HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-08-14, Page 7Seasona TO PACK DELICIOUS AYLMER at DIELMONT VEGETABLES °* MALE AND FEMALE * DAY OR NIGHT SHIFT * FREE' TRANSPORTATION 'ARRANGED NO PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE NECESSARY * CAFETERIA ON THE PREMISIS * WORK AVAILABLE FROM SEPT. 1 TO NOV. 14 * INCREASED WAGE RATES IGA's Famous for Quality, Lean & Tender CENTRE CUT PORK -T119P&' Please your family with a platter full of these delicious pork chops ! Priced for extra savings. Astra Red • COHOE . SALMON 73/4 -oz, tin Pillsbury (Asset!) CAKE MIXES 17 1/2 -oz. pkg. Granulated, Fine 'WHITE SUGAR 5 lb. bog Top Valu Pure, Choice • APPLE JUICE 48-oz. tin REYNOLD'S 12 INCH a STOKELY'S FANCY (ASST'D) FOIL WRAP 25ro f I t l . ,9 0 VEGETABLES 6 10-oz. tins 1E00 COLGATE REGULAR BALLET ('Assorted Colours) Bathroom MONARCH (Parchmeht Wrapped) LEED'S (ASST'D) MARGARINE pkgS . 57° Candies 2. Pkgs. 880 . 1-16. rolls 1.00' Dental CREAM 1 tube .09 Tissue 4p-ir,!' ; AMBASSADOR PORK Luncheon SHIRLEY GAY ENRICHED WHITE Meat tins 1.00 Sliced BREAD 24,0: 21.° 3 12-ox. With Deluxe rubber underpad, tack strip and ' door chrome per sq. yd. Installed 12E95 BURNS CLEANER No Smoke, No Odour Basket$1.29 ORANGES Dos. FREESTONE ONTARIO NO. 1 4Bastikt.et $1.29 CARROTS 3,1b. cello bag — 10 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM BROOME'S FLOOR COVERINA; PHONE 527-0420 — SEAFORTn , 'HEATING 'OIL Walden"'& BreadfOot Phone 527-1224 -- Seaforth THE HURON ExPoSIT0R,PEAFaRTH, PNTA *N. 14, 1969 ti Canadian Canners Ltd., is once again recruiting men and women or work at their Food Processing Plant in Exeter. For those men and Women who need a few .extra dollars for that late vacation or "Back to School" Expenes, Register now: AT YOUR LOCAL CANADA MANPOWER CENTRE 35 EAST STREET, GODERICH PHONE 1-524-8342 OR CALL PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT CANADIAN CANNERS LTD. EXETER, ONTARIO PHONE 1-235-2445 a pin 14e, and a 1.roses. .,:ignFo:nolqn11:i64411 etrakiw.a:VP49114:51P14Pt .111e couple will reside at R., I, 3 Guests were present frorg Stratford, Toronto, London. • Jiainil,ton, ;Peterborough, Water- loo, Streetsville,. and surround- ' lng, localities. Prior to her wedding the bride was honoured at several miscellaneous showers; at the 4 home of Mrs. Ken Cooke, aunt of the groom, co-olaostesses, Mrs. Rolfe Cooke and L;nda Cooke; at the home of Mrs. Lebnard Shobbrook and daughter Mrs, Ted Lamont: and at the home of Mrs. ,Nelson McClure, aunt of the bride; alsp the girls who work for the County, tool?fier out for lunch and preSented her with a gift. A trousseau tea wis held, par Sylvia by her mother bn New' Pourpg,..4tea in tale aflern000 were., Mrs Austin Dexeer;- glautirttotber of tite rand Ittirsg, ken+too;ke4, aunt of the groom. In the even-. ing Mn,s Austin Dexter, grand- mother of the bride, and Mrs. Edward Grigg, aunt of the groom, poured tea. Showing the trous- seau were Miss Carole Martyn, London; Mrs. Doug McPherson, Stratford, Misses Brenda and Arva Ball, Auburn; and Mrs. Leonard Hoffman, Kippen. Waitresses were Mrs. Jack Tarnb- lyn, Mrs . Don McNall and. Mrs. Nelson McClure. Kitchen help- dress•and coat ensemble with ers were Mrs. Stanley Ball, Mrs. matching accessories and a Witmer Glousher and Mrs, Leon- corsage of white sweethear roses, and Shobbrook. Always backs doWtir DEAR. DORIS - What do you DEAR T A K I N G - pt t la, think of a husband who is afraid gift to the 'personality. If she Lo speak up to his parents?The 0 Y loves to cook,ask your. librarian have put their noses into our about the latest in cook books. business since we were married For a reader, a current best sel- some years ago. Everything we ' ler; for a. musical hostess„ a, long. say they contradict us and my playing record. • - • i '1,4,1re' husband says always to agree Sometimes, if the stay is for, with them and keep peace. several days, you can find j'u'st' • - Fed UP.. the right thing 'after arrival-ands'. DEAR FED UP - Since observation: guest towels to fit your husband was kneehigh to a in with bathroom colors, a memo grasshopper he has learned, the pad with pen, beverage glasSes, hard way, to give in, keep si- a large ash tray or pretty apron. lent, keep peace. It is like being ,The thing is to take thought , brainwashed; hard to un-learn, matching gift to receiver. Hap- Yet peace at any price is no py landing! .. . peace at all, in the long run. DEAR DORIS - My son has A, talk wip an understanding taken up with a girl who is badly third party would help see that deformed. She has abig hump the two of you - plus any little on her back on the shoulder blade, ones - have a life of your own. and she. limps. If the contradictions actually He says he is going CO marry cause you to yield, unwisely, to her, and won't listen to out °la,. their instructions, it just won't jections. He says we should keep do. How difficult would it be out of his business. What is your for you to say, gently, "I'm advice on this? sorry, Mother Brown, but this - Worried Sick. time things are different: We DEAR WORRIED - If he is are going to do it our way"? 16 and sentimental, he may be ' DEAR DORIS - You publish- mistaking pity for love. If he is ed my letter about being a 26, he may be mature enough widow and lonely. I received to see and love the fine charac- your note today with all those ter of a young woman who has enclosures from others and I risen above her handicap. Or must say I was flabbergasted. thete may be other reasons for i , Blyth United Church was the It's sort of like throwing a peb- this attraction, setting of a pretty wedding when ble into a pool and seeing the Whatever the case, your job „Sylvia Jean Sanderson, ‘,Jaughter, ripples spread. is to get to know her better be- of Mr. and Mrs. John Sanderson, I knew that there were other fore making a judgment on a Blyth became the bride of Robert lonely women but I didn't know physical basis. Make her, wel-'Elmer Trick, son of Mr. and Mrs, al that there would be lonely men come in your home. ltiVate. 4Elmer Trick of Clinton, on July too. In a way, knowing this an open mind. the 26th, 1969. seems to make me feel not so lonely and apart. An Expositor Cialtsiiied will pay you dividends. Ea' re you tried one?'Dial 527-02t4U,i ROY HANNON Occidental Life. Insurance Company RR 3, Mitchell Phone 345-2274 $100,000 25 year decreasing T•rrn Ufa Insuranco At These Low, 'Low Rates Should husband and father whose chief "estate". is his job, pay a high premium for a little pro- tection — or a low premium for a lot of pro- tection? "Be Protection Rich — Not insurance Poor" August Special'! CARAVELLE Canadiana Carpet His•happiness comes first , The church was decorated with you, doesn't it? Does he with candelabra and baskets of I must thank }KN. for your know this? • .large white mums with blue and interest, Doris. It's been years CONFIDENTIAL TO OTH. white starburst poms, since anyone has taken the sligh- ER MOTHER - A li-ttlie , Rev. W. Mather officiated at test interest in me for myself misplaced anger, a suddenkyank, the double-ring ceremony. Mrs. alone without having some ul- H. Lear, Londesboro, played could indeed throw a tiny "Am ' terior motive, i.e. , favors re- out of joint, or even brealtqt. traditional wedding music and turned, free baby sitting, etc. It appears both child care work- accompanied the soloist, Mr. - Feeling Better. er and psychiatrist are suspicious; !Harry Lear, who sang "The Wed- DEAR FEELING BETTER - And - : and the young mother ,has a ; ding Prayer," "'Fhe Lord's Prayer" it makes me feel super! - background of being'bullied and :"and "I'll Walk Beside You:' Just unloading can keep afrustrated. , The' ride, given in Marriage • loner out of the booby h a t ch .I'm thinking you may indeed by her father, wore a floor-len- ' Seldom do I publish an S. 0.S.•,,s,,sa k., _,, ' gth gown of imported white lag-become your grandchild of any.kind withouf some help-vation. This doesn't call fora oda. The empire bodice was ,,, 'smoothing over of things with accented by a cowl tretIlline;and3 ful responses, DEAR DORIS - I will be tak- in-laws, but a straightfpward , talk with them, drayl* o''' ei , ing a trip to the coast next i ' month and will be staying with . '' t ncourat#1#nt and (co t my brother-in-law and his wife, • counsel of your social worker. • .-- I would like to give her a small .,. gift. Can you suggest something appropriate? - Taking. I elbow, lenght sleeves, e soft ; A-11 1 !••, d by a chap h draped gracefully from e shoulder to the floor. A delicate guipure 'lace was used to trim the collar and edge the high waist and sleeves. To complete her outfit the bride chose a shoulder length nylon veil caught up by a Juliette cap of guipure lade. Sim carried a crescent boquet of pink sensa- tion roses with stephanotis and trailing green ivy. Miss Carole Martyn of London Maid of Honour and the Brides- maidajcv4Mrs.repeog•McIPhersemo,n. S 'tford, and Miss Barb Sander- 'so , Toron to, cousin o'f the bride, were dressed alike in. Nor length gowns ci.;pG ‘vfi dej blue lagoda. The, ellAelfe bpd-, ices were enhanced Vt.14co:pp , necklines and short sleeves., Guipure lace addeck(interest tci: 4 th high waist a,nchiedgri. 4, the sl ves. The sliptky gath4red,,, s is were accented With trains which were caught up by large boWs at the neckline. To comp- lete their outfits, they chose a floral cluster headpiece and veil in matching powder blue. They carried Liktipts of white starburst poms 'with blue ' and pink ribbon. Mr. William Trick, London, brOther of the groom was best man. The ushers were Mrs. Elmer Sanderson, Blyth, brother of the bride and Mr. Rolfe Cooke, London, cousin of the groom. ;The reception was held in the Cl auditorium, The,, briderriotlier:freceived the, guests wearing a mint green sonfle dress and coat ensemble with matching accessories and a ctsage, of pink sensation roses. She' was aseisted by the groom's mother, dressed in an aqua lace KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES CREAM PIES .. FARM HOUSE, ASSORTED SHIRLEY GAY 16-oz. pkg. 390 APPLE PIE 2 2:i:890 We at IGA, painstakingly select the very best for our customers far really only one reason — to jceett yoUr food cost thrifty ! Hord to believe? Not when you think about it ! At, IGA, you can count on just about everything being better. Because this is the case, you end up with more for your food money. In addition to less waste and more 'eat-it-all quality, you get better taste and greater satisfaction. This is worth money. In the truest sense it amounts to extra Value. You can bank on it with every penny you spend at IGA. LAMB LEGS lb 59° .0% LOIN ROAST 75C lb LOIN PORK RIB CHOPS ib.77 PORK CHOPS '69; Pork Filfet End Brown & Serve PORK CHOPS 99c lb. TRICK—SANDERSON BILLION P IC Prices effective until closing Saturday, August 16. We reserve the ' right" to limit quantities.: BEEF OR VEAL STEAKETTES lb. 67° COLEMAN'S SWEET PICKLED Voc Pac, COTTAGE 'ROLLS lb. 79c IMPORTED NEW ZEALAND "FRESHER-BY-FAR" FRUITS & VEGETABLES ONTARIO NO. 1. NEW 12-oz. pies POTATOES lobbg SOUTH AFRICAN (SIZE 88's) ONTARIO NO. 1 TOMATOES ONTARIO NO. 1 PeACHES