HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-07-17, Page 9ONTARIO HEALTH SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN TRutlr COMPANY OINCE leap E WURON.. '1EXPOIT.o11,.. se4FORTili PNT,. 11 f' — week end guest at ids home. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Webber of Aylesbury, Bucks. , England are visiting with the former's brother. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webber. II. and Mrs. D. D. Hurst of Detroit were Sunday visitors with Mrs.. John Butters. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Jaques and family and Mrs. Mary Jaques attended, the Selves Re- union at Exeter on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Corsaut of Ilderton visited Saturday even- ing with Mr, and Mrs. DL vid , Wheeler and Mrs. Robert Cor- saut. • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robin- son, Carol and Brian of Ireland are visiting with the former's sister, Mrs. John Tomlinson, John and family. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Garten- burg and Mrs. Hiram Hanna at- tended the graduation exercises at the Royal Roads Military Col:- lege, Victoria, B. C. when the former's son, Peter; was one of the graduates. Peter is stationed at Camp Borden at the present time. MESSENGERS MEET • The Messengers met at the home of Mrs. Wm. Dickey on July fourth with twenty-five present. Michelle Robinson read the theme and the motto was repeated in unison. Nancy Jaq- ues, read the scripture. Mrs. • Glenn Copeland read a story "Forgive us our Trespasses". A poem was given by Mary Lou Thomson. Terri Hrintnell re- ceived the offering. The roll call and minutes were read by Painela Rodd. -STETHEITSIIN The 40th annum Stephenson Reunion was-hell July 6 at Sea- forthLions Park with 83 in att- endance. Officers for next two years are; PiesIdent - Tom Consitt; Vice President - Howard Arm- strong; Secretary - Jean Turner; Table committee - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner; Tea committee- Mr. and Mrs. David Turner; Freshie committee - Mr. and Mrs. John Consitt; Sports Com- mittee - Nancy and Charles Bec- ker, Jim Consitt and Marion Rowe. ' Races results were: - Boys and girls 5 and ender - Dale Stephenson, John Dowson; girls 6 - 8 - Brenda Dowson, Gayle Turner; boys 6 8 - Mark Tay- lor, Scott Consitt; girls 9 - 10 - Cathy Taylor, Linda Campbell; boys 9 - 12 - Billy Stephenson, Bruce Stephenson; young ladies race - Donna Taylor, Debora Stephenson; young mens race - Blaine Stephenson; kick the slipper (women) Mrs. Leonard NEWS OF Cromarty Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN Visiting last week' with Mrs. Sam Norris.and Mr. and Mrs. Bob Norris and family were Mrs. Anthony Brait and Richard, Ot- tawa and Mrs. Ethel Mae Lyall, Nancy and David, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Mauer, Vickie, Ronda, Sherry and Kirk, Clarmont, visited Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. John Temple- man and family, Ronda and Sherry remainingefor holidays... Miss Susan Norris visited Sat- urday wideMiss Jane Ross. Mrs. Bill Lampart and Mrs. Milton Sleamon,- Exeter visited recently with Mrs. Mary Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller and girls. Miss Linda Hackney,' Thames Road, holidayed for a few days with Mr. and- Mrs. Aft Smale and family. Miss Susan Norris is attending church camp at Camp Bimini tc :this•week. ' Mary Jane Templeman visit- ed overtlit'Veek end with Dian- ne Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Miller, Edna and Janet and Mrs. Mary Miller were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Cushman, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Annis and Calvin visited Sunday even- ing with Mr. and Mrs. John Templeman and family. David Kemp is enjoying a visit to the Western Provinces. Miss Carol Ann. Vivian has completed here Grade 13 and• is now attending classes at Wells Academy, London. Miss Karen Miller; holiday- ed this past week with her cou- sin, Miss Sheila Duncan, Kirk- ton. Use Expositor Want - Ads Mine 527-0240 McTAQGART PICNIC The McTaggart picnic was held Sunday at Seaforth Park with 50 in. attelidance. Officers are : President - Ralph Graham, Goderich; Vice- President - Joe NEWS OF St. Columban Correspondent MRS. JOSEPH KALE Miss Lindae Staples, Stratford, with her parents, Mr: and Mrs. Gordon Staples. Mrs. Herman Klaver left Iasi week by plane from Malton to visit her parents in golland. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Murray, Detroit, visited Mr. and Mrs, Auguste Ducharme, Mr-, and Mrs. Robert Pryce, Ailsa Craig, visited'Mrs..Nora ;;Maloney and attended thetIteg- ier- Cronin wedding on Saturday, With Mr. and Mss. Albert Cronip and attending the Regier- Cronin wedding were: Mr. andol Mrs, Leo "Smith and children, ' Acton and Miss Karen Pieta, London. Mr.' and Mrs. Ron Marcy and children, Stratford, with Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Ducharme on Sunday and all.atte.nded a Du- charrne reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ducharme. JOHNSTON PICNIC The Johnston Picnic was held on Sunday at Seaforth Lions Park with 67in attendance. Officers are : President - Gordan Papple; Vice President - Ella Bogie; Sec- tretary - Beverley Orr; Treasurer- Madeline Ritchie; Sports - Mel- ville and Dorothy Bogie. Results of Races and Games were : Girls 5 and under - Kim- berley Meriam; Dianne Bogie. Boys 5 and under - Ronnie Fick; Paul Bogie; Girls 8 and under - Connie Willis;lackie Meriam; Saturday, June 28, was an evening full of surprises for Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hoggarth, Mitchell. The occasion marking their silver wedding anniversary was planned by their daughter; Mat-. caret, Mrs. Olive Wright "and Mr. and Mrs, Gary Josling. The celebration began with an evening dinner at Zurich, at- tended by members of the im- mediate family. Gat& they were chauffeured to the Royal Canadian Legion Home, Mit- chell, where 125 of their friends and relatives had gathered. As they entered the decorated hall they were greeted by the music of their favorite orchestra, Carl Hohner's Melody Masters. The head•table -was- centred' with-a' three-tier wedding cake, silver candles, and bouquets of peonies. The address, read by Mrs. Gary Josling, recalled many humorous events that had happened dur- ing the past 25 years. The coup- le were.presented with a five- piece silver tea service by their daughter, as well as many other . • Bays 10 And linger - _Way ,k1.ere jam; Bobby Orr; Girls i-2 and un- der - Betty Orr; Marie 'Willis; Mitchell; Sports - Barbara and Hugh- MeTaggar t, Woodstoek. Results of games were - Number sequence game - Leslie Knight and Beverly McTaggart; Cat walk - Dale Glover, Mount Brydges; Balloon Walk - Debbie Graham, Goderich; Kick the slipper- ':3b Graham, Goderich; Clothes pin pick - Bob Graham, Goderich. Peanut Scramble.. Clothes Pin Pick - Geraldine Siemon, Mitchell- Joe Riehl, Goderich. OBITUARY W. R. OULTON William Robert Oulton died in Huyton, England on July 5the, 1969. He was 49. He is sur- vived' by his wife the former Pearl Townsend of Egmondyille, three sons and one daughter, Bradley of Caernarvon, Mirth Wales, Brian, Paul and one daughter Jane of Huyton, Eng- land. Mr. Oulton is a son-in- law of Mrs. Eva Cox, Egmond- ville. Correspondent MISS JEAN COPELAND Mr. and Mrs. Hector Legere of Los Angeles, Calif. visited a couple of days last week with the latter's lister, Mrs. Fred • Parkinson, Fred and family, Misses Brenda Parkinson and Kathy Thacker are councellars at the Intermediate girls c4mR, at Bimini this week. Susan and Stevtin Spence are holidaying for three weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Parkinson . and girls. Glenn Hewitt of Kirk- ton is spending th-e summer at the Parkinson home. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. McCurdy held a family gathering on Sun- day. Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ron Broome and fam- ily of Egmondville, Miss Debbie Loney of Florence, Kentucky, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hawkins and family of Embro; Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hawkins and family of St. Nlarys, Mr. and Mrs. Glen llawkins and family -of London; Nir. and Mrs. Leonard Hawkins and family of Fergus; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Watson and family of Ashland, Kentucky; Mr. and Mrs. Paul McNaughton and family of Strathroy; Mr.and Mrs. Boh Marshall and family of kirkton; 'Miss Claudia Bald- win of Port Colhourne and Mr. Jim Watson of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Joe 13lommaert and family and Roger Ronson of Brampton; Mr. and Mrs. Don HeWitt and family; Mr. and Mrs, Hiram Hanna and Mr. Win. Elston of Kirkton were 'Sunday guests with kir. and Mrs. Alex Garteithurg. Mr. Peter Garten- burg, of (]amp Borden was 104017 0,7011, We Invite Our Customers To Use The Cardno Block Parking Facilities Ancr The Back Door To Our Stores During The Work Now Be- ing Done To The Street. Metcalfe;• . etealle; litek the slipper -(nien-) Bill Howson; straw--& bearr(relary Bill Dowsan's team; shoe scram- ble (partners) Bill Consitt's team; guessing mystery object -Brenda Turner; closest wedding anniver- sary -• Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cald- well; longest married couple - Mr. and Mrs. Stirling Hasket; youngeit, grandmother - Mrs. Cecil Dowson; heaviest couple - Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Metcalfe. Next year the picnic will be held again in the Seaforth Lions Nark the first Sunday of July. CHAPPLE PICNIC The Chapple picnic was held Sunday in Seaforth Lions Park with 50 in -attendance. 1969 of- ficers are : President - Oliver Jaques; Vice-President -Norman Ferguson; Table committee - Duncan and Joyce S'cott, Filmer and Janet Chapple, Ed. and Jan- et Dearing. 1970 OfficersF President - Norman Ferguson ; Vice President- Jack Dearing; Table committee- Norman , Olive, Oliver and Wilhelmine Jaques; Arthur and Margaret Kemp. tIoderich; Secretary- treasurer - Geralattle Siapian; Boys 12 and under - Leroy Met- lam; Danny Campbell; Girls 14 and under - Betty Orr; Marie Willis; Boys 14 and under = Jim Ritchie; Leroy Meriam; Young Ladies - Janet Willis; Marilyn Drehmann; Young Mens - Jim Ritchie; Jack Meriam; Ladies Kick the Slipper - Judy Meriam; Dianne Meriam; Boys Kick the Slipper - Jack Meriam; Jim Rit- chie;' Women's Soft Ball Throw- Teresa Steekstra; Dianne Mer- iam; Men's Soft Ball Thrdw - Jack Meriam; Ken Campbell. THE "DUNDURN" WHETHER IT IS UPSIDE DOWN OR NOT IS ONLY ONE OF' THE MORE THAN 36 BEAVER MANUFACTURED HOME SELECTIONS NOW AVAILABLE, READY TO BUILD. silver gifts. The D.blin Mixed, Bowling Leaguegave"..thent .a large reclining chair. The ,Mit- chell Fire DOB it of which- Mr. Hoggarth is a member, pre- sented him wide a beverage dis- penser, designed as a fire.exthi- guisher. Following lunch the couple were taken on a short ,s ccond honeymoon trip in Old Betsy, the 1928 fire truck, accomp-- anied by several members of the Mitchell fire department. Married on June 24, 1944, the bride is the daughter'of Mr,. John Simpson, Exeter and the. late Mrs. Simpson. Mr, Hog- garth is the son of Mn.S Olive Wright, Mitchell and the late Mr. Robert Hoggarth, They have one daughter, Margaret, on the staff of Althouse Col- • lege, London. Guests attended from Mit- chell; Staffa, IJuhlin, Brodhag- en, Exeter,. London, Ilderton, Se Catharines, . Listow'el and Kirkton. • IN,. Light ;40404, fF„. FIR/v.144* BAC K:HOE — LYLE. IIIII(iNTGOMERY PHONE 402-7644 EVENINGS it :OR cyiri GULF SERV10Eo CLINTON, 4827661 Ranch style, split level of two storey homes .. . your selection of 2, 3, and 4 bedroom floor plains. More than 35 Beaver homes to choose from. Modern methods and manufact- uring can save you money the Beaver Way. Our trained Home Consultant can assist you in the availability of land, mortgaging, financing and building procedure. Inquire today. Free brochure of new designs and floor plans. Relax.You're covered. You need three types of interest-bearing savings. A chequing savings account at 4%. A savings account at 61/2%--1 no cheques but you can withdraw at any time. Guaranteed Investment Certificates at 81Mo. Stock Colours for Complete Living Area of Home. JULY SPECIAL ONLY On October 1st, Ontario introduces the new Ontario Health Services In• surance Plan—OHSIP. OHSIP is a basic plan of health in- surance benefits available to every person in Ontarioregardless of age, physical health' or financial meartt — through the Government or a desig- nated agent. OHSIP will replace OMSIP—the existing Ontario plait If you're pres- ently enrolled in OMSIP, your cover- agewillcontinuewithout interru ption. If you're now enrolled in a plan from one of the 200 other insurers in Ontario—such as Physicians'Services Incorporated, WindsoeMedical Serv- ices, Associated Medical Services, an insurance company, or other agency, you're also covered until further,: notice. If you now have no• health insurance,. you'll have ample opportunity to en- roll before October lst. You'll be advised of the enrollment period by press, radio and television. So don't wonder, don't worry, about your health insurance. Just relax and enjoy a healthy summer while you await the new OHS] P Plan, the health care you can count on, from the Ontario Department of Health. D,„]. BEAVER 405 JOSEPHINE ST. WINGHAM, ONTARIO PHONE 357-2581 or JIM KING Box 65 Wroxlitar, Ontario Phone 43,1 ONTARIO HEALTH SERVICES INSURANCE PLAN,_, ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Hon. Matthew B. Dymond, M.D ,,C M., Minister.