HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-06-19, Page 6Two veteran soldiers were bragging about their respective outfits, "When we -presented- arms, "said one, "a112,•you could hear was slap, slap, click." "Pretty fair," replied the other, "With us, it was slap, slap, click, jingle." 'Jingle? What was that?" "Our medals." As the ship was sinking and the lifeboats were being lowei- ed, the captain shouted;"Women and children and those on the 'go now, pay.later plan, 'first." E Speetat" REDPATH SUGAR. -5 lbs. 49 c , KAM LUNCHEON 12 OZ. TIN MEAT • 2 for sa LIBBY'S FANCY QUALITY 48 OZ. TINS TOMATO JUICE 29c Imagine Discounts on Roll-Ends of up to . . . 6, 9 and 12 ft. widths in Barboleuin, Congoleum, inlaids and Vinyl Corlons a w a 53 0 a 521 '41 J. a 22 Cautions 24`Lichen spore case 25 Cereals hogs like 27 Plumes • 28. Cereal used for forage 29 Property transferrer 30 Return thrust 33 Witty remark 34 Stayer. 35 Speeders 36 Attire 38 Horned ruminants 41 Lost blood 42 Split 44 Follower (stalk) 46 Sheltered side IVANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 FLANNERY CLEANERS specia, DRAPES lb. 45 It is not necessary to removehooka Last Reminder for Winter Coats ^er MAPLE LEAF WEINERS PKGS. LB. 57c MAPLE LEAF BACON lb. 87 MAPLE LEAF SAUSAGES lb. 69c MAPLE LEAF L T 4 PICNICS IAs .39 C 39c 49 FROZEN FOODS :old South ORANGE JUICE 6 Oz. Cans 4 cans 89c 12 Oz. Cans, 2 Cans 89c FACELLE ROYALLE V AT GOETTLER'S DUBLIN BOX FURNITURE Phone 527-0680 "His fdnd of fat I don't mind. It's mostly money PHONE 345-2420 Seaforth 11 01.7.14,111,01"' estions About E faitTl'91,F IORON IXPOSITOR, 511AFORTII, ONT., *mg it, 1969 Defers__ Here'g the. Amor 1-. (Continued front Page 1) • Case "7: over a year, two weeks; up to a year,, four per Cent of payi Case 8: after one year, two weeks; after ten years,' three Weeks; after 20 years, four weeks. Mrs. J. W. Wallace, Goderich, suggested continuing for this summer the schedule of holi- days previously existing in the various Boards. "I don't believe people should get four weeks' holidays start- ing out on a job," Mr. Elliott declared. Chairman. John B, Lavis, Clin- ton, commented that the Huron County Board of Education had been ip existence less than six months. "There are umpteen things to do right now during,this sum- mer period," he said. - The chairman expressed his intention las he is required to do when voting on a motion) to vote on a motion by James Tay- lor, Hensall to adopt. Gordon Moir, who represent- ed the Townships of Turnberry and Howick, expressed himself in favour of the schedule as ° presented. Mr. Levis said the services of the 17 staff administrative mem- bers were needed on the job as much as possible in the first year of the Board. With all Board members vot- ing, the motion was defeated 6r5 subquently, a motion to hold a special meeting,in the Victor Lauriston Public School, Goder- lob, on Monday, June 23, to con- sider the report of a special committee, was carried 7-2, The special committee will meet in CHSS, Clinton, Thursday evening June 19. Method of hiring office em-, ployees came up for discussion as applications had been re- quested in the Huron County newspapers published during the week of 'June 9-14, for payroll superviscrA accounting assistant, accounting clerk; Secretaries, and clerk-typists. , • Two alternative plans were.. submitted: (a) administration to interview and hire within the salary guide lines already ap- proved by the Board; (b) ad- ministration' to . interview and submit a selected list of names to the' Board.' By a vote of 7.4, the policy of having a selected list of names submitted to the Board, was adopted. The Hensall U. C.. W. General meeting was held Monday even- ing with president, Mrs. Vern Alderdice chairing the meeting. She also gave wpoem on "Exam- ples". Mrs. James McAllister presided for the program which was taken by Unit 4, John Black- well favoured with instrumentals "Bless. This •House", "4-le", "How 'Great Tou Art". He was thank- ed by Mrs. McAllister. The devotional was taken by Mrs. E. Rowe from Mark 10, verses 35-45. Her topic, "Service" was well taken, followed.. by prayer. Jim Traquair conifib- uted piano solos "Moonlight Sonato" (Beethoven),, and "Pre- lude in C Sharp Minor". A special feature was a 20MM Sound Film on Chinalack Dry- sdale in charge of the projector. (Continued from Page 1) Minutes were read by secretary, volume for a chimp. Mrs. Jack Drysdale, treasurer's In answer to a question fronn— report was submitted by Mrs. Mayor Frank Sills of Seafoth, Mr: Childs replied, "'Waste is a Walter Spencer... A motion problem — it is different now was passed that the organization to what we had generation. ago. Plastic cannot be burned because of gases given off but must be buried. They never break down." In reply to a question on ,cost Mr. Childs,said, $1.00 per person per year for waste disposal was average. Some municipalities are not paying anything now. Some will be shaken to their boots when they find out how much it will cost them to handle this waste," he said and added "In Huron you are taking up :huge tracts bf land,. and if it used economical- ly you would not need such large 'areas." Questioned about the hazards of air polluton in the. country with the bUrning of garbage in Cities Mr. Childs said it would not be feasible to have two standards, one for the large ur- ban centres and one for 'smaller centres; a blanket policy must be adopted. Asked' what his next move will be Mr. Childs told the meet- ing he would submit reports to the , Medical Officer of Health which is the channel of com- munication. "I'm sure • it (the report) will not be complimentary. He told the representatives, his department was willing to come to any meeting. He felt by Making modest arrangements now at existing' waste sites everyone would be better pre- pared for the new legislation. The New Look A deputation consisting of eight persons, armed with a petition containing 37 names, appeared before Huron County Board of F....ducation at its meeting in Central Huron Secondary School Clinton, Monday evening re- questing the Board to instal a portable classroom at Myth Public School. Mrs. R. W. Street, who was spokesman for the deputation, submitted a carefully prepared letter, copies of which she hand ed around to the members and officials of the Board, and also to the press. Finally, after considerable questioning back and forth, the, Board passed a motion by John Henderson,' RR 5, Seaforth, and Mrs. J. W. Wallace, Goderich that J. W. Coulter, superintend- ent of schools, look into the situation and bring in a recom- mendation and see what he can do with the' Department of Ed- ucation in getting something done to rectify the situation. Immediately, a motion by R. M. Elliott, RR 3, Clinton, and A. Garnet Hicks, RR 3, Exeter, was carried that Mr. Coulter send two children to camp for the Childrens Aid of Huron. It was also decided to do sewing and knitting for Huron County Childrens Aid Society, Mrs: Jack Simmons presented the report for Friendship and Visitation. Mrs. E. Chipchase reported 600 lbs. of clothing sent to Overseas Relief, some cartons ready for the Salvation Army and also some to send to B. C. Forty were in attendance. Mrs. T. Sherritt accompanied for the hymns. Hostesses were Mrs. Chipchase and Mrs. Gordon Love. Mrs. McAllister gave courtesy remarks. Mrs': R. M. Peck, (secretary) Mrs. Wilbert Dilling, Mrs. Grace Harpole, Mrs. Len Purdy attended the monthly meeting of Huronview Auxiliary, held Monday afternoon of this week. Mr. W. 0. Goodwin is a• patient in South Huron District Hospital. Protests ClasSes _ correspondent MRS. MAUDE REDDEN ereal story Ready for Fair (Continued from Page 1) ion, Carl Dalton, W. D. Wilson, Mac Stewart, Tickets - Mrs. W. D. Stephen- son. Grounds and Property - Earl Dick, R. W. Campbell, R. E. Mc- Millan, Gordon Papple, Harold Pryce, Elgin Thompson, Robert Fotheringhrn. Parade - Garry Jewitt, Earl Dick, Gordon Hulley. Midway and Outdoor Concess- ions - K. Stewart, J. M. Scott, A. Y. McLean, R. E. McMillan. Indoor Concessions - Ed Taylor, A. Y. McLean, J. M. Scott, L. F. Ford. Horse Race Committee - Alf Ross, Bill Bennett. ElementarY School - J. W. Talbot, Mrs. J, Rose, Mrs. Wm. Strong, Mrs, Peter Dunlop, Mrs. Bruce, McLean, Mrs. Lorne Dale, Mrs. J. C. McIntosh, Mrs. J. I. McIntosh, Clare Reith.. for look into enrolement all elemen- tary schools in Huron County and bring in any pertinent infor- mation regarding situations sim- ilar to the one existing in• Blyth. Chairman John B. Levis in- formed the delegation that the Board would be favorable to some action if it received any assistance from the Department. Mrs. Street pointed out that since the Blyth school was op- ened in January 1967, enrolment has risen from ' approximately 200 to 306 this coming Sept- ember. The stage in the gymn- asium was used as a classroom, and it had proved very inade- quate. She maintained that all rooms were very overcrowded with not enough square feet of space for each child. Director of Education, D. J. Cochrane reported ta the Board that plans are in process of being drawn up in connection with the •septic tank system at Blyth school, but until such time as the extent of the pro- posal is known definitely, there would seem to be no point in proceeding with the. asquisition of land. 9. Is there any relatiMishili between egg sizes and grcles? A. No. Egg sizes are related to weight of eggs only. Grades in- dicate quality. Eggs are only sized in Grades A and Al'- the two grades commonly available. Q. I bought eggs marked Canada Grade A Large but some of them seemed smaller than others. Should there be this size varia- tion? A. Canada Grade Al and A eggs' are sold according to size which is based on minimum and max- imum weights. Large eggs can weigh from 2 to 2i ounces each. This variance of 1/4 ounce would make some eggs look smaller than others although they all meet'the requirements of a "large" egg. Q. Why do egg yolks sometimes vary in color? A. The color of the yolk is al- most completely dependent'on Tuckersmith <Continued from Page 1) sider the supplementary expend- iture by-law and re-instate $4,000.00 of the contruction al- lowance since the cost of the reconstruction on the perimet- er road at Canadian Forces Base is now $4000.00 over estim- ate. Council approved a by-law prohibiting throasing any dirt, filth, glass, 'handbills, paper or other rubbish or refuse or any `carcass of any animal or any. highway or bridge within limits of Tuckerarnith and set a- fine on conviction of not mere than $300.00. The purchase of land from Robert Lawson to facilitate „construction of new road peri- metering the Canadian Forces Base, Clinton was approved by by-law. Reporting on a meeting of re- presentatives of area municipal- lies — Hullett, Hibbert, McKil- lop, Tuckersmith and town of Seaforth to discuss fire control Deputy Reeve, Alex -McGregor said there had been agreement in principle on forming a fire area but representatives never could agree on representation. Tuckersmith wants a 7 member board, 2 from Seaforth, 2 from McKillop, 1 from Hibbert, 1 from Hullett, and one from Tuckersmith. Councillor Cleave Coombs said there was agree- ment to buy a collapsible tank and, one nozzle,' Reporting on a meeting with Hensall and Hay .on Fire Control Council. Ross Forrest, said Hay Township had withdrawn from negotiations. Tuckersmith, after a lengthy debate which decided at 2 a.th. Wednesday morning continued . to hold, over a decision until next meeting on what amount they would pay toward the cost of a new fire engine proposed by Hensall at a cost of $23,000. the feecl the hen eats. Com- mercial laying hens are usually confined inside so they produce lighter and more uniform color- ed yolks. Hens raised on small farms have access to grass and tend to produce dark colored yolks. The yolk color does not affect nutritive value or cooking characteristics of the egg. Q. Does it matter Whether I use brown or white colored eggs in cooking? 1. The color of the shell has no bearing on the quality, flavor nor cooking characteristics of the egg. The color of the shell is determined by the breed ,of hen. HOTHOUSE TOMATOES & CUCUMBERS Supplies of tomatoes from Canadian hothouses are appear- ing on many produce counters, competing with the imported ones. Thesehothouse tomatoes have been grown under ideal conditions,and are not picked until the ripening has started. This yields a fuller flavored tomato than the imported ones which must be picked while they are still green. When se- lecting your tomatoes handle • them carefully. Remember that those which are not fully colored should be left at room temper- ature until the color has deepen- ed before refrigerating them. 'Both the pink and red varieties haroeusses. successfully grown in hot- , Watch for our Canadian hothouse cucumbers as well. They, are a uniform dark green color. Like the hothouse tom- atoes, ,cucumbers should be,,kept at room temperature. If held in the refrigerator they lose flavor and texture rapidly. Home economists have furnished•salad recipes featuring these flavorful and refreshing foods in combination with dif- ferent dressings. They ate diced or sliced then marinated to pro- vide' delightful accompaniments to lettuce. The "Tomato Sour Cream Dressing" uses some diced tomatoes with green onions, sour cream and grated cheddar. "Sweet and Sour Tomato Salad" contains both tomatoes and cu- cumber in a clear dressing, to be used—o-ver lettuce wedges. SWEET. AND' SOUR TOMATO SALAD 3 tomatoes, sliced • 1 tablespoons sliced green onion • 12 slices cucumber 1/4 cup salad oil 2 tablespoons vinegar 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/8 teaspoon dry mustard 1/8 teaspoon paprika - ,1 tablespoon chopped parsley Arrange tomato and cu- cumber slices in a serving dish. Sprinkle with green onions.Com- bine remaining ingredients ex- cept parsley in a jar and shake well, Pour over salad and mar- inate for half an hour in the re- frigerator. Just before serving sprinkle with parsley. 6 servings. • TOMATO SOUR CREAM DRESSING 1/2 cup peeled diced tomatoes 1 tablespoon chopped green onions 1/2 clove garlic, crushed 2 teaspoons chopped parsley 1/2 cup sour cream 3/4 teaspoon salt Dash pepper 1/2 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce 2 tablespoons grated cheddar . cheese - Combine all ingredients and chill thoroughly. Serve as a dressing with lettuce wedges or tossed green salad. Makes about 1 cup. . This dressing should be stored in the refrigerator and used within 2 or 3 days. HORIZONTAL Cereal used In bread. 6 Wheat-like cereal 11 Accuse 12 Supplies foba 14 Bigger 15 BloodlessnCss 16 Weapons 17 tease 19 Males 20.First woman 21 Cereals used in breakfast foods 22 Judiblous 23 City irt Missouri 25 Tilts 26Qriental coin 27 Pail to remember 28 Pacific isle 31 Sea eagle 32 Ancient Troy 33 Double- pitched roof 37 Mouth parts 33 Specks 39 Legal profession 40 Sign of the zodiac 41 Oae of the oLittle Women" 42 Popular Chinese cereal 43 Store for fodder., 45 Omits 47 Walk unsteadily 48 Lapels 49 Marsh grasses 50 Predictors A -I VERTICAL 1 Flywheel 2 Injured 3 Units of energy 4 Era 5 Battlegrounds 6 Glances over .7 Gasp 8 French summer 9 Arttic rodent 10 Adriatic seaport 11 Clothes (Scot.) 13 Soundest mentally 18 Greek letter 21 Oil 11111111 3 iffill 6 MIN " l' miin N main now SR in mai IIIIII n iii a INII iiit 3 iii Mu mi Ills II 26 25 77 Za IIUII 29 MIIIII 111 38 aril " 10 IIIn II ill III. 43 I.44 45 47 .11le 449 49 S0 n DD1 NEWS of HENSALL Chiselhurst United Church Women had Miss McGowan of Goderich Childre9s Aid Society as their guest speaker for th e 'June Meeting. Mrs. R. Boyce presented the worship service. The missionary prayer was of- fered by Mrs. Wm. Brintnell. Miss Mary Nichol, missionary, who has been home on furlough from India, visited at Chisel- hurst and was guest speaker for a special service. A. gift of money was presented to her to help her with her work on the mission field. While home, Miss . Nichol was on an extension speak- ing tour and also took-a special course at the University in New York, • Mrs. Richard-. Taylor gave, an interesting talk on Christian Cit- izenship. Mrs. Earl Kinsman' and Mrs. Harold Parker gave a good report on visits made' 'to sick and shut-ins. A new com- mittee, Mrs. R. Taylor, Mrs. T. Brintnell and Mrs. P. Harris were appointed for the summer months. A donation of $25. 00 was • made to the Childrens Aid to send a child to summer camp. Hostesses for the meeting were Mrs. H. Parkef, Mrs. A. Ross - and Mrs. B. Kinsman. President Mrs. T. Brintnell chaired the meeting. Read and Use. Expositor Classifid ACTION ADS 527 7 024Q WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! NNW LEARANC of FLOOR COVERINGS Save 10 to 50 per .cent BREAD 24 OZ. LOAF RED & WHITE & LEWIS CHOCOLATE ONE LB. PKGS. . KRAFT CHEEZ. 16 O. JAR Whiz 73c 1ST GRADE 'CREAMERY Butter 67°c- Powdered Milk 3 lb. Pkg. Vim 1.03. CHIP COOKIES BABY FOODS CHUM 15 OZ. 4 DOG TilSOOD 10 for $1 el N ikitiel (MUM- • o'U.gbr , • N 2 N 1 21 v'oeite4 Toweis2 99c STRAWBERRIES Arriving daily from local pickers. Phone your order now to get top quality berries for, canning. GOETTLER'S MARKET 1 0 At ti 9