New models available. Repairs guar-anteed with genuine Singer 4 parts. Singer Co. of Canadi, 48- West, Goderich. Phone 524-8431, 11. Articles for Sale BOYS burgundy - sports jacket, size 16-18; 1 box girls winter clothing, size 10-12. 527-0083. 11-98x1 , . 14-98-1, I% storey brick house with garage in good condition. 100 acre farm, Logan Town- ship, good buildings. 200 acre dairy farm, Hullet Township. 150 acre lorm, Goderich Town- ship. FRIDAY and SATURDAY SEPTEMBER 26 and 27. 1-97-2 800 Head consist- ing -of calves, heir fors and steers 8. Farm Stock for Sale ONE yearling quarter 'horse gelding. Phone 527-1827. 8-98x1 PULLE'IS, starting to lay. Moore's Poultry Farm, phone 527-0508. 8-98-1 REGISTERED Hereford bulls and heifers. George Love, Wal- ton, phone 527-0637. 8-98-1 • 2. Lost, Strayed FLOWERS STRAYED from lot-4% con. 6, MoKillop, a small Pomerenian, female dog, brownish yellow in color.. Phone 445-2639. 2-98-1 For all occasions. Cut flowers, Potted plants, etc. McLeare,s Greenhouse Phone 527-0800. 11-98-tf OXFORDS and slippons, men's sizes, $7.75 a pair at Jack 'Thom- pson's Footwear Service, Shoes and Repair. 8 Main Street. 11-98-tf CONN alto saxophone and stand, Samsonite case. Excellent con- dition; 30" continental bed. 527- 0658: 11-98-1 HAROLD JACKSON Real Estate Broker Seaforth, Ontario FIFTY acre forth adjoining the village of Walton, good barn -and drive shed. Torrance Duna das, Walton, Brussels 49035 - 14-97x2 For consignments contact the. ►ageared. • '14-97-2 19-9541 Victor Hargreaves at 4112-7511. T 15. Property for Rent CONCRETE WORK Mor u riasey at ctioneers 2340200 A TWO bedroom house on North An types of foundations and LARRY G 4. Help Wanted RELIABLE' baby sitter, 2 small boys, Monday and Friday. Phone 527-1901, Seaforth. 4-98-1 fall to help with fall farm work immediately, (temporarily). Apply Box 1865, Huron Expositor. 4-98-1 TRUCK driver, Vandenberk Pro- duce Farms. Ted Vandenberk, RR 2, Monkton, Ont. 347-2723. 4-95-tf •• MOTOR MCNEIL ' SPECIAL SALE SIX LOTS IN SEAFORTH Main Street. 527-0624. 15-97-2 floors, cement barnyards. 20484 THREE bedroom house, gas fur- nace. Phone •-527.0032. 15-98-2 NINE room house, gas furnace and 'garage, close to business section. Phone 482-9892. 15-98-2 TWO bedroom apartment, gas heated, bathroom, North Main, 119 B. Available October 1st. Clarence Montgomery, phone 527-0043. 15-97x2 TWO bedroom duplex apart- ment in Egmondville, gas heat- ed, private entrance and drive,. available immediately. 527-1529. 15-97-tf THREE bedroom house, modern kitchen, gas heat, convenient to, Seaforth rugiirSrApply to' box 1864, Huron Expositor.' 15-98x2 THREE bedroom house, oil furn- ace, modern corweniences, 3 miles west of Seaforth on high, way 8, phone 482-9217, John Segeren. 15-93-if Reasonable Rates-Free Estimates MALONEY BROS. Dublin Phone 345-2964. Of 1200 stocker and 'feeder"' cattle 'at Brussels, Livestock Ltd. Brussels,.. Ontario on WEDNESDAY, OCT. 1 at 12:30 pan_ Offerings . consist mainly of last years top quality ranch calves, about 900 yearling steers weighing 600 to 950 lbs. and the balance heifers. HUGH PEARSON and JACK BRYANS, MANAGERS . .897-2 AUCTION SALE 1. Coming Events At the west end of James Street. They will sell quickly, grab yours as soon as this ad appears. I. • • • Want an acre? Want 50 acres? Want pasture land, cash crop land, fruit land, a gravel ridge, a bush, duck-hunting country, Ski-Doo territory, a business, a house, a cottage, a 'store;?? Contact WILLIAM M. HART ---sAiitskikif=msgFoirru-..- - GEO'. R. JOHNSTON REAL ESTATE LTD. BROKER 14-98-1 ST. THOMAS' Anglican Church, Seaforth rummage sale will be held• Oct. 18th at 3 o'clock. 19-95-tf of DEAD STOCK Holstein Heifers .Please 'Call Promptly MARLATT BROS. for Donald Steinacker, On Lot !Phone 133 -Brussels;, Ont. 8, Con. l, Logan 1%0., on . way No. 8, one mile east of • ‘ 24 hour service - 7 days a week. _Mitchell on WEDNESDAY, LICENSE NO. 390-C-65. - OCTOBER Ist, at 1:30 p.m. 5 19-9 41 slitortsisting of the following: WATCH REPAIRS 2 Holstein heifers, due time of - FAST SERVICE sale; 14. Holstein' heifers, due" 1-98-1 FRESHLY-CUT CHEESE WARM 'S' Fall Fair Dance in Legion Hall, Friday evening, Sept. 26th. $2-00 per couple. Restricted to 21 and ever. 1-98-1 LONDESBORC, United March Anniversary, 11 Ilan., Sept. 28, ------,1069,__Ekey. Harold Snell, guest minister. Mic-17-Dotertyr- solo' 1-98-1 ON for Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Murray on the occasion of their 25th wedding anniver- sary, Brodhagen Community Centre, Oct. 3rd, at 9 p.m. Every- body welcome. Collection at the 4 door. 1-98x1 MEN and women pensioners who would like good home of their own not living with the owner, doing light work in a small fact- ory. Also men who would like to work on a farm. F. D. Kyte, Till- sonburg, Ontario. Phone 842- guest 2718. _s 4-95tf MEN or women who would-like to travel, delivering goods from one town to another.. Car Sup- plied. and expenses paid. If you are married and would like to take wife we also supply a house trailer. F. D. Kyte, Tillsonburg. Phone 842-2718. 4-954" Now available at WILKINSON'S IGA Mild - Medium - Old . _ Freshly-Cut To Order. 11-98-1 in Oct and Nov.; 3 Holstein -Ali-work e ers, re.. ay o • ag-T-14 9. Poultry for Sale TWENTY-FIVE inch ' color TV, $699 with trade, not just 2 years, not 3 years but 5 years protec- tion on picture tube and tuner with one year free service, good anywhere in Canada. This is a console made in Canada by Philco-Ford and it's at Stannah's Sparling at John in• Seaforth. 11-98-tf WHITE enamel annex , stove, good as new; also 174, h.p. elect- ric motor, phone 527-1887. 11-98x1 SHOP early for best selection. One dollar holds any item till Christmas. Seaforth Jewellers. ANSTETT ' Holstein calves, heifers, emosnetuihsngoldo.17 Phone 527-1720 -.Seaforth. heifer JEWELLERS LTD. 12 to 18 months old; 3 Holstein _. Note: This is a choice, offer- ... • 19-95-u ing of dairy type heifers, nicely marked and all dehorned with the springing •helfers showing a lot of size and quality. Anyone KIMBER LEGHORN Day Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0841. Box 169 11-954f HURON PROPERTY FOR. SALE u 16. For Sale or Rent THREE bedroom house in Eg- mondville, gas heat. Possession October 15th. Apply •Gordon Papple, 527-1418. ' 16-98x2 19. Notices 4. Help Wanted 4. Help Wanted DEAD STOCK looking for replacement Hol-. steins should plan to attend this sale. Proprietor and Auctioneer not responsible in case of 'any acct- dent or injury on day of sale. No Reserve •--t• Terms cash DONALD STEM • • :IN' Prop. f . FRANKLIN BUUCK, Auctioneer Dial Stratford 271-3049. SEE PAGE 8 • REMOVAL• Clinton; , Ontario ' We pay $5 to $15 fir-riesla dead or disabled cows and hors- es. We pick up calves •and small pigs as a service to you. Call collect 4824811 . License No. 190-C-69 19-954 FEMALE HELP WANTED HUIAFT TWP. - 150 acre farm with 135 acres workable. Large barns in good repair. 11/2 storey 4-bedroom frame home with in- sul brick siding, completely ren- ovated. Drilled well. TUCKERSMITH TWP. --- 100 acre farm with river running- through the property. 40' x 60' steel barn, silo, 2 storey solid 10. Used Cars for Sale 1963 Ohev Nova. hardtop, auto- matic, radio. 527-0845. 1098x1 B.S.A. 1960 • Thunderboldt 650,, excellent condition. Box 488 or Fgur:Ataiire women required to train as .switelL,board, and com a74 miinication operators. Applicants should have some clerical ex- perience and enjoy meeting the public. Shift work will be required. Salary comensUrate with qualifications and experience. All applicat- ions must be in writing and addressed to: ADMINISTRATOR • SEAFORTH COMMUNITY HOSPITAL CLINTON COLOURS Interior and exterior painting, spray painting, sprayer rentals. GORDON CHARTER 201 Albert Street Clinton. Phone 482-9654. 19-95-tf phone 527-0351. 10-98x1 1965 Falcon two-door hardtop, 8 auto., 25,000 miles. Phone 345- 4-97-2 2006, after six. , 10-98-2 11-98-1., PLAYER piano. Phone 262-2626. 11-98-1 USED Beatty wringer washer, in good condition. Phone 527- 181& 11.98x1 CHOICE young beef by the quarter or half. Phone 482-7578. 11-98-3 , • • • • 11. Articles for Sale CRUSHED gravel delivered or at the pit• John Thompson, 527- 0238. 11-954f ANTIQUE desk and antique set- tee. Seaforth upholstering,. Cen- tre Street, Seaforth, 527-0190. • 11-97-2 Good Selection of SELL REAL •ESTATE THE RIMPLES' • Experience not necessary, full or part time basis. Representa- tives wanted to sell farms, towns and vacation properties, with a good town, village or highway location and a willingness to. work, your success is• assured. Terrific advertising quota and commission arrangement. Join our Ontario Wide Organization. For further information contacnobert McMinn, H. Keith Limit- ed, 181 Egliruton Avenue East, Toronto 12, telephone 487-3333. 4-96-3 YE/441. SINCE WE 'GOT IT 5UPPER 10 ALWAYS FIVE. , MINUTE-5 tARLIE.14.! Youn NEW AvrcHEN EXHAUST FAN IS SWEL 'L TAM; OVER STOCK ' SALE , COOKED MEATS Ekterior Mastercraft Gallons, Finishing White and Tinting Base Reg. $8.90 Reduced to 6.90 per gal. Canadian Tire Store Seaforth 11-98-1 Sliced to your order at WILKINSON'S IGA 11-98-1 THE HURON COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION invites applications for the position of PUPS, black and tan, blue ticks, beagles, and walker pups. Phone 527-0506, after 6 p.m. Mrs. Ruth Pepper. 11-97-2 General Electric Demonstrators Save money on dryers, re- frigerators and ranges used as demonstrators in• area schools. Frank Kling 'Limited • 527-1320, Seaforth 11-97-2 ATTENDANCE COUNSELLOR nn Initially* this will be a part-time position in which the successful applicant will be required to investigate at- tendance problems on a per call/per mile basis in all parts of the County. Written applications should include educational hick- ground and availability for interview and be addressed to: en, TIMEX WATCHES SOLD AND SERVICED THROUGH ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-9541 IF you need Service, phone Jack Thompson Footwear Ser- vice, shoes and repairs, 8 Main St, 11-9811 TWO girls' winter pile coats, with hoods, wine and• medium blue, several wool dresses, size 10. Phone evenings, 527-1355. 11-98x1 CAPONS D. J. Cochiane, Director of Education, Huron. County Board of Education, P.O. Box 370, Clinton, Ontario. ,even-Ready Taking Orders MRS. ARNOLD TAYLOR Phone 482-9155 11-98-1 4-98-1 STEREOS by Philco and Zenith, six on display and many others to choose from at Stannah's Stereo Store where the boss per- gonally delivers and services every sat. Sperling at John, 527- 0703. 11-984 COPIES Copies of your important pa- pers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each. The Huron Expositor 11-29-tf YOUR, KIDS Fr,;,FITINI.5. EAck OTHER. OVER WHO GETS TO RIDE NI WITH IDAD? WHEN 1%1E\I'RE AS OLD AS MINE 'THEY FIGHT WITH DAD 0‘1E12 HAVING To C/0 AlOWHEIZE AT ALL WITH 'THE OLD SQUARE I k Aluminum Awnings and Siding 10 years in the area, workman- ship guaranteed. Call Mothers Home Improvement Clinton 482-7372. 11-9541 IMPERIAL Men and Women for • °ONE used oil furnace, 118,000 B.T.U. In good working order. Earl Roney, phone 345-2117. 11-98-1 WOOD MACHINING - SANDING - ASSEMBLING - FINISHING UPHOLSTERY , TV and Radio repairs, certified technician, all rates posted in shop. Also home service, any- where in Seaforth and surround- ing district. Stannah the Radio Man. 527-0703, 17 Sperling St., Sena:writ.. 11-9541 • Considering a ONE Farmall "A" tractor with arriving at 9 a.m. and departing tom- plow. Phone 527-1827. '11-98x1 • g`r.Or're. f. DRY shelled corn. Milton J, Dietz, Seaforth, 527,0608. 11-98-1 ONE( hundred tons of mixed grain, $42.00 per ton,, in buyer's truck Phone 527-0206. 11-98-2 RED and BLUE BRAND • Experience preferred • Trainees learn while you earn * Excellent Insurance and Pension Benefits • Two weeks vacation after one year Apply to .11. GRAPER IMPERIAL Furniture 5Efg. Co. Limited 93 Trinity Street, Stratford, Ontario. - * call 271.0360 days WOE PRorEtrim& 1HE PLAN TO HAYS BOYS AND GIRLS TAKE Nye. E. To (*ETHER MOBILE HOME or recreational vehicle? Drop us a line or call: RUSTON MOBILE HOMES LIMITED 547 Plains Rd., East. Phone 416-032-8400, Barlhtlaten, - Ontario Many models and makes to choose from. 11-954f 4 BABY BEEF. for Home Freezers at WILKINSON'S IGA BEEF BOUND UPSPECIALS 2004h. aides - 60c Fronts - 860 • - Hinds 73e Cut and Wrapped 11-984 or see Mr. Oragpor at Room No. O, Commercial lintel, Seaforth, Friday, Septembgr 29th between 7:00 and 9:30 pm. 4 448-1