HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-06-05, Page 5•r' 1- - Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Steven celebrated their fortieth wed- ding anniversary Sunday at the Mme of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth AcDonald. ' A dinner in their - honor was enjoyed at the Blue Barn, Listowel, with 311 the family present including, Mr. and Mrs. Ken McDonald and family, Mr. and IVIrs.Kenneth R.Ogerson, _Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Crich andIamily, Pinkerton, 'Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stevens and family, London. Open house was held during the afternoon and evening when many friends and relatives cal- led to offer congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Allan McCall and Beverly spent Sunday with Mrs., W. H. Currie of Westdale, Hamilton. Mr. and ,Mrs.. Rollie. Achil- les, have returned home after visiting with relatives in Quebec, Hurst and other points. ' Mr. and Mrs. Reid Hack- well of Exetes visited on Sunday -with Mrs. W. C. 1-Jackwell. Mr. anchMrs. Earl Steele of London visited over the week end with Mrs. Leonard Leeming and Ross, also visited Mrs. Steele's father, who is a patient 'in Community Hospital, Seaforth, READY MADE notreadymix EnhanCe the beauty and value of your home with precast steel reinforced con: crete Unit Steps. Our installation crews work quickly and cleanly without piles of sand and cement to damage your paths and^lawns. No waning for concrete to cure, One-piece Unit Steps hove no sections to be forced apart by frost or settling, Over 100 sizes in stock. ORNAMENTAL IRON RAILINGS TO MATCH Sate-. decorative A sturdy - permanent. Steps installed for you by factory trained expirts F. KLING LIMITED Phone 521.1320 — Seaforth WATCH FOR iiiATON baton's OPENIN DAY EVENT ADVERTISEMENT. IN NEXT WEEK'S °Mbar p et For Complete INSURANCE on your HOME, BUSINESS, ' FARM CAR, ACCIDENT, LIABILITY OR LIFE SEE — JOHN A. CARDNO Insurance Agency • Phone 527-0490 : Seaforth ' Office Directly Opposite ' Seaforth Motors - ell1111111. JUNE 15th AT: C.F.B. CLINTON 1:30 to 4:30 P.M. FLYPAST: HIGH SPEED JETS, TRANSPORT AIRCRAFT SKY DIVING DISPLAY PLUS NAVY "Crossing the Line" Ceremony Gymnastic Displays Precision Drill Demonstration BANDS 21st Field Regiment Display Square Dance Show Electronic Equipment Exhibits REFRESHMENTS , Visit your local Canadian Armed Forces Base COME OUT AND BRING THE FAMILY - for an afternoon of entertainment & information Half Price Sale The last of our 1969 stock of regular 35.00 to 59.50 SPRING COATS For Misses & Women Sizes 7 to 22%, one of a kind new spring coats in plain wools, nubly weaves; double knits and novel tweeds. Famous make coats in this springs best styles., To Clear at 17.50 to 29.75 Shop Now — r FATHERS' DAY SUNDAY JUNE 15th STEWART BROS. HIBBERT TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Hibbert, Township Council at their regular meeting issued debentures for $3200. 00 for a tile drainage loan and applic- ations were received for three loans in the amount of $10, 300. Grants of $125. 00.0 the Sea- forth Agricultural Society and $40. 00 to the Heniail South Huron Agricultural Society were approved., Paynient of $16, 200. 00 has been received by the treas- urer from the Ontario Govern- ment for an advanced road subsidy for 1969. Payments were made for the completion of Warble Fly Spraying,9, 603, cattle were treated -in the first spray and 9,469 (cattle) for the second spray and ap- plication for grants has been received. Road and general accounts . were ordered paid and council adjourned to meet, again June 9th for•Municipal Drainage .'. meeting. News of Walton . Couple Celebrate 40th Anniversary Half Price Sale MENS' 8.95 to 16.95 DRESS PANTS We've picked out a big selection of "brolcert- size-range" pants from our regular stock to clear out at price — naturally most of these are a season old, but there styled right in slims and moderate fit to make ex- cellent work or knock-about pants. Sizes 30 to 44, Big color choice. To Clear at 4.47 :to 8.4 SEED FOR SALE A full line of grass and clover seeds still available pfister, Stewart's & United Hibrid Seed Corn : Still some Plow-Down Red Clover - p'riced to sell Millet Season is approaching - - and seed is available. There is a market for Millet. Anyone wishing "to grow it, contact N. ALEXANDER, Londesboro Sultan') for corn alLISTIVI NiNSICIDE. Now, there is a safe, dependable, effective, economical way to control the really tough annual grasses in sweet and field corn . . . SUTAN, "the grass-getter". SUTAN "gets" yellow and green foxtails, crabgrass and barn- yardgrass ... without leaving soil residues. It is equally- effective in controlling yel- low nutgrass (nutsedge) And in some cases, StrrAN even controls redroot pig- weed. , „ SUTAN, a liquid, applied before planting and mixed immediately into the soil, controls grasses when it counts most . early in the season. Simply follow label directions, We have SUTAN now.' S0 ooze and get it! MILTON J. DIETZ RR 3, Seaforth Phone 3'27-0608 oburryown TO14. #1,0413!/4:. 4).5!VILT,Ritic-SEAFPRri;::-ONT,',13(10,11t.,$. iM Seaforth Women's, Institute will hold abet regular meeting Wednesday. June 11th at 8:15g. in. at the home of Mrs. Earl Papple. The program is in charge of Mrs. E. Kerr and Mrs. l‘ W. Strong, in keeping with Dairy Month, will feature as speaker, Mrs. Zeiler, with in- formation on the new dairy spread being manufactured in Seaforth. Roll call will be to bring a written copy of your favourite recipe using a dairy product, with a fine for not answering. Lunch committee will include Mrs. L. Strong, Mrs. J. Keys, Mrs. G. McKenzie, Mrs. J. Hillebrecht„ Members please note change of date also few seats still available for bus trip to Toronto, June 17th. Mr. Clifford Clinton is a patient &a.- forth Community Hospital. Mr. Douglas Scott of - Kitchener was a week end guest of his mother, Mrs, James T. Scott, Louise St. Mr, and Mrs. Douglas - Keys and son of Winchester were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Keys in Mc- Killop. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Bos- Mr. and Mrs. Larry Robin- son of Crediton visited on Sat- urday with-the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Robinson, Mr. and Mrs, Donald Bell and Ronnie and Mr. Gordon Bell, 11.12. 3, New Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bell, Debbie and Denise of R. R.1, Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Bell and family on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. William Din- smore and family Brampton' spent the week-end with -Mr. and Mrs. Gordon McGavin. Mrs. Frank Johnston of Winthrop spent the .week end with Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Dundas. „„ Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hum- phries and family of London were week end guests with Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Humphries. Mr. Roy Planke of Toronto is at present visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis. Mr. and Mrs. Ranton Mit- chell and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Simpson of Mitchell were recent visitors with Mrs. Leonard Le- erning'and Ross. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mc- Nabb of Kitchener were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mri. William Murray. Week end guests at the hpme of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Traviss who attended the 'Tra- viss-Jackson wedding in Egrnond- vine United Church last Saturday included, Miss Lynne Daley and Mr.. Tom Mathe of Toronto, Miss E. Allison and Mr. Roy Munroe of Belleville and Mr. David Taylor of Hamilton. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Ennis and family of Whitby and Mrs. Kenneth Ritchie, Egrnondville, were week end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis. WOMEN'S I NSTI TUT-E The members of the Walton W. I. met in the Community Hall Wednesday evening with Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull at the . Mrs, Alvin McDonald, pres- ident welcomed the 4-H girls. ' Mrs. Jim Axtmann thanked the leaders, Mrs. Allan McCall and Mrs. Allen Searle for 'the work they had put into the 4-H course orl "meat in the menu". The skit that had been pre- pared for Achievement Hay was given including the following girls - Connie Coutts, Ann Blake, Marie Nolan, Marion kluf:Oliu Condace Hickson, Sandra Wat- son, Karen McDonald, Cathie McDonald, Beverly McCall,,„ Joan Bennett% Heather N1cDon- ald, Sharon Marks and Gail Searle. Mrs. wm. Humphries gave the secretary's report and the roll call was answered with "Tips for Babysitters" followed by the treasurer's report. Mrs. Ed. Godkin explained about the Bakeless Rake Sale to he held at the next meeting. Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull re- ported on her.visit to Huronview 'when she and Mrs. Jim McDonald attended the, Auxiliary meeting. News of KIPPEN SANDRA COLEMAN daughter of Francis Coleman, RR 1, Seaforth, was the only student from SDHS to attend the ,recent Wossa Champion Jr. Girls Discus. She won the Throw with a throw of 92 feet, 11 inches. (Staff Photo). tN ! V 0 • ' 4 t r. • • 0 • 4 'W.119 have eellt time Overseas, have returned home. MIAs Gladys Thompson, who has been in Spain and Porttigal, has returned home. Mrs. F. J. Bechely left on Saturday for California where she will visit her bro- 'ther, Gordon Willis.. Mx. and Mrs. Chas. Mc- Gregor of Brighton and Miss Margaret McGregor of London were guests of Mrs. Ross Mc- Gregor. Messrs. Dave Mills and Fred Knetsch spent the week end in Barrie visiting with Mr. Doug. Wright, his fiance and her family. Shop Thursday rriday 4 Saturday _for These ."Gres HALF PRICE Choose from lace front, .embroidered front and just neat tailored styles in sleeveless, short or long sleeves types - mostly whites with a few pastels in cottons. Arnels and Crepes, size 10 to 18 only. To Clear at Half Price Sale . Our' fltire Stock of 3.98 to 8.95 , LONDON LASSIE BLOUSES New•straws, new fabrics, this springs 1100,04 styles, trims and shapes feature this 441 clearance ,of our remaining steel; of 4018 hats. If you need a hat - don't, miss this big 'clearance. Half Price ,Salc Our gatire Stock of 0,93 to ).11,94 SPRING mituNgRy To Clear at 3 1.99 to 4.47 .47 to 7.47 The following members will attend the meeting June 16 -Mrs. Kenneth McDonald, Mrs. Jim . Clark, Mrs, 'Gerald Watson, Mrs, George McCall 'and Mrs. Alvin Mc Donald: . The repoTt of the District Annual Convention held May 13 at Wroxeter was given by Mrs, Jan Van Vliet. A committee in- cluding Mrs. Allan Mccall, Mrs. Nelson Marks, Mrs. Stewart Humphries, Mrs. James Nolan and Mrs. Wm. Humphries acting as convener was named to arrange a display at the Brussels Fair. A gift of $1. 50 to $2.50 is to be,taken to the Fall Convent- , ion at Guelph. , It was decided • that Mrs: Peter McDonald would make a fancy apron suitable for the gift. Mrs. James Axtmann showed a colored film strip on "Safety" which proved colorful and educa- tional', It gave" a great many safety hints and illustrated accid- ents that may prove dangerous, Lunch committee were, Mrs.„ Craig, Mrs. G. Blake, -Mrs. f. •Mc Donald, Mrs. H. Williamson- and Mrs. J. Clark.