HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-08-14, Page 8SCREENED TOPSOIL (Stone, Grass and Root Free) CEMENT GRAVEL Also for Lanes or Yards, Fill Etc, LANDSCAPING Light Bulldozing, Back Filling, Levelling Etc. BACKHOE WORK LYLE MONTGOMERY — PHONE 482-7644 EVENINGS OR CI.AYT'S GULF SERVICE, CLINTON, 482.7661 Watch for Official o STEDMAN'S DEALER in Next Week's Paper OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED SEAFORtli moNumENT WORKS. AU Types of CEMETERY MEMORIALS OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON 11.1pritit:,, are one itc.d Telephone Numbers: (ETER 235.0620 CLINTON 482.9421 ' SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas Or Bill Pinder 527.1382 Bus. 527.1750, BUILDING PANELS Economical, Multi-Purpose Panels' for INTERIOR 01; EXTERIOR USE 4x8' - 1/4" Panels Cash & CARRY 0 Per Sheet • '."-.4":" ". • pie HURON EXPOSITOR; SEAFOR/IlktloNT., AUG. 14, 1969 We are equipped ,for fast unloading service. —Our automati c grain handling facil- ities eliminate wait- ing, when you bring your grain to Top- notch. THE ELEVATORS WILL BE OPEN 6 DAYS OF THE WEEK AND WILL BE OP- EN AT NIGHTS IF GOOD HARVESTING WEATHER Phone ir.1910 We are Buyin Wheat, Barley, Oats, Corn, Flax and Mixed Grain Seaforth ' 'F Great guessing game Old politicians never fade. . away, they just die! • Otarles de Gaulle refused to admit it was time to go, so the people of France had to push him into retirement. John Diefenhaker passed up an opportunity to fade away, choos- ing instead to be humiliated by Iris fellow Conservatives at the Toronto convention, Of course, there are except- ions such as Lyndon 13, Johnson, but on the whole, politicians just don't seem to know when to quit, The latest to fall into this battler who brought Newfoundland world trip, announcing he inten- edict ded to try and visit China, : relatives in the district mer Health Minister John C, last week, Earl Leonhardt, son of Mr. At home, his chief rivals for- Crosbie and Federal Transport and Mrs. Herman Leonhardt underwent minor surgery on his Minister, John Jamieson, started hand at the Seaforth Coinmunity lining tip support. In the case of flospital. .Liberal party leaders since Mr. A shower was held at the Mr. Jamieson, this was done by Jamieson is an old Smallwood Brodhagen Community Centre last Friday night for Mr. and all,„ and refused totake a public Mrs. Randy Stnithers (Barbara stand before the leadership con- Iloegy) who .arc now,,Lesiding in vention• kept them guessing until late Siutrratstfoorfda. sun leoyf were the Mrs, kept in Newfoundland, Joey July when he broke the silence clloarnry:a13tauillalitoe rywraodtcd:r casnsdarnedad Joyce the at a Press conference. Rock presented ,the newlyweds -- He really didn't mean what with a gift of money, Withee's he said last year. He was going orchestra provided music for . to resign but let his name stand dancing. . .3- , for die leadership on October 31. Rev. Calvin Diegle, Brantford Thus two old political foes a former 13rodhagen reside nt will John I)iefenbaker and Joseph he the guest speaker at the dec- Smallwood, came to the same oration Service on August 24th . conclusion- i!' you musugo,go at 2:30 P. H. at St. Peter's '. know the true story of Newfound- out swinging all the way, Luthern Church land- before someone else told Only time will tell if the re- Mrs. To).e'da .Beuer.man, it another non-Joey way. , . stilts for Joey will be the same ' ••-Waterloo, and, Mrs. Louis My friends in Newfoundland as for Dief. Jarmouth, 13ornholni visited .. aufirst, were sure he was going • No !ringer can.Joey count on ,.. with Mrs. August Hillehrecht. to stick to his guns, They were convinced Joey realized lie was automatic support for his policies. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elligsen Newfoundland had two extremes and Garry of- Windsor, spent the in political trouble and to stay 'on at the time of Confederation - weekend with Mrs, Caroline the very rich and the very poor, Elligsen, The same extremes still exist and Among those attending the We se nderg. re union Sunday at die even fellow Liberals are claiming home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Bar- many of the -iew. rich got Mere her auGuelph were Mrs. Rachael courtesy of fOt.:y S111611MOOd. "111 work just as hard as if 1 Ahrens, Mrs. Caroline Elligsen, thought I was in dire danger," . :' Mr. and Mrs. W. Ahrens, Mt. Joey announced, Marry , i n ,N"..' ' and Mrs. Mervyn Leonhardt and family, Mr. and Mrs. 1<efoUndland are convinced he witt ,; Elligsen and faMily, Mr. and need.all. his tricks to keep hiS job- but they're not betting ag- Mrs, Carol•Elligsen and Carry, ainst him. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Elligsen aarbidethfaiii,:iiili y4;e1:Larlene and Eliz- Use Expositor WINCHELSEA Want - Ads Phone 527-0240 Mr, and Mrs. WM. Walters, , Mr, and Mrs. Phil Hem, Kevin and e.seorge and Mrs. Tom Camp- bell visited on Friday evening with Mrs. John Coward who was, celebrating her birthday. Mrs. Freeman Horne spent Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Grubb and boys-in Farquhar. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hern, Kevin and Greg, spent a couple of days this past week at Chesley Lake. Mr., and Mrs. Sanford Hutton, Dennis and Diane have been on: holidays this past week. Mrs. Myrtle Hannah of Kirkton and cousin from Alberta visited on Thursday with Mrs. John Coward. Sir, and Mrs. George Frayne of Sunshine visited on Tuesday with Mr, and Mrs. Rotrt Patt- erson, Leslie and Litt & of Lucan. Mr, Ray Clarke of St. Marys visited On Monday with Mr: and Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mr. and Mrs. W, Coward of London visited On'Sunday with Mrs. John Cowai'd. The ladies of Elimville united Church held a bridal shower for Miss Sharon Fletcher of Sunshine Line on Saturday evening, a good - crowd attended. Mr, and Mrs. Murray Coward and family of Sunshine Line • visited on Sunday evening with Mrs. John Coward Master John Hem of Sunshine spent the weekend with Kevin and Greg Hern, Mrs. Bev Parsons of near Exeter, Mrs. Bob Bibby of Kirk- ton visited their mother Mrs. Jot.in Coward on Friday. Donald G. Eaton NEWS OF category is Joey' Smallwood, the So, undaunted, he took off visited Mrs, Lavina lieuermati, for Hong Kong on an around-the- . Ntr, and Mrs. Lavern Wolfe and into k;onfedcratiou. After the voters of Canada's 10th province showed their dis- pleasure with Joey in the recent Federal election by returning more Conservatives than Liberals for the first time, Smallwood announced he was pulling out. "I will not accept the nom- ination, C nominated I...will not run, and if elected, 'I will not serve." One thing ahoqt Joey, he never lacked self 'confidence! The announcement came as quite a surprise to the "experts" echo had said the only way they would keep Joey Lint of office ,would be to carry him out in a box. But the Premier insisted the time t9, go was now and after 20 years of struggles, he was look- ing forward to life in retirement and a chance to let the world USBORNE 8L- HIBBERT,MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE EXETER, Ont. President William Chaffe RR 4, Mitchell Vice-President Rayrnond McCurdy RR 1, Kirkton Directors Martin Feeney RR ?, Dublin, Clayton Calquhoun RR 1, - Science Hill Tim Toohey RR 3, Lucan Robert Gardiner RR 1, Cromarty Agents Hugh Benninger -. Dublin Harry Coates - - Exeter Clayton Harris - Mitchell Secretary-Treasurer Hugh Patterson - - Exeter Correspondent MRS. WM, WALTERS INSURANCE Auto, Fire, Life SALES and SERVICE SEAFORTH — ZURICH — CLINTON Insurance Agency Limited -Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 : Seaforth •••,,Ft•77 BALL - MACAULAY BUILDING SUPPLIES SEAFORTH 527-0910 CLINTON 482-9514 HENSALL 262-2713 How much home are you missing through outdated wiring? When this house was built it was hard to imagine all the wonderful ways in which electricity would be1 serving us today. That's why the wiring in so many older homes just isn't adequate for today's needs. There are many signs. Fuses blowing. Lights dimming. Appli- ances performing sluggishly. Cluttered extension cords. Not .enough outlets, The Name of the Cisme le Eleettleit Mb*, So, if you're planning to mod- ernize your home, think first of the wiring. Have a qualified elec- trical 'cniitractor check it. You'll be surprised' at how easily and inexpensively it can be updated. The Hydro Finance Plan makes it easy to get started right away. Just ask your Hydro. BRODHAGEN Correspondent Mrs, Jack Summerville of MRS. KEN ELL1GS1iN Toronto, spent a day last week • with Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Wolf., Mary and Vicki Zimmer of Mr. and Mrs. Roy liennewies London spent a few days with . London and Mrs. Martha 1\nechte their aunt and uncle Mr. and and Clayton of Stratford were Mrs. Carl Vock and family. guests Mr. and Mrs. Norman meant risk. of defeat in not just Mr. Frank Schwictenherg, Bennewies on Sunday. the Federal field but provincially John and Dorothy and Mr, and as well. NIrs. Wilfred We,ber of Mildmay But as the spring wore on, they were guests of MiL.'..,fjpd Mrs.. had a change of heart. 1 lerman Leonhardt last Sunda}, "The way he is acting right now. and also visited Mr. Henry Leon- I'm not sure. He is contacting !lards at the Kilbarchan Nursing all the ridings to see if they would Home Seaforth. agree to passing up a leadership Mr. Clarence Mogk, London convention." one said. spent a few days with his sister "Phe message Joey' got back Mrs, C. L. Leonhardt and Mr. was loud and clear - the, leader- Mrs, Mr. George Jacob ship convention had 'teen arnou- and Mrs. Irina Murtagh, kitchen- need and the anti-Smallwood cr visited at the same borne on tide was growing. It 'was too late Sun d ay. to pull a halt. Mrs. George Hinz, Florida