HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-09-11, Page 4Correspondent • MRS, MAU DE REDDEN Huron County native Duncan Stewart, who celebrated his 102nd birthday Jan. 14, died in Huronview, Huron County's home for the aged, Tuesday, September 2. DUNCAN STEWART News of Herman Duncan Stewart, 102, n Dies At Huronview Saturday Night `THE MACOONALDS' FRIED CHICKEN HURON HOTEL Dublin WANT ADS BRING QUICK-RESULTS: Dial 527-024C "Remember the good old days when nobody would give us credit?" 'It's a cinch that nobody here is on pep pills." "It's not for me. It's for my 'plants!" been hand crocheted• by the bride's' Mr. 'antiMrs, Alfred -Dudley great grandmother, Mrs.' Archie Copland of Ottawa recently vis- Somerville, 'Gentled on the tea iced many old friends in town. table'was a floral arrangement of They were Seaforth residentS weet peas and pink candles. frdm 1945 - 1949. IYr ite and pink gladioli decorated Mrs. A. Y. McLean was a le home for the occasion. In guest at the home of Mr. and , the afternoon' Mrs. Murray Christie,mrs, James MacKague, Willow- aunt of the groom, poured tea, dale last week. In the evening, Mrs. Gilbert Smith and. Mrs. Leonard Strong, aunts of the bride, were at the tea table. Trousseau and gifts were dis- played by Miss...Faye Ross, Mrs. Maurice Wathke, Mrs. Alfred Ross, Mrs, Jack-Harvey, Miss Carol Humphries, MiSs Cathy Phillips- and Miss Barbara Clesney. Miss Kim Campbell, Mist Cheryl Harvey and Miss Joanne Ross were in charge of the guest lidok4 The guests here entertained in the livingrbom by Mrs. KT-1 Campbell, Mrs. Ralph Mc- Nichol and Mrs. Stewart McCall. The tea was served by Miss June Hilleu, Miss Karen Dolmage, and Miss Jean Patrick Assisting with the tea table were Mrs. CASH BINGO Walter Somerville and Mrs, Legion Hall, Seaforth Ross Driscoll. • Friday Sept 12th bride was feted at several showers. Hostesses were the 8:15 p.m. - at Cromarty Presbyterian Church, 15 Regular Games for $10.00 . Nliss Sharon Knott at the borne Three $25.00 ,Dames of her mother, Mrs. 101 Knii•tt, $75.00 Jackpot to go Carlingford;,aunt of the bride, Two Door Prizes. Mrs. Robert Mauer, Kirkton; ADMISSION $1.00 aunt of the groom Mrs. Bert 1*tra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 Russeldale, (Children under 16 not) The bride, her sisters and • permitted) friends displayed her trousseau Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 and gifts at her home on Wed- Royal Canadian Legion nesday, August 13. Proceeds for Welfare Work MERCHANTS' EXHIBITS SEAFORTH FALL FAIR SEPTEMBER'18 and 19 Merchants interested in obtaining space for exhibits in the Arena for the Thursday 'evening and Friday, afternoon shows, please contact: ' ED TAYLOR At Taylor Shoes, Seaforth, Phone 527-1890 CABARE DANCE SATURDAY, SEPT. 13th BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE • WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA Miss Mary Hagan begins her studies at Brescia -College, Lon- don, this week. Rev. Patrick Murphy, Ottawa, spent a few days with friends, here. He is a nephew of Mrs. Mary Devereaux, R. R:#4, Sea- forth and Mr. John A. Murphy, Sea forth: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Arm- itage and family have returned to Edmonton after visiting with their parents, Dr. and Mrs, W. R. Bryans and Mrs. Nancy Arm- itage in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Camp- bell of Ashtabula, Ohio, visit- ed with Dr. and Mrs. W. R. Prior to her marriage the (:, (;. 1. T, girls and their leaders FALL FAIR PENNY SALE will open in BOX'S STORE SEPT. 15th BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8.00 p.m. ALL DOUBLE FEATURE, SHOWS • FRIDAY & SATURDAY Sept 12 end 13 "THREE IN THE ATTIC" Starring Yvette tAjmieux, and Christophr Jones — In Coles Showing at 8:30 p.m. Three girls make an amorous male college student a prisoner ,of love in a dormitory attic which becomes a major college scandal. "THE CONQUEROR WORM" Showing at 10:45 p.m. (Adult Entertainment) — Starring Vincent Price and Ian Ogilvy Color Cartoon COMING NEXT WEEKEND: "ANGELS FROM HELL" "THE WILD EYE" aeth Admittance Restricted Shows ENTERTAINMENT • FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENING `Don Thompson Trio' .Special All Day Friday — STEAK ."OPEN FOR BREAKFASTS" AT THE . UEEN'S ,HOTEL SEAFORTH Country & 'Westorn Muiic In the Red ,Knieitt Room FRIDAY — PARISIANNA TRIO SATURDAY — ELGIN FISCHER TRIO Also entertainment every Wed,, Thur., Fri., and Sat. in the Ladies and Escorts Beverage Room. Ample Free Customer Parking Beverage room snacks - Colored TV COMMERCIAL 'HOTEL Seaforth, Ontario _ ' ... .... .......................... ... oAm g sro rigi LOVERS PLAY-f-- a BEDTIME STORY... but NOT for children BARBARA MANOR • TOM KIRK DRIVE-IN THEATRE iiWY, 8 CODERICH AT CONCESSION RD, 4 PHONE 524.9981 SUM his UNKISSED NOE „4.41,455/0 flow"— Ca6k." 4-4471R HiY;CON EXPOSITOR, SE AFORTH. ONT.a _SEPT. 11. 1969 RORiARTY Mr. and Mrs. Dornild Halls • of Ottawa, former residents of Egmondville. were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Mer- vin Non. , Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Nes- E bitt and family, who have been in Timmins for some time and formerly of Seaforth. have mov- ed to their horhe at 336 Barak- nia Rd.. Stratford. Mrs. Nesbitt is the former Mabel Campbell, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell of McKillop. Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt are both on the staff of Stratford Northwest- ern Secondary School. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Goven- lock of Simcoe, were week end guests of Mrs. Mae Dorrance. Mrs. Ella Munro, Mrs. Tom Pryce and son, Oliver, of Win- throp, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Armstrong of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Williams and family of Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Williams a nd family of Waterloo, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Williams. Mr. Russel Hays of Detroit • spent a few days here with rel- atives and friends. Mrs. Barbara Sykes had the misfortune to fall in her home and break-her hip. She is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, Miss' Alice Reid is spending a vacation in the Canadian West, Mr. and Mrs. Gratton Flan- igan of Hamilton are spending a few days at the Horan home . here. -Miss Janet Chesney of Cleve- land, Ohio, spent a few days with her •sister - in- law , Mrs. E. P, Chesney and other relatives. --LOCAL Doug, Dalrymple and Alan McLean are enrolled at Ryerson Polytechnical Institute in Tor- onto. He was hprn in Usborne Township, about four miles southeast of Hensall, the son of Robert Stewart and the for- mer Jane Ross. He spent his school days at Usborne Township county school, later called Hurondale. In 1899, - he moved west to farm in Man- itoba. Mr, Stewart returned to Hen- sail and farmed two miles north of there from 1909 to 1945,,when his wife, the former Annie Bell, died. He then moved to Hensall 'and finally to Huronview in 1965. Funeral services were e Thursday from Bonthron Funeral Home with Rev. J. D. Jarvis in • charge. Pallbearers were Wm. B. Rowcliffe, Ernest Chipchase, James MacFarlane, Stewart Bell, Douglas Stewart and Ira Geiger, Correspondent MRS. KEN ELLIGSEN Approximately thirty guests were present at a silver wedding celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Wolfe, Wednesday evening at the Community Hall for an evening dinner catered to by the ladies of the Chamber of .ommeret. After dinner relat- ives, friends and neighbours joined the family and progres- sive euchre was ehjoyed. Mrs. Lorne Mueller wrote and read -the address when the cele- brants were presented with a card table and chairs, a swivel rocker, individual gifts of silver and a sum of money. Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe were married twenty-five years ago September 8 at St. Peter's-Luth- eran Church In Brodhagen by the. late Rev, SChultz. Mrs. Mickey McLoy, Strat- ford, ,was the maid of honour. Edward Scherbarth, Jr. ,.Bornholm was best man and Mrs. Ross Tbwnsend, Tavistock, was flower girl. The guests were ushered at the wedding by Ed- gar Eiligsen and Carl Hillebrecht. Mr. Wolfe is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wolfe and Mrs.' Wolfe is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Scherbarth,. Sr. , Brodhagen, Mr. and Mrs. Wolfe have seven children, Mrs. Ross (Judy) Wopd, R. R. #4, Mit- chell; Linda, Guelph Agricult- ural College; Wendy, Warren, Wayne, Kenneth and Faye, all at home. Guests of Mrs. Mary bittper on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schellenberger. Mr. and Mrs. Allan MacDougald, all of Mitchell; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schellenberger, Clinton; Mr.. and Mrs. Russell Sholdice, Strat- ford and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hinz, R. R. #1, Bornholm. Mrs. Lavern Wolfe accompan- ied Mr. John Watson, Toronto, to, attend the funeral of Mr. Clifford Watson at Exeter and after the funeral she visited with Mr. and Mrs. Graham Trernmer, Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Val Bue, cone, Gary, Indiana returned with Mrs. Wolfe. Sgt. Dick Watson, New Brun- swick also flew in to attend his father's funeral. MARRI-ED 25 YEARS Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Leon- hardt celebrated their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary last Friday night at the Brodhagen Community' Hall. Approximate- ly 300 attended the get-together when dancing was enjoyed to the music of "The Blenders". Mrs.. George Rock read the address which was written by Clare French/' when Mr. and • Mrs. Leonhardt were presented 'with a Chesterfield suite, end the•marriage of Mary Lynn Allen of Mitchell to Warren Priestap of Stratford on Saturday at Knox Presbyterian (lunch, Mitchell. Miis Anna Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne'Splane, London, were guests at the Richardson wedding which took place at Hensall United Church on Sat- urday. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Scott were guests at the reception for Mr. and Mrs. Willsie which was held at Zurich Community Cent- e on Saturday night. W.M.S.MEETS Miss Olive Speare presided at the -W. M. S. meeting of Croni- arty Church at the home of Mrs.' E. Moore. The study lesson, "Preparing" was presented by Mrs. J. R. Jef- ferson and Mrs. K. McKellar. The offering was received and was dedicated by Mrs. Grace Scott. Roll call was answered by naming a country where the Bible Society is working. Business was conducted by. Mrs. T. L. Scott and Mrs. C. McKaig read a prayer composed by the late Mrs. S. A. Miller. Mrs. M. Lamont gave highlights of the work of the Bible Society. Mrs. McKaig reported 11 visits and 26 cards sent to sick. Miss Speare conducted a Bible quiz. Tea was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Wm Harper. Rally Day Service will he held at Gromarty Church on Sunday morning at 11:30 a. m. and will be conducted by Rev. W. Jarvis. chen clock, suitcase, mirror and several individual gifts. Friends and relatives attended the celebration from London, Sarnia, Kitchener, Delhi, Brant- ford, "SeafOrth, Stratford, Mitch- ell, Milverton and surrounding area. Mr. and Mrs. Leonhardt were married at the Trinity Anglican Church, Mitchell, on Septem- ber 8,' 1944. Mrs. Margaret Ross, Sarnia, was the bride's attend- • ant and Mr. David Kropf, Milv- eiton was the best man. Mrs. Leonhardt was the former Enid Clark, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Torn Clark and Mr. Leonhardt is the son of Mr; and Mrs. Chris. Leonhardt, Seaforth. Mr.' and Mrs.. Leonhardt were dinner guests of their three eld- est sons on Sunday evening at the Dominion Hotel, Zurich, along with the rest of their fam- ily and parents. CHAMPIONS VISIT HER- miss Mom McCance of §t. Thomas and Ron Shaver of Galt, 'visited last week with Miss Troyann Bell. Moni is a three times Gold Medalist of St. Thomas Figure Skating Club while Ron is Western Ontario tampion and Canadian com- petitor. Miss Troyann Bell -visited over the week end in Galt and attended the Galt Fair. Mr. and Mrs. La4rd Mickle - spent Sunday in Arva guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Crouch. The Misses Amy and Greta Lammie were successful in win- ning several prizes for weav- ing and knitting at the Western Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Gerrald Wood- strom of Galt, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Bell and Troyann. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Orr have returned from a vacation at aesley visiting with the form- er's brother, Mr. Melvin Orr. . TROUSSEAU TEA Mrs Archie Somerville en - tertained at a troussea tea at her home in honor of her daughter, Linda, whose marriage to Eric Ross took place Saturday, Aug- ust 23rd at Cavan United Church, Winthrop. Guests were received, by the hostess, Mrs. Alfred Ross Sr. -and the bride-to-be. • The tea table was covered with a lace tablecloth which had Correspondent MRS. RONALD BRADY Mrs. Evelyn Shera and son, yr. Warren Shera, Egmondville and Mrs. J. R. Cross, B. A. Thg, attended the wedding anniver- sary of Mr. and Mrs. Spence • Irwin, Lucknow. Mrs. Evelyn • Shera was her bridesmaid 40 years ago. Mrs. Evelyn Shera and son, Warren, Egmondville, motored with Mrs. J. R. Cross and Mr. Cross of London to Toronto where they spent Sunday with • Mr. and Mrs. Keith Cross arid family when Mr. Cross showed films on his recent trip to Ger- many, Paris, France and England. Evbry week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low ' cost 'Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. B E SALE Sponsored by St. Columban C.W.L. Box's Furniture Store Friday, Sept. 12 at 2:00 p.m. 14". ee 55: fly ADMITTANCE RESTRICTED 0 1111001 11 MI5 01 101 01 0111 Coming Next Weekend—Sept. 19-20-21 "MURDER CLINIC" and "THE OBLONG BOX" Correspondent MRS. KEN MCKELLAR Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Knechtel a.nd Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koch of Rostock. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Parker and family of Woodstock. Mrs. Mervin Dow returned home On Thursday from a three 'to -week's visit with her parents in "England. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wunder, Susan and Darrell of Kitchener, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner, Mrs. Grace Scott, Mrs. Gor- don Scott and Mrs. T. L. Scott attended a shower given in -hon- our of a cousin Miss Mary Lynn Allen of Mitchell, bride elect of Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coleman, Sea- forth. • Miss Barbara Gardiner, nurse in training at Stratford General Hospital, spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner. Families of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardiner and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker with their parents were entertained at the -home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner in honour of Steven's first birthday. Brenda Gardiner also celebrated her birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGhee and family, London and Mrs. Roy McGhee', Strathroy, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Mrs. Sadie Scott and Mr.•and Mrs-, K. McKellar were guests at BRIEFS ,— bryans, Miss Mary E . Maloney, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Maloney is taking part in a nine weeks course with the' Air Force at Cornwallis, Nova Scotia. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meagher over the week end were : Miss Marysue Meagher and Mr. David Stinson, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Meagher and family, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Osbbrne and son, Kitchener;Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Kroschoc, Trenton; Mr. John Meagher and sons Frank, John and Kevin, Stratford; Sister Viola Feeney, Chatham and Mrs. Joseph Eck- ert, Dublin. Mr. Kenneth Smale, Mrs. Beth Campbell, Mrs. Ruby Thompson of Regina, Sask and Mrs. Ella Osborn of Weyburn, Sask., visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Smale of Wilson Street•last week. Egmondville CARMEL WMS MEETS Mrs.- George Walz vice pre- sident, presided for the WMS meeting in Carmel Presbyter- ian aurch, Hensall Monday evening with thirteen present. Mrs. Gordon Troyer and Mrs. Clarence Volland presented the devotion 'and study. The . topic read by Mrs. Esther Wri- ght, "Missions of i/reparing of The Round Table". Thirty-three visits were re- potted by members. The Ladies Aid meeting fol- lowed with president Mrs:Har- vey Hyde presiding and Mrs. Esther Wright as secretary. Sev- eral business discussions took place and it was'ilecided to hold a turkey supper during October. News of Brodhagen Couple Celebrates 25th Anniversary FRL,SAT.,SUN ept.12-13 M MUM :4. • 111%0.11EL WELCH IN A LUSTY LOOK AT A SAUCY SEXTET OF LOVELY BAWDIES1 . . t 1141C OLDEST PROFESS' N Nashow coiogi lEANNE MOREAU • ELSA MARIBIELLI 0`4',!P ............. ... ...... r, 14 )i OPEN AT 7:00 P.M.