HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-08-28, Page 5Wish to try ] your artistic skil- l! Is? Then use them to create some generous, open-face sand- wiches made In the Scandinav- ian manner, For each sandwich use one slice of bread only. The Danes always use rye bread but you might favor white or brown. Spread each slice generously with butter, then arrange thin slices of meat, cheese or hard- cooked egg on top. Overlap or rW11 the paper-thin meat slices to give height. Arrange slices of raw or pickled vegetables artistically on the meat sq that you keep- the interest on the top. You can have a free hand to re- peat your design or create new ones. Your efforts will be-open for admiration because there is • no second slice of bread to con- ceal them. If your culinary masterpieces • ASK us for prices SEAFORTH FARMERS Phone '527-0770 dressing, attractively on top. Egg - Spread with butter and Thousand Island dressing. Ar- range hard-cooked, sliced eggs, sliced tomatoes, green onions and diced green pepper attract- ively on top. Cheese and Fruit - For 6 sand- wiches spread with a combin- ation of z cup grated cheddar cheese and A, cup butter. Arrange fresh fruits in season (sliced peaches, pears or apples; halved seeded grapes; halved strawber- ries etc.) sliced-Cucumber and tiny cheese balls attractively on top. Garnish cheese balls with tiny celery sticks. To make cheese balls com- bine 1 cup grated cheddar che- ese with 2 tablespoons mayon- naise. Form into small balls, roll in chopped nuts arid chill. TEA PARTY SANDWICHES. Whether the occasion he a "welcome-to- the-neighborhood" party, a shower for a bride or a visit from a friend, dainty, bite- sized sandwiches are a general favorite to accompany .a. cup of tea.. SEAFORTH JEWELLERS Phone 527-0270 Seaforth IDIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELLERY CHINA - SILVERWARE CRYSTAL Gifts for every occassion Watch, tlock and Jewellery repairs Enjoy"Swimming, Picnics and Camping AT FAMILY PARADISE 12th wncession, McKillop Township, 7 miles north of Seaforth, 3 miles east of 12th Huron Line. Phone 527-0629. Sorry No Hydro As Yet ORDER YOUR SEED WHEAT - NOW THIS IS. THE TIME TO BOOK FERTILIZER REQUIREMENTS FOR FALL PASTURE - APPLICATION CO•OP Seaforth • • • • are to be eaten for lunch or after the theatre, build them genet.- ously so that no btead shows. Re- member these open-face beaut- ies are to be eaten with a knife and fork. The bnly thing which saves them from becoming "dag- woods" is your tasteful arrange- ment and that second slice of bread. When such topless sand- wiches are carried to work in their native Denmark they are made somewhat flatter for eas- ier packing. To assist you in your "crea- tions" the home economists of the Canada Department of Ag- riculture offer some of their favorite combinations. 12 luncheon or snack-sized sandwiches. Beef - Spread the bread with butter and horseradish. Arrange thin slices of roast beef, cucum- ber, canned or pickled beets and tiny raw cauliflower.ets at- tractively on top. Ham - Spread the bread with softened cream cheese and pick- le relish. Cover with shredded lettuce. Arrange slices of ham, cucumber and fresh or drained, canned peaches attractively On top. Sprinkle fresh peaches with sugar to taste and a few drops of lemon juice to prevent brown- ing. Chicken - For 6 sandwiches. Use an unsliced sandwich • spread with a mixture consist- , loaf about 12 inches long. Chill ing of i cup butter, 1 tablespo- _ for easier slicing. Remove, crusts on chopped parsley and 2 teas- and cut into 6 Ir.ngthwise slices poons lemon juice. Arrange about t--inch thick. Cut each slices of chicken, tomatoes, slice in half. Makes enough for gherkins and thinly sliced raw mushrooms, marinated in French • • • lij Teenage Styles ▪ - for FALL ••• OOMPHIES LADIES' MARIE CLAIRE Largest Selection of Back-to-School Shoes for the Children, in New Fall Styles " Back-to-School Specials Boy's" OXFORDS Special $4.99 SAVAGE SHOES , Mines' Straps — Reg. $7.98 Only $4•99 Nylon GYM LpAGS Only $3.49 Ladies' `Y-E0AFERS $4.99 to $8.9 Special Special BAUER ROLLER SKATES GYM SHOES For the Whole Family Specialy Priced for Back-to-School 25% OFF Read's Shoes & Luggage PHONE 527-0690 "Where Satisfaction is Guaranteed" SEAFORTH • 57 CHELSEA BOOT ( ENTERTAIN WITH SCANDINAVIAN—TYPE SANDWICHES. , For your next party why mu ir)your hand at creating sTite opcnc face Scandinavian- type sandwiches. If the "makings" are all ready, these beauties ca.ti he prepared in a short time. Each slice of bread is spreachgencronsly,with butterand topped %%lilt cheese, eggs 'or paper 'thin slices of rolled !neat. An artistic arrangement of ,vegetabLe:; garnishes Ihem. The Home Economists say that they can be arranged on a tray, covered,' and re frig,J.,,:rated till serVin g . time. THE 'HURON Exopgrog, -fE4FpRrie *NT ..490.:24. Wheat, Barley, Oats., Corn, Flax and Mixed Grain At Competitive Prices Fast UnloadingService The Elevators will be open 6 days of the week and will be open at nights if good Harvesting Weather. OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone 527-1910 -- • Seaforth 1.4111•••••••••••••••••M. PERSONALIZED COASTERS - GIFT IDEAS - SERVIETTES THE HURON EXPOSITOR Phone 527-0240 : Seaforth Variety can be obtained by the choice of fillings, shapes and kinds of breads. used. Thse are limited only by the imag- ination. if you are making , a small number of sandwiches and wish to have an attractive assort- ment without buying several types of-bread; you could make ribbon sandwiches. According to home economists, these are particularly suited for making up ahead of time. You will re- quire two loaves of regular sift- ed bread , one white and one brown. Make four or,five-layer sandwiches alternating buttered slices of white and brthvn bread. Use three or four•contrasting smooth-textured, moist fillings such as minced ham, egg or SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL OPENS UESDAY SEPT. 2nd, 1969 Er4ertain ith eandi cheese. Press firmly together. Cut crusts from sides of these .iumbo sandwiches, wrap and chill fur several hours. At serv- ing, time cut them lengthwise into -inch slices and into hal- ' ‘\ thirds, or 'triangles, As time permits you may to make other varieties for by riic saittlwiulr,platec _1"inwheels, rolls and open-face dainties will ,add color and intcresc. l'or tea parties or slkiwers allow one to one and One half slices bread or two to three small sandwiches per person. 'or sandwich filling recipes, quantity estimates and directions for making various types of sand- wiches, write foryour free copy "The Art of Making Sandwiches", publication 1053. The address is Information Division, C, nada Department of Agriculture, Ot- tawa. EGG YOLK SANDWICH FILLING S hard-cooked egg yolks I to 2 teaspoons finely chopped onion 2 tablespo-ons butter 1 teaspoon prepared mustard tablespoons boiled salad dre'ssing Dash of pepper Mend, all ingredients together thoroughly. Makes al?out'l cup of sandwich filling. ,CHEESE AND BACON FILLING 1 cup cream cheese (8- ounce package) 4 strips fried, crumbled bacon (about pound) 2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons cream Salt ind pepper to taste: Blend all ingredients together thoroughly. Nlakes'abour I cup sandwich filling. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one?'Dial 527-0240. immeasmionamommtemm USBORNE & HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAR, OFFrCE - EXETER, Ont. • President William Chaffe RR 4, Mitchell Vice-President Raymond McCurdy RR 1, Kirkton Directors Martin Feeney RR 2, Dublin Clayton Calquhoun RR 1, Science 11111 Tim Toohey RR 3, Locan Robert Gardiner RR 1, Cromarty Agents Hugh Benninger Dublin Harry Coates - Exeter Clayton Harris Mitchell Secretary-Treasurer Hugh Patterson Exeter at 10:00 a.m. All School Buses will operate over the same routes as were in use at the end of the last school year. • All routes will be reviewed upon completion of registration and may be revised at that time to provide maximum service. • Buses will leave Seaforth at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd and subsequently at 7:30 a.m. each school morning. • For further information, contact: L. P. PLUMSTEEL Principal