HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-06-19, Page 16.1 Golden Yellow No. 1 LARGE BANANAS damotr.v. $,KA ,11**-TH111 HURON EXPOSITOR, SEAOORTH, ONT., JUNE 19, 1969 Grou v Reunions HARRISON REUNION The thirty-fourth Harrison Reunion was held in Seaforth Lions Park with 81 in attendance. Results of the races - 5 and under - Brian Hackett, Peggy Willett; girls 7 and under- Peggy Willem Brenda Hackett; boys 7 and under - Greg Hackett, Ian HaCkett; girls 9 and under - Peggy Willert, Brenda Hackett; boys 9 and under - Jamie Hack- ett, Greg Hackett; girls 12 and under - Bernice Willett, Darlene Burdge; boys 12 and under - Bar- ry Willert, Jamie Hackett; girls 15 and under - Darlene Willert, Deborah Wallace; boys 15 and under - Bill Collins, Jamie Hack- ett. .Young ladies - Darlene Wil- lert, Dorothy/ Collins; young men - Roy Taylor, Ken Taylor; married ladies - Barbara Oesch, Olive Broadfoot; married men - Bill Hodgert, Albert Taylor, Three legged race - Bernice and Darlene Willert, Diane Col- lins and Sharon Willert; .,Guess styrofoam weight - Mrs., George Proctor; guessing jelly beans in jar - Lois Hodgert; pop bottle and water relay - Barbara Oesch and Bruce Collins; Brenda Ilodg- err and Roy Taylor; mummy contest - Carolyn Bos and Jim Collins, Barbara Oesch and Le- Roy Harrison, Youngest person - Lorne Pen- nington, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pennington, Teeswater; oldest person, Mrs. George Proctor, Goderich; persons corning the farthest - Mt. and Mrs. Martin Bos", Trenton. The 1970 picnic is to be held in Seaforth Lions Park and the officers are: President - Charlie Orr; Sec. - Treasurer - Beverley Orr; Direct- ors - Marlene and Jim Harrison, Belle and Chester Hackett, Sports- David, Renes and Percy Harrison, Roy Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Pepper, R. R. 3, Seaforth, carried ,out an excellent sports arrangement. The president, Roy Pe er, moved that we hold the pic is on the fourth Sunday instead of Father's Day, to see if we could avoid the inclement weather which we have experienced the past two years. It was voted and carried. The same officers were vot- ed in again for another year - President Roy Pepper, Exeter; Vice President: Ross Cordon, R. R.1, Seaforth; Secretary -'Treas- urer Roy Walter, R. R. 4, (ruder- ich; Sports Committee , Mr. and Mrs. William Millson and Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Pepper; Table Committee:3.Mr. and Mrs. Ross Gordon;-:Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fal- coner, R. R. 5, Clinton; Mrs, \ label Higgerson, R. R. Mitchell. A variety of relay races were enjoyed by,young and old after which a beautiful picnic lunch was enjoyed by one and all, It was decided to hold the next picnic at Seaford) Lions Park un Sunday, June 25, 7970, Doug, Harburn; Married Men - Tom Jepson; Married Ladies & Single - Betty Ann Harburn; Balf relay 6 to 8 yrs. - Kevin Shiels team; Shoe relay - Hugh Harburn, Wire Relay - Cheryl Riley's team; Throw ball in pail - Cheryl Ri- ley; Most-buttons on clothing - Mary Potter; Most buttons in jar- Ross Riley; Longest married cou- ple - Joe and Mabel Flynn; old- est car - Ricky Riley; Three leg- ged race - Les Riley and Ivan Boa. After supper the president, Leslie Riley was in charge of a meeting at which officers elect- ed were: President - George • Shiels; vice President - Lloyd Riley; Secretary - Gwen Harburn; Treasurer - Libby Harburn;Sports committee - Bill and,Gert Kel- lington; Don and Joyce Jacklin, Lunch Committee - Mr. and Mrs. Ross Riley; Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Harburn; Mr, and Mrs. Les Ri- ley; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Riley. The 1970 reunion will be held the second Sunday in June at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Riley. OBITUARY Requiem high mass was sung by Nlsgr. J. J. White for the fun- eral of Mrs. Mary O'Reilly who died in St. Mary's Hospital, Lon-• don. The organist was Mrs. V. J. Lane 'and the choir was com- posed of Grades '7 and 8 of St. Columban School. The pall- -----ZOrresponcieni MRS. NORMAN LONG U C W Mrs, H. Binnendyk present- ed the devotional for the Kipper. U. C, W. expressing the gratir- "ude-we can have and should have towards the founders of the United Church on the 44th An- niversary of Church Union and the gratitude we can still have that we may still have a part in helping churches in other parts of the world. Mrs. Robert Elgie, the pres- ident, had charge of the busin- ess which included reports from the various convenors. A don- ation will be sent to Camp Bim- ini, The S. S. picnic will be held on June 22 at Seaforth Lions Park, The September meeting will be held at the "Blue Water Rest Home" in Zurich where an evening's entertainment Will be presented. Mrs. W. Cousin presented a film on the life of Dr. Bethune a much beloved missionary doctor, who contributed so much to the needs of the Chinese. Mrs, Robert Kinsman and Mrs. Keith Lovell as hostesses served delicious refreshments. Mr, and Mrs. Joe McQuar-. rie and family spent the week end with Mr, and Mrs. Harvey McQuarrie of Heathcote. NEWS of Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne entertained on Sunday for the Williams family picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Day- titan and family of Kippen vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Walters. Mr. and Mrs. George Frayne visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Patterson and family of Luean. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Skinner of Sebrinpille visited thisH)ast week with Mr. and Mrs. Elson Lynn and family. Mr, Elson Lynn returned to his home on Thursday after being a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital at London for tw o weeks. Mr, and Mts. Wm. Bierling of Dashwood visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Doug, Ste- phens, David and Doris, Mr, Lawrence Taylor h a s taken a position in Banff, Alta, for the summer and left for there last Thursday. Miss Phyllis Taylor has se- cured a job at Grand Bend and. Miss Janet Heim has taken a job with the London Life and will begin her work next week. Mrs. George Frayne of Sun- shine visited on Saturday with Mrs, Wm, Walters. Mrs. John-Coward attended the lodge birthday party at Clin- ton on Tuesday night. Mrs. Tom Campbell a n d Mrs. John Coward called on Mt, James Cottle on Thursday at Exeter who was celebrating his I0Oth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Hut-- ton, Dennis and Diane bad as their guests on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, John Hutton of Listowel, Mr. and Firs, Rueben Pehlke of Nloncton. Mrs, Win, Walters and Firs. George Frayne of Sunshine are spending a feW days this week at Grand Bend, the guests of NIrs, W, J. Beer and Miss May Skinner. Miss Ruth Horne of London visited on Sunday with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Freeman Horne. Mr. and -Mrs. Harry Sparling of London visited on Monday with Mrs, Freeman Horne and 'attended. the funeral of the late Mr. Wesley Johns of Exeter. "I'm quite sure I can fi.x it if only I knew ho'w this confounded hood opens!" MIanearrximusieleiumari!amaUrrser arell RN011,0 STINNISSEN nup LIFE - 'ACCIDENT apd SICKNESS : MAJOR MEDICAL PENSIONS - ANNUITIES Representing Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada " TELEPHONE 527.0410 117 GODERICH ST. EAST — SEAFORTH SEAFORTH MONUMENT WORKS All Types of CEMETERY MEMORIALS OPEN DAILY T. PRYDE & SON Inquiries are invited — Telephone Numbers: EXETER 235-0620 CLINTON 482-9421 SEAFORTH: Contact Willis Dundas SCREENED TOPSOIL (Stone, Grass and'Root Free) CEMENT GRAVEL Also for Lanes or Yards, Fill Etc, LANDSCAPING Light Bulldozing, •Back Filling, LeveWng Etc, BACKHOE WORK LYLE MONTGOMERY — PHONE 482-7644 EVENINGS OR CLAYT'S GULF' SERVICE, CLINTON, '482.7661 RILEY REUNION The twenty-third reunion of the descendants of Mr. and Mrs. Wingfield Riley was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Ril- ey, Cromarty. During the afternoon spOr.ts were held under the direction' of Bill and Elaine Riley and Ron and Linda Riley. Results of the races are as follows: ' Boys and girls under 6 years - Angus ,Fraiser; Girls 6 and 7 yrs. - bearers were Michael Barry, Ted Michelle Riley; Boys 6 and 7 yrs,- Doyle, Michael Doyle,James Ray Riley; '3irls 8 to 10 yrs. - , Kelly, .16seph Lane and Fergus Ruth Harburn; Boys 8 to 10 yrs. - Feeney. The flower-bearers Hugh Harburn; Girls 11 to 13 yrs.- were two grandsons, Kevin Shea Gail Harburn; Boys 11 to 13 yrs.- and Douglas O'Reilly. Burial Doug, Harburn; Girls 14 to 16 yrs,- was in the family plot in Et. Marilyn Riley; Boys 14 to 16 yrs. - Columhan cemetery. , CORRESPONDENT MRS. WILLIAM WALTERS WINO' HE1LSE I • • rt 1 rl PEPPER REUNION The annual Pepper reunion was held in Seaforth Lions Park with thirty-seven people in at- tendance. 0 Despite a cold and wet after- noon, Mr. and Mrs. William 1 Milison, R. R. 2, Seaforth and Painting and Decorating Interior and Exterior General Repairs •••••••••• Phone 527-0352 Prices effectiVe. June 18 - 21 inclusive We reserve the right to limit quantities, Powdered CHEER' • DETERGENT Top 'Volu Fancy TOMATO JUICE 48-oi, Tin A Top Valu - CHOICE TOMATOES 19-oz. Tin cSPEEDY BILLAD6BILL HERE'S THE HEIGHT OF SOMETHING OR OTHER ! A RICH GUY HAD HIS EYE. GLASS PRESCRIPTION BUILT INTO HIS WINDSHIELD SO HE WOULDN'T NEED GLASSES TO DRIVE. NO ONE NEEDS GLASSES TO SEE THE EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN THE SLIGHTLY • USED CARS AT ‘, THIS WEEK'S A-1, USED CAR , BUYS 1968 Chevrolet "8" A. T. Sedan - 1186811 1966 Chevelle "6" A. T. Sedan - J2915 1967 CheVrolet "6" A. T. Sedan -7.1188440 416 „Maw CANADA GRADE 'A' Top Valu Fresh, All White LARGE EGGS Nabob (fresh roosted) GROUND COFFEE 1.3":120 Shirley Gay (enriched white) SLICED BREAD ..2:t.,::;•210 Keoft Canadian (singles) Cheese Slices 3:-:g5:1.00 High Liner (frozen) HADDOCK 'n' BATTER Liquid (twin pack) St. Williams tossed) J _a ms , Jellies 812 Marmalades 5 9;a: 1 00 Colgate /00 BATHROOM TISSUE 4-Roll Pkg, • 0 01 SI MR ift Fearman's Partly-Skinned, Fully Cooked, Ready-to-Eat 1951 Vanguard - 1187556 1963 Olds - 1187639 1960 Falcon - 1188721 1963 Studebaker - H87722 No' Car Over $500 Gillette Super (stainless steel) Treesweet flsst'd reconstituted) • 48-ex. Fruit Juices 2 Tins 88° — Summer Toy Sale SMOKED HA 1959 Che'v. - 1187719 75.00 • 1962 Chev. - 1194523 110.00 We at' IGA are ex- tremely careful about the way we make ground beef I Careful because we sell .a lot of it ! We make it right—to taste good, just so we con con- tinue salting a lot of its Try several pounds this week "Serving Seaforth and District for 28 Years" LOr-OPEN EVENINGS TO 9 P.M. 1962 Chev., Red - 1187668 75.00 1956 Chev. - 1159383 50.00 LAMB LEGS ,,rthopttL) Round STEAKS or ROASTS Lear. GROUND CHUCK .. Extra lean, famous for Ib Atto flavourful, fresh quality 11U lb. 129 GROUND 690.- BEEF Ib . soc ./