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The Huron Expositor, 1969-08-07, Page 8
Seaforth Lumber house, North Main Street. Home of Dr. Thompson, West William Street. Typical Maloney Bros. house, Egmondville. Home. of Fred Tilley'. Harptalley7'. Home of Doug. Rowcliffe, West William Slreet.: Home of Bill Roberson, Centre Street. Home of ken Coleman, George Street. Home of Mervin Nott, Egmondville. August Special ! CARAVELLE Canadian Carpet With Deluxe rubber underpad, tack strip and door chrome 12.95 per sq. yd. installed — 10 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM • BROOM'S' FLOOR COVERING PHONE 527-0420 — SEAFORTII Enjoy Swimming, Picnics and 'Camping AT FAMILY PARADISE 12th concession, McKillop Township, 7 miles 'north of Seaforth, 3 miles east of 12th Huron Line. Sorry No Hydro .4....4414,0044,44414.14imo..41.4440.44141 14404.444•404,440.1.1444.•41.4144.410.4••••.* GIFTS In Memory of relatives, friends and associat- e's will be gratefully acknoWledged by the • HURON — PERTH TUBERCULOSIS AND RESPIRATORY - DISEASE ASSOCIATION 121 Wellington St. — Stratford Telephone 271-7500 ter • 1. ON EXPOSITOR, SE pRTH, ONT., AUGUST 7, 1969 CROSSWORD PUZZLE Ifere'S the Atiswer Home of Cord. Tyndall, North Main Street. w Homes in Seafort of London visited on Friday even- ing with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby, Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Buchanan HORIZONTAL and family spent Sunday at Spring-1,5 Singing star bank Park in London. 9 She appears waves — Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd, Jim . and Kerri; Mrs. Annie Medd at- 12 On the 33 shelteredniia side Indian tended _the Lawson-Clarke reunion at Seaforth 14ions Park on .§Unday. 14 Low Mr. and Mrs. George McIlwain, 15 Hostelries Lynn and Steven of Stratford vis- 116r vipers nal ited on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. la Endured George Mcllwain and, Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Russel Fleming of Seaforth spent the week end with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby. Singing Star 7 8 9 10 4 IL 13 14 . i5 lb • 17 ZO• 21 18 . 24 34 ililln ZS 26 al II. Z7 z3 28 Z9 30 32 33 A 37 111 la 111 38 lars sr 461 39 42 43 47 40 41 n 41 Mil" 55 n 54 57 58 III 59 60 1111 41 ODOMl ElninfEl 11=10E1 01111Ellgl 1300-10 lill1C/ 1112101:1 EIHEIC21N/ 11131MCI 1710110F1 171a133 171 -g--ME112lE1 MOW IME1111 EIC1C10 ©C36129E1104 1IME1 varJltl5 pp 5 0 000 aai-000 OIL© OMOM sOWO DUO OMMW 120WW Home of Robert Tyndall, East William Street., Home of John Talbot, Harpurhey. • don't give up. Send someone for a doctor. Continue until medical help t fr) r. • arrives Orl, eathing is restored. • EDO r411411044414•41 411•11•••• • CUT OUT HERE • • Ir l• • • 411 • • • • • • • • 411 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • a • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 , Open airway by lifting itia% Pinch nostrils to i 461,44?4 Seal your mouth Remove mouth. neck with one hand prevent air leakage. tightly around the Release nostrils. , ' and tilting the head Maintain open airway victim's mouth and Listen for air escaping back with the other by keeping the neck blow in. The victim's from lungs. Watch hand. elevated. chest should rise. for chest to fall. REPEATI LAST THREE STEPS TWELVE TO FIFTEEN TIMES PER MINUTE. IF AIR PASSAGES ARE NOT OPEN: Check neck and head positions, CLEAR mouth and throat of foreign substances. For infants and children, cover entire mouth and nose with your mouth. Use small puffs of air about 20 times per minute. USE RESCUE BREATHING when persons have stopped breathing as a result of: DROWNING, CHOKING, ELECTRIC SHOCK, HEART ATTACK, SUFFOCATION and GAS POISONING. • • • • • • • • • • • • C i-+FF , • • ••• • • • • • • • • RESCUE BREATHING (MOUTH-TO-MOUTH) THE CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY Start immediately: The sooner you start, the greater the chance of success: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Smiles . . . Stranger : "When does th e 5:15 leave?" Railway attendant : "A qttart- er 'past five." Stranger : "Thanks. I get all mixed up over this changing of time." "How 'much longer, " the small boy enquired, "will I have, to eat spinach to be able to Alp' anybody who tries- to make me eat spinach ?" The wedding gifts were on display, and in a promin- ent position was a check to. the 'Couple for '$5, 000, from the bride' father-, The groom whispered to his bride, "Who is that man laugh- ing at your father's gift?" 'Oh, him - he's just the bank president, " replied the young lady. Correspondent MISS MARY McILWAIN Miss Evelyn McMichael of Goderich attended the McMi- chael-Bender wedding in Sea- forth on Saturday and spenft the week end with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Dale, Kathy and Cheryl, Miss Mary Buchanan of Bram- pton visited on Friday evening with, her parents, Mr. an& Mrs. Don Buchanan and family. Week end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggart and Harvey were Mr. and Mrs. Paul McMaster, Carol and Mark of London; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ded- rick, Jeffery and Jim of Simcoe; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoggart of Mit- chell; Misses Betty Hoggart and Bernie Rose of London, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoggart, Larry and Connie. • Miss Evelyn McMichael, Mrs. W. J. Dale and Cheryl visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Mur- ray Scott, Melanie and Meri- beth of Belgrave. Mr, and Mrs. H. Cornforth of Cooksville spent the week end.with Mr. and Mr's. Don Buch- anan and family. Cheryl Dale and Elaine Cart- er are spending this week visit- ing with Mrs. A. W. Bromley of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Lawson, John and Elizabeth spent Tues- day with Mr. sand Mrs. E. F. Warren, Lynda and Helen at their cottage at Lions Head. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ellwood of Montreal; Mr. and •Mrs. Ern- est Ellwood of Clinton visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. Mrs. Beuerrnann visited on , Thursday evening with Mrs. Irene Grimoldby.. Elaine Pfaff of Crediton and Patty Cook of Clinton are spend- ing holidays with Dianne Presz- cator. Mr. and Mrs. George McIl- wain visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kingswell of Hiironview, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Van der Molan, Paul, Mark and Margie of Oakville spent the week end With Mrs. W. L. Whyte, Margie,' Bill and Tom. Mr. and Mrs. William Mar- shall of Exeter, MrS. Teresa Johnston of Burnaby, B. C. visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley. ""' Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Trott Correspondent MRS. KEN McKELLAR Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gardin- er attended the Blue Band Cere- mony in Stratford Nurses Resid- ence Recreation Room on Thurs- day evening. Their daughter, ' Barbara Ann of the 1970 graduat- ing class being one of the class to become senior student. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bearss, St. *arys, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Gardiner. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Weitzman of Niagara Falls, N. Y. are visit- ing with relatives in this com- munity. :Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Readm head of Kitchener visited on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Gardiner. Mrs. John Wallace spent the week end holidaying at the Pin- ery. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Gardiner and Steven visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Eyre of Shedden. Miss Debbie Wallace is camp- ing with Susan Elliott at Guest- wood United Church Camp near Essex. Messrs. Donald and Wayne' BRIDE ELECT 'Miss Bonnie Snell was guest of honour for a shower on Sat- urday evening held at the C. 0. F. Hall prior to her marriage later this month. The bride, her mother and the bridegroom's mother were seated in decorated chairs. Miss Brenda Dowson of Varna tap danced and the evening was spent with contests and Mrs. Chrystabiewitt gave a reading. Bonnie was presented with many gifts after which she thanked everyone who helped with the shower add invited the guests to come and see the gifts at her new home in Clinton. Correspondent MRS. MAUDE HEDDEN Mrs. Cal Horton, R. R. 5, Clinton, is a patient in Clinton Public Hospital with severe burns to her body as &result of an accident when she accident- ally upset a teapot of scalding tea over her. M . F Public Fred Peters Hospital, patient in Clinton Mr. and Mrs. Keith Lindsay and family, of: Bridgeport, and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Underwood, of Gorrie, were recent guests with Mrs. John Henderson and family. Ray McKenzie,of Vancouver, flew here for a vacation with relatives and friends. Earl McEwen visited with' relatives in the district recently. John Soldan, 'who has been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ramsey and Tracey of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. Jini Ramsey, .Vickie and Steven of Rothsay, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ramsey and Mr. and Mrs, Bill Hulley and family during the week end. Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Calder McKaig were Mr: and Mrs. Carmen Cann, „Exeter, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Grahm, St. Marys. London where he underwent surgery, has returned home. Mrs. Earl Soldan is a patient in. Clinton Community Hospital.,. BRIDE-ELECT .• Complimenting Miss Marg- aret Allan; bride7,elect of Sat- urday, August 9th, friends, neighbours and relatives honored her with a miscellaneous show- er at the Legion Hall e Wednesday , July .30th. The Hall was dec- orated in pink and white with vases of pink and white mums, 'Mrs. Roland Vanstone read the presentation address and- * gifts were preSented to Margie by Peggy Vanstone, Shirley Smale and Joan Allan. Miss Greta Lammie provided piano music. The bride's book, compiled by Mrs. J. E. McEwen, was also presented to the bride- elect. In charge of the shower was Mrs. Grant McClinchey assisted by Mrs. Howard Smale, Mrs. Clarence Reid, Mrs. Grant Bis- hack, Mrs. Wm. Smale, Mrs. George Shiels and Mrs. Vanstone, Refreshments were served. Guests attended .from Preston, Seaforth, Exeter, Zurich and Hensall. An Expositor' Classified will pay you dividends, Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. HEATING OIL -Walden & Broadfoot Phone 527-1224 — Seaforth A1.11.11111M1NO, •••••••••••••••••••••••-••••,-1....". • Having completed Grade, 8 piano I am Qualified, to Teach Music Up to Grade 5. Will teach nights or on ,Sat- urdays. Phone 527-0435 Dianne Henderson RR 5, Seaforth Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. -- NOTICE -- For Co-op Insurance Call W. ARTHUR WRIGHT Phone 527-1464 John St. SEAFORTH Complete coverage for: • Auto and Truck • Farm Liability • • Employer's Liability • Accident and Sickness • Fire, Residence, Contents • Fire, Commercial • Life Insurance & Savings • Huron Co-op Medical Services • Wind Insurance INVEST In a Guaranteed Trust Certificate DONALD G. EATON" Office in Masonic Block Main St., SEAFORTH phone 527-1610 CROMART TY 20 Food fish (pl.) 22 Bitter vetch 23 Entire 24 Diadem 27 Small bird 31 Scottish alder tree 32 Pedal digit 33 Painful 34 Children 36 War god 37 UN official 38 Flouted . 40 Short Jackets 42 And not 43 Goddess of infatuation 44 Lariat 47 Her singing is stopped at -- on her program 51 Boundary (comb form) 52 Wise men. 55 Diminutive of David 56 Lubricant 57 God of love 58 Goddess of discord 59 Manuscripts lab.) 60 Fruit 61 Communists VERTIcAL 1 Prison 2 iirm bone ' 3 LoNhauntl , 4 Day past (poet.) • nonducts 6 Periods of ' time (ab.) 7 Tipple 8 Cuddle 9 So be it! 10 Hebride island 11 Wands 19 Age 21 tubber trees 23 Scope 24 Makes lace edging 25 Press HENSALL Moore, Miss Elaine Mope and Misstois Henry, of Lindsay spent the week end with Mrs. E. Moore end with Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Scott, Hugh, John and Alec. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Splane and Miss Frances Scott, London, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs., Gordon Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cockwell, Dashwood, Mrs. Norm barker and .imumr••••.... Deanenne of London, were. Sun- ,RNs day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ‘10 Otto. Walker. • Mr. and Mrs. .Bill Worthing- cLEANER ton of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Dow. No Smok No Odour, Mr, and Mrs.Larry Gardiner and St-wen are holidaying at Lions Head. 26 Poker stake 27 Stout string 28 Horseback game 29 "Emerald Isle" 30 Scottish sheepfolds 32 Binder 35 Dispatched 39 Wandered 40 Creel. letter 41 Locomo he fuel vehicle 43 Get up 44 Chamber 45 Flov.er 46 Feels sick 48 Challenge 49 Roman poet 50 Disorder 53 Brazilian macaw 54 Obtained