HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-08-07, Page 71968 Dodge Polara WO,. 2-door H.T., loaded 1967 Chrysler, 4-door sedan, full power 1967 Camaro, 2-door H.T., bucket seats 1966 Chev. Caprice, 4-door hardtop, loaded 1965 Olds, power equipped 1964 Cadillac, loaded, 4-door 1964 Ford convertible 1964 Buick Wildcat, floor comul, 2-door H.T., bucket seats. 1964 Olds 4-door Sedan, power equipped, 1964 Pontiac Parisienne, 2-dror hardtop 1963' Pontiac Parisienne, 2-door hardtop, power equipped , 1963 Cheviolet 1962 Chevrolet McLAUGHLIN MOTORS FORD , MERCURY DEALER Phone 527-1140' •• Seaforth We are equipped for fast unloading service. —Our automatic grain handling facil- ities eliminate wait- ing, when you bring your grain to Top- notch. THE ELEVATORS WILL BE OPEN 6 DAYS OF-THE WEEK AND WILL BE OP.' EN AT NIGHTS IF GOOD HARVESTING WEATHER OPNOTCH TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED Phone 527-1910 ' Seaforth BROADFOOT PICNIC The Broatifoot picnic was held on August 3rd at the Lions Park with 56 in attendance. The officers elected were: Combined Presidents - George Townsend and Jack,Broadfoot. Secretary - Tieasurer - Mrs. Olive Broadfoot. Hosts and Host- esses - Mr. and Mrs. Alex Town- send and Mr. and Mrs. Ian Mc- Allister. The results of the races are as follows : 5 and under - Brenda Broadfoot, Sherry Adair. 8 and under - Aren McAllister, Mike Adair. • 12 and under - Billy Walker, Kim Hendrick. ' ' • Oldest person - Gorden Walker, '79: Youngest person - Maureen Walk- er - 17 days. Ladies kick slipper into basket- Mrs. John Broadfoot; Mary Adair. ., Men kick slipper into basket - Elmer Townsend; Don Walker, Relay - Water in bottle - Peter Hendrick's team. • Relay - Clothespins on ears - Gerald Townsend's team. Children's relay - Mike Adair. HIBBERT UNITED SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC The Hibber t United Sunday School Picnic was held on-July 24t, at Seaforth Lions Park with 150 in att -ndance. The committees in charge were: Sports - Ruth and Judy Jeffery: Eleanor and Rae Butson. Table Committee: Bob and Ber- nice Norris; Gwen and Cal- VIM Christie; Esther and Art Smale. The results of the races and games were as follows: ,Nursery - Mary Parsons: Kindergarten - Gloria McKin- non Primary - Kathy Roney Juniors - Teresa Miller; Bonnie McPhail. Oldest person - Andrew Christie Youngest person = Brian Pridam hiris ParkAffittracts* Family Gatherings Correspondent MRS.JOHN TEMPLEMAN WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Mrs. Ross Smale, Mrs. Cam- eron Vivian and Mrs. George Vi- vian were hostesses for the His- torical Research and Current Ev- ents meeting of the Staffa Worn- ens Institute held in the town- ship hall on Wednesday evening. Mrs. Ed. Chappel presided and opened 'the meeting with the Institute Ode and Mary Stewart Collect. A minute-of silence was observed in memory of Mrs. Cecil Bowman, a faithful mem- ber, who passed away suddenly in him. Mrs. Ed. Chappel read a poem and Mrs. Robert McCau- ghey played "Safe In The Arms of Jesus. " Mrs. Robert Parsons gave an interesting paper on the motto, 'Treasure the past but do not live in it'. Mrs. Cindy Glanyille had the topic and gave an int- eresting paper on the immigran- ts coming to the north branch of the ;Thames River in the 1880's. Everyone contributed with a cur- rent event from the daily paper. There were 20 members and 3. visitors present with the roll Call being answered by "an old custom not followed anymore. It was decided to have a shower of tea towels for the kit- chen at the next Institute meet- ing. Mrs. Charles Douglas and ' Mrs., John Templeman volunte- ered to-set up a display.on'"Bak- ing With Yeast" at the Mitchell 'Fall Fair. A letter was read from the. Institute adopted child, in Tur- key. Mrs. Carter Kerslake gave a report on the district execut- Misses Edna and Janet Miller, London, holidayed with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller and also in Toronto with Mr. Will Hocking, .Miss Marg- eret Hocking and Dr. Jean Erwin, enjoyed. Pke.HditON Exposma, szAroxis, ONT, 441MUST, 7.1$47 Electrical modernization can make your extra, room extra comfortable XeSPOIltie MRS. KM Mei< LAIC Sunday risitOrs wi J. R. Jefferson were. Mr. and Mrs. John Peacock, Cheryl and Gayle of Bramalea and Moira and Christine Jefferson of Atikokan, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Chessell, Donald, Marion and Brian of Stratford. Mr. and Mrs. John Neevil, , Betty, Evelyn and Richard .of Masan visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon-Scott. • Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Bpi* have returned to their home in London after holidaying with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ger- don Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shold- , ice, Stratford, visited on thin- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. K. McKellar. Miss Frances Scott has taken a position with the Northern. Life Insurance Company in Lon- don. Relatives from Cromarty .and Staffa who attended the Mc- . Lachlan-Allen-Hoggarth ion,which was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Coll- roan, Seaforth, on Sunday w,ire: Mr. and Mrs. Murray Christie; Mr. land Mrs. Eldon Allen.Jan- et, Nancy and Frank; Mr. and Mrs. Carter Kerslake., Brenda and Craig; Mrs. Alf. Ross, Sr. , and Mrs. Mary 'Allen; Mrs. Grace Scott; Mr. and Mrs. Alf Ross Jr. and family. Following the morning ser- vice in Cromarty Church on ' Sunday, which was conducted by their newly inducted minis- ter, Rev. W. J ar vis, refresh- ments were served' by the ladies and a social hour was enjoyed by the people of the congregat- ion with Mr. and Mrs. Jarvis and their family. • • Woodham Correspondent MISS JEAN COPELAND Miss Terri• lkintnell enter- tained on Saturday for her sev- enth birthday. The following guests were present: Loree Rus- sell; Cynthia and Ellen Cope- land; Cheryl Brine; Lynn Rob- inson; Joan Ross; Susan Schaef- fer and Sandra Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Donnelly and Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Wa- lker of Caledonia and Mrs. Stan- ley Mountain of St. Marys and Mr. and Mrs. William Strong and Lode of Seaforth were Sun- day guests with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Spence, Susan, David and 'Steven. Mrs. Wm. Fairweather and Miss B. McInnes of Hamilton', Scotland are visiting with the former's daughter, Mrs. Ellis Strahan, Ellis and family. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hansen of Los Angeles, California vis- ited for a few days with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs., J. E. Anderson and Messrs. Allen and Hugh Berry, Mr. Graham. Robinson spent .. , 1Y4. OOP SOt• is SPendl giiI, ing a couple of eats at the home of'her dap ter and son' in-law, Mr. and"Mrs, Prank . Cadiek, Mathew. Mrs. Laverne Wallace and' Terry returned home from camp- ing at the Pinery. . Several of the McKeallar clan from Cromaity attended the family'reunion in Lions Park. Seaforth, on Sunday. AnniVersary service-was conducted in Cromarty Church on Sunday morning by Rev. Wil- fred Jarvis. A large crowd was in attendance including many QUESTION! Dear Constable: , The other day I witnessed -0 an accident between a parked car and a boy on a bicycle, and I really felt sorry for the young lad on the bicycle. The boy, . was riding his bicycle down the street when the driver opened his door right in front of the bicycle and the lad ran into the door. I don't think he was hurt too badly, but he was shaken up. Is there any law covering such things as this? ANS WER: Yes, there is. The fighway Traffic Act states, "No nperson' .shall open the door of a',motor vehicle on a highway without first taking due precautions to ensure that his act will not in- terfere with the movement of or endanger any other person or vehicle. " QU ES TION: Dear Sir: Do people really write you letters or do you make them up? ANS WER: Yes, people do write me let- ters, to name one, yourself. When this idea first started I used questions that had been , asked of officers when they were speaking at various, safety lect- ures. Even now, when the 'mail is slow, we will use questions that are asked of us at various meetings. QU ESTION: Dear Constable; I am getting up in years, and last year I received a notice tp renew my citivefir's licence, but .former members, many of 10Orn visited with friends after the. service. A miscellaneous shower; apOnsored by the c;G.; I. T. in • honor of Miss Faye Templeman, bride elect of this month was held in the schoolroom of the church on' Friday evening, The gathering included friends from Oromarty and Staffs community, also relatives of the bride-elect. A varied program of music, readings and contests were pres- ented. Faye was the recipient of many gifts. Lunch was served by the girls. PROPERTY TRA;ist5FER Fropexty cently through the osl estate office of icipub M Prowl 041 Realtor, includc; Thg hstnesvpropirty on Goderich Street Ept owned Donald R. Weed, to Carmen Rowcliffe.. Possession August 15, 1969. The John Burleigh house, Main Street North, to John Mor- ris of Toronto. Possession Aug,- ,ust 15, 1969. The Howard James residence, Egmondville, to Leo Teeter°, Almonte. Possession Septertiber 1, 1969. I , For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, FARM CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE JOHN CARDNO Insurance Agency Phone 527-0490 : Seaforth Office Directly Opposite Seaforth Motors Office --'Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: * Town Dwellings * All Classes of Farm Property • Summer Cottages • 4 Churches, Schools, Halls ASHTQN REUNION The Ashton family reunion was held Sunday, July 27th, at the Seaforth Lions Park when descendants of the late Sam Ashton and Mary Ann Gibbings gathered for the annual event. Relatives attended from Tor- onto, Hamilton, Sarnia, Strat- ford, Goderich, Clinton, Blyth and Seaforth. Officers were re-elected for another term and the group vot- ed to hold the 1970 gathering at the park again. Owing to the weather the entertainment was limited, but the warm social reminiscing was very much enjoyed. Prizes went to : Oldest lady present, Mrs.Illa Walters;old- est gent, Ernie Radford; Corn- ing the furthest, Mr. and Mrs. Lealand Ashton and daughter, Youngest , Randy Greenaway; Lucky, cup, Randy Greenaway; Elimination Contest, Roy Ash- ton; Lucky spot, Mrs., Gladys Wallis; Lucky chair, Elmer Townsend; Most graceful walk- er - Mrs. Lorna Radford. HARRIS REUNION The Harris family reunion was held Sunday, July 27th at the Seaforth Lions Park with 63 in attendance. Those elected to office for the next year were; President - Howard Pym; Vice Piesident - Bruce Lobb; Secretary-Treasur- er - Mrs. Bruce Lobb; Table Committee - Mr. rand Mrs. Keith McLagan;. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harris; Sports Committee - Don ' and Harold Williams. • Winners of the sports events on the afternoon program in- cluded: Jim Lobb - guessing beans. Races : - Girls - 5 and under -Margaret Pym, Sandy Williams. Boys - 5 and under - Michael ' Lobb, Chris Williams. Girls - 6 to 8 - Elaine Py Margaret McLagan. Girls - 9 to 12 -'Joan Pym, Agnes McLagan. Boys - 9 to 12 - Ernest Lobb, Robbie Harris. Girls - 13 to 16 - Kathy Fourne, Eleanor Lobb, Carol Harris. Boys - 13 to 16 - James Mc- Lagan, Bob Harris, John Mc- Lagan. 'GirlS and Ladies kick slipper - '.Kathy Fourne. Balloon Race -Jiin &,Patty Har- ris. Youngest person - Elizabeth Wil- liams. Oldest Person - Nettie Couch Bottle Game - Mrs. H. Webster Farthest Distance - Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harris. Married Ladies Race -line Lobb Maried Mens Race - Br '& Man with most colouri in socks e Ernest Lobb, Keith McLagan. Balloon busting - Harvey Dews. Number of Buttons - Margaret Christie Picking Shoes - Susan Pridam Maty Dow. Jelly Beans - Joyce Norris. Hairiest leg - Calvin Christie; Mr. Daynard. Shortest skirt - 'Gwen Harburn. Teachers - jean Parsons;Gwen Christie. STAFFA ivee ti Pla d - m e ng, ns are un er way to entertain our husbands Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Copeland, or' friers lid another •Iiislitiffe ;-*Gyrithier-Elleprancl,‘Deanna were • their husbands or friends at the 'guests on Monday evening with October meeting. • Miss Jean Copeland. A motion was made that Miss Vera Hambley become the Twe- edsmuir Curator to' replace Mrs. Cecil Bowman'. Mrs. Robert Mc- Caughey favoured everyone with „a,piano instrumental "In The Sweet Bye and Bye." While • lunch was being prepared a con- test on early school pictures was visiting the Thousand Islandst and last week at Bimini Camp act- surrounding area. They spent the ing as a Junior Counsellor. week end at Port Ryerse. Rev, and Mrs. J. C-King Karen and Steven Miller hot- have returned home from a de- idayed last week with their-aunt lightful holiday IA Western Can- and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jack ada. Duncan, Kirkton. Miss Cynthia Copeland at- Ralph Jorden, Mitchell and tended a birthday party for Miss Bruce Young, New Brunswick, Joan Ross of Kirkton on Thursday visited recently with Miss Janet afternoon. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spence and Mrs. John Templeman visited Mr, and Mrs, David Spence of Sunday with her mother, Mrs. St. Marys have returned home -Robert Duncan at Huronview. from a very enjoyable trip to Miss Sharon Knott was hostess Western Canada. Saturday for a miscellaneous Miss Sandra Wilson of Lake- shower honouring Miss Fay Tern-' side spent several days holiday- pleman , bride elect. Present for ing with Mr, and Mrs. Jack the event were school friends. Smith. Games were enjoyed after which Mrs. Wm. Strong of Seaforth Sharon read a verse of good wish - and Mrs. Wm. Spence rendered es. Fay thanked everyone for a lovely duet at the Church Ser- the lovely gifts. vice on Sunday morning. FOR TOP DOLLAR For Your CROP - Deliver Your Wheat We stock SEVIN for control of insects in white beans COOK BROS. MILLING Co. Ltd. PHONE: 262-2605 BENSALL What Is the Law? The OPP Answers I failed to renew it because' I was sick and I felt that I didn't Want to drive anymore. I am feeling really good now and I want to renew my licence. How do I go about it? ANS WER: The Highway Traffic Act states a driver's licence not renewed within a year of its expiry is not renewable; if a year has passed you must take a driver's test, etc. but if a year has not passed, just complete the form and submit it to the Department of Transport. 0"ayameualmog""n 41111iolailliPm011 Every week more and more people discover what mighty jobs are accomplished by low cost Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240. .1111111,..111111areemillliamosilillaro/11 ' "a. THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Extended coverage (windy smoke, water damage, • falling objects, etc.) is also, available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; 'V. J. Lane, RR 5, Sea- forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesborb; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. SEAFORTH PUBLIC UTILITY COMMISSION If your house is more than ten years old, chances are that its electrical wiring is behind the times. Today, you need more outlets, better lighting, more power, than when your house was built. Electrical re-wiring will 'bring you up-to-date, fast. it will let yo0 install all the appliances you've always wanted—from workshop to laundry room to kitchen. You can enjoy planned lighting, too, and clean, comfortable, electric heating. Talk to a qualified electrical contractor about re-wiring in your home, or ask your Hydro. The Hydro Finance Plan can help you get started right away. R. S. BOX, Chairman D'ORLEAN SILLS, Commissioner F. V. J. SILLS, Mayor WALTER SCOTT, Manager BRUCEFIEL Our peliciaondus C ich Soft Ice Cream Products Find Favour with OurSeaturth Cm; 'tiers TRY. US