HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-05-08, Page 125 lbs • 490 doz. 590 3 lb. bag 530 .1UPERI0f, SEED. CORN - STILL IN .STOCK' FUNK .G 4110 43 11A 4170 -MILTON 1. DIETZ PURINA CHOWS RR 3, Seliforth - Phone 527-0608 I f•a• Congratulations to .147 -and- Mrs. Reuben Altken.,-WItO Cele, brated their Golden' Wedding and- 'Mrs. Nelson Reid, Reidt Anniversary recently, . Mrs, Edna Haekweal 'And Miss Mrs. Wm. Thiel has returned Ethel naeltwell visited last Sun. to Kenora after visiting with her day with Mr. and Mrs. Elgin parents Mr. and Mrs. Reuben McKinley, Zurich. Aitken. Mrs.' James Statton i • A carload of Institute ladies s Spends 'attended the short courSe "Fedi- , Inc a few days in Exeter nor who returned home from an the Bruseels Public Library the hospital with her baby dun- 04 Friday May 2, ghter. Mr e En Id I h G eon ec e of Moose her daughter, Mrs. Bruce lk- see eaa jesee women's enait4te .tlflon gueS for You" sponsored. by 41. 4 m7F-mra7M.,77.7 Arovnivotyr., mxt 116/ 430 LUNCHEON MEAT • • 2 12zoz. tins 830 4 Maxwell House "ECOFFEE, 1-1b. bag 4580 riKotex Feminine 51 NAPKINS, pkg. of 48 Saico Orange or $1:39 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, 48-oz. tin • . • • 3* Aylmer Choice Peas or CREAM CORN 2,14-0z. tins 390 Van Camp's BEANS with PORK 5 14-oz. tins $ 1 Nell, crop Florida POTATOES Sunkist Size 113's ORANGES New Texas CARROTS FOR ADDITIONAL SPECIALS SEE LONDON FREE PRESS THURSDAY Smith's Phone 527-0990 - Free Delivery SO THEY SAY iAOAN OWLISH 1.061Z ee. because he was wise enough to know that no where are quality and •service as high as at VINCENT'S. Now his friend's know, too. I.IntaahrItaatiat WITH YOUR INTERNATIONAL CUB CADET and CADET 60 LAWN AND GARDEN TRACTOR That's right: You get 'a PPitt international Rotary Mower when you orthase a new International Cub Cadet or Cadet BO Lawn and Garden Traotot: now! This big MOWER FREE for-all Is on for if- limited time only - so stop in today, select the Cadet you want from six models, and get your international Rotary Mower. ... performance-matched to famous Cadet power ... III. FREE FROM NCENT "3.c4ntat4 Put Azdt AYR -GALT -sEAFort ft (Ph an 6. 31. Tenders Wanted Township of Hay SAND CUSHION TENDER Sealed tenders, clearly mark- ed, will be received by the un- der signed THURSDAY, MAY Lath, 1969, At 12:00 Nome D.S.T. For the supply and hauling of approximately 17,000 cubic yards of 'sand cushion and supply and application of water needed. Price for water to be at a rate per "M" gene*. Township specifications and tender forms must be used and may be obtained from the under- signed Tender to state when contract can be started. Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily aeceptede Marked cheque for 5 percent of tender to accompany bid. KARL HAREM Road Superintendent RR 1 Zurich, Ontario. W. C. HORNER Clerk-Timmer Zurich, Ontario. 21-77-2 23. Business Directory W: J.. CLEARY Seaforth., Ontario LICENSED EMBALMER and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Night or Day Calls - 527-0510 JOHN E. LONGSTA FF OPTOMETRIST • Seaforth Office: Tues.. Thurs., Fri., 9 to 5:30 p rn Mon., Wed. - Clinton Office For Appointment Phone 527-17,40 - or 482-7010 A. M. HARPER Chartered Accountant 55-57 South Street Telephone Goderich 5247562 SEAFORTH - VETERINARY CLINIC J. 0. Turnbull, V.S. W. It. Bryans, D.V.M., VS. W. H. Pattersofi;"D.V.M., VS. P. J. Dwyer, Phone 527-1760 - Seaforth RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant CLINTON, ONTARIO Office; Rattenbury.St.,-phOne 482-9677. Res; Rattenbury St, phone 482-7313 Auctioneer FARM and FURNFTURE SALES CONDUCTED R. G. GETIIICE Phone 347-2465, Mankton G. A. WHITNEY FUNERAL HOME Go.derich St. W., Seaforth AMBULANCE SERVICE Adjustable hospital beds for rent. • FLOWERS FOR EVERY OCCASION ' Phone 5274300 Seafoeth R. S. BOX • "FUNERAL HOME Prompt and careini attention Arnimilance Service Phones: Day 527.0680 Night 527.0885 Auctioneer & Appraiser Licensed and capable of hand- ling all types of auction sales. Reasonable Rates BRUCE RATHWELL Bnieefield, Phone 482,3384. 23-68-tf 26. Personals Mr. and Ars. John Moylan, RR 5 Segorth, Ontario wish to announce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Luella Agnes to Mr. William Francis Murphy son of Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy, RR 4, Seaforth. Wedding will take place at two o'clock, Saturday May 24th 1969 at St. Columban Roman Catholic Church, St. Columban, Ontario. 26-78x1 :24: Cards of Thanks WE wish to express our sincere thanks to the many friends for cards, gifts and acts of kindness during our recent illness and accident - Alvin and Jean Hoff. 24-78-1 THE family of the late Mrs. Edna Kinsman wishes to express their appreciation and thanks to neighbors and friends for kindnesses shown. during their recent bereavement and to Mrs. Kinsman previous to her death. Special thanks to the doctors and nursing staff of Seaforth Community Hospital, also to Bonthron Funeral Home, Bet', "Cdride and Chleelhdrat UCW. 24.78x- / wish to thank all friends and relatives for cards and visits while in Seaforth Hospital. Also Dr, Moyo and the nurses. - Carl -McClinchey. 24-78x1 Please accept my grateful ap- preciation to my relatives who sent flowers and to my many relatives and friends Including The Barbera Kirkman Auxiliary for their lovely cards and mess- ages of encouragement received while I was a patient it Guelph General Hospital. - Mrs. Mar- garet L. Campbell, 24-78x1 Watch for IB. C. S. weawawroolwowdelewrierawilarsewore 24. Cards of Manic* We wish t9 'that* each and everyone that helped at the time of our barn fire; also those who worked so hard to Save the house till firemen came, tbeIadies that served and sent lunch. A special thank you to all thoaelhat con- tributed to the 'benefit dance and the ones that got it up, also Ian Wilbee's orchestra. Again all we can say is thank you to each and evehrorie. - Joseph and Rose Ryan and family. 24-78-1 • I wish tO thank all those who sent "cards, treats, etc. and vis-ited me while I was a patient in Seaforth Community' Hospital, Many thanks to Dr. Moyo, nurses and staff. Peter MeCowan. -,244,18x1 My sincere thanks to -those who sent cards, gifts and visited me at Seaforth -Community Hospit- al, Also, to Drs. Malkus and Whitman, the Hospital and Clin- ic Staff. Also to Rev. and Mrs. Stevens of Egrnondville United Church, the WMS and members of the choir for their gifts. - Reg. Knights 24-78x1 Thanks .to all my friends, nei- ghbors and relatives who were so kind to me while I was -a patient in Seaforth and St. Js. eph's Hospital. Thanks for cards treats, also those who, drove me ,,wife to London. Special thanks to Dr. Malkus and nurses in Sea- forth Hospital and Dr. Howard Cameron and nurses in St. Jos- eph's Hospital. Everyone was kind and it was certainly ap- preciated. - Melvin Acheson. 24-78-1 We wish to thank all our nei- ghbors and friends for kindness- es& and messages of sympathy received during the sad. bereav- ement ef my mother. - Joe and Olga Eckert. 25-78x1 25. In Memoriam COLITTS - in loving memory of a dear husband and father, John Celitts who passed away on, May 9, 1965. • . You never failed to do your best; Your heart was true and tender, You labored hard for those You loved, • And left me to remember. In tears I saw you sinking, And watched you fade away. My heart was almost broken, For I wanted you 'ito staY. - And then I saw you sleeping, So peaceful; free from pain.; I eould Maf wish you back with me, • To suffer so again. My heart still aches with sad- ness, Secret tears still flow. What it meant to part with you No one will ever know: Sadly missed and always re- membered by his wife and fam- ily. 25-78x1 27. Births ,PATTERSON In Seaforth CoMmunity Hospital on May 51h -to Dr. and Mrs, W. H. Pat. terson, Seaforth a son, Michael Brent. HAYTER - In Stratford Gen- eral Hospital on May nd 1969 to. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hayter, Varna, a daughter Kimberly Ann. ' BEUERMAN - In Seaforth Com- munity Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Beuerman, RR 1; Dublin, May 15th, a son. • SMITH - in Seaforth Community Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Smith, Fullerton, May 6th, a daughter. Too Late • FOR SALE - A bunch of good strong pigs. A. R. Dodds, 527- 1748. 8.TL-78-1 COMING EVENT , Egineedville Church annual chicken barbeque Saturday, May 24th, 5-8. 1-TL-78-2 COMING EVENT - Dance Brod- hagen Community Centre, Fri- day, May 16th, , music by the Wagonwheels. Proceeds for the ball team. TL-1.78-2 FOR sm.r, -'3 pt. hitch sprayer, ready to go to work, equipped. with non-corrosive barrel, spray- ed about 50 acres of Insecticide. Price, 175.00, apply Harold Price. 11-TL-78-1 COMING EVENT - Seaforth, Jun- ior Farmers regular meeting will be held in the Seaforth District High Scheel on Thursday, May 15th at 8:45. Special. guest, Eh- ' gileh delegate Onearie, Miss Rosemary Miller. 1-TL-78-1 WORK WANTED - Boy available to cut lawns. -Phone 527-1102. 4-TL-78-1 Applications for Secretary- Treasurer of Seaforth Agricultural Society Will be accepted until Tues- day, May 13tb,, 1969. Applicatft Ions to state experience if any and to be clearly marked "Ap- plication" and e mailed td fidit 213, Seaforth. 4-TL-13-1 Mrs. Ed Leslie, Atwood, spent a couple of days with her dau- ghter and sou-in-law, Mr. and. Mrs. Gordon Aitken. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Pepper, Dennis and New, attended the Golden Wedding Anniversary of their aunt and uncles Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robinson in Mit- chell on Sunday. Mrs. Ethel Bruce and Mrs. Charlotte Kielnfeldt, Exeter, spent Wednesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Annis. Ray Barker and Dennis Popp- er were among the prize win- ners at Mitchell District High School field day. Mr. and- Mrs. Earl Kemp and family visited with Mr. and airs. Glenn Pepper on Friday even- ing. Charles Roney returned home from Victoria Hospital on Sat- urday. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Malcolm. on Sunday were Mrs. Greta DeClute and friend, Toronto, and Mr.and Mrs. Bob Phoenix, Burlington, ' " Mrs. Grace Burnstead, Meaf- ord, called on Mr. and Mrs. Dal- ton Malcolm on Monday and visited with Mrs. Mary Malcolm at Kilharchen Nursing Home, Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pruet- er, Mitchell, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Aitken, Allan, Roney who has obtain- ed a position at the Ford Plant in Oakville for the summer months spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roney. Larry Barker left for Chap- lean at Coma Lake' where he *ill be working for the summer. Jaw and Miss Alice Knechtel of Kitchener visited on Sunday with Mrs. George Dundas and Mr. and Mrs. Torrance Diodes. Mr. and Ws. Herb Kirkby and family of Woodstock spent Sun- day with Mr. Prank Kirkby and Mr. mid Mrs. Douglas Kirkby. WINCHEI7SEA Mrs. Wm.. Walters, visitedi Exetereter on 'Tuesday with Mrs. Mrs. Phil lime Kathy- and Janet attended a Bridal shower for Kathy on Saturdey, nfter- noon at Exeter Legion Hall. • Mrs. John Coward visited on Friday-with Mr. and Mrs. Murray Coward and family of Sunshine Line. Mrs. George Frayne of Sun- shine Line visited on Saturday with Mrs. Wm. Walters. Mrs. Ruth Horne of London visited on Saturday with -Mr. and Mrs. Freeman. Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Horne of Kirkton, Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Grubbe of Farquhar 'Visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Free- man Horne. Mr, and Mrs. Win. ' Walters were dinner guests on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Harold Rowe of Thames Road. Mr: and Mrs. Sanford Hutton,. Dennis and Diane visited on Sunday with. Mr. and Mrs. Rue- ben Phillips of Moncton, • Legion Auxiliary Holds. Meeting The -Seaforth Legion 'Ladies Auxiliary met Monday in the Legion Hall with '13 members present President E. Brown pre- sided. , The 8:30 draw was won by Barbara Scott and the mystery Prize by Leona Huisser. The an- nual Zone Bowling Tournament was held on Wednesday in Sea- forth and the Zone Rally is in Lucknow on May 21st in the Legion Hall. paign of destruction by the Stud- ents for a Democratic Society and the Black Student Unions. Here, the Quebec Separatist Movement is tailor made for ex- ploitation by the student lead- ers. Thee why it is hard to ac- cept the decision by the Can- ada Council to grant $5,500 to McGill University political scie- nce lecturer Stanley Gray, a self avowed Marxist. This same man was one of the leaders "of the march by 6,000 op McGill to de- mand that it be turned into .a French-only university. Only the cool efforts of the Montreal police force prevent- ed the protest from "developing into an ugly scene. Certainly the leaders did everything pos- sible to agitate them and a look at 'the films of the "protest" convinced a lot of people that a scene .is just, what the protest- ers wanted Surely Mr. Gray and others that night must ' hive: enjoyed reading about his award - an award provided by the same people he' laughs at, the Cana- dian public True to form, the intellect- uals pleaded for no govern- ment interference in Canada Council grants. As the Globe and Mall in 'reroute *rote: "It would be an unfortunate step for both the Council and ,the coun- try if politics were to be intro- duced into the area of academic awards." HOSPITAL AUXILIARY NOTES • The Hospital Auxiliary will meet at 8 pip. Tuesday in the Board. Room at the hospital for the May meeting. • Special guests at the meeting will be the eight Candy Stripers who have been working as vol- unteers at the hospital these past months and ttieir mothers. Anyone interested in becom- ing a member of the Auxiliary Is invited to attend this meet- Corning Soon! B. C. S.; eiwieleinewswisil oweessi 30, -nigl• •31rs,' 4.114, *Pent AeVetel."410 of the Rat- weelt.,414tif nalt. gaVerka.MB and family. Mr. and Mrp, George wain, Teatle OntliVeeen. of Strat- ford spentn Saturday with Mr, and Mrs, George MO:Twain and Mary.. Congratulations are extended to Ur; and Mks, David Vrea4cat- or on the birth of a daughter 011 April 28th in Seaforth Commun- ity Hospital and to Mr, and Mrs. Morris Bos on the birth. of a SOO. eq May 3rd • in Clinton Public Hospital. Miss Margie, Whyte of .Guelph spent the weekend with her mother Mrs. W. L 'Whyte, Tom and Mr; and Mrs. Beg Lawson, Jahn and.- Elizabeth spent Sun- day with Ur, Earl Lawson of Clinton,, • • • . Sunday visitors with Mr. and- Mrs.-Hen Preszcator, Diane and Nancy were Ur. and Mrs. Jim, Treszcator, Billy and Pebble, and Mrs,: David Mrs. M. Lamon.d was hostess for the WMS of Groin-arty Pres. byterian Church. Mrs. T. L Scott presided and led .1n. de- votions. Mrs. Calder MeKaig and Mrs. Grace Scott presented a portion of the study book, en- titled "Working". The offering was dedicated by Mrs: Verna Brooks. Prayers for missions were' led by Mrs. E. Moore. The roll call "Work" was answered with a verse of scripture by 14 members. Mrs. MeKaig. re- ported' 29 letters and cards sent and eight visits to the sick. In the report by -the secretary, Mrs, T. L. Scott,' she 'mentioned the June conference to be held in Harrington Presbyterian Church on June .3rd. Miss Olive Speare gave a topic on the "Valee of Prayer"... Mrs. Mervin Dow gave highlights of the synodical meeting in Knox Church, Goderich. Refreshments were served by the hostess, as- sisted by Mrs. E. Moore and Mrs. M.' Dow. • Mr. and Mi. Roy McCulloch have moved into the corner •hoese in the village, recently purchased from Mrs. Frank Al- len. Mr. McCulloch sold his farm on Creanerty line east to Mr. Andrew McLean. We wen gOr6bAt9r.r Chtikth*.r.:44d.- SA:;- .,:Mr, • 'and .Mrs. Jack rozier, .$34474 R01; Kevin and 14014 of 141anwel,. Mr. 40 Idea. Theresa SOgc'ST, of Winthrop were Sun- day . _,viafters, .with : Ilk and gee. Geoxge'lwoblibl armirmAry„,-. • Mr. Joe, , of Ilomesville visited on ,Saturday evening with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Buchanan and family. • Mrs. Beemeart spent Saturday evening visiting with Mrs. Irene primoldby.• - Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Medd, David,: Jim and Kerni were Mr. and Mrs.' Ray Vincent andMark, Mr. and Mrs. Lundy. McKay all of myth. • Mr, Pad Betties and Miss Lor- raine Talbot of Goderich vis- ited on .• Sunday evening with Mrs. Irene Grheoldby. • Mr. .and Mrs. Ralph . of Dorchester spent the weekend with Mrs. alin JeWitt, 01:1411 and Dev,, and UPS. Leitch. • Mrs. Leitch returned with Mr. 1014 Mrs. Glow to Dorchester to spend the • next week. • - • B. C. S. Is Coming! 4 AIN. ...OW eneases Thursday, Friday and Saturday , Rose Brand Sweet Mixed PICKLES 3 15-oz. jars $i Libby's Fancy FRUIT COCKTAIL, 28-oz. tin 4.44,44•44 Baptismal . The Sacrament of-Infant Bap- tism was observed at Cavan un- ited Church on Sunday when the ▪ following parents presented chil- dren. for baptism: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Pryce, a son Ronald Gordon;. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Blakeeea daughter, Cellie Aurae; Mr. aid Mrs. Ron Oliver, a son, Gerald Dmiglaa; Mr. and Mrs. Alex Glanville, a son, William Orville John: Time for government action , One -of California's most out- spoken educators, Dr. Max Raf- ferty, is a syndicated columnist with the Los Angeles Times. For some time now he has been preaching against the revolut- ions that have. been 'the world,. including Canada. In Raffertys view, the de- .struction at-Sir , George Wil- liams in Montreal is tied in with 'the show of guns at Cor- nell, the sit-ins, at Harvard and San Francisco and the riots at European universities. • "It is a carefully planned, well-financed pi& to take over . the entire operation and con- trol of public institutions by a highly organized elite corps," Dr. Rafferty writes. "When 'Mus- solini did the same thing in the '20s, we called it Fascisna. When. Hitler did in the `30s, we called it Nazism.' Pretty strong -stuff but sure- ly the evidence is there. Can it be a coincidence that riots and pretests are breaking out `at coll- eges and the universities around the world. Certainly the students may have complaints whet stu- dent doesn't? put a complaint surely doesn't give a person the right to destroy a piece of pro- perty may have been _supplied by the Canadian taxpayers. Now that Canadian campuses are quiet, only because students are out seeking ,summer jobs, It is worth a look it what we are "missing" by closing colleges during the summer months. On a typical-April day in the United States, the following took -place! ,. • • . • Colgate - Black militants took over a faculty building and dared the police to remove them. New York Universitly sev- en fire bombs s'a off. Cornell - 15 professors ref. use to teadie until all guns are , removed from, the campus. Hampton Institute - closed by students camping in admin. istratibri 'building. John Hopkins - police used smoke bombs to break up crowd. Harvard - students vote on strike issue. , And that is just a brief sam pie' of the unrest in the United States. More and more students deMand n say in college de- cisions While more and more signs point to a planned Cam This Week and Next - By Don: Hunt ' • NEWS of CROM ARTY WONDER FERTILIZERS BOX 280 NEW HAMBURG - PHONE 662-2820 OR ROBERT MERMAN, PHONE 345-2467 .NOW OFFERING FERTILIZERS BELOW AMERICAN PRICES WONDER SPECIAL 12-30-20 at $84.40 Add The Units of Plant Food 12 plus 30 phiS 20 equals 62 units ,at $84.40 • Or One- U„nit .84 divided by 6-2 equals $1.32 'Two Analysis of American Fertilizer Advertised In The'' , Kitchener•Record Last Week. (1) 6-24-.24 at $75.00 Pr Ton or 54 Units of Plant Food at $75.00 is 75 divided by 54 equals $1.39 Per Unit (2) 8-32-16 at $82.35 or... 56 units of Plant Fori4 at $82.35 is $82.35 divided by 56 equals $1.47 LET WONDEg 'FERTILIZERS PILL YOUR GRAIN WAGON at Call In And See HOW Simple The New Package Bulk System Works. , 4. Come the McCullochs as resi- dents to the village. The Welker General Store in Cromarty ha.s.been purchased by Mr. Ted Harburn who took possession on Monday, May 5th. We wish for Mr. and Mrs. liar- burn much. success in, their new venture. • Mr. and- Mrs. Otto Walker, having disposed of their store property in Cromarty, after" many years of genial service to • the public, have moved to their home in the village which was .formerly the Houghton home. We wish for Mr, and Mrs. Wal-• • ker many years of enjoyment in their retirement. Mr. and. Mrs. Stanley Paul of ' Toronto, visited with Me and 1VIrs. Calder MeKaig after at- tending the funeral of the late Lloyd McLean. Mrs. Paul is a cousin of the McKaigs. Miss Anna Scott, London, is visiting with her parents, Aft. and Mrs. Gordon Scott and-. Frances. 9 1,