HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-09-25, Page 4SEE ALL THE NEW- 70 CARS at the Auto Show Goderich Arena GO~DERIC H CORN DAY PROGRAM 2 p.m. • Thursclay, October 2nd, 1969 at the farm of GEORGE PROCTER 1 1 /4 miles east of Belgrave Variety, Herbicide and Fertilizer Demonstrations featuring discussions by Howard Lang, Soils and Crops Specialist Doug. Jamieson, Head Crops Division, Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, and Professor George Jones, Crop Science Department, University of Guelph All those interested in Corn Production are invited to attend. Sponsored by Huron County -Soil and Crop Improvement Association ••••••••••Mail.. WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR PHONE 527-0.240 Seaforth Saturday Night Nelson Howe CHICKEN & CHIPS HURON HOTEL Dublin Country & Western Music In the Red Knimht . Room FRIDAY — PARISIANNA TRIO SATURDAY — ELGIN FISCHER TRIO Also entertainment every Thur., Fri., and Sat. in the Ladies and Escorts Beverage Room. Ample Free Customer Parking Beverage room snacki Colored TV COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ontario BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box, Office Opens at 8.00 p.m. FRIDAY, & SATURDAY September 26 & 27 Showing at 8:30 p.m. "COOGAN'S BLUFF" (Adult Entertainment) — Starring CLINT EASTWQOD and SUSAN CLARK — In Color — Plea "A LOVELY WAY TO DIE" Showing at 10:45 p.m. (Adult Entertainmelt) L.- Starring KIRK DOUGLAS, 'SYLVA KOSCINA and ELI WALLACH Color . Cartoon COMING NEXT: "Thoroughly Modern Millie" and "Whats So god About "A Feeling Good" A "MUSTANG" THEATRE PHONE 524-9981 • OPENS AT 8:00 P.M, SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE HWY, 8 GODERiCH AT CONCESSION FID. 4 FRI., SAT., SUN. Sept. 26-27-28 Take A Trip Into Terror In The ' "EYES OF HELL" . (Adult Entertainment). And . . For Added Stiecks..1 "THE YOUNG, _ THE EVIL and ;THE SAVAGE" (Adult Entertainment) - Starring Mistrial Rennie - Mark Denton and Eleanor Brown Uninspired Mystery for the Undemanding air SEAFORTH ' TEEN TWENTY OPENS THE 1969 -FALL SEASON a -SMASH! featuring - - "THE MOVEMENT" SATURDAY NIGHT SEPTEMBER 27th -Teen Twenty has lined up a fall program featuring the— top band names 'in Ontario and you'll hear them all at the regular Saturday Night Dances. DANCES WILL BE HELD EACH SATURDAY NIGHT 9:00 P.M. to 12:00 P.M. AT THE COMMUNITY CENTRE — SEAFORTH • 411-1-TE.W .171Ulgtif EXPOSITOR* SEAPIRT ONT.. SEPT. 25,, 1949 CABARET NCE •••••n 4404. CANNED FRUITS AND ,VtGETABIES Winners included; Mrs. R.J. Dot; Mrs. Wm. Dolmage; Mrs. H. Leonhart, Mrs. Laverne Godkin; Mrs. C. Johnston; Ruth Campbell; '„Naney Milison; Grace Broad-- • foot; Mrs. A. Jamieson;Mrs. Heimpel; Mrs. Ron GrosS;° Mrs. Earle 'Papple; Mrs. GeO. • McGavin; Mrs. H. ONinell; Mrs. Elgin Nett and Mrs. H. Connell.. HOME' ECONOMICS Winners were: Mrs. Connell; Mrs..R. Goss; Mrs. John Mc Cowan; Mrs. K. McLaren; Mrs. H. Leonhart; Mrs. P. Parsons; Nancy -MiLlson; Mrs. Cal- dough; Janice Dietz; Mrs. E. Howatt;,Mrs. A. Jamie- son; Mrs. Earl Papple; Mrs. Jean Taylor; Grace Broadfoot; Mrs. L. Godkin; Mrs. Heim- pel; Marion Nott; Mary Fin- Iayson; Mrs. Bruce Coleman. HOME DEPARTMENT Winners were; Mrs. Dan Burns; Mrs. Wes. Heimpel; Mrs.. Fred Chapple; Mrs. Hugh Morenz; Mrs. M. Taylor; Mrs. 'R. S. Aikens ; Grace Broadfoot; Mrs. Cal- dough; Mrs. Ron Gross; Mrs. Elgin Nott; Mrs. Dan Glousher; Mrs. James McIntosh; Mrs. Wm.Dolmage; Mrs. Bill Dale; Mrs. C. Johnston; Helen Con- nell; Dorothy Parke; Mrs. Earl Papple; Mrs. Geo. Mc- Gavin and J can Taylor. ARTS AND CRAFTS Painting Display - Mrs. Audry Berscht; Brenda Savauge; Miss M. E. Turnbull; E. C. Boswell; Mrs, Wm. Dolmage earntitit Next Weekend: 'The Southern (Adirtt tedertaloirtenr) --7„PJ.US "Astititititent K". — List ELEMENTARY SCHOOL DIVISION VEGETABLES Winners were: John Mark . Nash; Garry Nash; Bruce God- .kin; Kathy Coleman; Linda !lager; Lynn McLaughlin; Judy Staffen; Sandra Regele; Bradly Rice; Clare Devereaux; Stephen Drager; Sharon Thompson; Brett Finlayson; Joanne Trapnell; Ronald Scott; Mike Trapnell; Dee Dee Whit- man; John Blanchard; Steph- en Hildebrand; Michael Mero; Bob Hulley; David Hulley; Brenda Coleman; Bill O'Shea; Nancy O'Shea:: Ray McNichol; Cathy Coleman; Bob Thomp- son; Susan Rice; Stephen Rice; Anne Hopper; Elaine Hopper; Shiela Eyre; Sandra Regele; Jane Robinson; Joan Racho; Wayne Bryce; Carol Racho; Gayle Beuerman; David Staf- fen; Gina Maidens; Sandra Staffen; Judy Staffen; Carol Staffen; Nicholas Houwert; Marie Sinnamon;Shar. Thomp- son; Donna Henderson; Dan- ny McGrath; Jane Robinson; Murray Drager; D rlene Hen- derson; Bobby Henderson; David Dalrymple; Brenda Finlayson; John Westerveldt; Joy Fischer; Greg Beuerman; Diane Nigh; Eric Driscoll; Jenny Rennick; Donny .Henn derson; Susan Smith; Brian Lee; Garry Arts. FLOWERS Winners were: Bill O'Shea; Nancy O'Shea; Cathy Coleman; Steven Hil- debrand; Lynn McLaughlin; Joanne Bode; Dawn Wood; Carr}, Doig; Donna Hender- son; Sandra Ruston; .Larry 'Dolmage; Nlancy Kunder; Nancy O'Shea; Jane Morton; Carol Staffen; Lpri Savauge; Sandra StaffejALSilan_Kunder.;- -Debbie Boshart; Clare Dever- eaux; Brenda Finlayson; Pat Devereaux; Ronald Scott; Jane Morton; Darlene Hen,- derson; David Staffen; Carol- yn Maloney; Judy Staffen; Bob Thompson; Sharon Thom- pson; Neil Beuerman; Barb. Doig; Mary Margaret Kelly; Barb Doig; Steven Rice; Sheila likager; Bonnie Storey; Susan Beuerman; Linda Heard; Cori Habkir k; Brett Finlayson; Sandra Hulley; Barbara Dupee; Brenda Coleman; Joe Mc- Lean; Bruce Henderson; David Timmerman; Karen McLean; Alan Savauge; Murray Sinn- amon; Barbara Dupee; Dee Dee Whitman; Debbie Dupee; Valerie Sinnamon; Jayne Card no; Kathy Coombs; Bradley Rice. ' COOKING Winners were; Carolyn Maloney; Alan Sav- auge; Lori Savauge; Kathy Coomb; Donna Henderson; Brenda Finlayson;.Linda Vin- cent; Barbara Brady; Valerie Sinnamon; Cathy Coleman; Elizabeth Johnston; Li nda Dra- ger; Susan Kunder; Nancy EUCHRE In IOOP Hall Tues..,. Sept. 30th- at 8:30 p.m., Lunch Provided Sponsored by Odd Follows Admission 50c Everyone Welcome CHISELHURST ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY Sept. 28, 1969 2:30 p.m. Special Music owelstraterrewelsoll oseutr AUTUMN FAIR at Northside United Church Sot., Ott. 4th Minder; Nancy 0.0e4; Joan- ne Bode; 'at- ol Staffen; P1447' ne Godkin; Judy Staffen;Con, nie Beuerman; Anne RtheY; Michael Marion; Julie-POP; Earl Ribey; Jayne Cardno; Mary Margaret Kelly; Rose Marie Kelly ; ;Jane Ribey; Susan Coombs; Sandtra Regele;. Nancy O'Shea.; James Laverty; Sandra Miley. LIVESTOCK DIVISION HORSES The horse show was high- lighted by seven entries in the four horse tandem hitch and six entries in the six horse tandem. Clydesdale - winners were C. Halliday, Chesley and E. McLeod. Percheron or Belgian - winners were L. Dunsmore and E. Armstrong. , Wagon Class - L. Munroe, R. Kent, Embro and K. Brown. Harness Class - C. Halliday, E. McLeod; 0. Bestard, Thorn- dale; E. Arinstrong; 0. Ban- nerman; R. Kent; L. Munroe; Ken Brown and L. Dunsmore. Light Horses - Winners were Glen Murray; Mac Armitrong, Beachville; Jack Fulcher;Mrs, lanes; James Garniss; Marg. Shobbrook; Joan Hopper, Robt. Kinsman; Joan Pinder; Charles East; 'Barb Brady; Jean Devereaux; Ross Batten; Carol Ann Wallace; Lee Ain Melanson; Jo Ann Groothius; Wayne Allen, Mary Ann Seg- eren. Pony Classes - Winners included Sandy Doig, Seaforth; Jack Fulcher; Mrs. Inns; Howard Armstrong and Ossie Long. DAIRY CATTLE Winners included Wm. Dale;' T. Coursey; John Oldfield; J. Van Egrnond; Ron Lee and - A.-Flowers- - BEEF CATTLE Winners included: - A. Gaunt; Bert Pepper;Frank Faulkner; Hercules Land and Cattle Co., Jack Coates, Al- lendale Farms; Mike Dever- eaux; Bill DevereaiiR; Earnie Armstrong; Even Eedy & Sons, Whitney Coates; Bruce Mc- Gillvray; Earley Bros. ; Car- mon Kaye and Richard Doan. PIGS Jan Van,Vlier, Brussels;Gor- doh Peters & Sons, Rothsay. Landrace and Lacombe winners were; Hugh Hart, Gadshill;' Wilbur Turnbull, Brussels; Gordon Peters; James DI Fritz, Brussels and Jan Van Vliet, Brussels. Winners in all 'other breeds were; Robt. McMillan, Seaforth, Single Barrow Class - 1st. W. J. Turnbull, Brussels, 2nd, Gor- don Peters & Son, Ro,thsay. Yorkshire winners were: .Lenentine Bros, Highgate; W. J. Turnbull, Brussels; Garnet Rhome, Moorefield; John Gallagher, Alliston; , James D. -Fritz, Brussels; SHEEP Winners included C, W. Pfaff; Don Deering and P. E. Deering, POULTRY Winners included: Cliff-Pep- per; M. H. Vollick;' W, J, Grant, EGGS Winners included; Mrs. Alvin Jones; Ken Papple; MrS; G. Papple; Gordan Papple; John E. Henderson; Andrew West- erveld; Brenda Haney; John Westerveld; John Wilson; Jim- my Scott; Charles Breanner;, Darlene Henderson. HORTICULTURAL PRODUCTS DIVISION The entry was light in the section, winners being Mrs. E. Howatt; Mrs. A. Jones and Mrs. Leonhardt. and Mrs.' Alex Spaith. Winners were - Mrs. Don Flousher; Mrs. Wm: De4nage; Mrs. Wes. Heimpel; 1‘4.i.ss Parke; Mrs. Bill Dale; Mrs.' • IvIeQ4vin; F. McLaren; Marion Nott; Mrs. Hugh Morenz; Mrs. Rots prOS$ and Mrs. C. Johnston. FLORAL EXHIBIT Winners were: Mrs, R. S. Aiken; Mrs. A, Finlayson; Mts. K. McLaren; Mrs. Calclough; Mrs. A. Jones; Mrs., C. Johnston; Mrs. Bruce Coleman; Mrs. A. Jamieson; Mrs. Earl Papple; Mrs. H. Leonhardt; R. J. Doig; Mrs. E. Papple; Mrs. Bruce Cole- man and Mrs:-Geo. McGavin. ( More results on page 6) LOBA EUCHRE ORANGE HALL, SEAFORTH Mon., Sept. 29th at 8:30 p.m. Admission 50c Lunch Served Everyone Welcome Come. BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE SATURDAY, SEPT. 27th ROYAL AIRES Orchestra CASH 11134N GO legionHall, a ea forth__ Fri., Sept. 26th.. '11:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games $75.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Prizes ADMISSION $1.00 Estra bards 25c or 7 for $1.00 (Children under 16 not) permitted) Auspices Seeforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Proceeds for Welfare Work , Guest Minister GRAIN Rev.'R. Douglas Warren --alfinnersSif ere: Lewis Coyne; D.D., of Credlton Donald McKercher; Francis Hicknell; Robt. Fothering- ham; 'Bill Devereaux; Mike Devereaux; James Keys; Luther Sanders and Geo. Townsend. Donald McKer- cher won the award points. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES Winners included: Mrs. Mae Hillebright; Mrs; As Taylor; Mrs. A. Finlay- son; Mrs. G. Papple; Mrs. W. Dolmage; Mrs. B. Coleman; Mrs. H. Leonhardt; Mrs. E. Howatt; Miss Marion Nott; Mrs. Elgin Nott; Mrs. A. Jones; Mrs. Mary Finlayson; 3 to 5, p.m.' . Mrs. K. McLarent,Mrs. IL S. Baking, sewing, mint, AiAlvkeinnsjontrnweithDenn129is. oMrinsts, and Tea Tables was the winner Cfrheptnost by thsl UCW points award, a subscription to the Anion Expositor tinneasimouliononiononininiarsonanwirmonsft for most ENTERTAINMENT • FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENING "TEARDROPS" Spacial All Day Friday — STEAK "OPEN FOR BREAKFASTS" AT THE QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH ••••••••• 42nd Annual ' uron PlOwnie.0 Aspo,ifitOon PWWING -MATCH and rm Machinery Demonstration Saturday, 40"ttciber 4th, 1969. At Par Avon The John Roclees Farm In Dederick Township, en the corner of No, . Highway and the Ben Miller road, three miles east of Getiariql, Everyone Welsonie — No Admission Charge "Maurice Love, R 3r nceter, President R. T. Bolton R RR 1, Seaforth, Seetettny * 4 4 of 4, • • ADMISSION: $1.00 DRESS: CASUAL WATCH THIS ADVERTISEMENT FOR. WEEKLY ATTRACTIONS EGNIONDVILLE United Church EGMONDVILLE, ONTARIO Minister: Rev. Douglas Steven Organist: Mrs. Arnold Scott 134 YEARS of Worship and Service Anniversary Service 2:00 p.m. Sunday, September 28 Guest Speaker: Rev. Barry Passmore Of Wingham, Ontario Guest Soloist: Mr. Bill Roe Of Woodstock, Ontario Following the service yin are invited to join us for a cup of tea on the church lawn. ‘.. and Share in Our Joy