The Huron Expositor, 1969-07-03, Page 3 .14•••••••• .........••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Phone 527-1910 Seaforth Clinton TRAILER CENTRE LTD. Kitchener Tel.: 482-6661 or 482-9787 Are Also Agents For: TRAVELAIRE GLENDALE-DOLPHIN And SCAMPER BALER TWINE IN STOCK at competative prices- _ 4:77°N0-=Fil TOPNOTCH FEEDS LIMITED —poplar 13 ft. model CHOOSE FROM 3 SPACE-SAVING FLOOR PLANS Select The One That Suits You 'Best See MURRAY CUTLER For The Details on the Triple E Compact GLENDALE-DOLPHIN & TRAVELAIRE MODELS ON DISPLAY NOW AT HOLLAND'S SUNOCO STATION 192 Huron St. (Hwy. 8 West) . :.• taw Ails Alio'. ids • Prices effective July 2.5 inclusive We reserve the right to limit quantities Government Inspected Canada Grade 'A' Fresh, Tender, Whole Frying POWDERED DETERGENT Seaforth 21/2. to 31/a lb., size Takes A Stand Against The High Cost Of Living With These MILLION PRICES EE WHITE SUGAR 10 lb. Bag Wilkinson's -Top 'VOW Choice APPLE JUICE • 48-oz. tin FREE... One 6,oz. Cup of Gay Leos SWISS STYLE ASST'D. FRUIT FLAVOURED YOGURT with every pur- chase of one 6- oz. cup for only SPAGHETTI Libby's Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48-oz. "tin 25p Shirley Gay Enriched, 'White SLICED BREAD 24-oz.loaf 21g Clover Leaf or Maple Leaf SOCKEYE SALMON 7 3/4 -or.• tin Top Valu Evaporated MILK 16-oz. tin One 5-lb. Bag of Granulated, Fine With •every purchase of four Westinghouse Soft White (40, 60 or 100 watt) Light Bulbs for only 1.38. DONUTS 2 Roll Pkgs. Drink Mixes (osst'd. flavours) TB1;1/4f Valu with PORK In Tomato Oxydol (spec. pack) Plain, Sugar or Cinnamon SHIRLEY GAY Parchment Wrapped TOP VALU Margarine 1-lb. pkg. 14. Regular or Mint CREST Toothpaste Scott's (osst'd, colours) PAPER TOWELS KOOL AID 5-lb. box Priced for extra savings Taste tempting, knife cut BEST OF CHICKEN LEGS FRYERS OR BREASTS — Leg or Breast Portion (backs attached) - Chicken Quarters Mixed — Chicken in the basket Fraser Vole Frozen, Cod FISH & CHIPS 24-oz. pkg. 47. • •-• tt, HI,0.,EXP9SATM.$0 ..AFORY.K 0474400 3;,. • • Are Promoted -Seem411- Public S intermarriages into no less than twenty different nationalities with over 200 different surnames, all related, .and that within 135 years. Relatives were-present from Michigan, Ohio, Alabama, Colorado and other States, from Western Canada and many cities and communities in Ontario, es- pecially the county of Huron. Listed below are the results of Theory Examinations at Sum- mer Session with Western Ontario Conservatory of Music, London of pupils of St, Joseph's' Convent School of Music, Seaforth. GRADE 11 .THEORY First Class Honours; Kathy Stewart; Carol Shilson and Jean McKaig (Equal); Anne Stewart; Rosemary Van Den Hengel;Becky Lingelbach (Royal C. ) Maureen Connolly and Nancy Devereaux, (Equal); Jean Devereaux. Honours• Mary Ann Klaver. Music classes will be resumed September 8th,, Office — Main Street ' SEAFORTH Insures:. * Town Dwellings * All Classes of Farm Property * SuMmer Cottages * 'Churches, Schools, Halls Extended coverage (wind, smoke, water damage, falling objects, etc,) is also available. AGENTS: James Keys, RR 1, Seaforth; V: J. Lane, RR 5, Sea- forth; Wm. Leiper, Jr., Londesboro; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires, Clinton; George Coyne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. Rev. and Mt's. ritlii -Stewart', (-rs:Barry),'ingersolt. Audrey - IR etul -s were present at a reunion garb'', r Goodmurphy (Mrs. Albert), Regina, ering of the John and Ann (Mae- Sask. , Lorne Matheson, Boulder, Leod) Matheson family in the Colorado, who flew in for the Sonthside Park, Woodstock on event, Douglas George MacKay, Saturday. This is the first timF London, Mac Pratt, Listowel, such a gathering was held by the and Carl Parker, Toronto. clan and it also was the 135th From the two original Math- anniversary of their arrival in esons of Scottish birth thei4 (,are Canada. Over 225 relatives The following pupils have been promoted from Kindergar- den to Grade 1. Coombs, Glendon; Dale; gobbi J. ; Eyre, Sheila; Flannigan, Marty; Glew, Mary Lynn; Hen- derson, Lynn; Jew, Douglas; Johnston, Neil; Laverty, Karen; Maxwell, Michael; McCowan, Rhonda; McLaughlin, Lynn; Mc- Pherson, Greg. ; Morton, Jane; Neil, Richard; O'Dell, Troy; Pullman, Susan; Ribey, Cathar- ine; Ritchie, Janiie; Scott, Eliz- abeth; Scott, Jimmy ; Shousher, Arabeya ; Ungarian, Stephen; Watson, Brian, Teacher: June B. Boussey, GRADE 1 to GRADE 2 Andreassi, Angelee; Benneweis, Karen; Czerwinski, Jo Ann; Drager, Stephen; Habkirk, Cori; Henderson, Bruce; Hildebrand, Stephen; Hulley, David; Malon- ey, Kathy; Marshall, Terry; Mennell, Dwight; Moggach, Scott; McGowan, Brian; Mc- Laughlin, Gerry; Neil, ,Sandra; Nielsen, Dennis; Ribey, Anne; Rice, Bradley; Sallows, Bradley; Scott, Dougie; Scott, Mike; Schenck, Bradley; Smith, Susan; Staffen, Sandra; Stocker, David; Trapnell, Joanne; Young, Kevin. Teacher : Mrs. F. Kay: GRADE 2 to GRADE 3 Baker, Jayne; Burleigh, Joan; Cornish, Douglas; Doig, lat); Dolmage, Debbie; Drager, Murray; Dupee, Debbie; Horne, (Andy; Kunder, Nancy; Laverty, James; Malkus, Tessie; McPher- son , Jeffrey"; Montgomery, Mar- gie; Muegge, Patsy; Munro, Karen; Neil, Jimmy: Nielsen, Johnny; ,Racho, Joan; Ribey, Earl; Rice, Susan; Sallows, Stev- en; Scott, Ronnie; Shousher, Tarik; Watson, Jimmy; Whitman, Dee Dee. Teacher: Mrs, Eula Kellar Lee, Brian; Massicotte, Jime; Maxwell, Susan; Montgomery, Ted; Patterson, Valerie; Putman, Mark; Rimmer„ Joanne; Ring, • .. Chris; Ritchie, Wendy; Say- aege, ' Alan; Scott, Bradley; Scott, Susan; Trapnell, Mike; Westerveldt, Andrew. Teacher: Mrs. Guelda Holmes. GRADE 4 to GRADE 5 Bennewies, Murray; l3euerman, Neil; Boshart, Debra; Burleigh, Jack; Gardno, Jayne; DaltOn, Lois; DOlmage, Larry; Drager, Linda,: Fry, Douglas; Heard, Linda; Kunder, Susan; Maxwell, Steven; McClinchey, JiMmy; McDonald, Kenneth; McPherson, Heather; Muir, Jane; Munro, Mail Helen; Racho, Carol; Ri- bey, Jane; Ritchie, Brian ; Say- auge, Michelle;.Schenck,-Brent; Sinnamon, Valerie; Snowdon, Tommy; Staffen, Carol; Vin- cent,' Lynda; Young, Caroline, Teacher ; Elva D, Ellis. GRADE 5 to GRADE 6 Baker, Tracy; Bell, Julie; Ben- nett, Steven; Chesney, Barbara; Dale, Allan; Dale, Brenda; Dal- rymple, David; Drager, 'Sheila; Govier, Rpss; Haley, Brian; Now Heard, Donald; Hodgert, Linda; Hoff, Bill; Hulley, John; Mai- dens, Tina; Malcolm, Glenn; Malkus, Edmund; Massicotte, Tommy; Moggach, David:O'Shea, Nancy, Savauge, Lori; Schenck, Joanne; Simpson, Peter; Vincent, Bryan; Wood, Dawn. Teacher: Barbara Chesney, GRADE 6 to GRADE 7 Bennett, Kevin; Benneweis, Bonny; Beue;rman, Susan; Bode, Joanne; Carnochan, Gordon; Cornish, Dwayne; Dale, Brian; Dalton, Donna; Dupee, Larry; Govier, Ruth; Henderson, Kevin; Hulley, Keith; Jew, Doris; Johnston, Floyd ; Lingelbach, Lori; Massicotte, Allen; McClin- chey, Randy; McLean ,Joe; Muegge, Yvonne; Munro, Gary; Muir, Janet; O'Shea, Bill; Pat- terson, Phyllis; Rice, Stephen; Savauge, Brenda; Schenck, Bob; Scott, Janet; Sinnamon, Murray; Snowdon, Pamela; Somers, Cathy; Staffen, David; Stephen- son, Terry; Stocker, Ward; Storey, Fay; Swan, Judy;Whit- man, Joanne; Young, Colin; Young, Graeme, Teach P er : Mrs. BeU GRAE 7 to GRa,DE Bell, Lee; t3ennewies, 6neryl; 8 Brady, Barbara; Brugger, Robert'; Cornish, Dean; Dale, Terry; Dalton, Ron; Elliott, Debbie; Graham, ,Shauna; Hildebrand, Susan; Hulley, Paul; Hulley, Penny; Jessome, Silby;Johns,ton, Ronald; Kerr, Kevin; Marian,' Michael; Massicotte, Ronald; McDonald, Brenda; MeGonigle, Cathy; McPherson, Debbie';'' Moggach, Debbie; Ritchie, Ter- ry; Ring, David; Scott, Barbie; Smith, Gerald; SOuthgate, Carol; Staffen, Judy; Swan, Ken; West- erveld, John; Wood, Ralph; Wright, John. Teacher: Gary Jewitt GRADE 8 to GRADE 9 WoOd, Rand. Teacher: Mrs. Morton 8 Mr. Talbot, St. James' Students Graduate The Grade 8 Graduating Class of St. James.Separate School attended a special Mass in their honour on Thursday morning. Rev. Father H.J. Laragh congrat- ulated the class. He stressed.the importance of education and :"' urged them to continue to high- er levels. .At the end of Mass, Mrs. Pet- er Jansen, on behalf of the Cath- olic Womens L eague, presented the students with graduation pins; Breakfast fbilowed-aid vas ser- ved in the school auditorium by the C. W. L. to the members of the class, Father H. J. Laragh and their teachers, Sister Mary and Mrs. Holmes. The Graduation Class includ- MathesoLti registered. John and Ann Matheson with their five children (five other children were born in Oxford County) came from Dornoch, Sutherlandshire, Scotland, in 1834 on a sailing vessel, an eight weeks trip, and settled, on a farm on the east half of lot 24, concession eight, West Zorra, in Oxford county. They are buried in the old Log Church cemetery on the seventh concession . In the Genealogy of the Matheson family, prepared by Mr. Stewart, one of their descendants, he has records of over 500 of these fa- milies and of over 1000 individ- -nals. At the reunion officers el- ected were:- President, Rev. J. UT Stewart, Seaforth, 1st, vice- president, Ralph Goodmurphy, Port Credit, 2nd. vice-president, Neil Matheson, Port Credit, sec- retary-treasurer, Elizabeth Cox, (Mrs. W. A.) Kitchener, assist-; ant-treasurer, Mrs. Joan AgneW, Woodstock; representatives from the branches, Margaret Hunt, Vocalist, ••' " ' '21 Varnish 24 Shakespearean 13 Weird 7011y ketone 15 Transform 16 Goddess 'of 14 Triumph 17 Follower 12 Fish sauce 18 Rebel (coil.) 20 Lariat 19 English river 22 Article the dawn. ingredient ,• swinger 10 Hindmost 11 Cosmic order $ Cuddle 5 CaldronS 6Grat 9 Average (ab,) 22 Fermented liquor 23 Shade tree 25 English gold coins 29 Bird of prey 33 Limb 34 Stations (ab.) 36 Lure 37 Enervates • 39 Social insects _ ,41 Hostelry 42 Trader 44 Cottoh fabric 45 Make lace edging 48 Legal point 49 He appears of a — nature 52 Attempted 54 Exclamations 57 American poet 58'ilohn (Gaelic) 59 Young street Arab 61 Defensive structure formed by felled trees 63 Expunge 64 Distress 65 Feel VERTICAL 1 Dread 2 rnterpret 7G3 E j L crialtill'Ic.of -1- ziourantr.1 MCA] k • "vrz 1C7 f%tlifie7P11 r.S= K-7,1-1r1 FlAnict • 1P111011it IL-743d F:f k',111 aK ...0.11181 r:301111:3C2 Of- C-.11.11164-.1 rilr I (-7,00W--1114.; WI' i`Zhadt--i Was] 18 41Z11-1-7,11 P11,11,. rum Fri CAC • - I 32 Volcano in 38 Harden Sicily 35 Fixed look' 40 Heavy -.50TZarep 40 '01444On SiPtaprtotAlrot 53 PresOlt .intio„t (a%) —• 5,4 ,070h1411 state hammers 55 Sign :of 43 Unkeeled diseppieval 45 He gained Snielg , end fame — a favorite of 60 Exist 62 Symbol tor bobby soxers thulium 47 Retinue THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY McKaig, Jean; McLean, Cathy; McMichael, Brian; McNab, Paul; Moggach, Lauren; Montgomery, Bob. ; Munro, Gayle;' Putman, Ernie; Schenck, Janice;' Scott, Cathy; Smith, Bill; Southgate, Stephen; Stannah, Althea; Stocker, WendyeWilbee, Joan; es: Joanne DeGroot; Nancy Devcrea-• ux; Margie Eckert; Mary Jan- maat; Lois Nigh; Mary t v obel; Dianne Phillips; Karen Re.gier; Cathy Stewart; Mary Van Dyke; ,Mary Van Miltonburg; Harry Arts; Dave Broome; Gary, Groot- hius; John Hendriks; Tim Hogg; John Jansen; John Lansink; Mike Meidinger; Doug.Reynolds; Ar- nie Stinnissen; John SwinIdes, Mary Nobel thanked the C. • W. L on. Oehalf of the class and Mrs. John Flannery acknowled- ged her thanks and expressed the , good wishes of the League stud- , ents. GRADE 3 to GRADE 4 • Peter; Campbell, Dennis ;Cardno, Name LOL _-Anderon ,Cheryl; Beattie, I3enneweis, Donald; Benneweis, Kevin; Bode, Paul; Chesney,- Robert; Coombs, Kathy; Cz Jim; Carnochan, Alan; Dalton, er- winski, Joe; Dale, Donald; Dale,-Roy; Doig, Kenny; Dolmage, Euchre Ronald; Iialton, Larry; Doig, _ Beth; Fry, Donna; Hildebrand, Cameron; Hulley(, Serena; John- Doug. ; Hildebrand, Joan"; Isza- covies, Barbara; Johnston, Gloria;, Winners' Langlois, Susan; Learn, James; Laverty, Sandra; :ivIali.fs, Donna; . Wirinets air a L'O. L. enable Wednesday were ladies high: Mrs. McCutcheon; Lone Hands: Mrs. A. Routledge; Low: Mrs. H. Dolmage; Mens High: H. Dolmage; Lone: Elmer Dennis and Low ; Ivy Henderson. Mrs. John Oldfield won a cake draw. queen 25 Catch breath convulsively, 26 Soviet river 27 Kaffir warriors 28 Warbled` 30 Walk 31 Row IS ill iniiiii Z 3 V, Z7 4 5 ill20 111 nimimiii s, vi ma Num la Ifs 17 II or IIII ze II 29 n wi la WINN al 34 or, 31 il iil id IN la 03 57 So 51 43 51 4 7 1153 44 1111 II 45 ' U. 513 ir II 62 by al iiIIIIIIIIII RN 11URRII WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 N • 4 • ..:.interest on five, year Victoria and Grey Guaranteed Investment Certificates, IICTORIA an VG GREY 1' UST COMPANY SINCE 1880 W. R. Curry, Manager Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich 524-1381