HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-06-29, Page 13Mr., Mrs. Archibald Mark Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Robert Archib- ald celebrated their 25th wed- ding anniversary with friends and neighbors and relatives numbering sixty-five who gath- ered at their home in Tucker- smith recently. Mr. and Mrs. Archibald were married June 10th, 1944 a n d since then resided at the Arch- ibald homestead. They have . • one son, Bill. During the evening games of euchre and crokinole were played. Winners were; travel- ling lone hands, Stewart Mid- dleton, First prize for ladies, Mrs. Earl Papple, consolation Kathaleen Miller. ,Gentsfirst prize consolation Rich- ard Wallace. An address of good wishes was read by Bob Tyndall and' a lamp arid other gifts were presented 'by Peter Swinkles and Leonard Strong. In a fitting, _reply Mr. and Mrs. Archibald 'expressed their appreciation. Guests were present from Mon- treal, Barrie, Chatham, '<Innen, Read and Use Expositor Classified ACTION ADS PHONE DIRECT 527-0240 linrou (fxvositor Seaforth, Ontario Please enter a Subscription in the name of: NAME ADDRESS FROM: ADDRESS • q Indicate here if Gift Card to be sent. 0 $6.00 Enclosed 0 Please bill me Why be an occasional reader? Regular readers know the com- plete news coverage The Expositor provides They A.ppreciate the money-saving ads, the interesting features, the news of churches and societies. They watch for The Expositor pictures. Read The Expositor Every Week Call us collect, or drop us a note and we'll start a Subscription in your name. You may pay later. tihe uron (fxpositor JO- Exterior House Paint Exterior Latex Exterior Primer 2 GALS. 2 QTS.. 11.9.5 3.85 dial 527:0550 Seaforth Read the Advertisements it's 'a ProfitObie PastiMel SEAFORTH MONUMENT WO All Types of . CEMETERY MEMORIALS OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON Inquiries are invited — Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482.9421 SEAFORTH: COntact Willis Donde! PAINT SALE SAVE 45% On Second Gallon or Quart GRAVES' Walliiaper and: Paint Seaforth --"...•••••"" ENDS JUNE 28th Pittsburgh BARN' PAINT Plywood blade with a purchase BLACK & DECKER • 7 1/4 inch' SAW . 7111E•Iiyaoll:,,E,Xpo5itop!i.sookroapir,.0147.., . . a --building of all 12)feavy 13 Dried grape 14 Halt 15 Numbers 45 Cravat 17 Traelc 19 Turkistan river 20 City in • Oklahoma 22 Help 23Blind, as a falcon 24 Women's club 28 Equine animal 27 Shiny fabric 28 Fox 29 Abstract being 30 Senior 33 The --- of Trade building in ChiCago 36 Commanded 38 Greek name, 39 Limb 40 Russian river 41 Knight's title 42 Ruin 44 Russian village 45 Sheep (p1.) 47 Inborn 49 Entice again 50 Incarnation 51 Drupe-like fruit 52 Tags VERTICAL 1 Puffs up 2 Breed of sheep (pl.) S Source of curare V Correspondent MRS. JOSEPH KALE A high mass of. Thanksgiving was offered in St. Columban's Roman Catholic Church on' Sat- urday of last week in recognition of the 25th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Mur- ray, They were married June 15, 1944 in St. Columban's Roman Catholic Church by the late '- Rev. F. J. O'Drawski. The at— tendants were Rita Duffy( now Mrs.. Mervin Manley of Stratford) arid Dominic Murray. Mrs. Mur- ray is the former Vera Duffy, daughter of Mrs. Loretta Duffy and the late William Duffy, Mr. Murray is the son of Mrs. Elizab- eth Murray and the late Thomas Murray. They have a family of seven, Bill, Elaine, Mary Lou, Joseph, Patricia, Douglas and Jean. A dinner was served in honor of the bride and groom of 25 years ago, at the Dublin Hotel. Those present beside the family were Msgr. J. J. White, Rev. Peter Oostveen; Mrs. Murray and Mrs. Duffy.' -In the evening a social gath- ering of relatives, friends and neighbours was held at the Knights of Columbus Hall. A humorous address was read by John Shea and a presentation was made by John Moylan. Mrs. Murray rec- eived a platform rocker and Mr. Murray Was given'a swivel easy chair and a purse of money and the family was presented with a pole lamp. Many cards of con- gratulations were received. Mr. and Mrs. Murray both expressed their thanks and appreciation. Dancing was enjoyed through- out the evening and lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Murray and family, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Lou Murray and baby, Lon- don, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Michael Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Drager, London visited Mr. and Mrs. Tony Poland, he deserves it - 'that's the ticket • Miss Sheila Malone, Kitchen- er, visited her mother, Mrs. J. MY MAN IS IRRES-PON-SIRLE DEAR DORIS - Before we got married last year' my husband wasn't working steadily; he'd take off a couple of weeks here and a month there. Finally he got fired in Sep- tember and didn't start work again until Jannary. We moved in with my parents, to survive_ Now my husband is starting this thing of missing time again. I was scared to start work, in. case he started staying hom e permanently, depending on my wages. He brought home a cheque last week of $12. I'm starting work again soon to pay off the bills we have. I've already tried to frighten him with leaving, but he only laughs and says, "How can you?". -Tired of Fighting DEAR TIRED - Sometimes marriage and a home are en- ough to challenge a fellowiput obviously not this one. He shouldn't laugh at your threat. If you try to carry things, he only loses what he has in the way of git-upand--go. I'd say your boy isn't past adolescence, emotionally. We need to know more about what makes him tick. Counsellors, trained ones, are made for this kind of treatment. DEAR DORIS - You are so kind to teen-agers who write to you, and so patient. .But if they could ..only be a bit more thoughtful, hOw much heartache they would save for themselves and for their parents! • -Hurt many, times. . DEAR HURT - How thought- ful were you at 17? A close friend of mine says. she feels like two cents every time she remembers how she. said to her Dad, at age M "I didn't ask to be born!" As if ' everything that happened to'her was his fault. As if there was no point in..her being grateful to parents for loving care from the day she uttered her,first cry on through the growing-up years. The ones who write to me arg' doing their best to be thoughtful or they'd never take pen in hand with a question. Keep believing! DEAR DORIS - To be or not to be! My problem is whether to go along with the recent trends in eyebrows, eyelashes and hair color. My teenage son says -yes; Bill .Senicr says "disgusting!" • - Half-Century Old DEAR HALF-CENTURY - Fifty-ish doesn't mean you are written off. Tell both Bills that eye shadows and hair dyes were in use 3, 500 years ago - as revealed by the tombs of the Pharaohs. The trick is to improve on nature so subtly that only your hairdresser knows for sure. Go ahead and paint up; but make it look like you; not some raz- zle-dazzle doll. DEAR DORIS - What do I do about a boy friend who smoth- ers his hamburgers in onions? This is what he always has at the restaurant when we go,out for a drive or anywhere. I can hardly stand to be in the car with him afterwards. -'Smothered By Onions Lb EAR SMOTHERED - (1 Keep a package of special breath-sweetening gum in your bag and offer a piece on emerging from restaurant; or (2) Take onions in your'ham- burgers since this is the per- fume he seems to prefer. Life and Love mean corn- promiSe all along the line.. If he doesn't seem worth it - well- you take it from there! CONFIDENTIAL TO LO- OKING UP - -Three cheers.! You deserve a ,medal for using my ideas effectively in opening up to your husband. Now just watch that you donlx rub it in too hard. Stop thinking of him as a bad boy. He is a man, a husband and father, ma- king valiant efforts to act the , part. Encouragement, praise when now.' L. Malone. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Downey and family, visited in Kitchener on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sloan and-family, Grafton; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Gaffney, Peterbbr- ough visited Mr. and Mrs.lames Sloan during the week. Mrs. Rita Stapleton and, Miss Mona Stapleton, Collingwood visited Mrs. Joseph Kale. Miss Hilda Kennedy, London with Mr. and Mrs. Auguste Du- charme. Miss Pat Sheppard and friend, Kitchener, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kale on Sunday. /Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Melady for the week end were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ryan, London; Misses Jeanne and Anne Melady, Barrie; Jim Melady, Toronto; Wayne Hayes, Austral- ia; Clare Taylor, Toronto and Miss Anne Arnold, Lucknow. •A REID REUNION 1969 The 12th annual Reid picnic was held at the home.' of Merton and Elsie Keyes with an attend- ance of 34. Elsie Keyes and Mary Must- ard had-races for the young ones and relay and guessing games for the adults. Bruce aud Anna Keyes are robe next years pre- sidents when the picnic is sched- uled for the Lions Park in Sea- forth on the 4th Sunday in June. • ri L-4 FA:* ]rT"la; hro ' f-;r011i100t -00 r-.3H14=r*Noi rleVb i-71:11PJ ZAWIM r;:k7-50.1 lt51PIOW:! F#X41fic, 4,411111 *0 fill-3M.0A2 :411444:1 RECO.Pf P-.0111FL-1 111 .70 10.1111P2UOFT. MOV7,111. IXOPIO 1=IFInelqat. 28 Cleveland 961'revinee In Union ----- Ecuador. 31 Hermit 37 Venturers 32 Renewal 39 Church recess. 33 Suitable 42 Antitoxins company 43 Molten rock 34...— building 46 Book of Bible in Pittsburgh (ab.) 35 Lightly 40 Flap * Phil ill 5 ll ill II8 11111 "iii • n •n ill 7 ill II *n II RI • 9 ill ' iill iiil MR WI iil as MINIn iill ° " 33 AWNn WI • in i ii km • R aaa 39 go " 4 9' ill !illansass moos til a Maass 5' ARE YOU ONE OF THE PEOPLE WHO: READ THE HURON, EXPOSITOR OCCASIONALLY? Grain storage problems? Here's the answer Westeel ROSCO GRAIN BIN Complete with Aeration Unit Independent steel frame. Simple to erect. Roof ladder — roof manhole & roof sheets. Rope caulking for all vertical seams ensures weather tightness Rodent proof. %," hex. bolts rubber backed washers & nuts. SEAFORTH FiTMERS Phone 27-0770 USBORNE & IIIBBERT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE - EXETER, Ont. President William Chaffe RR 4,.Mitehell - Vice-President Raymond McCurdy RR 1, Kirkton Directors Martin Feeney ' RR 2, Dublin Clayton Calquhoun ' RR 1, • Science Hill Tim Toohey RR 3, Lucan Robert Gardiner RR 1,• Cromarty Agents . Hugh Benninger - Dublin Harry Coates - • Exeter Clayton Harris - Mitchell Secretary-Treasurer Hugh Patterson , - - Exeter Contracts . Now Available For WHITE BEANS WE CAN FILL YOUR NEEDS FOR: CIL Fertilizers Analysis to meet your requirements Weed Sprays For All Crops Eptam and Patoran 4 The proven weed killers in White beans W. G. Thompson And Sons Limited HENSALL 262-2527 11:09.4411igant;vdes(ea.B.S;F,!-I :bra; II Store fodder 18 Three-toed 4 13 Asl diplomat can 21 Those excessively -fond 23 Soaked 25 Pakistan province 26 Retain • MST SEE WHAT YOU ARE MISSING? ':Exterior: eilera Phone ,5275.03 Atrazine Atra-Oil and Weed Sprays IN STOCK