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The Huron Expositor, 1969-09-11, Page 13
SUPPRT; RED CROSS hOlp us help 41 dr DWYER ent trom Newfoundland,' Mon- treal, Hamilton, Glanworth, London, Kippen, Seaforth, Tor- onto, Kitchener and Breslau, 1,6 Little 1 Father" stinger 2 Asiatic lake 12 Ascended 3 Biblical name 14 Ester of oleic 4 Hebrew acid ascetic 15 Fire worshiper p Scottish 16 Lashing sheepfold 17 Winglike parts4,140,p 78 Beast of TPSW burden ThIrtillitO 20 Exclamation 9 Brad 21 Marks down 10 Volcano 24 Prussian city 11 Young sheep 27 Freckly skin (pl.) pigmentation 13 Tidy 31 Room recess 19 Prominence 32 Afghan 22 Donkey princes 23 Stud with 34 Stomach ,stars 35 King (Fr.) 24 Nobleman 36 Alluvial 25 American shatter on land wild plum surface 37 Malt drink 38 Escritoire 40 Some insects are - with. stingers • 42 Caddoan Indian 44 Bent 47 By means of wine (Comb form) 48 Notion 52 Medieval Spanish. kingdom 54 This builds a house of paperlike . matter 54 Hindu gardener 57 Sanctified person 58 Scoffs 59 Masculine appellation HORIZONTAL VERTICAL 'One of our less-energetic artist friend's has only a brushing acquaintance With work. Buggy Bit sec 8, plowpxv 1-.00-4N A hearing in connection with P0111Piainr from Mr. and Mrs. Seip concerning a storm , sewer on Schade Street, Monk- tin, was held before Jamie- stn the Ontario Municipal BbarcLOIr September 2 and as the complainants did not ap- pear the hearing was short. Ap- proval for the work is expected in the near future but due to the lateness in the season con- struction will be held over to the spring of 1970, At a meeting that evening , council accepted the tender of Machan Construction to haul pit run gravel on the concess- ion 4-5 construction at .790 for the long haul and 48¢ for the short haul. $3'7, 000. 00 was also requested to be transferred from the Schade Street con- struction to concession 4-5 by the Department of Highways. To provide better control and use of plow facilities, two- way radios are to be installed in Township equipment used in winter snowplowing . final inspeptipn certificates were received un the Kenny and Barker Drains. BLOOD DONOR I CLINIC ( THE ficIRON g*POSITOIL, SOFORTH4 -PAM. SIFrib". !It 1 49.-2414 • er: • • • • I BURNS' UCW MEETING 1 The Burns' U. C. W. met at the home of Mrs. Harvey Taylor. Mrs. Smith opened the meeting and Miss Ida Leiper gave a reading "Friendships". . The Study !look on Japan was " given by "Mrs," G'eorge Smith. Mrs: Ed.' Bell gave a reading and conducted the. busineSs ses- sion. The treasurer's report was given by Miss Jean kiper. The bazaar will he held in October. Mrs. Bell chised the meeting with prayer. ' matron of honor and Miss Eliz- abeth Butler, R. R. 2, Crown, and Miss Bonnie Uhler, London were the bridesmaids. They _wore identical floor-length gowns.ofeerise and multi-green sheer over lime green taffeta with scoop neckline, long she-' eves gathered at full cuff, em- PAPPLE - A pretty wedding was solem- nized in the Arkona United Church on Saturday, July 26th at 5 P.M, when Karen Mabel Fiulds and John David ()apple of London were united in mar- riage with Dr. Wm. Rodger of- ficiating at the double ring cer- emony. The bride is the only (laught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Faulds of Arkona and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Papple of Seaforth. liven in marriage by Ii e r father, the bride was charming in a floor-length sleeveless gown of white organza over stif , fened taffeta in A-line fashion. Bands of lace circled the high neckline and fell to the hem- line centred by blue satin rib- bon accented by small bows of the same• shade. Her silk illus- ion veil, bordered by the match- . USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE 'INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. President Williarrl Chaffe RR '4, Mitchell Vice-President Raymond McCurdy _ RR 1, Kirkton Directors Martin Feeney RR 2, Dublin Clayton Calquhoun RR 1, Science Hill Tim Toohey RR 3, Lucan Robert Gardiner RR 1, Crornarly Agents Hugh Benninger • - Dublin Harry Coates - • Exeter Clayton Harris - Mitehell Secretary-Treasurer Hugh Patterson • - Exeter 1111111111111111111111111111111110011.11111011111111N DOB.SON pire waist accented by cerise velvet ribbon with bow at hack. Their headpieces consisted of small cerise coloured flowers. The matron of honor's bouquet was a nosegay of white carnat- • ions and pink roses and the bridesmaids carried nosegays of pink and white carnations. Mr. Randy ii4cLeocl, Guelph, brZiTher...f the groom was grooms- man .and e ushers'were Mr. Robert F't , Guelphd Mr. Sam Kohl, Downsview. Mrs. Carol Carter, organist, played traditional wedding music and during the signing 'of the register acted as organ soloist playing "He" and "You'll Never Walk Atone". , 'For tie reception, held in the Legion la11, th"e mother of the bride received the guests in a coat-dress ensemble of turquoise breca# on white with matching shit , white accessories and cor- sage of white roses She assisted by the mother of the groom wearing a pink crepe dress with matching lace coat, white accessories and corsage of white roses. • For a wedding trip to Quebec the bride travelled in a dress of chocolate brown wool erimpolene FAULDS ing lace formed a chapel train held in place by a seed pearl embroidered lace cap. She car- ried a hand bouquet of whit e roses and filly of the valley set in blue net with matching strea- mers. Mrs. Carman Levie of Port Elgin was her cousin's matron of honour; Bridesmaids were Mrs. Gary Smith of London, sister of the groom and Miss Janet Steph- enson of Arkona. The attendants wore identical floor-length gowns of ice blue crystaline over taffeta fashioned after that of the bride and xim- tried with bands of white sequins.. Matching blue crystaline flowers held the veiled,,head-pieces and they carried hand bouquets of blue edged carnations and white mums. Groomsman was Melvin Muma of London and ushering .guests were the bride's cousin: Gerald Tandy of Sarnia and the groom's brother, Robert l'apple, of Lon- don, Music was supplied by Miss Margardrinicett of Forest. The soloist was Mrs. Bruce Faulds of Belleville, a cousin of the bride A reception followed in ,the church basement with the mother of the bride receiving in a blue lace ensemble with matching ac- cessories arid rose corsage assist- ed by the groom's mother in a Jacket dress of orange ice, white accessories and rosebud corsage. For travelling to Cape Cod the bride chose a mint green puffed silk empire sheath with matching full length coat, hone accessor- ies and peach.rosebud corsage. Following 'the reception a wedding dance was held in the Legion Hall in Arkona for 150 guests. The young couple will reside In London, S IM St. Ambrose Roman Catholic Church in Galt, Ontario w as decorated with gladioli and white mums for the wedding of Evelyn Mary Dwyer and Ian George Sim. The bride is the daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Peter John Dwyer, 34 Avenue Road, Galt, and the groom's parents are Mr, and Mrs. David C Sim, R. R. 3, Kippen, Ontario. Father V. A. Pautler of- ficiated. Soloist Miss Catherine O'Keefe of Preston sang A v e Maria, accompanied by Miss Andrea Cooper.' Given in maryiage by her father, the bridfi-rooked lovely wearing a white chantilly lace gown with a' very!full skirt and lily'point sleeves. The top of the dress and the front or, the skirt were accented with white pearls while the hack of t h e dress formed a train. Her head- dress of assembled flowers trim- med with pearls held her waist length veil. She carried a bou- quet of red and'white carnations and white mums, Mrs, Cecelia Kent of Cali attended her sister as matron of honour and bridesmaids were Miss Deborah Dwyer, sister of the' bride, Miss Lillian Cobb and Mrs. Willie Lix, Flower girl was Miss Paula McClinchey of Galt.and ring-bearer was Edward Dwyer, the bride's brother. The. attendants were dressed in full- length chiffon capri blue gowns trimmed at the top with yellow flowers. Their accessories were White, head-dresses were capri blue gathered at the front and trimmed by a veil. They carried bouquets of daisy mums, David A. Sim Of Lond575p, On- tario, the groom's brother, was the best man And the ushers were Norman Sim of Kippen, Jerry McTaggart of Preston and Ernie Foster of Galt. ' . A reception was held at the , Preston Arena. FollowGg the ,VROPERTY TRANSFERS Recent property transfers made through the real estate of- fice of Joseph McCOnnell, Real- tor, include: The 100 acre farm, lot 1, 'concession 14, Tuckersmith Township," owned by Wilmer Dalrymple, to Gerald Ten Hag, of Seaforrh. Possession Dec. lst, `1909. The Charles Campbell resi- dence, Main-Street South, Exeter, to Wilmer Dalrymple, of Tucker- smith, Possessiotr Dec. 1st, 1969, The house owned by David • Lemon, (sewer of Victoria and George Streets, to Jack Bedard, ....Seaforth. Possession September 20, 1969. Classified Ads pay dividends. • McLEOD Rev. J. Ure Stewart bfficiit- ed at the double ring wedding ceremony of Christie Madeline Dobson and James Gary McLeod when they were united in mar- riage at First Presbyterian Church on August 23rd-at 4:30 p. m. Boquets of pink and white glad- ioli decorated,the church. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F'.' A. Dobson of -, 9'7 James Street, Seaforth and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack McLeod, 528 Wool-, -- wich St., Guelph. - The bride, given in marriage by her father, was gowned in a scoop neck,empire waist,floor- length gown with wrist length sleeves, bodice and sleeves were of bridal lace. White satin rib- bon accented the empire waist, The how at•the back fell. to the ' hem over the skirt of nylon sheer gathered at the waist. ' Her cathedral length. vei14,as.`•:, r4" held by a headpiece of satin roses, satin leaves and pearl teardrops. She carried a bouquet of pink roses, white stephanotis centered by a single white orchid. Mrs. Lynda Binnendyk, Lon- don, sister of bride, was the camel coloured coat with antique 'dinner, the guests were enter- brown accessories and orchid cor- rained with a dance featuring 'The Deltones'.' sage. The couple will.reside in Lon- The bride's mother received don. the guests wearing a two-piece turquoise suit with three-quarter Guests were present from Toro- nto, Guelph, Algoma Mills, D length coat and white accesitir- Oen and Detroit. res- ies. A deep.,rose dress with full sleeyes was worn by the groom's mother. T-ter accessories were deep rose and white. For a honeymoon to Northern Ontario, the bride donned a pale blue dress trimmed with white, white accessories and corsage of blue and white carna- tions, The newlyweds will reside at 25 Hilltop a. Gait, Ontario, Out of t'o'wn guests were pres- CLINTON 26 Levantine ketch 28 Mohammedan priest 29 Storm 30 Was indebted 33 Genus of rodents 39 -foot fly 41 Dried grape 43 Blackbirds of cuckoo family NO lNb S 2:111‘,1S d©G'1 pie 4rf1-11`c, .0 N ap 0 .17 2! AMINE ▪ S r, s;b. v iyassa AM. vjuis.:,.. 3 7 0 • 2tro Or 44 Scottish capi 45 Algerian seaport 46 Chest' rattle 99 Depression 50 External (comb, form) 51 Solar disk 53 pyer (contr.) 55 National aeronautic association (ab.) a 3 d a t 1 4 a ®I_1® ill - 1-19 . a7 NE* IL II • II II MINN 20 II n III 29 25 26 1112Z ra E. 27 • r 2B • 20 30' 31 gin 34 11 W n 11 36 II II 111 38 ill III HMI IIIIII 44 45 illn 42. II 47 NM En 48 50 51 52 UM III 56 111111 58 n . n .111 ill .11 STRATFORD English 36 (Drama) begins Saturday, September 20, 9:30 a.m. Psychology 20 (Introduction) begins Saturday, September 20, 9:30 a.m. Psychology 31 (Personality) begins Saturday, September 20, 9:30 a.m . History 36 (Modern Europe) begins Saturday, September 20, 1:30 pm Classe meet In CENTRAL SECONDARY SCHOOL, 60 St. Andrews St., Stratford. Classes meet for 16 three-hour sessions 'and are open to credit and non-credit students. Credit course tuition fee is $105.00 The noncredit fee per course is $50.00 and is not refundable, Students previously admitted to the University of Western Ontario should register, immediately. Other classes are offered in London and Woodstock and Owen Sound. Registration forms are available et the Summer School and Extension Depart- ment, U.W.O,, London. ' History 20 (1715 to the Present) 'begins Saturday, September 20, 9:30 a.m. Psychology 46 (Applied) begins Saturday, September 20, 9:30 a.m. Sociology 20 (introduction) begins Saturday, September 20, 1:30 p.m. Classes meet in CENTRAL HURON SECONDARY SCHOOL, 165 Princess St., Clinton. THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO CLINTON AND STRATFORD EXTENSION CLASSES 1969 - 1.970 (For University Credit) NORTHSIDE UNITED- CHURCH MONDAY SEPTEMBER, 15th, 6 7 9 p.m. "Your Blood Saves Lives" R HECX,SPEEDY- LETS 601) OVER TO W) PLACE 40:41,s2,70.4 mmily NO. NO I TAKE MY CAR TO SO L01,16, SPEEDY- 19.4 C.01146. oRROV.I. , TO 'TAKE MY CAR THERE TOO. OikAtetem WHY SHOULD 1 DRIVE WITH A CAR FULL OF TROUBLE WHEN 'MEV CAN FIX ir AND THEY IRON OUT D SO EASILY. ALL MY 'TROUBLES AND SoRiliow: t L ET 115i, " CLEAN YOUR CAR! A Complete and Thorough Cleaning Job 'Including Wash Job, .1 Inside and out; Clean Your 'Upholstery and Carpets With 'an. Exclusive Specially Treated Shampoo; Clean Windows and Trim. r • Any Model ONLY Plus $2.00 for 17.95 Materials Olc1 Baldy Last Seen Around Seaforth Travelling 72 Miles Per ilour! HEADQUARTERS FOR Oth SALES c:4°Atee, SERVICE NfVf101er Non& 527-1750 • SEAFORTH , Service Department Open Week Days 8 to 6, Saturdays 8 to 12 If Found on Your car Bring him to Seaforth Motors for INVESTIGATION - - -