HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-08-21, Page 4HURON .16XPOSITOR, )1v, 0,0011.1itimTRE Ilion OFIlse Opens at 1.00 p.n. .DOUBLE FEATURE SHOWS THURS. and FRIDAY August 21 and 22 "RACHEL, RACHEL" IE'S FIRST PRESEITTERIA.14 CHURCH Seaforth SUMMER SERVICES Sun., Aug. 24th,.. Service — 11 a.m. Guest Minister Rev. M. E. Tubbs, Ridgetown Orgainst and Choir Leader — Mrs. Carol Garber ARCT, A. Mus. — All Are Welcome Classified Ads pay dividends. Saturday Night "The Top 3" CHICKEN SNACKS HURON HOTEL Dublin Country & Western Music In the Red Knight Room FRIDAY --- RON COULTHARD TRIO SATURDAY. — ELGIN FISCHER TRIO Also entertainment every Wed., Thur., Fri., and Sat. in the Ladies and Escorts Beverage Room. Ample Free Customer Parking Movers. morn snacks Colored TV 'COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth. Ontario "I'm glad I'm on my side of the Generation Gap!" Richmond Atkey Agreements made with Well- ington and Perth County Boards of Education with respect to secondary school pupils, present and future, who are resident in those parts of Huron County that, prior to Januray 1, 1969, formed parts of Norwell High School District and Listowel High School District, respectively, were rati- fied by Huron County Board of Education at its meeting in Clinton Monday evening. The Board had appointed a special committee consisting of Chairman, John Lavis, Clin- ton; Donald McDonald, Brussels; Gordon Moir, Gorrie; Director of Education, D.J. Cochrane, and Business Administrator R. B. . Dunlop to negotiate a five-year agreement with the other Boards, Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. with the following results; The status quo will'be retained for a period of five years comm- encing September 1, 1969, but talks as to permanent disposition of these.pupils from Howick Township in former Norwell High School District, may be initiated at the encitof the third year of the agreement. ' Howick Township pupils in former Listowel High School District shall be afforded educat- ional opportunities in secondary schools operated by Perth County Board of Education for an indef- inite' period of not less than five years. Grey Township pupils in former Listowel High School District shall afford similar educational opp- ortunities, except pupils whose access from lands on which they reside in by township and con- cession roads and transportation is provided by Huron County Board of Education. All other pupils who reside in that part of Huron County School District will,be.afforded eduCational opportunities by Perth County Board of Education until June 30, 1972. Read and Use Expositor. Classified ACT),1121!RECAT DS 527-0240 ing employee be allowed, at the discretion of the director, up to three days leave of absence in any one year without loss of pay but deductable from accum- ulative sick leave credits, also absence due to funerals, jury duty, subpoena to court. While on Board business, compensation to administrative staff and non-teaching employ- ees will be 12 cents per mile and actual amount expended for accomodation and meals. The following paragraph in the committee report is of int- erest: "It is understood that mileage rates during regular daytime working hours will be calculated from the Board office and return, but that • mileage rates for evening meet• ings will be calculated from the driver's place of residence and return." (Regular Board and Committee meetings are held in Clinton (evening) but of the senior administrative officials who usually attend meetings, one lives in Bayfield, another in Wingham, and the remainder in Goderich). The Board decided to pay .50 per cent of the premiums of Ontario Hospital Insurance Plan and me,dical Insurance plan for all administrative staff and non- teaching employees. ' In addition, the. Board will pay 50 perbent of the premium of a term -life insurance policy for the Director of Education, Superintendent of Schools, Business Administrator, Chief Accountant, Manager of. Purch- asing and Services, and Plant Superintendent, whereby each is insured for twice his salary. and double indemnity if killed while travelling on Board business. LONDON & DISTRICT SOCCER' Columban vs. Briarwood Rangers at ST. COLUMBAN FIELD Sat. Aug. 23 at 6 p.m. The Board decided to increase ,salaries of custodians in McKi- llop schools by six percent. Recommendations of Btisiness Administrator and Plant Super- intendent re elementary school custodian's salaries were accep- ted, '_'he custodian at Brookside; to receive an increase of $800. L. R. Maloney, manager of purchasing, was authorized to attend school transportation seminar at York University, Toronto, August 21-22. Tender of Melvin Steep at $2, 400. per annum was accepted on condition that quoted price also included removal of snow from sidewalks before opening at headquarters in Clinton on ' days when required. Cale Doucette Limited, Clinton was awarded contract at $2, '785. for strapping and tiling ceilings; D. A. Kay and Son, Clinton, at $885. for painting three class- rooms, kindergarten, supply room at Clinton Public School. GODERICH SUNSET ORWI.-114 THEATRE SUNSET CLINT° DRIVE-IN THEATRE HWY. B GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524.99[0 .SUNRISE WHITE BEAN PROGRAM 8:00 A.M. Thursday, August 28th, 1969. at the farm of JACK PECK 1 14 miles west of Kippen Variety, Herbicide, Fertilizer and White Mold control Demonstrations Featuring .discussions by leading crop .scient- ists. Hear' how to' get the most out of Bean Harvesting Machinery. Elanco's Bean Pots will be operating Coffee Served. All those interested in' Production and Marketing of White Beans are invited to attend. Sponsored by Huron..County Soil and Crop Improvement Association and Ontaro Bean Producers Marketing Board A "Mustang" Theatre •THURS., FRI., SAT. August 21, 22, 23 COLOR 0 , PANE iiiiERGEORGE 'tFABIAN' q n AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL presen, THE e`vil's (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) All Color Show = PLUS — First Goderich Showing 11 (Adult Feature Entertainment) A Western starring Edd Byrnes, Gilbert Roland and George Hilton Everji ,Wednesday is "Family Night" at The Sunset. Carload, Truckload or Busload--Admission is Only $1.25 per vehicle. SUN., MON., TUES., WED. Aug. 24-27 All Color Show "ANY GUN CAN PLAY Second "A LOVELY WAY TO DIE" (Adult Entertainment) Starring KIRK DOUGLAS, SYLVIA KOSCINE 8i ELL WALLACH Sex socks and chases in a luxury atmosphere. "COUNTERFEIT KILLER" ... (Adult Entertainment) JACK LORD and SHIRLEY KNIGHT His hot gun works both aides of the fence for a fortune in "hot" money. Watch for "Gimmick Night" on Monday d Tuesday amerraWatnormartraaral Coming Next: Death of a Gunfighter" and "Danger Diabolik" Both Features are Adult Entertainment SEAFORTH,, ONT., AI G. 21, 1969 News of cROMARTY wedding in Orillia on Friday. The bridegroom is a cousin of Mrs. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott have received information from their son David who has arrived in Kuching, Sarawak on die Island of Borneo,where he will further his training, prior to beginning his work as a teacher in Mathematics. We welcome news of David and his progress on his journepand in his work. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McKaig and daughters of Sudbury, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig and Mr. Angus McKaig. Mrs. Grace Scott is visiting with her daughter and son-in- law Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cadick Sharon and Donald, Chatharr. Correspondent MISS MONICA BYRNE Mrs. Fred Overdulvend children of Trenton visit with Mary Leeney. Miss Mary Purcell, Toront visited with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Maloney were in Toronto with Denis Maloney. Mrs. Ann MacDougall of Detroit visited with Mr. Joseph Doyle. • Mr. and Mrs. John Nagle and Bernadette, Mrs. Bill O'Rourke DUBLIN ffiEWS OF 13IFIGCEIFIELID Reminisce' ay-gone Days Misses Edna ,and Janet Miller London spent the weekend with their parents Mr. and Mrs. Le's- lie Miller. Miss Darlene Templeman is holidaying this week at Ipper- wash Beach with Miss Loree Martyn, Russelldale and Miss Sue Ballantyne, Burlington. 'David Kemp is home visiting with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kemp and Eleanor after an enjoyable trip to the Western Provinces. ' Miss Joan Burleigh Goderich is holidaying this week With Misses Susan and Jill Norris and Miss Patti Norris' is holidaying this week in Goderich with Jackie Burleight Recent visitors with Mrs. Mary Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Paris and daughters, Halifax, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Paris Mitchell A family gathering was held Friday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family. Present were Miss Linda Chabanik and Mr. Ray Fahey, Moose Factory, Mr. and Mrs. John Burleigh and family, God- erich, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Longman, Londesboro, Mr.. and, Mrs. Don Smale and family, 1 Mr. Ross McNicol and Janice, Hensill, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kruse}, and family, Stratford, and Mrs. Ron Dolmage and family of Seaforth. Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Greer, Ormstown, Quebec, visited for a few days with Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and family. At time of writing Mrs. Cliff Dow is a patient at Stratford General Hospital. Mrs. Lloyd Miller visited Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Robert Duncan at Huronview. Mr. and Mrs. George Bell and family, Toronto, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Carey and Mrs. Taylor, Steven rem- ained for a week's holWay with the Careys Weekend visitors with Mrs. J. W. Jefferson were Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Laidlaw and son John, London, Mr. and Mrs. Don Riehl and family R. R. 5, ' Stratford. Mr. Clare Wilson,, Detroit, visited with Mrs. E. Moore and Mr. and Mrs. T. L Scott. Rev, and Mrs. J. C. Boyne and family of Brantford visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Carey and Mrs, Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar attended the Routly family re- union at the home of Mr. and Mrs Routly, Aylmer, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Walker Kimberly, Michelle, and Jim from Tasu on Oueen Charlotte Island, B. C. visited a week with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Otto Walker. Alex has left for the Yukon where he will be employed. Mrs. Walker and children are staying with her parents at Kirkland Lake. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott visited with her brother and sister-in-law Mr.. and Mrs. Hugh Moore, Lindsay, and• also attended the Byrnell- Shenfield 'CASH ,EliNGO Legion Hall, Seaforth Friday, Aug. 22 8:15 p.m. 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Three $25.00 Games ' $75.00 Jackpot to go Two Door Prizes ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1,00 (children under 16 not) , permitted) Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal 'Canadian Legion Proceeds for Welfare Work Lorrespondent MRS. KEN. MCKELLAR (Adult Entertainment) Showing at 8:30 p.m. — Starring JOANNE WOODWARD•— JAMES OLSON and ESTELLE PARSONS In Color — Plus Second Feature "Countdown" Showing at 10:45 p.m. Starring JAMES CAAN Color Cartoon SAT., MON., •TUES. August 23-25-26 — DOUBLE FEATURE — "FIVE CARD STUD" Showing at 8:30 p.m. — Starring DEAN MARTIN, ROBERT MITCHUM and INGER STEVENS — In Color — PLUS — "No Way To Treat A Lady" Showing at 10:45 p.m.—Starring ROD STEIGER — LEE REMICK and GEORGE SEGAL Color • Cartoon WED., THURS., FRI. August 27-28-29 — DOUBLE FEATURE "IF IT'S TUESDAY IT MUST BE BELGIUM Shdiwing at 8:30'p.m. — Starring IAN McSHANE and• SUZANNE PLESHETTE — In Color A Comedy concerning vacationing tourists in Europe. — PLUS - "BOY, DID I GET THE WRONG NUMBER" Showing at 10:45 p.m.—Starring BOB HOPE and PHYLLIS DILLER Color Cartoon Classified Ads pay dividends. ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENING "River Ramblers" Special All Day Friday STEAK "OPEN FOR BREAKFASTS" AT THE QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH by Richmond Atkey. Huron County Board of Educ- ation decided at its meeting in Central Huron Secondary School Monday evening that the Board become a participant in the Ontario Municipal Employees ' Retirement System and that all eligible employees who were contributors to other recognized pension plans before employment with the Huron County Board, be permitted to transfer their con- tributions retroactive to date of employment with the Boaad, A Sick-Leave Credit Plan was instituted for all administ- rative staff and non-teaching employees, which would give each employee 24 days sick leave per year (two days per`month) and 100 percent of the unused balance each year may be acc- umulated to a maximun of 240 days. A retirement will be paid to . the Director of Education, Sup- erintendent of Schools, Assistant Superintendents of Schools, Business Adrninistrator, Chief Accountant, Manager of Purcha- sing and Services, and Plant Superintendent, if they retire, after 12 consecutive years im- mediately prior to retirement with Huron County Board of Education or one of its predec- essors, due'to: eligigability for pension; ill health; or death. Members of the administra- tive staff and each non-teach- Olassified Ads pay dividends. STAFFA Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN Correspondent MRS. HUGH BERRY 'Three happy reunions were held at the home of Mrs, Wallace Haugh, Brucefield R. R. , when reminiscences of bygone days were recalled. On Friday after- noon and evening _twenty girls relived girlhood happenings. On Saturday afternoon and even- ing fifty-five Haugh descendents had a good clan meeting. On 'Sunday afternoon and evening fifty-three Allan descendents renewed relationships. For remembrance slides and pictures were taken at each gathering. The highlight of each evening was when Dr. John McIntosh showed slides he had taken when Ann and he toured around the world during Marchand April of this year. reed from the West where she visited her father who is Mr. Mac Wilson had the misfortune to step on 'a rusty nail and at present is in Clinton Hosp- ital suffering from blood poison- ing. BARN DANCE` Sat., Aug. 16th Modern Old-Time Music by "THE CARDINALS" DOOR PRIZES Tom Shookottom's Farm 1 mile north and 1 mile west of Birr on No. 4 Highway 'Admission $1.00 WINCHELSEA Jc Master Randy Dayman of Kippen is spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters and Danny. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sparling of London visited on Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne Mr, and Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Dennis and Diane attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Elgin Phelke at Moncton on Thursday afternoon. Mrs, George Frayne of Sun- shine Line visited on Saturday with Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Mahar, Danny and Darlene who have spent the' past four years in Germany visited on Monday with Mr. Colin Gilfillan. Miss Merit McLennan of Elimville is spending two weeks with Janet Kerslake while her • mother is 'on a trip to Norway. Mr. and Mrs. Bev, Parsons and family visited on Sunday with Mrs. John Coward. Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne visited in London on Sunday with relatiyes there. -were in Chatham where they attended the GOlden Jubilee of Sister Lequori. Mr. Frank O'Rourke, Toronto vis ited with Mr. and Mrs. Dan O'Rourke. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ouellette of Windsor were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Benninger. Mrs. Kathleen Monaghan of Kitchener visit ed with Mrs. Lloyd McCarthy. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Kelly and family of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stapleton and family Auburn visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fergus. Kelly. Mr. Jack Molyneaux and two sons of Thorold were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Stapleton. BASIL P. BYRNE Basil Byrne passed away August 14, in Dearborn, Mich. after an illness of a year. Born in Logan Township he was the son of the late William and Catherine Byrne. He received his early education in Seaforth and Dublin. In 1924 he married Ann Shea and had lived in Mich- igan since then. Surviving beside his wife are three sons, Gerald of Detroit, John and Basil of Dear- born, Michigan, one daughter Mrs. Robert(Mary Catherine) Wilhelm of Livonia, Mich. also two brothers, William of Allen Park, Robert of Hamilton, 'Ont. thr ee sisters Miss Monica Bryne Dublin, Mrs. Peter Dill and -Mrs. Tom Stowley of Rochester, Mich. Ind 13 grandchildren. The funer- al took'place Monday August 18th from the Lesnay Funeral Home with Mass being chanted at 11:30 a. m. and burial follow- ing in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery Michigan Ftiends and relatives were present from Kanata, Morrisburg, Toronto, Hamilton, Guelph,. Detroit, Elkton, Sarnia, Windsor London, Qediton, Dashwood, Bayfield, Goderich, Clinton, Seaforth, Walton and of course Brucefield. and Mrs. Elliott Layton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Pepper spent the weekend at Meaford. . Mrs. H. Wardsworth, Florida is visiting with Mrs. George Hen& erson this week Mr. and Mrs. Victor Whiling- ham has sold the Farmers Dell to Mrs. E. McCulligh, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Burdge and family are on vacation for two weeks. Mrs. Donald Adams has retd- Approve Retirement .. Plan for Employees Huron County Board of Educ- ation will be responsible for the payment of such tuition fees to respective "receiving boards" as allowed under the acts and regulations. Reach Agreement With County Boards CABARET DANCE , SATURDAY, AUGUST 23rd BRODHAGEN COMMUNITY CENTRE • Music by "THE WAGONWHEELS"