HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-08-14, Page 10Correspondent MISS -JEAN COPELAND VINCENT C. ECKERT I THE HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAFORTH, ONT., p G, tl4,0969 • NEWS OF Cela0Tates 25th Anniversary Mass Staffa Couple Wed 50 Years MR. AND MRS. LESLIE BUTSON Rae, and three grandsons, Keith, Jeffrey and Jim. Many messages of congratu- lations, cards, flowers and gifts were received by. Mr. and Mrs. Butson on their anniversary oc- casion, Huron-Perth (Continued from Page I) Monteith and Monteith for work done by the firm to date. The Board has completed the hiring or re-hiring of caretak- ers for• all its schools -n Huron and Perth .after several weeks negotiations. Made CLASSIFIED ADS or The Boy Scout lapitding was completely burned and police are investigating. Mr. and Mrs,'''Idm, Duncan of Florida, called on Mrs, J. W. McBeath on Saturday, Mr. and Mrs, Joe Rivett, Haines City, Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Calahan, Kalamazoo.were guests of Mrs. George Henderson last week, Mr. and Mrs. •Fred McGregor and family are on vacation Mrs. Cal. Horton who was burned by scalding tea, is pro- gressing 'favoura )1y in Clinton Hospital and able to return home this week Timothy and Tom Herman, London spent last week with their grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Wal- lace Jackson, an extension, to the 1937 ar- rangement were worked out by council with engineer Archibald and contractor Edge. Work got under way the first week in July. . See Lots (Continued from Page 1) by the county. Early advise indicated, the am- ount to have been absorbed into operation but a letter read to council said $400 was remained for capital work in Seaforth if set up in the new budget. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. WEIODIDG the base and facilities enlarged. Although- radar and communi- cations training has been the main aCtivity on the base, other types or training also have been conducted from time to time. With the base closing and the training activity will be moved, principally to CFBs Kingston and Borden. • Col. Morrison said it was es- timated the base generated a' disposable income of roughly $5 million per year. Of this amount seine $3.9 million was from service personel. The base, located in Tucker- smith Twp., is estimated to have a capital value of $40 mil- lion. CI INVITATIONS O ANNOUNCEMENTS • ACCESSORIES COME IN AND ASK FOR YOUR FREE BRIDAL GIFT REGISTER O $6.00 Enclosed Open House was held Sunday to honor Mr. and Mrs. F. Leslie Butson, Staffa, on their 50th wedding anniversary. They were married August 13, 1919, at the Armories,' Stratford' the hoMe of the brides parents, the late Sgt. Major John A. McDonald and Mrs. Mdamild. Mr. Butson is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. George But- son., Staffs After some years as a bank clerk he began farming in Hibbert Township •where he continues to operate his farm. , Mrs. Butson was born in Inver- ness,. Scotland, and came to Can- ada as a young girl, living most of her life in. Stratford., where she attended Stratford Normal School. She taught school in South Easthope and Hibbert Townships where she met "her huTsbharno,du .0 the years Mr. and' They 'Mrs. Butson have , been active in "CoMmunity and church aff- (Continued from Page 1) airs. Mrs. Butson is a life mem- Chas. Holmes was ready with an bey of the UCW of Staffa United estimate. He said it would cost Church where Mr. Butson serv6d $1,400 to install new sidewalks many years as clerk of session. on the east side from ,Goderich The couple have one son, Jack street to the Dominion batik cor- of Staffa and one grandaughter, ner. A long discussion• followed with oppositioo to Ithe complet- ., • ion of the sidewalks being Bruce J. J: Cluff reminded council the parent. It was not until Mayor expenditure could be absorbed Correspondent in the years budget that a.pprov- MRS, HUGH BERRY al was* forthcoming. Eckert, Weston, Mr. and Maurice "While you might save some- Mastin and Bradley, Oshawa., Brucefield Firemen were thing by patching you would be Mr. and Mrs. Murray Dawson, called out to four different fires -leaving a job half done" the Larry and Brent, Hensall, Mr. last week, including the homes Mayor said as the decision was and Mrs. Len Morrison, Jimmy, of John McGregor, Malcolm taken. Danny, Maureen, Karen and Bar- bare, Gadshill. Davidson and Ken McGowan. . No time was lost as details of - After dinner, open house was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. George CoVille, Dublin, Phase. Out CFB Miss Judy Mills of Qaseline visited several days with her friend Linda Tomlinson. Mr. and Mrs. James '.,tiller attended the . Old Time Fiddlers Contest in Shelbourne on Friday evening and spent the weekend in the Muskoka area. Mrs. Manson Cudney and Ruth and Mrs. Ellen Simpson of London visited on Sunday with Mrs. John Butters and Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Insley, Murray and Karen have returned from an enjoyable holiday in the Muskoka District. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Anderson spent the weekend in Toronto Mrs. Wm. Fairweather and Miss B. McInnes of Hamilton 'returned to their homes on Thursday after spending the past three weeks with the formers daughter, Mrs. Ellis Strahan, Ellis and family. Mr. and Mrs. LaVerne Rodd attended the Old Time Fiddlers Contest in Shelbourne on Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Wittev- een spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Winterbottom of Huntsville. Miss Yvonne Jaques of Zion spent last week with her aunt, Mrs. Arthur Flopidn. Visitors during the week were Mr. and Mrs. John Lederhouse of Ransom- ville N. Y. and Mrs. Florence Tufts and Mrs. Mae Huddleston of London. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Witteveen of Elora visited on Tuesday with Mr. -and Mrs. John Witteveen , Sharon and Brian STAFFA Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN Miss Patti Norris entertained a number of her girlfriends Friday at a swimming party at Seaforth Lion's Park with supper later at her home. Present were Misses Deanne Brown, Dublin, Dianne Miller, Carol Miller, Ruth Jeffery, ,Ruth and Mary Jane Templeman and Linda Miller, Linda remained overnight with Patti. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller and family are holidaying this week at Wasaga Beach. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and famil), were Mr. Ross McNicol, Kippen and Mr. and Mrs. John Burleigh and family, Goderich. Jackie Burl- eigh remained for a weeks holidays and Susan and Jill Norris returned home with Jean Burleigh for a weeks holidays. Mr. aid Mrs, Russell Miller and family are holidaying this week with friends in Indiana. Mrs. Lloyd Miller and Dianne and Mrs. John Templeman and girls attended the shower for Fay Templeman, Saturday even- ing at the home of Mrs, Robert Mauer and girls, Farquhar. Father Vincent C. Eckert,. t.S.E ., celebrated his 25th an- niversary Mass pf Thanksgiving to the Holy Priesthood, at St Patrick's Church, Dublin on, Sat- urday August 2nd. He was< as- sisted by Father Thomas F. Cri- bbin as deacon and Father Frank Moylan as sub-deacon. Priests present in the sanct- uary were Fr. R.-Durand, paStor of St. Patricks; ldsgr. White and Fr. Osterveen of St. Columba.n and Father H. Laraugh of sea- forth; Father Fabian Dietrich, St. Mary's Kentucky. The altar boys were, Larry Murray, David- O'Rourke, Gary Cronin, Stephen Goettler, Jamie Eckert and Dan- ny Maloney,, Also joining with him in his mass of thanksgiving were his brother, sisters, nieces, nephews, grand nieces, grand nephews, datives, friends and neighbors. The theme of the sermon-, de- livered by Father T. F. Cribbin, director of the Apestolate of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing for the diocease of. Brooklyn. New York, was, ,"Behold the Man", as Christ was referred to as he stood before Pilate, Great tribute for Father Vincent's priestly career was given to his deceased parents and brothers, Joseph, Stephen and Peter and an indication they too were rejoicing with him on this occasion. After Mass dinner was served at the Chamber of Commerce, Brodhagen. James Eckert, of Rochester, New York, was Mast- er of Ceremonies. Msgr. White spoke on behalf of the people of St. Columban, and (Dublin in the absence of Fr. Durand whb had to leave early. Norman Eckert represented the people of Tim- mins and Fr. Dietrich of St. Mary's Seminary, Kentucky con- gratulated Fr. Vincent-on behalf of his American friends. Father Moylan recalled the school days and soccer games in which they both participated, Mervin Dietz spoke on behalf of neighbors of the boyhood days whiph Father Eckert spent In- the area. Telephone messages were re- ceived from. New York City, Rochester and Florida. Messages of congratulations from those who were unable to attend were received from Brooklyn, New' York; Gary, Indiana. Rev, Doti Benniger, C.S.B., Owen. Sound, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hays, Det- roit, Mrs. Vera McKay, Detroit, Charles Marceau, Rochester, Mrs. Jennie Hall, Mrs. Alice Bernie°, Chicago and Gerald O'Connor, Weston. Those attending from outside the community were: Mr. and Mrs. Rothe and Mrs. T. Calahan, Bellmore, L.1. Rev, Fabian Diet- rich, C.R., St.' Mary's Kentucky, Rev. Thomas F.' Cribbin, Brook- lyn N.Y., Rev. Frank Moylan, Phillipines, Sister Mary Mag- dalen, OP., Brooklyn, N,Yi Sister Stephanie, Sister Josepha and Sr. Margaret Rose, the Pines, Chatham., Mr. .and Mrs. Les. 4catt, Chicago, Mr and Mrs, Richard Tate and Jack,' Dear- born, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Bob Moore and Chris, Chicago; Mrs. Earl Ryan-, Alvinston, Mrs. Ger- aldine Charters, Oakville, Miss Rosemary Eckert, St. Catherines, Mr. and Mrs. Claver Eckert, Karen and Mark, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Eckert, Coleen and Jam- ie, Timmins. Mrs. Kay Eckert; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Eckert, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Firmi, Rhonda, Karen, Michael and, Judy, kit- chener, Mr. Rick Eckert, Lon- don;, Mr.. and Mrs, Peter Eckert, Kitchener; Mr, and Mrs. Pat O'Rourke, Cathy and Cindy, Bur- lington; Mr and Mrs. Harold Mederek, and Bryan; Mr. 'and Mrs. Frank Maloney, Ricky and Darlene, Kitchener, Mr. andiMrs. Jack Haggarty, Johnny, Daiink, Darlene and David, Guelph; IVIr. and Mrs. Louis Maloney, Joseph, Susan, and Mary Lou, Kitchener; Mind. Mrs. Harold McFadden, M r r. and Mrs. Peter. Mahu, Wall- , aceburg; Mr. and Mrs. Con Eck- ert, Clarkson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill ,- 23. Business Directory A. 1C-11-"Alt. PER Chartered Accountant 55.57 South Street Telephone Goderich 024,7562 R. S. BOX FUNERAL HOME , Prompt and careful 'attention Ambulance Service Phones: Day 527-0680 Night 527-0885 G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Goderich St. W., Seaforth . AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. FLOWERS FOR EVERY , OCCASION Phone. 527-1390 Seaforth W. J. CLEARY Seaforth, Ontario . LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night and Day Calls — 527-0510 Auctioneer FARM and FURNITURE SALES CONDUCTED. R. G. GETHKE Phone 347-2465, IVIonkton SEAFORTH • VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, D.V.M., V.S. W.R. Bryans, D.V.M., V.S. W. H. Patterson, D.V.M., V.S. P. J. Dwyer, M.V.B., MJ.C.V.S. Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth 24. Cards of Thanks We wish to thank our friends, neighbors and relatives for ex- pressions of sympathy, cards and floral tributes received dur, ing our recent bereavement of our brother. Special, thanks to Rev. 0. A. McCarrol and the Rann ,Funeral .Home. —The Con- non,, Kelly 'and Baker families. 24-92x1 We would like to: take this' op-portunity to Say "thank you" to the nurses, Dr. Malkus, and. any calls and encouragement given to us during our stay in the hos- pital. Also our thanks for cards . of well wishes, flowers, treats and visits from friends a.nd atives. Also- kindnesses of our neighbors, families and our very pleasant roomates. All was most. gratefully appreciated. Charles and Mabel Barber. 26-92,1 L wish to express my --most sin, cere thanks and appreciations to my family, friends and neigh-, bors who remembered me by sending treats and cards Of good wishes cturing my stay in Hospit- al. Special thanks to Dr. Malkus and Dr. Busby, also thanks to the nurses of St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London. 24-92-1 The family of the, late Mrs. Alex Wallace wish/ to, egpress sincere thanks to doctors and nursing staff at Seaforth and Stratford hospitals, Also, wish to thank all those who' so thoughtfully sent floral tributes, cards, food and those who help- ed in anyway during our recent sad bereavement. Everything, was deeply appreciated and will al; ways be greatfully appreciated by her family. — The Wallace family. 25. In Memoriam STEELS — In loving memory of a dear daughter ,and mummy, who passed away suddenly 8 11, Ha 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ber- nard of RR 4, Brussels, Ontario wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Shirley Margaret, to Mr. James Douglas Coleman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis Coleman of RR 1,Sea- forth, Ontario. The- wedding to take place Saturday, September 6th, in St. Johns Anglican Church, Brussels, Ontario. 26.Rat 27. Births FLEwrrr -- Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Fiewitt of Stratford Ont., an- nounce the arrival of their chosen daughter, Carrie Anne, 0ICE At St, Joseph's Hospital, London, an August 5, 1969 to Mr. and' Mrs„ John• R. Oke, (nee Boyd), RR 3, Exeter, a daughter, Tracy / Joan. LOVE — At Seaforth Communi- ty Hospital, on. Aug. 8, 1969, to' Mr. and Mrs. George Love, Jr., a son. HULLEY — At Seaforth Com- munity Hospital, on. Aug. 11, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hulley, Londesboro, a daugh- ter. 28. Deaths ELLIOTT — At Victoria Hospit- al , London• on. Wednesday, July 30, 1969. Mary Jane (Mamie) Reid, of 441 Sarnia Rd., London formerly of Clin- ton in her 80th year. Beloved wife of the late David Elliott. Dear Mother of Mrs. Alice (Sadie) Whitfield, Mrs. Ken- neth (Lillian) Mercer both of London, Norman, of Toronto, Robert of Tavistock. Dear Sister of Fred Reid and Hrs. Fred (Ruth) Muhella.nd, of Clinton, Mrs. Wilbur (Eunice) Keys, Seaforth, Also survived by 11 grandchildren, pre- deceased by one son, James of .Seaforth. The funeral was from the Ball Funeral Home, 153 High• St. Clinton on Sat- urday, August 2, 1969. The Rev, H. W. Wonfor of Ontario . St:--Church, Clinton officiated. Intreznent in Clinton Cemet- TOO LATE FOR SALE — 24 pigs, 9 weeks old, phone 345-2959. 8-924 NOTICE — 2 trucks with hoist and blower available to haul grain. from' combine. Phone 527,- 1396 or 0608. 19-92x1 FOR SALE —Border Collie pups, 6 weeks old, good Werplg strain, also nine started Pigs. Arnold Jamieson, phone 482- 9828, 8-924 FOR SALE — Chrome table and chairs, extension table, upholst- ered rocking chair, and occas. lanai Chair, Reasonably priced. Apply Box 1853, Huron Exposit- or. 11-92,2 . FOR SALE — Now pouring cloy,. er, 30c a lb. Light Amber 35c a lb; Honey• plant now licensed under Department of Agricult- ure, Ottawa. Wallace Ross, Ap- arist, Seaforth. 11-92-2' TWO captains chairs, $5,00 each: 2 matching rugs, 4% x 7% feet,' $15.00 and 7 x 9 feet, $25, one wringer washer with pump, $15. 527-0978. TL-92-I WOODHAM NAME' - ADDRESS FROM: ADDRESS O Indicate here if Gift Card to be sent. (U.S. $8.00) ARE YOU ONE OF THE r PEOPLE WHO READ THE HURON EXPOSITOR OCCASIONALLY? JUST SEE WHAT YOU ARE MISSING? Why be an Occasional reader? Regular readers know, the com- plete news coverage The Expositor piovides They appreciate the money-saving ads, the interesting features, the news of churches and societies. They watch for The Expositor pictures. Read The Expositor Every Week Call us collect, or drop .us a note and we'll start a Subscription in your name. You may pay later. t he riuron expositor Seaforth, Ontario Please enter a Subscription in the name of: 0 Please bill me We discovered—we thought—a new use for three-day-old pizza, but our guess is that ,the tire com- panies beat us to it by a few decades. (Continued from Page 1) leading up to the decision were a general reducti611 in, the size of.the forces, a change in force priorities and economies pos- sible because of unification of the forces. Closing CFB Clinton will re- sult in an estimated annual saving of $4.6 million to the de- Pertinent. CFB Clinton has been a mili- tary installation since 1941, Or- iginally built as a Royal Air Force school for. training war- time radar specialists it became a permanent RCAF 'station in 1945 and was redesignated a CFB In 1965. In- 1952 extensive changes were carried out and -years ago, August 10, 1961 age 20 years. — Deeply' loved, sadly missed by mother, Mrs. Grace Munroe and daughteis Mary Helen and Karen Teresa. 25-92x1 Interest Free Till Next Spring —SEE THESE SPECIALS — USED COMBINES IH 203 with bean equipment IH 303 with cab and bean equipment 1H 403 .with cab and corn head. IH 503 with cab and corn, head [ SEE THE NEW 1970 MOTO With the Exclusive Two-Year Track Warranty UNITS ARRIVING DAILY Interest Free 'Til Nov. The )1e , t- GATES Huron Expositor 90Anurthi Poi Rach AYR-GALT -SEAFoRTH Photo 527.01120 Cxpositor CZ) Separate checks, please!" Agiggagmeemigiimmimmmem111111111111111111111111MMEIMISEINIMIIIIMI