HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-09-25, Page 3HAVV, FUN THIS WINTER the- sign of the finest , snowmobiles, sportswear, -accessociess peris and service. Sid-Doo. FINANCING CAN BE ARRANGED HOPPER MECHANICAL SERVICES • , -OPEN NIGHTS'UNTIL NINE- Seaforth, Ontario Phone 527-0828 InSPEEIPY BILLeptIBILL ,HIMD YOU EVER TELL Doti"' LET HIM GET AWAY. I HAVE ALL MY DADC.HTER- CAR REPAIR WORK HES A SMART DONE AT YOUNG FELLER! 4th,Morgto IF YOU WON'T MARRY ME- I BLOW OUT MY BRAINS ! THAT'LL 8E A JOKE oN PAPA- HE DOESN'T ' THINK YOU HAVE Down/ 771 Yea YE /MY MR gero ear 1968 Toyota 1965 Ford XL, 2,door hardtop, full power, bucket seats. 1965 Pontiac 1965 Chevrolet 1963 Dodge GERALD'S SVPERTEST Datsun Sales and Service Phone 527-1010 Seaforth lo• S THE HURON COUNTY - BOARD-OF-EDUCATION - EVENING CLASSES 1969-70 Evening claSses for adults are being planned to begin in early October. If the enrolment justifies it (at least 15) the „follovVing courses will .be t ' 0 ,1 At Central Huron Secondary Scrlool,:.Clinton. Tel. 482-3471-. ARTS :AND CRAFTS - 1. Art (Beginners) 2. Bridge 3. Leather Working 4. Liquid Embroidery 5. Men's Physical Fitness 6. Ladies' Physical Fitness 7. Rug Hooking 8. Sewing (Basic) 9. Sewing (Advanced) 10. Public Speaking 11. Millinery 12. Choral Music COMMERCIAL 1. Typewriting • 2. Bookkeeping (Basic and/or Advanced) TECHNICAL .1. General Carpentry 2. Drafting 3. Electricity ' (Preparation for provincial. examination) 4. Electronics 5. Auto Mechanics (Beginners) (Male or Female) 6. Machine Shop 7. Welding ' • ACADEMIC 1. English XIII , 2. English XII 3. Mathematics XIII 4. History XIII or XI 5. Physics XIII or XI 6. Any other academic courses for which there is sufficient demand. Note: Where, the registration at one school is not sufficient but the combined enrolment at several centres Justifies it, the subject 16411 be offered at a central location. Classes will begin in week of October 6th and run tor approximately 22 weeks, The first term ends about December 18 with the second term commencing in J.anuary. Registration will take place in the school on October 6th, 1969, from 7 - 9 p.m. Advance registration may be made either by filling out th,, form below or by telephoning the school. Suggestions' for other courses would be welcomed. Fees: $10.00 per course except when the school supplies the materials, e.g. Welding. Fee for such course is $15.00. J. B. Levis D. .1. Cochrane Chairman Director of Education Tear off and mail to the school concerned. Do not mail to the Board office. Please register me in the following course(s): t • NAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: • I• tl Ix • "O• - 25th- Anniversary The.litstOrteal EnAeateh 4'4 'Clittent Events, Meeting of Kip- `Pen East W.I. was held at the home of Mrs., Charlotte Pull- man in SeafOith, Wednesday evening with Mrs, Harry Cald- well as co-hostess. The roll, call was answered by naming 'An old custom we don t tiollow. anymore'. Mrs. Joyce Cooper read a poem. Mrs. Ren McKay and Mrs. Harry Caldwell were 'named 'delegates to a Rally on October 6th and Mrs. Alex Mc- Gregor extended an invitation to the Huronview Bazaar on Oct- ober 8th. Miss Belle Campbell gave an interesting talk on 'by- gone days in,Seaforth, ' M r s. Grant McLean gave a skit, and a demoiistration on Japanese embroidery was given by Mrs. Joyce Cooper, Mrs. Vern Alder- 11` en- Kipper' 1 and Kippen11 In' et with a parry limp returned at the home of the assistant lead- !wine fr,#1.. fishing trip iii 111, er, Donna Vhitehense. 'The Timagaini area. secretary's report was given by Pam Patrick, Mrs. Connolly Showed how to thread a needle properly. Each member out out a pattern (or their learning stitch- es article and were shown how to do the blanket stitch and each made a sample fther record book. Miss Beth Hill, Brucefield, visited her friend Louise Kirk on Sunday. - 'Mr. Theodore Sutton, Cam- bray, visited a few days with his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. .4TP.PEN 1 old . 94.40.0; .9f .71c,40.71.:030, • • ,ga.v•O •09.1gteSYX#144,44 Mr. and Mrs, ,1Cgr "vifsited ;0tr.1 4rtajr:vot t)Ao.W.,e0 01.4 • 0.14:14-rs• $,FOtt Ke•# at notches..' with:J*4 and Mts:f 4140ey 4. Use' Expositor Want Ads Phone 527-0240 WALTON Correspondent MRS, D. ENNIS The McKillop U. C. W. Unit met at the home of Mrs. Jack Bosman. Mrs. Neil McGavin presided for devotions opening with hymn 445 "All the Way My Saviour Leads Me" with Mrs. Campbell Wey as pianist. The scripture reading was taken from Isaiah 52, 1-10. Mrs. J. Bosman and Mrs. George Love gave the meditation after which Mrs. McGavin led in prayer. Hymn 46 "All Hail the Power of Jesus Name" Was sung, The of- 81;11.T.IN RANGE • . Lunch warserVeitsby-Mrs-.--Ste- wart McCall, Mrs. Charles Mc- Gavin, Mrs. Norman Schade and the hostess. Mr. and Mrs. John Thamer and Anthony of Kitchener spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs., William Thamer.• ' Week end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dun- das included - Mrs. Frank John- ston, Winthrop; Mrs. Clemens Stutz and Mr. and Mrs. W. Stutz of Ki ehener.•,. . and Mrs. William Tay- lor and family of Staffa spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Roily Achilles. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Ennis;. Steven, Leanne and Sherri of Whitby,. visited 'over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis. Mrs. W. C. Bennett of Se NO ADMISSION CHARGE REFRESHMENT'S WILL RE SERVED COME IN NOW and SAVE • FRONT-END ALIGNMENT SPECIAL Mr.' and Mrs, Robert Elgie entertained friends and relatives Saturday evening in the Legion tiall,,Hensall, on the occasion • of their 25th wedding anniversary, The evening was spent id play- ing cards and dancing followed by a•smorgasbord supper. Sunday guests included their daughter, Margaret, of Guelph; Mr. and Mrs, Ray.,Pfaff of St. Cathari es; Mr. and: Mrs. JOe• McBride, Bur- lington; Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hunt of Port Dover;.Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Leve, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs.' Graham Arthur, Exeter and Mrs. Mary Holmes of Nottawa. A supper at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, that evening, was en- joyed by all. Correspondent MRS, MAUDE HEDDEN AMBER REBEKAH.LODU Noble Grand, Mrs, Earl , Campbell,.presided for th$ regular meeting of Amber Re- bekah Lodge with forty present. Visitors were introduced by their hostess Lodge inHensall, each guest being presented with. a gift, after which the regular • business of the meeting took place. Mrs. Clarence Volland and Mrs. Howard Lemmon re -- ported having visited at Queens- way Nursing Home during the summer months presenting the thirty-two patients with a gift. Mrs. Harold Parker and Mrs. Leona Parke voluntered to visit the Nursing Home in. October. Twenty eligible members wilLhe presented with their 20- year. veterans jewel at the next meeting. "Happy Birthday" was sung to Mrs. Howard Lemmon, Mrs. Harold Parker and Mrs. Alex McBeath. Mrs. Margaret Rose of EdelWeis Lodge, Seaforth, accompanied at the piano. • U.C.WOMEN The theme song and prayer opened the September meeting of Chlselhurst United Church Women. Mrs, Russell Brock pre- sented the Worship Service "The Church in This Day". The Bible study was given by Mrs. Harold Currie. Mrs. Clarence Cole- inan-offered. the Missionary-.. - Prayer. A trio composed of Mrs. Thos. Brintnell, Mrs. Richard Taylor and Mrs. Jack Brintnell sang, "The old Church Gals"; WEDDING KIPF,ER WEIKOWSKt" A quiet wedding. was solem- nized at the Exeter Pentecogtal Church on Friday evening, Sept. 12th, 1969 when Krystin Wei- kowski and Daniel Thos. Kipfer exchanged marriage vows in a double ring ceremony before the Rev. F. L. Rhude. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Weikow- ski of London, formerly of Blyth, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. Kipfer, Hensall. Mrs.' Norman Tait, Hensall,. provided traditional wedding music. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a tiered white short gown and carried a single, long stemmed red rose with a red'velvet ribbon. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. John Joynt of Hensall. Mrs,. Joynt Wore a green dress covered with white lace and a gold cor- sage. FolloWng a short honeymoon the couple will reside in 'Herisail temporarily. WINCHELSEA Correspondent MRS. WM. WALTERS Mrs. .Gerry Gruhhe and boys Dennis and Diane, spent 'the week end with relatives at Lis- towel and also attended a reun- ion on Sunday. • Miss Ruth Horne of London spent the week end with her -par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman • Horne; forth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bennett. Mr, and Mrs. Adrian McTag- gart of Brussels visited with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Achilles last Sunday. Mrs, Hilda Sellers of Sea- forth was a week end guest at . the home' of Mr. and Mrs. Her- bert TravisS, Mrs, Elizabeth Cardiff of ° Biusseis visited over the week • end with Mr. andUrs. Clifford Ritchie. WALTON __GAR Traviss; Shirley Thamer; Karen Coutts; Sharon Marks; Janet Shortreed; Marion McCallum and Sandra Watson. Officers are - President - Karen Coutts; Vice President - Shirley Thamer; Secretary - Sandra Watson; Press Secretary - Joan Bennett and Susan.Hum- phries. - Leaders advised fabrics to buy and what colours suited each properly. It was agreed the name for Walton 2 would be "Walton Nifty Needlers". Includes: Complete Front-End Inspection • Check and Adjust Steering Check and Adjust Caster and Chamber • Check and Adjust • Toe-in eck Ch Front-Wheel Bearings • Inspect Tires • Road Tent .1 I You are cordially invited to a BIG GENERAL MOTORS SHOWING IN THE ZURICH ARENA Thursday and Friday Night SEPTEMBER 25 and 26 Hensall Women's Institute :won first prize at Exeter Fall Fair for their exhibit which con- sisted of five articles for a child's room. Miss Susan links of London and Larry Mason, spent Sunday with Mrs Bertha Jink.1, "Twenty members from Car- mel Preskterian- Church Wom- en's Missionary Society, attended' the 85th anniversary of the W... , M.. S.., of,Knox ,Presbyterian Church, Goderich. „, %r6 Week end visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hyde, Kippen, were Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Baird of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Michael An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240, :,••• PRESENTED HY: • • Walsh and dauglar:lientlieq,,LE" tzt_London; Mr. DAligia.,s. 'MO .of Chatsworth and Miss Linda,,i.owe of Brussels.0 feri NIFTY NEEDLERS ng was received by Mrs. Nor- man Schade and dedicated by the leader. Walton 4-H members met in A topic The Canadian In Walton Public School. _The - dian was given by Mrs. George meeting opened with the 4-H Love. Mrs. Campipell Wey was pledge and the divided • in charge of the business... Re- into Walt and Walton ar visited on Monde Faruh y ports were q given and anno Mem ers of Walton 2 ar - Stisair- umphries; Joan Bennett; menu made. with Mr.- 'anciRis:Fteernarr--- - Horne. Mr. Wm. Taylor is a pat- ient, in Sr. Joseph's Hospital, London, having had surgery on Friday. Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne visited on Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Frayne • and fa-mily of Granton. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters and Danny, Miss Wendy Ryck- man and,,Mrs. Joseph Dayman of-Exeter visited on Sunday with MrXand ,14st 'HoNvard' Daytrfanli and 'family or • " •- Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Adds Smiles To Your Driving ! Proper Wheel Alignment Reg .95 (Parts Extra) BSI All work done by factory-trained Guardian Maintenance technicians using precision equipment. SALES 0401.06 SERV/CE Name, 52T-1750 • SEAPORT/4 ) Lot. Open Evoungs-,to 9 p.in. "Serving Seaforth and District for 28 Year*" R. N. ALE Londe tiro Phone 48`2447 •OP4W3 imminammummiimiwo - Adds Miles To Your Tires ! HURON MOTOR PRODUCTS , LIMITED "YOUR FRIENDLY OMC DEALER IN ZURICH" PRINENTEff GINGERICH'S LIMITED "YOUR FRIENDLY FRIGIDAIRE DEALER IN ZURICH" COME and SEE THE ALL-NEW '70 MODELS 4 i•'