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The Huron Expositor, 1969-07-17, Page 6
0.1 Board (Continfied frthn Page 1) Canadian Arrnecikotces in Ger- many. At a-previous meeting. • Qf the B_Lyard, they had _requested an extension of leave. He said that Mr. Allanson had contacted him by telephone shortly after the last Board me- eting, and had expressed an un- willingness to return to Huron County following expiration of the extension, if granted, as he had plans to go to Australia for a few years. The Board approved action that Mr. Allason be advised that under these Circumstances, his leave of absence will not be extended beyond this year, but that they would be considered for employment as teachers by Huron County Board of Education if they did return to this county. However, their salary and de- ductions etc. have ceased, since their leave has expired. After some discussion, the Board decided against taking out a sustaining membership in the Ontario Educational Research Council at a cost of $500. Approves Road By-Law Osborne Council met for the July meeting in the hall at Elim- vile with-Reeve Roy Westcott and Councillors Lloyd Ferguson, Lloyd Smith, Walter McBride and William Morley present. Council was advised the Department of Highways had approved the supplementary road appropriation by-law to the amount of $7000, approved the Ellerington bridge contract, and the contract to supply road building materials to Con. Road 2-3. The Treasurer said receipt of one,half the per capita grant from the province, prepayment of grant in lieu of taxes by On- tario Hydro and other receipts amounted to $5796. 56. Road Department accounts of $23, 137. 48 and general accounts of $37,248.99 were approved for payment. PxtrOmprovelpent Drain By,-,1a* wasadopted as read and the-petition to have the Berend- sen drain report reactivated was accepted, and the report as made- by A. M. Sprier & Assoc. Ltd. was provisionally adopted as read on May 27th last. Council agreed to have a special meeting on July 29th to hold a court of revision on the Vader, 'Tuckey-Etherington, Coward-Roestel and Berendsen drains, and to consider tenders for construction. Council agreed to duplicate the Township of Hilbert donat ton for the improvement of the entrance to McTaggart Ce- metery. kgrant of $100. was approv- ed in support of the Osborne Softball Association. u•. • Vancouver 110-RIZONTA1 1 Feathered friend 8 Song bird 11 Speaker 13 Spanish title of courtesy 14 Birds must — of slingshots 15 Rag 15 Cloth measure 17 Weapon 19 Female sheep 20 Recollects 22 Genus of auks 25 Many birds live In — 29 Fine line of a letter 31 Bristles 32 Irregular 33 Minute reproductive cell 34 Seemed 38 Sly look 39 Barren 41 Ecclesiastical vestment 44 Lift with exertion 45 Birds like this type of worm 48 Swerved 50 Fine 52 Penetrates 53 Idea 54 Pierces with a weapon 55 Birds live In VERTICAL I Garment 2 Soviet city 3 Vociferate 4 Philippine Negrito 28 Birds — for 40 Citrus fruit worms 41 Genus of birth, 30 — are a 42 Church characteristic fast season bird covering 43 Greek letter 35 Some birds 45 Goddess of nest in — discord 36 Age 46 Assessment 37 Turkish 47 Oriental coins council of 49 Rebel (coll.) state 51 Summer (Fr.) i a 3 " 11101O 111° IIIII iT l. .IN. II II illn • NI IIIII II la III Mil" ill I° ill 1111 WI II Ix lillii II II II 29 30 32 UMW II 111 II" 11111 WI in IIII" ill" II 1111111111111111 11111111111 " MUM iiIIIIIIIIII ill alIalli 11011111111111 NMI NON II Birds of Feather 5 Norwegian 6 Some birds are --- 7 Interest (ab.) 8 Memorandum 9 Retinue 10 Rabbit 12 Respond to treatment 13 Ancient Greek gravestone 18 Heavy rod 20 Elevates 21 Large tract of arid land 22.13ewildered 23 Sweet secretion 24 Bird's' craw 26 Siouan Indian 27 Peel Here's the 'Answer 1;31A1111:1 two©© IMCIIIIIMOIZI ElfZIElElligEl .lEE!1 la EIMEIIRI lEEI 12 Olifin El IPI EaMEIM-J ©moo© EJ17101n1 ElmODE1 01PIR1W ME1111[1. El IMICIIRE1E1 fflIZIEI Ina fa v EnEllIAEMIYI a OrICIGEIPO LMFIZallfl DRIVE-IN CHURCH at Lion's Park .--,Seaforth Sundays:— 8 . p.m **Inspiring Singing " **Timely Messages Sponsored by Bethel Bible Church ANNOUNCEMENT The committee of the Medical- Dental Centre, Brussels, is pleased to announce that DR. R. C. CULBERT has now opened his dental practice in the dental suite, Bnissels. Dr. Culbert will see patients by appointment. Phone 412 and 413 Office hours: 8:30 a.m. to5:00 p.m. .1. H: STRETTON, Chairman. !HURON EXPO81TQR, SEAFORTH, ONT., JULY 17, MI DANCE Auspices Brussels Agricultural —Society BRUSSELS LEGION BALL Friday Night, July 18, 1969 Music by Desjardine's Orchestra Admission $2.00 Per Couple Restricted to 21 years and over a NOTICE The Dublin and District Athletic, As• - sociation will provide supervised playground activities for the months of July and August. Beginning July 21, 1969, from 1:00 pan. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday. Please register your children at the Dublin playground on. Saturday, July 19, 1969 'from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday, July 20, 1969, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. Children — ages four to fourteen. Saturday Night "THE HARBURNS" SNACKS — Southern Fried Chicken HURON HOTEL Dublin Farewell 'Party for Lloyd and Dorothy McCluskie, Winthrop WED., JULY 23rd Walton Comma ;it 14111 ,KEN WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA ALL FRIENDS WELCOME Ladies please bring lunch WANTED Walkers and Sponsors for a 20 mile Walk-A-Thon to be held on SAT., JULY 19th Walkers please Contact Fred Herbert, Harry Muegge, Frank Murray, Orval Parrott, Mervin McKay, Allen Siemon or any coaches of the Brodhagen ballteams. Proceeds are for the floodlights at the ballpark in Brodhagem. EVERYONE WELCOME Entertainment Highlight of the Year, at the Pizza Patio Tavern in Goderich, Nightly, from JULY 21st TO JULY 26th "The Millionaires" Held over from Las Vegas .to London • Pizza Patio Tavern on the Bayfield Road, Goderich B. C. is visiting. WS. Margaret Cahill on 'George -Street. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Steph- enson and Mr. Terry Stephen- son have returned from a mo- tor trip to the East Coast. Susan, Stephen and Kerin Harding, Parkhill, grandchild- ren of Mrs. James A. McDon- ald. Harpurhey are spending their holidays here. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew White of Birmingham were week end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. McLean. Mr. Palmer Whitely of Hamilton and Mrs. Gilchrist Coppin were guests of Mr. and Mrs. James F. Scott last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Wankel and girls of Regina, Sask. are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. James Carnochan and family, and Mrs. George Wakefield of Toronto at the same home. ' Mrs. Geo. Pryce, Reg. .Pryce and, Miss Mary Pryce and Mrs. Glenn Pryce of Vancouver left here on Saturday for their home in Vancouver, B. C, after,spend- ing 'some time with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs, Claire Reith and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Broadfoot are spending a holid- ay at the East Coast. Miss Lucy Burke of London is spending a few weeks with Mrs. Stanley Garnham. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jack- son spent a few days in Sa rnia last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ronafd S.Mac- Donald are in Ottawa attending a wedding. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mur- dock of Detroit were week end guests of MrS. J. D. Cairns. ' Mr. P. Joseph Sills of Balt-_ imore, Md. was a guest of . the Sills' Families last week. Miss Holman of Barrie was the guest of Mrs. H. Sellers, Goderich St. W. Major A. M. McMillan, son of Mrs. J. M. McMillan and the late J. M. McMillan of S'eaforth recently visited his mother in town. Maj or McMillan, who has been located at C. F. B. Trenton, Ontario for the past three years„ is accompanied by his wife and three children and is en route to his new posting to Ngrth American Air Defence Command, H. Q. in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Mr. and Mrs. Bev. Broadfoot and family of Woodstock visited last week at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Broadfoot, North Main. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thomp- son have returned from a motor - trip through Northern Ontario and a week spent at "Pickwick" Lodge at Wasaga Beach. Miss Nbreen McMillan re- turned to Vancouver, B. C. after spending two weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan and attended the Me- Milldn and Stephenson wedding. Mrs. Margaret McMillan, Jadk and friend, Flint, Mich. spent the week end visiting friends and attended 'the Mc- Millan and Stephenson wedding. •Mr. and Mrs. Eldin Kerr of , Kippen and Mr: and Mrs. Fos- ter Bennett have returned home from a two week holiday at the Adirondack Mountains, Lake Placid and the East coast as far as thc Cabot Trail on Cape Bre- ton Island. Mr. George Eaton spent two weeks wi,th Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCowan. n • Ludknow and Mrs. J. R, cro# and Mr. -CrIss, B Thg, don with Mrs. Evelyn Sclera and Warren, Egmondville en- joyed a picnic at Lions Park. on Sunday. „. Mrs. Frank Stock and her daughter, Anne Marie, Bernard Stock, Karen Bell of London. Mr. and Mrs. John Meagher and family of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Phone Meagher of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs. Flank Osborne and Terry of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meagher. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Flood have returned from a two week trip through the Nokthern States and British Columbia visiting the latter's son in Winfield, B. C. After spending a day•at the Calgary Stampede they return- ed home through the Prairie Provinces and Northern Ontario. Mr. and Mrs. Roily Vanstone, Hensall; Mr. and Mrs. Jim &own, Egmondville, Mrs. Annie Oldfield, Mrs. Liz. Brown of Seaforth spent the week end in Orrville, Parry Sound district with Mr. Harry Kruse at his cot- tage on Sugar Lake. Miss Belle Campbell has re- turned from Bayfield where she visited Mrs. Lillian Kerslake. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Oke, Elaine and Mary have returned from a three weeks motor trip to the West Coast. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Good- murphy were visitors last week . at the home of the latter's cou- sin, Rev. J. Ore Stewart and Mrs. Stewart.. Rev. and Mrs., J. Ure Stewart visited last week in Port Credit the, former's cousin, Mr. Ralph Goodmurphy. Crop Report by T. W. Clapp, Associate for Huron County. All crops are doing well bitt a good warm rain would help„ Most farmers are finished haying or are nearing completiOn. There is plenty of hay and it appears_to he of good quality. •The spring grains are all head- ed out and like titekbeans cou use some rain. The-diseases en- tioned last week are not big — problerhs and their incidence It icattered, The root rot disease: in beans is caused by the cool. wet conditions in Juie, such that now the roots have ' rotted an& the plants turns yellow: The- incidents reported have been' relatively', small and scattered. The wheat . problem is a strawbreaker dis- ease. B001,10 VEIN E- . , IE Cl. 1 N T_Cl N Box Office Opens at 1.00 pm . ALL .00UILEFEATORE MOWS. THURS. and FRI. July 17 and 18 "The Secret Life Of An American Wife" Showing at 9.15 p.m. (Adult' Entertainment) — Starring Walter Matthau and Anne Jackson In Color ,— — PLUS . "The Further Perils of Laurel & Hardy" ,Showing a'&11,00; pot: -,. Laurel & Hardy are. shotnkl before "the days of their eventful pgrtner- ship. During the mid 1920's they joined forces and the evolution of the comic 5tyles is shown .in this collection. Plus Cartoon SAT., MON.I TUES. July 19-21-22 "The Crew" Wrecking , Showing at 9.15 p.m. — Starring DEAN MARTIN ELKE SOMMER and, NANCY KWAN In Color — ,- PLUS , "Don't Raise The Bridge, . Lower The I I River . Showing at 11 p.m. — Statring JERRY LEWIS And TERRY THOMAS In Color Cartoon WED., THURS... FRI. July 23.24-25 "LADY IN CEMENT" ...._ Showing at 9..15 p.m, (Adult Entertainment) — Starring Frank Sinatra Raquel Welch Dan Blocker Set in Miami Beach, this "Tony Rome" sequel races through the further .problems of the'' - touch detective. In Color — — PLUS "BEDAllLED" (Adult Entertainment) — At 11 p.m, Starring PETER COOK and RAQUEL WELCH Color Cartoon • .An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. Country & _Western ',sic : _ - - FRIDAY -THE WIEDIV-MDS- SATUMAY BEGIN4'18HBR TRIO- Also entertainment. everc_Wed., Thur., Fri., and Sat. in the Ladies and Escorts Beverage rtoom. Beverage room snacks Colored TV COMMERCIAL HOTEL Seaforth, Ontario ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY and SATURDAY EVENING • Special All Day Friday — STEAK "OPEN FOR BREAKFASTS!' AT THE QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH ENJOY THE FUN - - AND EXCITEMENT OF AT GODERICH RACEWAY UNDER THE LIGHTS Every Wednesday Night Post Time 7:45 p.m. PARI-MUTUAL WAGERING 'AMPLE FREE PARKIN( FREE COVERED GRANDSTAND DRIVE-IN THEATRE THEATRE GODE,RICIel CAR"Phi O VIIL CLINTO 524.9981 HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 'PHONE A "Mustang" Theatre THURS., July "BANG, Tony and . "Enjoyable Second YOU'RE Randall, Terry FRI., Santa Spy 1748-19 Feature Thothas BANG, DEAD" Romp" Barger SAT. . , Mionalkiwallictes,... ELVIS ). I .I, I 41) itatarsoor PRES6EV lemma" (Adult Entertainment) Watch for "Gimmick Night" on Monday d Tuesday 0 how far can a policeman go?- • COURIBil ACMES N Ng SUN., utt GEORGE July PEPPARD JEAN Second SEBERG RICHARD ' "TORTURE KILEY ,. _ (Adult ift1/01111111.110141 Jack Palance, and Romer (Adult Entertainment) 151 "Effective . Horror MON.. Beverly - . GARDEN" Entertainment) Burgess Item 20-21-22 Feature Adams for . TUES. Meredith Program" ... 'V Ig ,'t.: 0 fey' N WED., THURS., s..,,,.,(,,,/ 201h-CENTI81T ‘t'l'' • . . Atelt tit cCOLORBY DE FOX • trietr LUX CiNEmASCopa FRI., prosnts SAT. ''' ;VI .'". . '14. ° ctiE pLANEIr (1 .JUly 26TH CENTURY presents L _ iipEs '23-26. CHARLTON NEON - FOX In 4 4 , ••• 0, Err)7/ Wednesday is "Family Night" at Me Sunset. Carload, Truckload or Builoaclp—Admission. . is Only $1.25 per vehicle. ,,.. . LOCAL BR1EF$ 10i - t I 10 ,-I CASH BINGO Legion Hall„ Seaforth 8:15 p.m. Friday, July 18th $75.00 Jackpot to go Three $25.00 Games 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Two DOor Prizes (Children under 16 not) permitted) A1?MISSION $1,00 Mara Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Proceeds for Welfare Work 0 9 p 4 o