HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-06-29, Page 11• THE HURON OTOSITOR• SEAPORTh1 QJ 1 0 411142 r 190--41 At the Wm* Pork on gasses it's good as far as it goes.... The head restraints in 1969 automobiles are designed to reduce injuries due to .rear-end collisions. Restraints should help. minimize some of the unpleasant effects of these all - too - common crashes, but their causes can be dealt with only by drivers. There are a number of things you can do to help prevent rear end collisions. Here are some of them. Don't let yourself be crowded by the driver behind. If someone follows you too closely for safety; encourage him to pass - by pulling off the 'road if necessary. Signal your intentions - to make a turn; change • lanes, or stop suddenly. Signal an intend ed stop by pumping your brake pedal to flash the brakelights. Don't crowd the driver ahead leave at least one car length for each 10 miles of speed. And remember that high speeds and poor weather conditions demand extra stopping distance, At night, or in rain or fog, allow for reduced visibility or decreased traction. Limited-access highways have made 'higher speeds common. Asa result drivers need to be. especially wary of slow - moving or stopped vehicles. Stay alert • be particularly attentive near controlled intersections where vehicles ahead may be' slowing, turning, and stopping. Watch for slower-moving merging traffic. Use acceleratibn and deceleration lanes to change your own speed when entering or leaving a highspeed highway. Prevent secondary collisions at an accident scene by getting off the roadway quickly if you decide to stop. Be a defensive driver - constantly watch the traffic around you and plan for any foreseeable emergency. CIAG INSURANCE CO .OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOCIATIONS OP GUELPH NOW" OPEN ON WEEKENDS The Pool will operate on a daily basis, com- mencing next week. Massey-Ferguson MF9 MF12 Balers are your best baler buys. Go 15,000 bales Without greasing spend your time making bales instead of pumping a grease gun. Big Capacity ... 6 •bales per minute output at BO strokes per minute, Up to 14 tons per hour. See these Massey - Ferguson balers at BOYES FARM SUPPLY I., iSe Albert; David McGregor;. "TOStille-71,e'VtrotrIviatr-Nobel; Karen Laverty; Susan McLean; Mary Van Dooren; Joanne Me1-11-- Murray McGregor; Stephen Mc- ansmt; lane Osborn; Don Work- Gregor, Ned rounstorxraeb.1347434W-F,Pgt- Stuart McLean - Teacher JUNIOR 11:20 to 11:50 Mary J anmaate Nancy Devereaux; Judy Dorsey; Mary .Ann Van Bakel; Donny Nlelady; Tony Van Bakel; Elizabeth Johnston; Wayne Nigh;' Diane Nigh; Vicki O'Rourke; Brian Nigh. • Angela Devereaux - Teacher What Is the Law? The OPP Answers killed, I'd,not hand him a.gun, I'd buy him a bicycle. Young children cannot cope with busy traffic which puts an awful bur- den on the motorist. ANSWER: 1 sure hope parents are read- ing this column because other persons are getting concerned about our bicyclists. The an- swers to the questions are: (1) A bicycle is a vehicle and should be operated on the road. Most cities or "towns have by-laws prohibiting the operat- ion of bicycles on the sidewalks, (2) They must travel on the right hand side, going with the traffic. (3) All bicycles and tri- • 6 I Summer swimming instant- ion at the Lions Park Pool will begin next Wednesday. Instruc t- ors and life guards this Year will ' include Mike Stinnissen, Angela Devereaux, Maggie McLean, Peggy Cornish; Stuart McLean, Nancy Pearson, Mary Ball and Pete Stinnissen. Students taking part in the July classes total nearly 400 and include the following: BEGINNERS 9:00 to 9:30 Brenda Fleming; Johnny Nielsen; Jane Ribey; David Dalrymple; Jane •'Muir; Cathy Coombs; Thomas Snowden; Donald Dolig- las Fry. Mag McLean-Teacher BEGINNERS 9:00 to 9:30 Jean Vantyglibm; Joanne Rim- tiler; Debbie Dupee; Earl Ribey; tleverly Learn; James Learn;Lois Dalton; David Moggach - Peg. Cornish - Teacher BEGINNERS 9: to 9:3Q Danny Vantyghem; Dennis Niel- sen; Anne Ribey; Jo Ann Czer- winski; Valerie Patterson;Paul Bode; Susan Rice; Caroline Van Nancy Pearspn - Teacher BEGINNERS 9:00 to 9:30 Sandra Marie Staffen; Jimmy Scott; Catharine Ribey; Gary Bedard; Michael Bedard; Carol Anne Kelly; Bradley Rice;Scott Moggach. • Mary Ball - Teacher BEGINNERS 9;00 to 9:30 Dwight Mennell; Susan Smith; Douglas Scott; Bruce Brazeau; Mary Anne Van Dorp. Jacquel- ineSchenck; Michael Maxwell; Bradley Schenk, Stuart McLean - TeaCher JUNIOR 9;00 to 9:30 Ronny Hauwert; Mary Jean Salis- bury; Susan Maxwell;. Brent Sch- enck; Carol Staffen; Donnie Dale; Ronnie Dale; Serena Hulley; Val- erie Sinnamon; Teresa Malkus. Angela" Devereaux - Teacher JUNIOR 9:0 0 to 9;30 ' Susan Beuerman; Cameron Doig; Stephen Rice; Joanne Bode; Fay Storey; Bernard McQuaid; Allan Dale; Nancy O'Sl'lea; Bobby Sch- enck; Jayne Cardno; Debra Mog- gach, Mike Stinnissen - ,Teacher • , BEGINNERS 9 ;35 to 10:05 Susan McAllister; Maurice Flood; Susan Moir; Gerry McLaughlin; Jamie Ritchie; Lynn McLaughlin; Mary Lon Maloney; Bernice Al- „ bert; Teddy DeWit Mag• MeLean • • Teacher BEGINNERS 9:35 to 10:05 Nancy, Kunder; Gale Jacklin; Larry Moir; Wendy Ritchie;Brian Ritchie; Randy Scott; Henrietta DeWit; Robbie .Chesney; Patti Scott. • Peg Cornish - Teacher BEGINNERS 9;35 to 10;05 Janet Flood; Kenneth Oesch; Bruce Armstrong; Brian Armstr- ong; Darwin. McCutcheon; Joan "Ruston-. • Angela DeVereatax 7 Teacher JtJ'NIOR • 10:10,to 10:40, Donna Malone; John lailrriaati_ Sheila Drager; Cindy Dorssers; Debbie Dorssers; Billy Brown; Christine Groothius; Peter Simp- son.; Brenda Sauvage; Michelle Sauvage; Ida Stinnissen. Mike Stinnissen - Teacher INTERMEDIATE 10;10 to 10:40 Jane Dietz; Ann Banno'n;Lenny Lansinje Joan Nobel; Mary Lou Degrocit; Donna Malkus, Ross Mitchell, Peter Stinnissen - Teacher, BEGINNERS 10:45 - 11:15 Michael Watson; Heather Wilson; Brian Tenpas; Joanne Miller; David Hall; Cheryl Bauer;Nanci nnett; Gary McCutcheon; Nor-. imeau. ,,Mag. McLean •-• Teacher • BEGINNERS 10:45-11. 15 David Watts; Jennifer Elaine - Kirkby; Michelle McCutcheon; Bonnie Lee Richmond; John Rich- mond; Mary Anne Bernard; Julie McCall; Karen Bridge; Joan Sills. Peg. Cornish - Teacher BEGINNERS 10:45-11. 15 Bob Bryans; Scott Bridge; Given Bernard; Susan Langlois; Louise Alcock; Peggy Gibson; Brenda McCutcheon; David Stephenson; Susan Primeau. Nancy Pearson - Teacher -BEGINNERS 10:45-11:15 g•Gregory 1v1Pherson; Timothy James Prior; Gary IvIcArter; ra Anne Prior; Gary Smith;Linda Irene Machan; Diane Van Dooren; Joanne McArter; Teresa Van Do- • oren. Mary Ball , - Teacher BEGINNERS 10:45 to 11;15 Juanita Gail Smith; Eric Goulet; MaXine Watts; Carol. Anne Ray- mond; Jeffery McPherson; Dianne Smith; Joan Mair; Stephen Hilde.- brand; Linda Mair. Stuart-McLean - Teacher INTERMEDIATE 10:45 to 11:15 'Nancy Van Dooren; Diane Jensen; Heather 1\ilePherson; Dawn .Wood; Jo-Ann PrMeau; Margaret Sills; Joey Jansen; Joyce Pearson.. glizabeth GaraiffiCTWtner; Brian Deaner; Carol Wheeler. Nancy Pearson - Teacher. BEGINNERS 9:35 to 10;05 Mary Watson; Marleen Glanvil- le; Linda Godkin; Jim McNichpl; Bradley Knight; Heather McIn- tosh; Jeffery Cardiff; Annette Boneschansker, John Adams. Mary ball - Teacher BEGINNERS 9:35 to 10:05 Catherine Cardiff; Cathy. Bones- chansker; Kevin Nichol; Donna Willis; Dianne Willis; Robert 4° - Armstrong; Dianne McNichol; Anne Lee Stevenson; Margaret Shortreed. Stuart McLean - Teacher JUNIOR 9:35 to 10:05 Deanne Nobel; John Hauwert; Lloyd Valiance; Susan Budnark; Anne Watson; Given Bosman;Fay Dalton; Kim Humphries; Susan Humphries; Janet Cardiff. Angela Devereaux - Teacher JUNIOR 9:35 to 10, :05 Janet Pearson; John Hulley:Mur- ray Nichol; 'Brenda Dale; Nancy Scott; Tina Maidens; Mary Eliz- abeth Valiance; Joan Hue.ther; Paul Humphries; Steven Pletsch; Doug. Mitchell. Mike Stinnissen - Teacher JUNIOR 9:35 to 10:05 Susan Maloney; Ricky ScoteStev en Maxwell; Nicky Hauwert;Tra- cy Baker; Alan Savage; Edmund Malkus; Jayne Baker; John Prim- eau; Barbie Chesney; Barbara Doi Peter Stinnissen - Teacher BEGINNERS 10:10 to 10;40 Barbara Lynn Butt; Steven Ross Butt; Danny Nash; Linda Vissch- er; Paul Carter; Brian Morris; Sandra Ruston; Linda Dorssers, Mag.. McLean - Teacher' BEGINNERS 10:10 to 10:40 Cori Habkirk; Sandra Butt; Aud- rey Nash; Henry Hendriks;San- dra Menheere; Lianne Overholt; Mary. Anne Malone; Bobby Men- heere. Peg Cornish - Teacher BEGINNERS•10:10 to 10;40 Therese Nash; Brian Cooper; Siobhan Kennedy; Jimmy Armes; • Paul Overholt; Joan R.achO;Linda Drager; Paul Gridzak.. Nancy Pearson - Teacher ' BEGINNERS 10:10 to 10:40 Charles Visscher; Carol Anne Begg; Stephen Drager; Jamie Gropthins; Jim Savauge; Nancy Dietz; Dianna Gridzak; Tommy Menheere; Mary Ball - Teacher BEGINNERS 10 :10 to 10:40 Jack Hendriks; Bart Visscher; Brenda Cooper; Glen James Han- • ey; Leon Jensen; Murray Drager; Debbie Gridzak; David Gridzak. StuartMLa - Teacher JUNIOR 10:10 to 10:40 ,•Donna Gridzak; Rosie Groothiiis; Janine Melanson; Joey Maloney; Kim Anstett; Linda Heard; Pat- ricia Menheere; Ken Menheere; Donald _Heard; Carol Racho; Ricky ESTITJ: Dear Constable; Could you tell me why a Police car can stay parked in a no parking zone with -no one in the car? I am afraid”! can not, un- less 1 know• the circumstances behind the reason for the police car parking in the restricted area. I do know that 'some towns and villages have no parking' areas that are purposely set aside for police vehicles. I hope• that the case that you have in mind is not a place, that by parking the car there it would be a haz- ard to. the moving traffic, such as too close to a corner, etc., unless the police officer's duty was of an emergent nature, Dear Sir : After being scared a f e w times, out of the few wits I have,. I'd like to ask about regulations for bicyclists. (1) Are bicyclists supposed to use the roads or the sidewalks? (2) On the road, do they go with or against the traffic? (3) Are they required to have hells and lights? • If I had a child I wanted cycles are required by law to have a bell or horn that works, and they are required-by law to have a white or amber light show- ing to the front and a red light or reflector on the rear.- They must have on the front thereof white reflective material, and on the rear thereof red reflective material, covering a surface of not less than 10 inches in length and one inch in width, if the bicycle or tricycle is to he operated at night or at any other time when due CO insuf- ficient light or unfavourable atmospheric conditions, persons and vehicles on the highway are not clearly discernible at a distance of 500 feet or.-less, Parents, are you reading? Open — Weather Permitting . 1:30 to 5:80 and 7:00 to 9:00 • • SWIMMING INSTRUCTION FREE SWIMMING Instruction - for school children -by qualified instructors available each morning. Two Instruction Periods — Swimming instrue, tion this year will be' provided in two periods: First Period-7-July 2 to July 25 Second Period--=August 5 to August 28 Registration,for July Classes closes June 20 Registration for August Classes closes July 25 Classes are being arranged for July and stu- dents are asked to report at the times indicated in a Story which will appear in,.the issue of this paper. Red Cross Tests will be conducted at the conclusion of each peribd, and .will be• preceded' by pre-testing 'carried out • by -• the instruction staff: ADULT SWIMMING' INSTRUCTION Tuesday and Thursday Evenings 7 to 9 p.m. ' Learn to swim with qualified iinstructors. A ininimum 'of 10 lessons—$3.00 plus admission. Make application in person -or phone the Park Phone 527-0950 SWIM TEAM Swimmers interested in competitive-swimming are asked to register at the Pool.• • • ' --- ADMISSIONS Children• under High School Age: 15 Cents, or $4.00 for Season's Ticket Fourth and Additional Child's Season's Ticket in one family FREE • (Note—Season's Ticket good during .July and August only) High School- Students: 25 Cents, or $5.00 for Season's Ticket Adults: 25 Cents, or $5.00 for Season's Ticket (In each case, a checking basket is included) • 0 PICNICS Arrange to hold your annual picnic 'amid the pleasant surroundings of the Lions Park! Complete facilities. . Admission is FREE. A nothinal charge is made for the rental of tables. • PHONE 527-0950 FOR OPEN DATES The Booth in the Park Pavilion carries a complete stock of Ice Cream t Pop, Hot Water PICNIC • PAVILION The Picnic Pavilion is available until 7:00 p.m. each day, without charge, for the use Of picnic groups on a first-come, first-sefved basis. In the event of bad weather, it will be expected that groups will 'co-Op- erate to permit maximum use being made of the pavilion protection. The Pavilion may be reserved each evening after 7 o'clock for special gatherings or meetings. Reservations moy be made at the Parle'Rental fees are related to the nature of the event, and will be irdvised on request, For further information Call the Seafor' Lions •Park Phone 527-6950 Angela DevereaUx - Teacher INTERMEDIATE 10:45 to 11:15 ',John Wright; John Van Bakel;Deb- bie McPherson; _ Debbie Elliott; 'John Rutledge; Joan Hildebrand; Richard Smith. Mike Stinnissen - Teacher ' BEGINNERS 11120 to 11;50, Jill McLellan; Christine Mc- Gregor; Ann lanmadt; Anne Al- bert; Linda Albert; John Feeny; Patti O'Rourke; Brian Haley. Mag McLean - ' Teacher BEGINNERS 11:20 to 11,:50 Troy O'Dell; Lynn Henderson; Sheila Gail Eyre; Marty Flan- nigan; Susan Pullman;Rhonda 'McGowan; Karen Ann Dale; John Dale. 'Peg Cornish - Teacher W. ART WRIGHT CIAG INSURANCE JOHN ST., SEAFORTH PHONE 527-1464 JagGilettps 11..20 to 11e50. Carolyn Wilson; Brude Hendee-- son; Mary „lave McGregor-Oa-Ines 'Laverty; Robyn IVieliellan;Robert McLellan; Robert McGregor;Joey Van Bakel; Teddy Jantnaat. Nancy Pearson Teacher BEGINNERS 11120 to 11:50 Gail O'Rourke; Aron O'Dell; Michael Scott; Debby Mero; William Swinkels; Brian Mc- Cowan; Joanne Trapnell;loan Janmaat; Kathy Maloney. Mary Ball - Teacher BEGINNERS 11:20 to 11:50 man; loan Stephenson,; Valance; Atni Stinnissen, Mike Stinnissen - Teacher SENIORS 11;20.to 11;50 Janet Osborn; Brian Dale0anet Scott; Pat Devereaux; Glare Devereaux; Joanne Groothius; Julie Hanna; Rog Humphries; Moira Rooney. Peter Stinnissen - Teacher. During Street Reconstruction, if you are un- able to get to our store, telephone and we'll deliver it.' HILDEBRAND PAINT and PAPER Phone (527-180 — Seafokth