HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-08-21, Page 6Set for Grand Opening „Carrying on a tradition of service established more than halt a century ago by the late John Beattie, a new Stedman's Dealer Store is opening in Sea- forth on Friday. Mayor F. C. J. Sills will officiate at the open- ing ceremonies. Until recently. owned and operated by Stedmansyetwo large stores in the Canino block were taken over by Walter West- onto(' who came here from North Hay. The Stedman operation in Ciea forth had its beginning when die company purchased beanie's Variety Store on the retirement of the late NIL heattie. The interiors of die two stores have been completely rearranged WALTER' WESTOR.1101" ead and Use Expositor Classified• CTP.I2NDIRECAD 527=0240 Bob & Betty's Variety NEILSEN'S GOLDEN GRADE 1 FRITO-LAY ICE CREAM CHIPS ;, 11-oz. Bag • 4 Reg. $1.19 89c Reg. 69c 1/2 Gallon CANNED POP NYLONS Flavours Case of 24 L $ 2 .2 9 ricl:u4vc! 414 SEF OUR BIG SELECTION OF HOT WHEEL CARS & SETS OPEN 'TIL 1W P.M. EVERYNITE STION FOR BOYS: Short Sleeve Shirts - $2.00 to 2.35 Long Sleeve Shirts - Perma Press $3.95 Casual and Blue Jeans 2.95 to 5.95 Socks 79c Jackets 3.50 to 7.95 Sweaters 3.50 to 5.95 White Gym Shorts 1.50 FOR THE* YOUTH Short Sleeve Shirts 2.80 to 6.95 Long Sleeve Shirts 3.95 to 7.00 Jeans and Casual Slacks 5.95 to 10.95 Dress and Sport Socks 1.00 Sweaters 6.95 to 19.95 Jackets 8.75 to 12.95 BILL O'SHEA MEN'S WEAR 4-tz,TN,E lt PRON:EXPOSITOR, SEAPORTHI, ONT., AUG‘ 21, 1969 . Storem e Savings ON ALLYOUR FOOD NEEDS Guaranteed Fresh doz 39c CORN Locally Picked Granulated S UGAR 10-lb. Bag 95, (lover Cream ice Cream 1/2 gal. • • • * • ,,,,..:, ,,,,„.„, Heaping. at PEACH ES ti-titirt baskets very attractive prices -oz. $ 1 39 Maxwell House - 10 i NSTANT COFFEE Sunshine - 8-oz. Pkg. CHEESE . itES' 3 for - Maple Leaf Sweet Pickled C TTAGE ROLLS jb. 75 - -- --- - Devon Brand 1-lb Pkg. CON lb. 87` • Crest - Reg. $.1 25 T' OTHPASTE ' 99, York Fancy 28-oz. Save 10c FRUIT COCKTAIL . 45' Allen's 48-oz. FRUIT DRINKS) 3 for $3„ . Many, Many, More Specials Every Week OETTLER'S 345-2420 1 MARKET Dublin - Phone wrztry prsamooa-tIlleSal I am extremely disappointed that the Canadian Forces Base at Clinton, in Iny riding of Huron, has beers scheduled for deactivation by the Department of National Defence. For many years, this former RCAF Station has been a major element in the economy of Huron, providing the largest employment of any non-agric- ultural enterprise in the county. While Huron is an excellent farming community, it has ex- perienced relatively little indus- trial growth since World War Ti and the defence base has been instrumental in providing :obs and revenue for people in the area, While 1 a n most concerned a; out the announcement to close Clinton, I am relieved to learn that a two-year phasing out period has been provided by die Ik:partnieut of National Defence. The closure date of September 1;171, Will give go,- ernmental anthorities an oppor- tunity 10 Investigate carefully ihe best alternative use to he made of the facilities at the. hest. I hope this will result in munch less disruption and hard- ship than was die experience i\ lib' the closing of tlentralia in hia,• after die Centralia &Licit varion, I wrote.. to Defence Minister Leo •`..idienx to express my concern over the method of closure t' t:•-e ;.ind urged him to consider a procedure which would minimize the problem of adjust- ment. I lime that his department will co-operate with other fed- eral departments, the prOvin- and redecorated. Most or Me cial government and local auth L'.old.rers ha\ replaced and orities in planning for future use !kw shuts ing, installed. the off- of the facilities. i, k.. formed in the area abuse •I The )nt a Flu clovernment, iltc merchandising floor has been through Ls Pc•\,elopinent Corp- mo5 e J to the main floor for the oration, has Ida& every effort convenience of customers in to replace the Centralia loss cot neetion w flh charge accounts through die ,2Stahlishinelit of au and lav-a way purchases. ' industrial park -and agricultural A el a[L;i: in stock facilities school there. While this devel- and thy c ol,Istruction of new opinent has been quite successful stock rooms in the lyaS'etnein has the nansferrnation is still in released added space on the process and the adjustment will main floor and this accomodates nor he completed for several a new fashion department. it is years. intended. to further increase die . 'the Clinton base, which fashion department as delivery of added lines is compleled. ChangLs in the display win- do \..s nowt permit shoppers on the main street to see across the two store interiors. In addition !nod- ern display islands and other - interior eliatiges have beer • in tro- duced ro make shopping easier according to NI% Westorhof. the new owner is operating a :stedinan Dealer and will can. 'the hill line of products a in all l-tedinan stores as welt as other 'new departments, Ilorn in Holland in PAI Mr. Wes,torliof came to Canada with his parents in The family settled 'Ile where tic was cuTheated; In kin() he jCint2,1 chain conl with the firot Nov,- '',/rried it, II a ii lormer releti Van deli uelett , diey two children, 'amT:, and Joel 1 1„,,.Illey are iner,hL•rs of her Ivisrian r. \•.estorliof said he :010 • 'rs. l\estorliol are lookin,.. for w- are to their stay in Seaford, and takiP., part Us yommunit aerkities. 'Hwy look forward foci LU Ineeting ;many district resi- delifs at the opening on -friday. -,411,-r, • .• • • ....• Hon. C. IVI. MacNaughton I Minister Comments on CFB Closing BELL LINES by W. W.HA YSOM does not have runway or hangar facilities, does not lend itself to industrial uses as did Centra- lia. It should be well suited, however, to institutional or educational needs, hince the base has been an outstanding training centre for many years. I can assure the Clinton Correspondent MRS. MAUDE HEDDEN Ten patients admitted to Queensway Nursing Home, Hen- sall during July werei‘larnes Hern, Exeter, Mrs. Carrie sinuns, St. Marys, Mrs. Mary Kingsley, Stratford,. Mrs. Annie Marshall, St. Marys, Mrs. Gertrude Webber, Exeter, Mrs. Elizabeth Pepper, Exeter, Miss Annie Drouin, Det- roit, Mr. John Waugh, St. Marys Mr. Wilfred Goodwin, Hensall ' and Mrs, Adeline Taylor, Exeter. iklr. Riches Jurgcns, of Johan- nesburg, South Africe, visited Mr. and Mrs. I larry Klungcl at Queensway Nursing Home on Monday of this week, Mr. Jur- ge'lis who wAs,,a,seltool,friend of Mr. Klangel toured the General Coach Plant as he himself is building trailers in Africa. The Iplore' rs and CGIT members were entertained by the ladies, at the August meeting of the WMS. Mrs. Lamond pres'ided arid opened the meeting with a poem knd hymn "Christ is the Lord" was sung.' Music games and skits were presented. .. by the young people. Mrs. MelKaig reported 14 cards arid 14. visits to the sick and shut-in. A topic "Hible Times Old and New" Was presented by Mrs. Will Miller. , WMS Ladies Entertain HENSALL •community that the Ontario Government is prepared to ex- operate fully in efforts to mini- mize the loss. I am confident, for example, that Clinton itself will continue to be designated TUESDAY EFL, 20, 1969 SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL OPENS under the revised E. 1, 0,,Prog- ram to provide forgivable loans and conventional financing for new or expanding industries. I have assured a number of local authorities, including Warden James Ha 'ter of Huron County, Mayor D. E. Symons of Clinton and Reeve Elgin Thompson of Tuckersmith Township, that I am prepared to assist in every way possible. If at 10:00 a.m. • All' School Buses will operate over the same routes as were in, use at the end of the lost school year. • All routes will be reviewed upon completion of registration •and may be revised at ' that time to. provide miximum service. • Buses will leave Seaforth at 8:30 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 2nd and subsequently 'at 7:30 a.m. each school morning. • For further informations contact: L. P. PLUMSTEEL Principal your telephone manager .Many stores anti businesses in Quebec and Ontario 'have a 5-digit telephone number that lets you call them from out.of-town without Long Distance charge to you. It's called , Zenith service and it's a handy thing to know. about - - - es- irecially during the summer months when so many of us are. visiting away from our home base. if a company has Zenith service in a particular place you'll find their special Zenith number in thiiir local ad or listed in the local telephone directory - - - just as though the com• pany had a store or office right there in town. All you do is call the Long Distance Operator, and give her the Zenith num- ber: she'll connect you directly to the .distant company. The company with the Zenith service will Wbilled for your call. It's like reversing the charges on a Long distance call but it saves you the bother of making the arrangements with the Operator. If you want to conduct some business with a firm that isn't located here in Seaforth, check the London-Goderich tele- phone direetor3. You may find the company has. Zenith ser- vice here in town, If ypi.i're writing to us about your telephone service would you be sure to include your telephone number with your correspondence? Also, if for, some, reason you are unable to include your payment card and account with your payment, would you jot your telephone number down on your cheque or money order? This will help endure that your payment is re- flected accurately in the proper records, Often times we have difficulty establishing the identity of a customer who has mailed an item about his service to us. With the telephone number marked on the correspondence this problem is elim- inated Did you know that the Canadian telephone! industry re- quires abbut $6 million worth of plastic materials and that most of this is furnished by Canadian sources? Furthermore, by the year 2000 - - - only years away • - - this figure will reach $20 million.