HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-05-01, Page 6• A T S A. M. Harper (Continued from rag 1) has failed to consult with elect- ed officials before enforcing new regulations. Mr. Sopha said .that he does not oppose region- al forms of government, but thinks that the people concern- ed should be provided some op- portunity to express their opin- ions about the changes to be made. Thee speaker described the new County boards of education as "monsters" and expressed complete dismay at the salaries which are .being paid to the newly-appointed officials of the county boards. Murray Gaunt, MPP for Hur- on-Bruce, also addressed the meeting to bring his hearers up to date on his representation of their interests in Toronto. STAG- EUCHRE Wed., May 7th at 8:15 p.m. SeafOrth Legion Halt Prizes — Lunch Guests Welcome AdMitsion 75c , Spenicered by Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Del Reeves •Roy Drus ra 17-16 Sat., Sun, Mon. and Tues., May 17 to 20 — Walt Disney's "Swiss Family Robinson" Saturday Matinee at 2 pm. Sat, evening at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. All other evenings at 8 p.m. only Wed, Thurs. and Fri., May` 21, 22, 23 — Sean' Connery in "Goldfinger" and "Dr. No" Jones Bond special — Adult Entertainment showing at 7:30- each evening ..t May 24, 25, 26 and 27, Saturday through Tueiday Clint Eastwood in LA "Coogatt's Bluff" Adult Entertainment. Saturday showing at 7:30 and 9:20 — other evenings at 8 p.m. only Wed., Thurs., Fria 'May 28, 29, 30 — Sean Connery and Brigitte, Bardot in "Shalako" Adult Entertainment showing 8 p.m. Wed and Thurs Friday at 17:30 and 9:20 SATURtaiIVIATitiiii— 2 p.m 4y-3— "Tarzan and the Great River" "Robinson Crusoe in Mars" rtin. and Lewis "Pardners" 2;iallmieesnw•- AerAis...wesiwo.ss RK THEATREos on the square Phone 524-7811 MAY, MOVIE CALENDAR Thurs., and Fri.,.May 1, 2 "What's So' Bad About Feeling Good?" starring George Peppard and Mary Tyler Moore, shOwing Thins., 8 p.m. only, Fri. 7:30 and 9:20 Saturday, Sunday and Monday, May 3, 4, 5 "Secret Ceremony" starring Elizabeth Taylor, Mia Farrow and Robert Mitchuni. Admittance Restricted 'to 18 years or age and over. Saturday, showing at 7:30 and 9:15, Sun. and Mon., 8 p.m. only Tues., Wed, Thurs. and Fri., May 6 to,-9,--showtime 8 p.m. only Walt Disney Show — All Color "Smith" starring Glen Ford and "The Incre- dible Journey" Sat., Sun., Mon., and Tues., May 10 to 13 "The Charge of The Light. Brigade" starring. Trevor Howard and Vanessa Redgrave. Saturday showing at 7 p.m. and 9 p.m., other evenings at 8 p.m. only Wed., Thurs. and Fri., May 14, 15, 16 "Born Free" and Lee Marvin in "Cat Ballou" two color hits, good family entertainment, showing at 8 p.m. only L.O.BA. DESSERT EUCHRE ORANGE HALL Wed., May •7th 2:00 p.m. Afternoon 8:00 p.m. Evening Admission 50c EVERYONE WELCOME BROWNIE'S .DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8.00 p.m. FIRST SHOW AT DUSK FRI. - SAT. - SUN.. May 2-3-4 - "DOUBLE FEATURE — "WILD IN THE . STREETS" Showing at 10.30.p.m. Only (Adult Entertainment) — Starring Shelley Winters CHRISTOPHER JONES end DIANE VARSI — In Color "HOUSE OF A 1,000 DOLLS" (Adult Entertainment) — Starring' Vincent Price Martha Hyer, Geo. Nader Showing eV 8.30 p.m. Only Color Cartoon Coming Next - Weekend "WAIT UNTIL DARK". (Adult Entatiainment)._ "The VISCOUNT" (Adult Entertainment) DINING & DANCING FRIDAY & SATURDAY - MAY 2 & 3rd DANNY COUGHLIN "Beek by Popular Demand" Come Out And Enjoy 'Yourself PlIZZk, PATIO Restaurant, and Tavern 350 ,Bayfield Road Goderich SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY preterits "The Orange Tangerine" SATURDAY, MAY 3rd 9:00 — 12:00 At SEAFORTH ARENA DRESS CASUAL ADMISSION $1.00 FRIDAY - & SATURDAY S DON'T MISS THE "FUGITIVES" FROM GUELPH Matinee Saturday Afternoon 3:30 to 5:30 • • Beverage Room Snacks PIGTAILS & SAUERKRAUT AT THE QUEEN'S --HOTEL SEAFORTH WANT ADS BRING.QUICK RESULTS: Dial 527-0240 ENTERTAINMENT FRIDAY — Mel Kitchen Trio SATURDAY — "Elgin Fisher" In the Ladies' and Escorts' Room Enjoy a Sing-A-Long with PEARL at the Hammond Organ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY • 'COLORED TV TASTY BEVERAGE ROOM SNACKS COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Seaforth +0, ''I , .1 • . ssOf nbcolia$ Bodgeori Jams” Reeking, Fined Masser and Greg- 017, Hocking, • LIOYD G. McCLEAN Lloyd G. McLean of RR 1, Hensel passed away in South Huron Hospital, Exeter, Teesday event:AL April' 29th In his 64th year. Surviving are hits wife the former Agnes Wren, several nie- ces and nephews. He teemed at Ohiselthunst for many year§ be- fore retiring to Ifensall. He is resting at the Bonthron Funeral Chaff el, Hensaltli where public services vytill be held, Friday, May 2nd at 2 pm. and burial in acTaggart Cemetery. Rev. Har- old F. Currie will officiate at the funeral. date. Referring to hospital use, he said during March occupancy had increased to 87.2% from 82.1% a year ago. Patient days were up to 9,573 from 3,410. The meeting was .in charge of president D. I. Stewart and board members attending inclu- ded: W. D. Stephenson, J. M. Scott, Mrs. J. McConnell, J. W. Modeland, Victor Lee, Jack Eisler, W. Shortreed, Mrs. Don Morton, Miss Reid, Mrs. J. Ifillebrecht, De P. L Brady, Clayton Looby, Earl Dick, Ralph McNichol, John Longstaff, A. Y. McLean, Walter Scott and Cliff Dunbar. (continued from Page 1) ceive only a 50 percent grant of the health unit expenses when a 75 percent grant had been ex- pected at the time .the health budget was. approved. ' Perth Colinty has qualified' for the 75 percent grant. "I don't think we are getting a square deal," the deputy ob- served. "Perhaps we- should scale down expenditures. That would be 'a backward step but not as backward as the decision of the provincial government." He reported a letter had been forwarded to Minister of Health Dr. Matthew Dymond regarding the matter and council has been in touch with Hon. C. S. Mac- Naughton, provincial treasurer and Huron MPP. ' Exeter Reeve Derry Boyle said the province had given Huron an opportunity to get in on the 75 percent grant, but Huron turned it down when they did not amalgamate with Perth County for health pur- poses. "We didn't turn down a '75 percent- grant," retorted. McKin- ley. "We turned down amalga- mation. We are being refused the grant because we didn't do as we were told:" . In his budget report, Clerk- treasurer John Berry said he would like to see a "much clos- er relationship and planning' program between the provincial government and the local mun- icipalities". • 'He said, "I feel a prime ex- ample of -this lack of planning has been in the takeover of the assessment departments. If we at the -local level are going to work towards a better munici- pal government for our area, then we must have the co-opera- tion and trust of the provincial authorities in planning and pre- paring for our future." In a' report of the , special committee on regional' govern- - ment, chairman Frank' McFad- den, Bayfield, said that in two meetings with representatives of the provincial government there had been "not much by way of HOSPITAL FACES PURCHASE POW DELL DR11,[411 ►URANT URUCEFIELD ' Is Now Open For Business Vic tend Olga Whittingham Welcome, All Old and New Cu§tomers SEAFORTH BRANCH 156 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION DANCE at the LEGION HALL SATURDAY, MAY 3rd Music by Hap Swatridge Quartette Refreshments $2.00 Per Couple EVERYONE WELCOME Restricted to persons over 21 AT THE SUNSET DRIVE-IN THEATRE—GODERICH -THIS WEEKEND FRI.. SAT., SUN. ay 2-374 —A "MUSTANG" TH'EATRE— LARGEST SCREEN IN HURON COUNTY — ALWAYS A DOUBLE BILL Children Under 12 In Cars Free BOX OFFICE OPEN 8.00 P.M. --- —•FIRST SHOW AT DUSK Coming Next Weekend: "BARBARELLA" and "CHUKA" (Adult Entertainment) • , MRS.. FRED HIUSER Mrs. Fred Hiusser, 80, of Sea- forth died Monday at Kilbarcbm :Nuts" g Home. She was the former Margar- et May lAaehan daughter of the Late Jaines Machan end Ellen Fraser of Logan Township where she was born and grew up. She attended schotoill there and in MitcheIl. She had been a resid- ent 'here since 14916. She was a: member of Northside United Church,. She was predeceased by her husband, Fred Musser as well as two former husbands, William Pinder and Wardell Hodgson, all of Seaforth. Plan Dance The Segall% Whirl-A-Weds are 96lianning n special: Pedal evening on May 7th when it is hoped all area residents will take advantage of snoevening of 'Modern! Square and Round dan- cing, Egbert Jacobs will be the call- er and the evening will cnsist of games and' dancing with a lunIch to follow. Admission is just $1.00 per couple and there is no age limit. So plan to at- tend at the Segoath District High School Atursorium on May 7th for an. evening of fun and relaxation. 111MINnel• JOIN THE SEAFORTH WHIRL-A-WAYS - for an evening of Modern Square Dancing and Round' Dancing WED., 'MAY 7th, 1969 at 8:30 p.g. SEAFORTH DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL AUDITORIUM AdmiSsion $1.00 per couple EVERYONE WELCOME Lunch Provided CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth 8:15 p.m. Friday, May 2nd $75.00 Jackpot to'go • Three $25.00 Games IS Regular Games for $10.00 Two Door Prizes (Children under 16 not) • permitted) ' ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c 'or 7 fir $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Proceeds for Welfare Work SurviviM are three 4tIttitthta*,. Mira, 'Bruce Mina) Pried*, Alt- cbenfer, Mns. (Russel (Mae) HO' 4- gert, Millarankee, Wis., Mrs. A. J. (Helen) Hocking, 1?eterbora- ugh; three sons, Frank J. HiuS-, ser. G'ai't;-. Charles 0. Pinder, „ Welland; 20 grandchildren; five great-grandchildren; and by nine step-children. The .body was at the R. S. Box funeral -home where service at 2 per. Thursday was conducted- by her minister Rev. J. Cliff Brtton, assisted by Rev. D. L. Patterson. Pallbearers were J. M. Scott, Thomas Qostelllo, Angelo Andre- arca. Peter Bannon, James Glenn and Thomas Haley. Fllowerbeamers were Bill Pin- der, David Friedley Gordon, Hut- (Continued from Page 1) tion of a line fence on the east of the property and for grass cutting. He said a tour of the, grOunds had indicated laWnS, shrubs and trees were in good condition. Reporting for the finance coin: mittee the chairman W. D. Stephenson said the auditors had but recently completed their work and as a result there had not been time to prepare a monthly report. These, togeth- er with the auditors' report, would be available for the an- nual meeting next week. Mrs. J. McConnell,- publics re- lations committee chairman, told of discussions she and oth- er ladies on the board had had -with Beaver Food representa- tives concerning dishes. On the committee's recommendation, the board agreed to purchase a quantity of new dishes and also to take an ad in the- SDHS year book. While Hospital Day, May 12, will be recogeized by patients and pnblic, opeh" House will not be held this year. It is expected an open house will be arranged every other year in the future. Mr. McKenzie said approval had been received from the OHSC to install automatic door closing devices between depart- mental areas and an alarm sys- tem irethe operating room at an estimated cost of $5,553.00 and specifications were being- pre- pared before tenders- were cal- led. The work had been request. ed by the OHSC on a recent - in- spection. He suggested 'additional signs were necessary and will prepare- a list for consideration of the management committee. Pre- paration of policy with respect to administration is underway and will be brought before com- mittees concerned at 'an early )var mexal?ers of the Huron reed ere,w, Harold laalce,•Wroxetar, a 20 Year man with the road crew; -Bill Empey, chief„public health 'inspector, 20 years; Harvey Johnston, abSent because of ill- ness, 20 years; Mrs. Mildred Simpson, secretary to the clerk- treasurer, 20 years; and Clerk- treasurer, John Berry, 20 years. In other business, Mervyn Cudmore chairman of the Coun- ty plafintng committee reported that consultants from G. V. Eleinfeldt and Associates Ltd. would be meeting with all local municipal councils during; May. "Here's your opportunity to pose questions,” said Cudmore. The cost of the appraisal in Huron will be $1 to $1.25 per capita spread ever 18 to 24 months. It is expected that the wage agreement with the Service em- ployees Union at Huronview will be ratified soon, The proposed wage increase for 1960 is eight 'percent plus $10 per month for the' female employees in the low category of each department with 18 Months of more service. This will make the maximum in these categories $3348.24. Effect- ive January 1, • 1978; all categor- ies will receive 'a further in- crease of seven percent. Donald Graham has been hir- ed as a fourth class engineer, the assistant administrator at Huronview has resigned and a new administrator will be sought immediately due to the illness of present administrator, Harvey Johnston. • guidelines." , "It is time we got off our apathy and got a few ideas of our owp," added the Bayfield reeve. His committee is send- ing a questionnaire to all local municipalities requesting their ideas and suggestions for better government for the people of Huron. "We're in a listening mood," interjected Warden Hayter. In the meantime, - a brief had been submitted ,to the Hon W. Darcy MeKeough, sinister . of Municipal Affairs, when council was in Toronto March 36. Three main points were stres- sed in the brief: the future of the assesonient department and the use of the administrative building; a definite plan for es- tablishing • regional government in Huron as to area, population, and timing for change; and the possibility of Huron becoming a region unto itself with legisla- tive authority to properly carry out the functions of regional government. The brief was well received, council noted. - FIRST • PRESBYTERIAN • CHURCH Seaforth Sun., May 4th Service at 11 am. Rev. Steven LOokman who will preach, comes' from Carluke ,and Binbiack congrega- tions near Hamilton, where he has been minister for the past nine years. He is the first in a leet of three ministers who will preach in, First Church during May, — All Are Welcome — HURON COUNCIL CLEARS TAX • Storda); Night The Deljardines- Bererage Room Snacks Southern Fried Chicken HURON MOTEL Dublin a Are you going to the Stratford Rodeo? MAY. 9, 10, 11 8 p 2 p.m., 8 p.m., 8 p.m. STRATFORD ARENA . COWBOY COMPETITIONS SADDLE BRONC RIDING 4 CALF ROPING STEER WRESTLING BRAHMA BULL RIDING LADIES BARREL RACING PROFESSIONAL COWBOYS AND COWGIRLS HANDY ORDER FORM I Dates Time I Number of Tickets Adults Children STRATFORD ARENA Adults $2.00 Children Under 16; $1.00 TICKETS'AVAILABLE AT: MAINSTREET VARIETY (SEAFORTH) Sponsored by: STRATFORD CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 14 Erie St., Stratford, Ontario.