The Huron Expositor, 1969-09-18, Page 19With a
Custom Heavy Duty Pair:
There are many women who demand the tumble action wash-
ing, offered only by Westinghouse. What are the benefits?
First, without question! WA the , mint economical washing
system. This front-loading washer uses far less water and
Only half as much detergent as agitator washers. Second, no
other system washes cleaner: the constant lifting, tumbling
action gets, every Item thoroughly. washed — safely and
gently toofi. Third, there's no clean-up,chore afterwards: the
tub and lint collector are both self•cleaning.- Fourth, very
simple mechanism means there's less to go wrong . . . -no
transmission gears, just a simple, trouble•free belt and pulley
Come in, let us show you
moment to place an Expositor g Correct washin techniques
should eliminate the need for "O.Want Ad and be money in
pocket. To advertise, just Dial
.bleach, except for badly soiled Seaforth 527-0240.
or yellowed garments.
live a little!
All you need is an automatic washer and electric
dryer. With one setting of a simple control, the
washer fills itself, washes, drains, rinses, and
damp-dries. Then the dryer takes over. Keeps
your clean wash free from impurities in. the air.
Fluffs clothes into a natural shape for easier iron-
ing. And takes special care of your permanent-
press garments. There's no hard work. No
watching. No waiting. Your 'time's your own.
You've banishediour washday blues!
With an automatic washer and electric dryer,
you don't have to do the whole family wash the
same day. Do a little at a time. Whenever you feel
like it. Even when it's pouring rain.
Get yourself a new automatic washer and eleCtric
dryer from your local major appliance dealer, and
live a little.
Seaforth Public
Utility Commission
Fabric Industry Leads, In THIF.lipRoN eosvrolk.isig4Fpgrii, Sim 1.$y 1$11-71111A,
IQW11 atc Of Ultra Modern Laundry. Equipmen
Washing of clothes is a pro-
cess established before the dawn
of recorded history.
Drying was taken care of by
From this era of relatively
primitive methods ,of scrubbing
the family wearing apparel has
evolved the highly sophisticated
automatic laundry appliances of
And, strange as it may seem,
these ultra-modern laundering
devices have been, in large part,
developed and designed by the
fabric industry.
Few ethelappliances have
been affected to this degree by
developments in a completely
unrelated industry.
For example, about 50'Per
cent of all textiles and wearing
apparel now on the market are
made of synthetic fibres. '
Predictions indicate this trend
With This
by Beatty
Buy the Pair
For Only
will increase ,to 60-70 per cent
within the next few years.
Because of society's desire for
,easy-care garments, most of
these fabrics will be water-wash-
In keeping with these fabric
characteristic changes, appliance
technology has stressed not only
special cycles for certain fabrics,
but also economy, convenience,
flexibility, as well as capacity,
durability, and 'consumer design-
ed' warranties.
With these advances the mod-
ern consumer must decide not
only when and where to buy, but
also what kind to buy to best
meet her fabric need and, of
course, her pocketbook
The Canadian Electrical As-
sociation and the Canadian Elec-
trical Manufacturers' Associat-
ion have joined forces to launch
a full-scale national promotion
of automatic washers and elec-
tric dryers from September 15
to November 15 to help the
modern housewife keep her
family in clean clothes.
Leading appliance manufact-
urers from coast to coast will be
participating and advertising
both nationally and localfy to
help the housewife "banish wash-
day blues" in the biggest joint
promotion of its kind in Canada.
There are several reasons for
having an automatic washer, and
electric dryer in the home.
An automatic washer takes
the guesswork and drudgery out
of washday. With a single, set-
ting of the controls the machine
will fill; wash, drain, rinse,
and damp-dry clothes -- auto-
matically. It's like feeding in-
• formation into a computer then
letting it take over.
An automatic washer saves
the housewife time and energy.
Once the controls ha.'e been
set, there's no need to even re-
merriber it's washday.
,An automatic washer increas-
es the life of all types of fibres.
All automatic washers' are made
with a range of easily operated
controls to suit every kind of
An automatic washer keeps
the housewife's hands out of
hot water and saves time and
work. .
An automatic electric dryer
makes every day the right day
for drying. There's no more
watching and waiting for the
sun to come out.
Ironing time is reduced to a
minimuM throitgh fluffing fab-
rics to ensure they come out a
natural shape. Clothesline creas-
es and clothes pin marks are
banished, which also reduced
the need for pressing.
An automatic electric dryer
maintains the effectiveness and
original contours of permanent
press garments thiough an auto-
matic cool down action to keep
surfaces smooth and wrinkle-free.
An automatic electricdryer
ensures that clean clothes stay
clean. Clothes hung outside, or
even in the home, can become
To avoid loss of small items
such as baby socks, handker-
chiefs, gloves and belts in the
family wash, put them in a
niesh bag bef ore 'being loaded
into the washer.
* * * e *
ite and. coil:Oast garmen-
ts are washed cleaner with hot
water. Greasy soil is more
easily removed, more bacteria
are destroyed, and soaps and
detergents dissolve faster in hot
A hot"water wash is required
for white and colorfast cottons
and linens, wash and wear col-
orfast cottons and heavily soil-
ed clothes, including children's
play clothes. A warm water
wash is required for man-made
fibres, delicate fabrics, rayon,
acetate and silk, elasticized.
articles, non-Colorfast fabrics
and washable woollens.
• Permanent press clothes are
one of the greatest advances in
textiles since the introduction
of man-made fibres. Perman-
ent, press articles can be' washed,
dried, and put.back into, ervice
without ironing. Many auto-
matic w.ashers new come equip-
ped with a perManent press cycle
which gives a warm wash temp-
erature, normal agitation, and
shorter wash, time. To discour-
age wrinkling, wash water is
cooled just before the spin cycle
soiled by dust and impurities in
the air.
Like sister utilities across the
nation, Ontario Hydro and the
more than 350 municipal elec-
trical utilities throughout the
province are giving full sup-
port to the "clean living" pro-
Utilities continue to operate
marketing programs to promote
the use of off-peak power. Thro-
ugh the use of electricity during
times of reduced demand on the
power system, Plants and equip-
ment are kept in operation, thus
reducing the cost of producing
The consumer stands to ben-
efit in this way -- the dividend
being lower rates for electricity,
Which is still the best dollar
value commodity on today's
• ......
Always pre-treat spots and
stains, such as ink or rust, before
doing the family washing. Deter-
gent and hot water may set some
,stains permanently.
Wash and wear -- perma
press -- garments should always
be washed separately from other
articles in the family laundry as
they have a tendency to pick up
soil from previous washer loads.
* * * *
Greasy, grimy work clothes,
or grease spots on resin-treated
cottons, can be treated with hair
shampoo or heavy-duty liquid
cleaner before washing. Rub the
liquid into the fabric and let it
stand' for 15 minutes hefore load-
ing into the washer.
If bleaching is necessary, add
it while wash cycle is in progres
Chlorine bleach added after
clothes have been washing for a
few minutes is less likely to de-
'stroy optical brighteners found in
many soaps and detergents.
0 * 0 0
cOnotY PlOWAlatlis
• Association, at a teee0mCei—
ing made plans ler tbeir -1808 •
Plowing Mate'', -and Fyn Mach'
inery Demonstration, to be held
s,on "Par-Avon" the farm of Pahn
Redges on number 8 highWay,
miles east of Goderich on Saw-
day, October 4, 1969.
The contest in Huron for the
Queen of the furrow, will be one
of the highlights. The winner of
this contest will represent tJuron
at the International Plowing
Match at/Burford.
A horse shoe pitching con-
test is also planned under the
-gleirMaPOuP;of PoPit4P4 HP4 R, ,G9Oric11;
There speci41.
c4 for pew' farmers,, inv*iPal-
pounci4prs and mernbera: of par-.
..clintOtt ineint Varil?Ar; are
plan OP& n' have a re tel ,thent
kOoth, antin) fupp1y 04011e5 fpr,.
tlt plQw- boys. er4g. Aso, are' .
available from the Secsetary
"T. Bolton, E,R. 1, Seaforth,'
First Church W. M. S. met
in the Centennial room of the
church on Thursday. .The pres-
ident Mrs. jas. Keys opened
the meeting with the Call to
Worship and 'Come, Ye Thank-
ful Pettple Come' was sung.Mrs.
Butt offered prayer.- - -
Plans were made for the Fall
Thankoffering meeting to be
held in October.
'Mrs. Francis Coleman, the
group leader, opened the de-
votional part of the meeting
with prayer.
The chapter of the study
book on "The Church and Univ-
ersity" was taken by Mrs. Cole-
man, Miss Jean Scott reading
the part on Guiana, Edith Mc-
Millan on India and Miss Belle
Campbell on Biafara.
--- A whole new conception of laundry care
brought to you by General Electric
With CGE you control the washing re-
sults exactly. You choose from 3 wash
temperatures and 2 rinse temperatures and
4 wash and spin speed combinations.
You don't waste water or use too little —
just right, because you judge
The fabulous 750 lets you dorthat small
load in the mini-basket, a great little attach-
ment •that drops inside the big tub.
Team this washer with its matehing auto-
matic dryer with Perma-Press cycle and
cool-down and full width door for easy load-
ing and you've got a wonderful answer to —
"Laundry As You Like IV
L I .M I T E D
527-1320 . Seaforth
Available at
Beatty TOWNE... the beauty of a smart buy
Most electric dryers have a
timed cycle and will -shut off
after a pre-set time has elapsed.
Clothes may be removed at any
point during the drying cycle.
* * * * * *
Avoid overdrying of the
family wash. Remove clothing
while there is still a hint of
dampness. All fibres have a
normal moisture content, and
if overdried will wrinkle and
• * * *
The permanent press setting
of an electric dryer gives warm
heat control and a cool-down
period at the end of the drying
cycle to discourage wrinkling.
Permanent press articles should
be removed from the dryer as
soon as the cycle stops.
* *
Wrinkles may be steamed
from woolen garments in an
electric dryer. To steam the
wrinkles out, preheat the dryer
for five minutes, then tumble
the garment with a dairy. towel
for-five minutes. Immediately
after removal from the dryer,
steam- treated garments should
be hung on rust-proof hangers
for finishing.
Smiles . .
Wife: "I don't have a single
new thing to wear, If any 9f
your business associates came
over, they'd think I was the
Husband: "Not if they stayed
for dinner."
A woman stepped off the
penny scale and turned to her
husband. Eyeing his wife, he
asked: "Well, what's the ver-
dict? A little overweight?" "Oh
no," said the wife, "I wouldn't
say that. But according to that
height chart on the scale, I
should be about eight inches
taller. "