HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-09-25, Page 6With a
Custom Heavy Duty Pair:
There are many women who demand the tumble action wash-
ing, offered only by Westinghouse. What are the benefits?
First, without question, it's the most economical washing
system. This front-loading washer uses far less water and
only hail as much detergent as agitator washers. Second, no
other system wattles cleaner: the constant lifting, tumbling
action lets every item thoroughly washed -f- safely and
gently todfl. Third, there's no clean',-up chore afterwards: the
tub and lint collector are both self-cleaning. Fourth, very
simple mechMiism means there's less to go wrong . no
transmission gears, just a simple, eroublefree belt and pulley drive.
Come in, let us show you
Rev. John McMaster of Lon-
don spoke to the parishoneis of
Sr. Patrick's Parish, Dublin, Sun-
day evening on the formation of
and the work entailed in a Par;
ish Council.
There are six positions to be
filled; Cliairman; a Board of Ad-
visors made up of Spiritual Co-
Ordinator, Temporal Co-Ordin-
ator, Social Co-Ordinator and
a Social Action Co-Ordinator,
with the Pastor of the Parish as
thethead of the organization.
Those nominated for the
Council were as follows: Lou
Rowland, Joe Delaney, John
Schoonderwoerd, Mrs. Joe Shea,
Sister Byrne, Leo Kroonan, Joe
aonin, Joe Shea, Frank Bruxer,
Dan O'Rourke, Frank Van Ber-
gen, Monica Holland and Clay-
ton Looby.
Nominations for the one
Father Rini Durand and Rev. John McMaster discuss for-
mation of Parish Council at St. Patrick's Church, Dublin.
Olds announces a totally new Escape Machine;
1970 Cutlass Supreme.
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Wouldn't it be nice to have
an Escape Machine?
Certain flans Illustrated& described are optional' at extra east.
Youngmobile to the rescue!
Oldsmobile's luxurious new Cutlass
Supreme will whisk you away from
routine for as little as it takes to
own a routine car. To power your
getaway: an extraordinary 4-barrel,
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distinguish it: trim new styling and
an elegantly formal new roofline.
Olids Cutlass Supreme. Just one of
the 29 Escape Machines from
Oldsmobile. •
Oldsmobile: Escape from the ordinary.
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SEAFORTH 11119TORS Main. Street • North Phone 527-1750 Seaforth, Ontario
. ,
and Mrs. Auguste Ducharme. Visitors on Sunday with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nolan and Clem Krauskopf were Sister family were in Midland on Sun- Mary Immaculate, Kinkora;
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Price and day.
Lucille, Stratford; Mr, and Mr. and Mrs. MaUrice Dalton,
Mrs, Douglas Moser, Patricia, Stratford; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Moy-
Paul and Nancy of Waterloo;
Mr. and Mrs. Ken Johnston and
Debbie, Waterloo; Mr...and -Mrs.
Alfred Price, Billie and Miss
Doig; Mary Price and Mr. and
Mrs. John Price of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. .Harold Lauber, Pet Show
Bonnie, Alma; Mr. John Falsetta; Racho; Nancy Kunder; Mary Winners in the Lions Club pet Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kusy; Mr.
and Mrs. Britce St. John of Kit- show in charge of J. Scott Quff, Claessens; John Van Bakel;
Joanne Maloney; Greg Bend- chener with Miss Mary O'Con- J. W. MOdeland and James Mur-
. ray were: man; Sandra Staffen; Einda• nell. Heard; Clare Devereaux; Mrs. James P. Krauskopf; BEST LOOKING CAT -Clair Paul Bode; Ruth Martin; Devereaux; Angela Andrussi; Mrs. Celeste McCreight; Miss Robbie Chesney; Alan Say- , ' Dorothy Dillon; Mrs, Joseph Dennis Dale.
Melady are attending the Science MOST UNUSUAL CAT-- Brian auger Debbie Consitt; Spsan
Beuerman; Althea Stannah; Course for Elementary Schools Nigh; Johnston; Martin Wynj a.. Judy
at King-Lear Public School in
Mrs. George Coville has
returned to her home from I-Ott MOST LiN--U-SU-AL-RAB-BI-T--,
Franks. Brian Cooper; Paul Hulley;
Donna Gridzak. Mrs ; Agnes Krauskopf in
Stratford with Mr, and Mrs. Nor- BEST LOOKING DOG,- Peter
man Kramers. Simpson; Debra Moggach; Mrs. Nicholas Ktauskopf has Roberthompson. returned home from Jarvis where
she was visiting with Mr. apd DOG LEAST RESEMBLING ANY
Mrs. Bill Krauskopf and family. BREED -
Miss JOan and Miss Martha John Janmat; Tena Maiden;
Schoonderwoerd of Mitchell , Jimmie Niel.
are leaving for Europe on Friday BEST BEHAVED DOG - where they will spend a month Pat Devereaux; Joe Czerwin-
vacationing. s ski; Robert Nash; and Mrs. Bill Warren
and Jill, Stratford, visited with ANY BREED PIGEONS .
Mrs. Jean Dill. Peter Jansen; Larry Moir;
Mr's.' Ron Agar, London, vis- 'Ronald Godkin:'
ited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stap-
leton and family last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Friend
-spent the week end At their cot-
tage at Lions Head.
Mr. Frank O'Rourke, Toronto,
was visiting with relatives in the
area over the week enfl.
Mr, and Mrs.'Neil Stapleton
and family, Dungannon, spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Ed: Stapleton and with Mr. and
Mrs. Fergus Kelly and Mary.
; Mr., and Mrs.. Don Coyne and
Patrick were visiting with Mr,
and Mrs, Tom Butters.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Woods
and family, Georgetown, were
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Fer-,
gus Horan and Paul. They also
attended the funeral of,Mr.
Jerry Doerr and the wedding of
Mr. Jimmy Cronin.
Mrs. Joseph F. Ryan is a
patient in the Seaforth Commun-
ity Hospital.
Mrs. John Walsh Sr., Toronto;
Mr. and Mrs Borden Bayes, Jo-
Ann and Cathy, Scarboro; Mr.
and Mrs. Terry Mockler and
Laura, Rexdale; Mr. and Mrs.
John Walsh and Michael, Strat-
ford; Mr. and Mrs. Ray ,Ciemb,s,
Seaforth and Mrs. Dennis Walsh
and famij.y.,of Lo9don attended
the Feeney-Loomans wedding on
Mr. and Mrs, Joe O'Connell,
Davenport, Iowa, nephew of
Miss Molly O'Connell, and Mrs.
Peggy O'Connell Nelson, Renton,
Washington, niece of Miss O'-
Connell spent the week end with
their aunt Miss Molly O'Connell.
Mr. and Mrs. Matt Murray
'with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Feeney
and family, Kitchener.
Mr. Jerry Mtirray, Kingston,
with his mother, Mrs. Melva
Mrs. Blood, Detroit, visiting
with her sister, Mrs. Pat Ryan, Sr,
Mrs. Dennis Walsh and family, Mr. and Mrs.* Peter On
Landoll, visited Louis O'Reilly
and Mr. and Mrs. Jack O'Reilly
and attended the Feeney-Loom-
ans wedding on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. David Regier,
member of the board who is to _Kitchener and Mr. arfaTh9rs. Leo
be under 21 were: David O'Rourke Smith and family, Acton, spent
Mary Margaret Rowland, the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Anthony
' Albert Cronin and attended the Visser and Bonnie Krauskopf. • Members of the council will Cronin-Pletch wedding on Sat-
be elected next Sunday afarurday.
each Mass by the casting of bal- Miss Hilda Kennedy, London;
Mr. lots which will be available at and Mrs. Ron Marcy and
the Church. children, Stratford, visited Mr.
Miss Sheila Malone, Kitchen-
er; Joe Malohe, Winnipeg; Mr;
and Mrs. Jack Malone, Toronto
visited their mother, Mrs. J. L.
Correspondent lan, Kitchener visited Mr.-end
MRS. JOSEPH KALE Mrs. John Moylan.
Rev. Francis Moylan, S. F,
M. , has returned tO San Dom-
ingo to the mission field.
Visitors at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Francis Hicknell on
Sunday to honor their parents,
the occasion of their 47th wed-
ding anniversary were - Mr.
and Mrs. Leo Hicknell and fam-
ily, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs.
Maurice Hallahan and family,
Belgrave; Mr. and Mrs. dive
O'Neil and family, Kirkland
Lake; Peter Hicknell Jr. and
friend, Kitchener.
Winners were:
Althea Stannah; Connie
Benerman; Linda Smith;
Dianne McNichol; Susan
Kunder; Janet O'Reilly;Marj-
orie Ruston;. Donna Nolan;
Kevin Shea; Joseph Hicknell;
Tracy Baker; Karol South-
gate; Debora Moggach; Char=
les Stewart; Bill O'Shea;Alan.
Savauge; Joan Nobel;5Wayne
Nigh; Ellen Stewart; Jayne.
Baker; Bradley Rice; Jean
BEST LOOKING RABBIT - Joan. Nancy O'Shea; James Laverty; Trapnell; Robt. McClure; i Stephen Rice; Carla Brodie;- Brian Vincent; Vanda Storey; Wayne Nigh;
• -1X-b-drarTayi-orrEravi-d-Mog—
gach; Jane Riby; Gayle Beu-
erman; .Frenda Ffnlayson;
Elaine Hopper; Lorraine Stap-
' les; Diane-McNichol; Linda
Smith; Barbara Maloney;
Karol Southgate; Judy Staffen;
Pat Devereaux; Gary Phillips;
Jill McLellan; Elizabeth
Johnston; Kathy Maloney;
• Margaret Van Dyk; Barbie
Scott; Darlene Whitman;
Dawn Gingerich; Diane Jan-
sen; Debbie Dorssers; Joanne
Stoll; Bill Stoll; Ellen Stew-
art; Harry Jansen; Joey Jansen;
Sylvia Wilson; Peter Tim-
:" rnermans; David Ring; Danny
Nolan; William Reinink; Eric
Tippet't; Danny Nolan; Brad
Scott; Charles Brenner;
Brenda Finlayson; Sharon
Glanville; Charles Stewart; Francis McGregor (3 prizes) Gayle Beuerman; Donna Hen-
Donna Miller; Greg Riley;
Doug, Dietz, Field C
• Robbie Montague; Karen Results of field crop compet-
-Bennett; Doug. Anstett. itions were:
Cloy McQuaid; Paul Beuer-
man; Danny Devereaux..
MRS. Kgp mmum
.The:13rodhagen lieaulrBuild-
ers met at the home of the ass-
istant leader, Mrs. Edwatd
Sheila Smith led the 4-H
pledge, followed by the busin-
ess when it was decided to go
to Mitchell for Achievement
Day. The leader led discussions
on "Personal Grooming." Mrs.
Scherbarth brought examples of
cleansing materials of different
'types and when this was com-
pleted the leaders helped the
girls line up patterns on the mat-
erials for dusters.
mt. out Mrs,, W7,4tiani4c9IN.
Kitchener ttstteci c.91 soAtc4ty
with Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Beu,
Mr. and. Mrs. Norman'
inewies had as their guests. on •
Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. •Carl
Mikel, Mitchell. Miss Cheryl
Bennewies, London spent the --
week end with her parents.
Mrs. Rachael Ahrens is_a
patient'at the Joseph Brant Hos-
pital in Burlington. She had
been visiting her son, Mr. and
Mrs. Donald Ahrens and family
when she took ill.
Mr. and Mrs. 'George Rose,
Sarnia and'Mrs. Fred Harloff,
Rosicch visitedvirs. Caroiine
IP:pen recently.
Mr, anti Mrs. GarySholdtce
and family, Kitchear, spent
the week end with Mr. and Mrs.
Ken Elligsen.
•Mr. Donald Wolfe and Jamie,
London, visited -on Saturday
with Mr' and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe. '
Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Mes-
serschmidt, Detroit, visited re- ,
cently with Mr. and Mrs. Norman
Beanewies and also attended the '
funeral of their brother,in-law
Mr. Jerry Doerr of Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Schel-
lenberger, Stratford, visited re-
cently with Mrs. Mary Dietrner,
Robert McMillan, 50; Jelin
Henderson, 90; Lewis Coyne -
86;, Donald'McKercher,
George Townsend, '79; Earl
McSpadden, 65; Larry Wheat-
ley, 82; Robert Fotheringliarn
80; Harold Pryce, 88; Arthur
Bolton, '72.
Mixed Grain
Lewis cope, 92; 41.1 Dev-
ereaux, 82; John Broadfoot,
90; Francis Hicknell, 89;
John Henderson, 87; George
Townsehd, 77; Earl Dick, 81;
Robert Fotheringham, 79;
Earl McSpadden, 80; James
Keys, 83;
Ensilage Corn
Gordan Papple, 75; Robert
McMillan, 82; John Broad-
foot, 85; Francis Hicknell;
84; Jim Papple, 70; Lewis
Coyne, 89; Bill Devereaux,
74; George Townsend, '78;
Robert Fotheringliam,
Kenneth Campbell,' 86;
McKercher, 90.
Salada Orange Pekoe
TEA BAGS, pkg. of 60
Maxwell House
INSTANT COFFEE, 10-Oz. jar • • $1.39
ritilDDED WHEAT 2-10 1/2 -oz. pkgs. 550
lwallanOOM TISSUE • • • • 2-roll pkg. 270
Duncan Hines Deluxe
CAKE MIXES 2 19-oz, pkgs. 830-
nnyiale Fancy _
California Red Ball — large, size 113's
ORANGES doz. 59C
each 250
each 290,
Fair Results
Husking Corn' ,,
Bill Devereaux, 61; Larry
Wheatley, 81; Robert Mc-
Millan, 73; Francis Hick-
nell, 67; John Henderson,
70; Lewis Coyne, 74; Harold
Pryce, 72; Donald McKer-
cher, 78; Kenneth Camp-
bell, 87; Robert Fothering-
ham, 90; George Townsend,
81; Jim Papple, 80; Kenneth
„ Win-104 92,
•- Use
Want - Ads
Phone 527-0240
Fresh, Tender
SPINACH, 10-oz. pkg.
New Ontario Cooking
ONIONS, •.;3,1b. bag ,•,,•
Funeral services for Elizabetu
(McCallum) McNichol, widow
of the late James McNichol, who
passed away in Seaforth Com-
munity Hospital, Sunday in her
86th year, were held Tuesday
from the R.& Box Funeral Home,
Seaforth. %,iitlyburial in Brussels
Cemetery; Ross McNichol of
Hensql is a on