HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-08-28, Page 441,—THIE **on Exposnox sEA,FORTIL Wit, A E 4I1F T. COLUMBAN 4tri- SCHOOL SUPPLIES r. 27. tri anc al. _adoes re:Ix:et a • a 7.1e 1:121:1 to 7- Cr: Fa" e z were :c.s. ::`se Tte D.a.le : nice 7...2. see ...::-.. _in.: az -e - • ;at 71' - Aale: - S..arnday 3 f ine _ad sal For the • •P-amer: was ...I ...41th: 2 - 14 Aaien - • • at !as; .e.e.t.tnesc.a... rinr sr.-app. ,. • and▪ 1.".a.r.t lila nd, nJars rnen's CrieZ, ▪ !-Lt Vt tV 7j.t. 7.7. , ate w-L-nin: Mein r-_.tee :ars e. .42L IL a ra rack Far.e7E wan prize and tre ire: dry -I . a snd k: :n this idostr.ament. Tuesday r.i,t; saw eizn: nreens rne top timixed Go'.:iers. year was wor "act. a nd .7. a. tttro 14•,:.:. - 1f . Last year': wt- ;e:: were F:ank. Sibs ar...2 7.7 el:: a Lane. Secar.d Dla(.t we:- 7C Bill Exaw-r. and .".ad =eirr with + i r Larne For Complete INSURANCE On your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM CAR,ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE .10 A. CARDN° Inettrance AgencY *him ft0409 2 t Office Diticoy commod, walk ligifors DC SHAEFFER SPECIAL BALL POINT PEN It's. 119 913C CARTRIDGE PEN Reg. 1.49 Students and Parents Will Enjoy Our "School Headquarters" Ink — Musilage — Pencil Crayons LARONE'S Seaforth's Sc to $1.00 Store Stationery Ofts OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS 0 ref% SPEEDY BILL0,44,BILL LOOK, SWEETIE - S'CAN GO AS FAR AS 1 LIKE IN A CAR SERVICED BY • WITHOUT FEAR OF MOTOR TROUBLE OR EXPENSIVE ope too COSTS!. couesei. oe AR, OF COuRSE. TED Old Baldy Last Seen Around Seaforth Travelling 72 Miles Per nour! HE IS A KILLER! If Found on Your car Bring him to Seaforth Motors for INVESTIGATION - - - HEADQUARTERS ma UNIROYAL FOR UNIROYAL TIRES - WHEEL BALANCING Stnoother Driving and Added $ 50 Tire Mileage — pe r whiael Reg. $2.00 Ports Extra SALES ,/iitoti, SERVICE Coq( VPOZ cr Plume, 527-1750 • SEAFORIM Service Department Open Week Days 8 to 6, Saturdays 8 Ito 12 ham_ :Miss Regan spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cronin and children. Mt. and Mrs_ Hugh Bennigez and family were iaa Scarboro at the wedding of their son, DI311 to Manly n Spurrier. After the wed- line:, spent the remainder of the weer. end with Mrs. Jim Ack- r,oyo. in Toronto. tat Sunday .Mm.' and Mrs. er aid Hol 1 a rd were hosts to approxiir.arely C. of rh...ir re- e...who had attended the Ho.land-..,affney reunion held al rid 's residence on arc. Mr. Holland had • orovided food in such an abun-, that he had enough left pve.: provide another full day of merriment and laughter fax ydriaing and old. Those present ,2.:C froth Pete-hi-rough, Toronto, • Lazoor., tii.r.cliehr-r and Sri-at:cm-4. and At. J. F. OPitmont _-__.earner and f.arrily nisi r1 with Mr. rh:1 Mgrs.. FergusH.01-2-11 24.-n-linc- Mrs. Matt .1,12c (!---eight and visited in Peter on En_ and Mrs. ack Mortis and , with Mr. 70= EL:tiers. and Mrs. Tenney _A._ and l,rrs. Mar_ Marray. Te:e.sa ?:11-.r., London; ,Wirs.. Ed. Co- ILL tcrte_rra-; Mrs. Anne 2Elonne, Cnatham with :Mary Fri ar and fiends in Lrae -ars the ft:Le:al af ' ans of De- a..! 'El-Ur:led to Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Horan and Paul in Georgetown with Mr. and Mrs_ Paddy Woods. LOUIS N. EVANS 'Louis AL Evans, 73, died recently at Mount Carmel 1-1.:*- ?nal. Een-oit, after an iflrsess of two years. 0o...rn in Dublin, he was a son of th' late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Evans_ In 192; he • married aorinifild Flynn of I.Nele and theylived iu Detroit since then. He is survived by his Wife One sister, Mrs. Patrick Bent. of Toronto. The funeral took _,ace at St. Marys Roman. Cath- olic turch, Hespeler. Burial followed in St. Marys Cemetery. Rev. Terence Flynn, a nephew from In D. C. , chanted the i'vequiem Mass. Pallbearers were John Snoyle," Hamilton; aaries, Jac : ose;97, and 10.1liam 'Senn of 7.xPrito and' ank F„,,i-r1 of Surprise Couple on Anniversary An enjoyable mu-prise dele bra te„th,..e w-e.ddir,z in.:-..:i.ersary o !Y.:, and l.e.rs. 7.nas. P. Harr._itcor. tel: ve :Y.:. A. T ?c1%, sr-sr:-..iin Sus.day." •Iiest were xeser.r. fron. To-onto Remmber: k place Oa Ettptur Want An and be .manner iaa poelmst lb advertise. hi s Sg.na-th 52T-WALL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 E2.7-ins 2''--o i,. •: - Head the A drertiserri.ents — /fs• a Prof iiigthfe Pastime! l*F° MARKETS4 For Your Convenience al MI ID MR We've installed a new fresh fruits and vege- tabie display counter to provide our customers with the freshest possible fruits and veg-e- tables. Also , we've added two new check-out counters to ensure the fastest service available. SERVING YOU BETTER!! THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS! Mazirn Freeze Dried INSTANT COFFEE 4-oz. jar 950 Rose Brand Sweet MIXED PICKLES 15-oz. jar 290 Libby's Deep Brown BEANS WITH PORK 2 19-oz. tins 530 Delsey BATHROOM TISSUE 2 2 roll pkgs. 590 Superior Hot Dog or HAMBURG BUNS — 2 pkgs. of 8 each 490 PRODUCE Size 138 doz. 490 Local Grown TOMATOES Q 6 qt. basket each 990 BORN ON COB 6 for 290 Maxwell House COFFEE 1 lb. bag 7se Stmt. Juicy California ORANGES Phone 527-0990 for Free Delivery SMITH'S SUPERIOR] ,SUPERIORI a- FOOD MARKETS -al • Corpetpondent -s• 'hERS-JOSEPH KALE Mr. and Mrs. Tom Dial2r and family. For Arthur, have returned to their Wine after vis- iting Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Lb- Charme Sister M. Editha, SLIx-elk's Convent, Peterbororagh, spent Lass week with I& and Mrs. Jack McIver sar...t ,Rioted triench. Galleer, Xan, :oar:- ark. Janet Leta, L. ....athazine, are spend:1.LE nolilr,vs w1tL c-,e.ir grandparents, lt. and Mrs_ V J. Lane, Mrs. Frank Kra-sr:a-pi, Lan- den, with. Mr. ani Mrs. :ame Sloan Mr. anel.11-s. con and Mr. and Mrs. Frail,. - man, Straord, with and Mrs. Morris and fananY., brhAioa, are visiting Mr. and Afts. Tom Monis_ Visitors with Ar. and Atm. James Sloan taring the week were lift. and Ito_ TolEt Sloan and family, Cornwall; Ws. and Arcs. Gerald Gaffney, Peterld- ough.. Mr. and Mrs. Leeds:Kennedy, Paul and Peter. Tomato; Miss Mary McGrath, Traranta, Visited Mr. Ms. AAgus Kerr:NT-01y sister Ai. VW$ S.' W.. vested her sister, lats. :a-ser.ii Eckert.. sister Sr_ SasL.,1 S- J. , ec At. and. AL-s.. Lewis Coyne and Mr, and Mrs- Michael Coy ne. . Mrs. Larry 1.-nigglii Sr..TII the 'w'r± p.nents At. 7. F. Monis. and M.-E. Rairen. Pryce and red Mr-s_ ?,.Ea Mnlacim. Cr-rrespaa&z ts ALR.S. BO'S Ctim MISS MONICA At's- Joseph I. Ryan is a pat- ient it Strad.m-d General Min Smear. Prien.:., SpenT. the 47,--...4t wna± with ter - te and Ats. C:.;.ri es Friend_ Mrs. Gear Covilie Las 7:.'.- z...1rnez to Sea-forth to_"__...ni:-. 11-pau.: after a rxief stay a: home )..t. an: Mrs. Date Wills are scend2ng the week enc a. !Mar. and ?.mss. 3.a Wtethann wnd are larationing for two weeks. and L:ot -.2.:3=_ LL and e 7 ace this wee 1. a: Lake for for the reMande of _7. 171.: ranrafay, ..--._-_2:r•paw Frarfr 5 , an: t 7_7 C-X,:ne -2.: oemsrastrati,.:-. vas • the :-.Lonne Lanina a . tea --• -- • - =tone., Me :anis-a ...ere aManed a: _.e namna.... rardan: an: the _oriel'_ face., A: a- r.'at DC. • OEMs Of WINCIRELSEA poademxt has. VIK WALTERS Mastei Kevin Hein Vent a few days this past week with Mr. and Mrs. Bev. ,Parsons and family near Exeter. Master Tony DaythAn of IUppen is spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. tiM. Walters and Danny. Mrs. George Frayne of Saint- thine Line and Mrs. Kenneth Simp rams of London visited on Saturday afternoon wilt Mrs. Wm. Walters. Miss Pamela Coward of Sum- hiTle visited with Kevin- and Greg Hen for a few days. Mrs. Gordon Prance returned so her home this past week after being a patient in St. Marys Meni- .-rial Hospital for three weeks, Mrs. Sanford Hutton and Diane; Mrs. Freeman Horne; Mrs. Phil Henn and Mrs. Elson Lynn attended the flower show at Russeldale on Wednesday evening. , ' Use Expositor Want - Ads Phone 527-0240 4