HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-06-29, Page 7L. Coming Events OE EN House at Seaforth Jewel- lers, Thursday, June 26 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Refreshments and door prize. • 1-84-2 A party honouring Mr, and Mrs. Joe , Eckert's 25th wedding an- niveilary -will be held in Brod- hagen Community Hall on Fri- day{,tune 27 at-9:00 p.m. Friends. and neighbors welcome. Refresh- ments available. 1-84x2 SIXTEEN day East Coast Tour by chartered coach leaving Sat- urday, June 28th, includes Bos- ton, Cape Cod, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Cabot Trail, P.E.I., Shedioc Lobster Festival, etc. Write Habkirk Transit Service, Box 700, Seaforth or phone 527- 1222 for itinerary. 1-81-5, -STAG Party for Dan -McMillan, in Community Centre, .Seaforth, Friday, June -27, 9 p.m. 1-85x1 INTER - DENOMINATIONAL church service, Hibbert Town- ship shed, Sunday, June 29, 2:30 • p.m. Guest speaker Rev. A. J. Durand, M. A., P. h. D. 1-85-1 SEAFORTH Women's , Institute will hold a bake sale Saturdaz, ;August 2, 1969. Watch for part-- to be, announced -later. 1-85-1 THE Annual Norris Reunion, will be held at , the Seaforth Lions Park on July 13, Friends and relatives please accept this invitation. 1-85x1 . THE Dublin and District Ath- letic Association is holding a cabaret dance at Brodhagen Community Hall on Friday; July 25. Music by Royce Rei•hl and his orchestra. Dancing from 0:30 to ' 1. Admission $2 per couple. 1-85-5 APplicants with' typing ex- perience preferred, knowledge of bookkeeping an asset. Apply MR. G. RIMMER Controller Phone Seaford' 527-1910 4-85-1 7. Situations Wanted GRADE 13 graduate would like summer employment. Will con- sider• anything. Phone 262-5007. 7-85x1 8. Farm Stock for Sale PINTO Mare, 15 hands, 6 years old. Phone 527-0624. 8-85x2 TWO registered Holstein. heif- ers, due in 2 weeks, Bred to unit sires. -Lewis Coyne, 345-2616. 8-85x1 SIX -tivo year' old' Holstein heif- ers, bred Hereford, due in app. 1 month. Apply to Ken Stewart, RR 5, Seaford'. 8-85x1 9. Poultry for Sale 12 acres of hay, Clover and Al- falfa; 3,000 weigh scales. Frank Nolan, RR 4, Seaforth, 527-0756. 11-854 • `.7 SPAPORT14 „.„4.130-40 '41SP euassilielknOtis—Youg"ovAtfrAon '14” to.osirsc•dtt---7—eodic".:vraiiicrr Steffan HOWL thane 2,(12-2012 appointment. 2. Lost, Strayed --3,—Found--- -4;--HelWanted • 5, By .. Opportunities 6. Tesehera Wanted 7. SituationS Wanted 8. Farm Stock For Sale 9. 11. Articlea tor dale 14. Property for Sale- ifgale cloug'44 give 14. Vier for 1-04 -olv'MAr144.31ept-eiqk di r, o reason ►iooleo- w,i BRICK three-bedroom.-heare - 1449:4"14-11C—V need of repains. Five large lots. AnY reasonable offer will be iltu gallon water tank With Considered in order to close an Jacket heater, Iton'SaVeUge, 527; estate, 1103. 11444f MODERN brick three bedroom. —WV Sales and *Pricer therlUgl dealer. -Alvb!, Riley, 153 Tailhtm bons° St., Gederich, Plaine 5247 6514.. 19,73-0 VACUUM cleaner sales and ser- vice for all Inakes, K. Peck Varna. Phone Hensall 242,5050. 19-734 PORT ELGIN be turned doWn4. Baker, 14 Goderioh Seaforth. Phone 527-1174. 10-85x1 loft 014selebile. DYfialnk 88' 4 door Sedan, power brakes, pow- er steering, radio; immaculate condition; 43,000 actual miles. No reasonable cash offer refus- ed. Phone 527-0592. 10.85-1 'WANTED a registered nurse for part-time. Apply Queensway Nursing Hom, HenSall 262-2830. 485-1 MEN or women who would like to travel, delivering geode from one town to another. Car Sup- plied and expenses paid. If you are married and would like to take wife we also.supply a house trailer. F. D. Kyte, TillsonbUrg. Phone 842-2718. 4-73-tf MEN and women pensioners who would like good home of their own not living with the owner, doing light work in a small fact- ory. Also men who would like to work on a farm. F. 1), Kyte, Till- sonburg, Ontario. Phone 842- 2718. 4-73-tf LOCAL MAN REQUIRED I need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $8,000.00 yearly for the right person. Full or part- time. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay with us a long time. Contact Now! J. L. O'Reilly, RR 2, Dublin, phone 345- 2465. 4-83-3 :•of•••fe. fi .eeMent ton • ?geaecipable Rateorooristinui ONVY-DROS Dublin photo m. st , I p : ;10434 .: TV and Radio repairs, certified New oil furnace 'and new cup- technician, all rates posted in boards. Twenty building lots on. shop. AlSo home service any- the property fronting on high- way. Small stable and new steel driving shed.- Twenty acres of choice workable land. Owner will carry the mortgage at a "reasonable rate of interest. TWO hundred acre grass farm in .Seaforth area. Drilled well and pond. Will pasture 150 head of cattle. Taxes $198.00. Priced at $11,000.00. Possession Sept- ember 16th 1969. Owner will accept mortgage. JOSEPH McCONNELL Realtor 30 Victoria Street 527-1560 Poultry For Sale 10. Usedt Cars For Sale 11. Articles For Sale 12. Wanted To Buy 13. Wanted 14. Property For Sale 15. Property For Rent 16. For Sale Or Rent 17. Wanted To Rent 18. Property Wanted 19. Notices 20, Auction Sales 21. Tenders Wanted • 22. Legal Notices 23. Business Directory 24. Cards OF Thanks 25. In Memoriam 26. Personals 27. Births ' 28. Deaths 29. Marriages Classified ads are inserted at a rate of 3 cents per word. Each number, initial, r.ad ab- breviation counts as one word. Ads are subject to the follow-, ing minimums: Classifications 2, 3, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 13 min- imum 65c. Classifications 24, 25 and 26, minimum 2c per word,, minimum $1.15. AU other clas- sifications minimum $1.15 per insertion except Auction Sales (20), Tenders Wanted (21) and Legal Notices (22), rates on re- quest. HALF-PRICE FILM PROCESSING. DEAD ST Please call Piomptly MARLINITAAM !Phone 133 Brussels, ,, 94 • 24 hour service —.7,35ara. a Week LICENSE NO, 390-c-00., f{ P-7,34it where in Seaforth and surround- ing district. Stannah the Radio Man: 5274)/03, 17 Sperling St., Seaforth. 11-133-tf When convenient, ^use hick door. It is our business to give comfort and save you money. JACK THOMPSON'S Family Shoes & Repairs 8 Main Street 11-8341 Tourist mecca of Southwestern Ontario. Make reservations now. Check Port Elgin's various types of accommodation. Write Port Elgin Resort Association, Box 406, Port Elgin. 19-034 11. Articles for Sale ONE pump organ and,stool. Ph- one 482-7234. 11-85x1 TEN acres of mixed hay, Cor- nelius Vander Pryt, Dublin. 30-2079. " 11-85-1 BLACK AND WHITE 8 Exposure 58c 12 - 82e. KODACOLOR 8 Exposure $1.90 1.2 42.49 • 13y-pass "middleman store- keeper", send DIRECT to pro- cessing plant and save 50%! Send film, cash, cheque or money order along with this ad to: Clinton Photo Service CLINTON, ONTARIO I 19-74-U SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED Modern equipment. We guar- antee all work. Write or call Harvey Dale, Seaforth. Phone Clinton 482-3320. 19-7341 21. Tenders Wanted NOTICE ,. We are shipping came every Monday to United Co-Operatives of Ontario. To arrange for pick- upat your farm, phone by Sat- urday night. WILLIAM J. DALE - phone Seaforth 482-9892 or MICHAEL J. DOYLE, Phone 345-2549 Dublin, call col- lect. 19-73-tf Jewellery Repairs We do all types of jewellery re- pairs. Ring Sizing Betip Claws Rebuild Shanks Bead Restringing Repair. costume jewellery Anstett Jewellers Ltd. 19-73-ti ONE batch dryer, 350 bushel, Myers make, 2 years old. Phone 527-1366, Bob Dalton.. 11-85x1 406Internationak Manure spread- er, power driven, 345-2518, Her- man Van Bakel. 11-85x1 EIGHT acres of mixed hay, Ap- ply Russel Brock, 262-5265, 11.85-1 ONE 30 inch electric range, also' 40 feet of wire cable. Phone 527- 1883. 11-85x1 McCORMICK 46 baler, used 3 years: Alvin Rau, 236-4877. 11-85-2 TENDER WA Sealed Tenders Will. be re, ceived by the unde.rsijned up to 5 o'clock Friday, July 4th, 1958, for the painting of the exterior of the HensaU Town Hall and Garage. Contractor to apply -two coats and supply all material. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ' For further particular& or in- formation apply at the Clerk's Office. EARL CAMPBELL Clerk 21-85-2 TIMEX WATCHES• SOLD AND SERVICED. ' THROUGH ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. 11-734f 14-85-1 15. Property for Rent FURNISHED upstair, heated apartment. Phone 527-1385, after 5 o'clock. 15-84x2 MODERN Apartment, self con- tained in Seaforth. Frank Kling Ltd. 527-1320. 15-8241 SAUBLE Beach, Mermaid, Housekeeping cottages by the week or month. Write Ruth Wicksey, RR 2, Hepworth, Ont- ario. Phone 935-2677. 15-84-tf TWO bedroom house with bath- room, gas furnace and hot water, situated on Mill St. in Seaford'. Phone 527-0325. 15-85x1 Aluminum Awnings and Siding 10 years in the area, workman- ship guaranteed. Call Matters Horne Improvement Clinton 482-7372. 11-78-U A few ton of mixed grain for sale. 345-2386, Alvin Elligson. 11-8511 PUREBRED' German Shepherd puppies, phone 345-2636, Dublin. 11-85-2 10 acres of mixed Clover hay. Ready to cut( inquire John F. Dale, phone 482-7446. 11-85x1 -ONE John Deere 24T bailer in good condition. Phone 527-1957. 11-84-2 For Other Classified ATTENTION FARMERS 20; Auction Sales SEE PAGE 8 TOPNOTCH FEEDS LTD. FEMALE requires CLERK — TYPIST GOLDEN Falcon, Orbit travel trailers; Tagalong tent trailers; tenting supplies; Chrysler out- boards; Spring bok, Crestliner boats, Sales, Service. Rentals.' Campout trailers, Stratford 393- 5938. 19-76-11 REPAIRS on all makes and mod- dIs of Sewing Machines. New models available, Repairs -guar, anteed with genuine Singer parts. Singer Co. of Canada,40 West, goderich. Phone 524-831. 19-734f CLINTON COLOURS CLEARING AUCTION , 19. Notices BACKHOTNG — Contact Don or Bob Wallace, 527-1396. . 82-tf • 15 acres of mixed hay either standing or bailed. Phone 527- '0778. TL-11-84-2 STRAWBERRIES for Sale. We also require pickers, adults pre-• ferred. Mrs. Elgin Nott, 482-7439 19-84x2 Of hogs, feed, machinery and some household effects at lot 32, con. 6, Logan, four miles west of Willogrove, or 3 3/4 miles north • and 1/2 mile east of Dublin on SATURDAY, JUNE 28, -AT 1 P. M. — CONSISTING OF THE FOLLOWING — HOGS —. 25 feeler hogs, 150.175 lbs. FEED. — 20 to mixed grain; 700 bales straw; 100 bu. wheat. MACHINERY — Case "DC4" tractor; International Harvester 81/2 ft. wheel cultivator; International Ilartoster; 8 ft. double disc; International Harvester three furrow trail plow; John Deere 95 bu. manure spreader; International Harvester three bar side rake; five section harrows and pole; two wheel trailer; Fairbanks - Idorse hammermill; 50 ft. belt; grain grinder; 8 ft, teller; International Harvester 6 ft. mower; dump rake; fanning mill and motor; quantity of plank and lumber; quantity of Elm logs; scrap iron; cutter; emery motor and stand; sugar kettle; wheel barrow; power lawn mower; many other articles too numerous to mention. • HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — 15 cu. ft. Coldspot deep freeze; Ad- miral refrigerator; four burner McClary stove; 19 x 12 broadloom (green) with underpad, three matching mats (one year old and in new condition); four chrome chairs; antique cupboard; Antique cab- inet; tables; rocking chair; three beds; springs; mattress; two dressers; two cotS; antique dresser;" dishes; glassware; cutlery and mahy other household items. • 24 T. John Deere bailer, good condition, phone 527-1957. 11-84-2 We have a good stock of el- ectric motors for all your hay- ing and harvesting require- m nts. omplete rewinding and re- pair services. Our low overhead is your saving. Robb Electric Motors Stratford,• Ontario CRUSHED gravel delivered or at the pit. John Thompson, 527- 0238. 11-754 NEW portable T V's, one year guarantee, .$109.95, Stannah the Radio Man. Snarling at John, Phone 527-0703. 11-84-tf HOUSEHOLD Articles, Easy ringer and washer, rug, kitchen cupboards etc.. Phone 527-0978. 11-85-1 EIGHTEEN acres of standing -hay, 2nd year seeding. Excellent mixture, Apply Earl Healy, ph- one 345-2336. 11-85x1 CHOICE selection of maple ware made in Burlington, Ontario, just arrived at Seaforth Jewel- lers. 11-85-1 Huron Street at City Limits Dial 393-6170. SHILLELAGH BARBER SHOP Interior and exterior painting, spray painting, sprayer rentals. GORDON CHARTER 201 Albert Street Clinton. Phone 482-9654. 19-76-tf 11-83-4 PLANTATION TWINE Open 9-9, six days a week. V. Jim Maloney Dublin Ontario 19-76-tf HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL 10,000 ft. 300 lb.• tensile stren- gth. Priced to sell. • Contact HARRISTON FERTILIZERS LTD. Clinton, phone 482-9133 11-85-1 INVEST ten dollars in a busin- ess of your own. Information without obligation. Contact Avon Manager, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London, 451-0541. 19-83-6 WATCH REPAIRS FAST SERVICE All work guaranteed ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Phone 527-1720 — Seaforth. 19-73-tf Clinton, Ontario ONE bulk fertilizer box with gas motor and electric starter. Priced to sell. Contact Harriston -Fertilizers Ltd.,-, Clinton:- PhtMe. 482-9133. • - 11-85-1 SURGE milking machine and 2. units; electric hammer mill with 3 horse power motor; number of used water bowls. Theo Mel- ody, 345-2148. 11-85x1 WE carry in stock wire fencing, fence posts, baler twine; veter- inary supplies and building mat- erials. Kinburn General Store, phone 482-7118. 11-84-2 CASE two row scuffler for V. A. C. or S. •tractor. 2 Surge milking units, pump and line; also John Deere manure spreader, all in god shape. Phone 345-2713. 11-84x2 We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows and hors- TERMS — CASH. NO RESERVE as farm is sold. Proprietor and auctioneer will not be responsible for accidents on the day ofsale_ . . UNIROYAL TIRES We Pick up„,calVes and small pigs as a service to you. Call collect 482-9811 License No. 190-C-69 19-73-tf • GUS HERBERT — Proprietor R. G. GE'iliKE — Auctioneer 347-2465 29-85-1 White Walls • KIMBER LEGHORN Day' Old and Started Pullets SCOTT POULTRY FARMS, LTD. Seaforth Phone 527-0847 Box 169 11-73-tf THE RIMPLES As Low As $16.95 3. Found GERALD'S SUPERTEST 11-85-1 FOUND money at Seaforth Community Centre on 'Saturday 21st of June. Can claim by pay- ing for ad and stating sum lost. Phone 345-2617. $-85x1‘.• 47Help Wanted 10, Used Cars for Sale _1968 Mercury truck with low mileage and warranty left. Priv. ed to sell, contact Harriston Fertilizers Ltd., Clinton. Phone 482-913'3. 10-85-1 1 John Deere 2 row bean and corn scuffler, 1 M. F. rotary wweeder, 1 Innis 4 row bean puller, 1 Innis windrower and conveyor, one year old. Glen McMichael, 527-0395, RR 4, Wal- ton. 11-84-2 HONDA, 300 -- 8,000 miles, like new, $500.00.• One man chain saw, good, $50.00; 3 pair guinea fowl. 262-5036. 11-85x1 21" Spartan' TV, '7 cu. ft. re- frigerator, 1 table, 4 chairs, (kitchen); 2 burner rangethe all in good condition. Phone Hen- sail 262-5274, 11.85x1 TWELVE registered Holstein cows, three dry, remaintler milk- ing. Apply Warren McDougall, RR 3 Mitchell. Phone 348-8259. 11-85x1' 12. Wanted to Buy HOUSEHOLD effects of an old- . er house. Phone 482-7358. 12-73-tf REAL ESTATE The Proven "PAUL S. STAR" WAY. 13. Wanted ONE mans bicycle in good con- dition. 527-1026, 13-85x1 14. Property fox Sale "GENERAL •store (with post of- fice) ideally suited for married couple. Living quarters avail- able. Good opportunity for ex- pansion. Reason for selling, ill health. Apply box 1833, The Huron Expositor. 14-78-tf THREE bedroom home on large lot. Gas heat. Owner •mill carry mortgage at a low interest rate. CHOICE residential building lot, 58 x 150 on sewage, Goderich St. W. Phone 527-1401, evenings 14-85.2 If you are not already licenced, you will be trained at our' special Real Estate School. You will learn how to list and sell Town and Country Homes, Farms, Acreage, Business Opportunities, Vacation Properties, Industrial, Commercial and Investment Properties. YOU will be backed by our very extensive advertising programme in more than 40 newspapers in „Canada and the United States. Your ads will appear in our own fully illus- trated newspaper which we publish twice monthly and mail to our list of thousands of prospective buyers YOU will work from your own location or from one of our luxurious air conditioned offices with direct Toronto tele- phone lines. YOU will have expert guidance to help• you get the best re- sults. Your ads will •be written by our Advertising Department. You will be supplied with many mailing pieces plus special illustrated brochures when you peed them, with photo- graphs taken by our own Photographer. Our Sign Depart- ment will make and erect special signs when required. OUR Mortgage Officer will help you arrange the financing on your deals giving, ,you more time to work on sales. YOU will have ample opportunity for advancement to Management positions created by our big expansion pro- gramme. YOU work on an excellent commission split with exciting incentive programmes. . IF YOU WANT TO BE WHERE THE ACTION IS, CONSTRUCTION Buys, example, Women and Girls running shoes, $1.00 a pr. at Jack•Thomp- sons footwear Service, Shoes and Repair, back door , 50' from No. 8 Highway. 11-85-2 CASE two row scuffler for V. A. C. or S, tractor. 2 Surge milking units, pump and line; also John Deere manure spreader, all in good Shape Ferg Kelly Sr., lot 5 con 1, McKillop, Phone 345- 2713. 11-84x2 THE WHEELS 1110,r, 9,3ri ?ovum t. • %,,Kriripop , )51 4 THAI'S 26,000 Lst,, of POWDERED PLAST(C. GONG To MAKE 1110SE hTTLE' TIES Fo1:2 TEA -BAGS FOR SALE WotsIDE0- HoW MANY COS OF TEA THAT WOULD REPRESENT? NEW matching range and re- frigerator, avocado green. Range 30 inches, one large, 3 small burners, infinite heat switches, removable oven door, $159,95. •Frig is 14 cu. ft. right or left hand door, 120 lb. freezer, por- celain crispers rocks on the door, $209.95. Limited quantity, Dublin Electric, 345-2842, `Dub- lin. 11-85-1 REPOSSESSION Sale — Cab. Wet and portable Machines in good condition, under warranty. Floor polishers and. vacuum cleaners. Pay balance owing. Shop floor demonstrator models, reduced 20%. Sale over June 28, 1969. Terms available. Call collect for appointment. Singer Company of Canada, 40 West St., Goderich, Ontario. Phone 524- ' 8431. 11-85-1 This is your chance to move into a new one storey brick 3 bedroom home with elec- tric heating, large living room, kitchen, dining room, and utility room. Make an .upPointifient today to see this exceptionally spacious home. • 50 acres without buildings east of 'Walton. This is pre- Sentlk•hi pasture and there is a drilled well on the pro- perty Wanted — Farm, 100 - 150 acres with good buildings, large house. CYNTHIA -WHERE Tv `jai SAID tiYou GET WOULD THE PIZZA?. ) "*;-\r -THE STEAK BE HALF I-IoOR .... „ -.VIII AN So I PHoNED rock IT \ WELL, I GUESS I CAN EAT . `ioUR STEAK ir, EAT MY STEAK? YokYRE WHY CANT I HAVING *EAT 11 ? PIZZA) ....... ...... N',14,; '' THIS IS SOST 5,‘ Ui3„ HMS D'OEUVRES s"\;;-,.—: ifiV1 7 ' ' : ' .,..;) c- ... t. 11A t iN it . al .14, )) 4 LOA. MI;17.' . d A ' i! : ' q)is . ” qrd . (pa ' 1 1 00, ---1,•_; lit ,-. ,... . .,. ,.....„ ...A . ,-,.. , CALL OR WRITE TODAY MERVYN EYRE, 527-0523 169 GODERICH ST. WEST, SEAFORTH FOR A PERSONAL INTERVIEW. TOM MONTGOMERY Paul S. Starr & Co. Ltd., rn Woolwich St., Guelph Phone 824-5054. COPIES Copies of your important pa- ' pers or documents while you wait. Letter size, 25c each, The Huron Expositor , 11-2941 DON HOLST REAL ESTATE LTD. ,,,mm:rniemmeniamitommogioli