HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-08-07, Page 3ARNOLD STINNISSEN GROUP - LIFE • ACCIDENT and . SICKNESS • MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS - ANNUITIES Representing Sun Life Assurance , Company of Canada TELEPHONE 527-0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST — SEAFORTH A G or the . C • t°174Pply. CO•OP Seaforth SEAFORTH FARMERS ?hone 527-0770 Your Headquarters for Farm Supplies U§±113ORNE HIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. President William Chaffe 4..R 4, Mitchell, Vice.President Raymond McCurdy RR 1, Kirkton Directors Martin Feeney RR 2, Dublin Clayton Calquhoun RR 1, Science Hill Tim Toohey RR 3, Lucan Robert Gardiner RR 1, Cromarty Agents Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates Exeter Clayton Harris - Mitchell Secretary-Treasurer Hugh Patterson - - Exeter Remember! It takes but a moment to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket. To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. _ _ for $300 FRIMDAIRIE HOME Air Condition ENDS SEPTEMBER 30, 1969 with Skill Testing inestion 1 Tickei for each $100.00 on the purchase of New or Used Cars . Check it SEAFORTH 5CA(27-1750 614111re4• iG .ek Our name is your GUARANTEE Our price is your VALUE MAIM PNT;. AANVS11 IDitOTr-3 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! 7th, commencing at 8 p. m. in Beverly to England-and Scotland for the Community Hall, Londesboro, and Sharon Stevenson three weeks. Mrs. Lauretta Holdridge of visitedon Sunday at Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Coward Victoria, B. C. visited a few Mrs. Fred Challd.ey's cottage at Lions Head. pf Woodham visited on Friday Mr. and Mrs. Bob Humphries evening with Mrs. John Coward,. and family were Civic ho liday Miss Ruth Horne of London guests with the former's parents, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne and family. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Humphries. Sharon Mason of -Myth is spend- Mr. and Mrs. Alvin-Fulton ing a few days this week with Mr. and Larry of Elimville were guests on Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hutton. Dennis and Diane. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walters; Mr. Maurice Quance and Mrs, Wm. Beer visited on Tuesday evening with Miss May Skin- ner at Clinton Public Hospital. Nms or WALTON . . Mc CalL Mr. and Mrs. WM, Humph- ries and family spent the week end in Teeswater and attended the, Old Boys Reunion there. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Craig and Graeme attended the Craig- Thompstone wedding at the St. Marys Anglican Church, Hain- ilton last Friday evening. The groom, .Donald Craig, is a nephew of Harvey Craig and son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Craig, They also visited at Honey Har- bour on Sunday with their daugh- ter , Miss Sherrill Craig. Miss Pearl Thamer of -Strat- ford visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Timmer. Mr. arid Mrs. Wallace Shold- ice of Port Credit visited last week end with Mr. and Mrs. James Mc Donald. Mr, d Mrs. All Mc Call days mitt, Mr, and Mrsi ...Allen and NIPS; WM.' Blake. Correspondent MRS, WILFRED ANNIS Miss Betty Arm Barker, Toro- nto is holidaying this week at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Barker. Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Lannin arid family; 'mr. and Mrs. Morley Lannin, Darwin and Gayle and Mr. and Mrs. Blythe-Lannin were guests at the Lannin Clement wedding in Parkview United Church last Saturday. Mrs. Wilfred Annis attended a shower honouring Faye Temple- man in Cromarty Presbyterian Church. Mrs, Vera Jorgenson, New Bryden, Alberta; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jorgenson, Toronto visited last Sunday with Mr,. and Mrs, Lloyd Barker, the former re- maining with them for a few days, ZION and family of t.Ondtin visited over the holiday With Mr. ,and Mrs. Harold Bolger. Miss Rosemary Ryan has retiliP'. ed home after holidaying in Lon; don with Mr. and Mrs. Ken Ryan. NEWS OF WINCNELSEA Correspondent MRS. Wlvl, WALTERS Mr. and Mrs, Sahford Hut- ton spent,Sunday with relatives . at Listowel. Dennis returned home after visiting for two we- eks there. Mrs. Wm. Walters visited on Thursday with Mrs. Wilbert Glanville of Staffa. Mrs, John Coward returned home on Tuesday from a visit Mr. and Mrs. Bo b loll Guard Against Fire Did your hay go into the barn a little tough this year? If so, it would be wise to check it at least Mice a week for the next month, to ensure that it is not heating. Fire from spontaneous combustion usually occurs dur- ing the first two months after storage. Hal Wright,. Farm Safety Specialist, Ontario Department of Agriculture, says that an easy way to check the temperature is to make a hay probe frorn a ten foot length of half inch elec- trical conduit or tubing. You can then rivet a sharpened hard- wood point to the bottom end of this tube and drill six holes of three-eights inch diameter with- in the bottom six inches. Now lower a veterinarian's rectal thermometer on a twelve foot cord to the bottom of the com- pleted hay probe, and you 'are ready to take the temperature of your hay. A piece of sponge rubber should be used at the bot- tom of the tube to act as a cush- ion and prevent the thermometer from breaking. Push the probe well down into the hay and leav'e for ten minut- es. Pull out the thermometer and note the temperature. Watch for the following temperature ' sign posts: 150 F entering the danger Check Temperature fa Whoever you are... Bill is employed by a big company. After October 1st, his employer-7 and every employer of 15 or more employees —must join OHSIP, and every employee must belong. Bill's-errnpkiyer will collect and remit the premiums. Apart from this Mandatory Group requirement, OHSIP is voluntary. Fiances likesto travel. , She'll be protected by OHSIP against the cost of hearth care she may need outside Ontario, at OHSIP rates. If she decTdes to re• side in another province. her OHSIP coverage will be "portable She'll remain insured for up to 4 months'. 4 Albert is ,t,I1 working but s not sure tor how much longer. Un- employment, illness. or financial iiifficulttes wont prevent him from having OHSIP protection—he can apply for temporary premium assistance. Full or partial premium assistance will aiso be available to him, determine ,.by his annual tax- able income OHSIP is the new, standard, comprehensive plan of health insurance protection and benefits in which every resident of Ontario is entitled to participate—regardless of age, state of health or financial means—through the Government or a designated-agent. After October 1st, many private insurers will become "designated agents ". Each will provide .the standard OHSIP contract on 'a non-profit basis, at the premium rates set by the Ontario Govern— ment for OHSIP services. If you wish other services from your agent, you tan arrange for them through a separate contract. Meanwhile, if you are now enrolled in OMSIP—the existing Government plan—or in a private plan, your coverage will continue without interruption provided yoLl „... continue your enrollment. OHSIP will be the health care you can Count on—from the Ontario Department of Health. . If you haven't any health insurance, you may enroll now for October 1st coverage by writing to OHSIP, 2195 Yonge Strleet, Toronto 7. • ATTENTION FARMERS WANTED " GENESSEE • TALBOT • YORK STAR WHEAT FOR SEED HIGHEST PRICES PAID 5 "UNLOADING PITS GUARANTEE FAST SERVICE WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR: FEED & SEED • WHEAT • OATS • BARLEY For Fast Service and Quality Grain Contact W. G. Thompson And Sons Limited NENSALL 262-2527 Smiles • A young California couple took a visiting auni for a drive and pointed out a fig tree as one of the sights. "Fig tree!" exclaimed the elderly woman, "That can't he a fig tree." "Certainly it is," said her niece. "What makes you think differently?" "Well," "said the aunt, sub- siding a little, "I just thought„ surely. the leaves musi be bigger than that. " • . done. Make temperature .observations daily. • 160 1 F. Danger! Inspect every four hours to see if temp- erature is rising. 175 E Fire pockets may be anticipated, Call the, fire department pumper • and wet down hay 185 F. Remove the hay. The pumper should be avail- able since flames will develop when air comes in contact with the hay. 210 F. Critical! Hay is almost sure to ignite. Mr. Wright warns that workmen should.not enter alone, or without ropes tied to their waists, since fire pockets may have developed and there is danger of falling into them. Long planks may be placed across the top of the hay for work- men to stand on while making ob- sirvations or removing hay. INSURANCE Auto, Fire, Life Donald G. Eaton Insurance Agency Limited. Office in Masonic Block Main Street Phone 527-1610 : Sedforth Pete IS receNnig Old Ag,e Assist i• vice from the Proi, ince of Ontario. Atter October Isl. his present cover. Age Ironic OMSIF' will simply con• tinue from OHSIP, automatically. All tie has to do is wait He knows OHSIP will be tne he.ilth insiiranre hr ui i.oldflt urn Sally andJohn are expecting another baby February. Sally,will ibe able to choose . her own doctor, and hell be free to accept her as his patient. He will advise John rn advance if he intends to charge more than OHSIP cover- age provideS". OHSIP will pay at the rate of 90 percent of Ontario Medical Association Schedule of Fees (1969)—most doctors accept this as full payment. The cost of Sally's hospital room will be p a id fOr by their Ontario Hospital In surance, Mario works for a small firm. but he'll be covered by OHSIP lust like Bill. Any employer who em-ploys more than 5 but fewer than 15 people may ' apply for Group coverage for his ern, ployees. Mario's boss plans to form such a Group. as of Oct.lst. OHSIP ONTARIO HEALTH SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN can take care ofyou • Correspondent MRS. D. ENNIS Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Stimore of Stratford visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Reid and attended the Van den Akker - Williamson wedding on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Campbell, Debbie and Dena have returned home after a two-week motor trip to Banff, visiting relatives on their way. Huronview, Clinton, will hold their August Auxiliary me- eting August 18. The following members were appointed t o attend, Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull; Mrs , Margaret Humphries; Mrs. G. McGavin arid Mrs. Hatold Bolger, The Wajton Women's Instit- ute ladies are invited to a social evening sponsored by the Londes- boro Women's Institute, August • ONTARIO HEALTH SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Hon Matthew B Dymoml, MD,CM,