HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-04-24, Page 12• t*- ••4, ' .. • • ; 1121401i HURON RRP9IIIT0R4 5,EAFORTII4 MIT, APRIL 24# 1969 AutosUlt- rev-. '‘r owns.hip M. March 20th, 1969.. 2) The audit was conducted in accordance with the instructions.ef the. Department of Municipal Affaira• 3) The financial, statements present fatly the financial position of the municipality as at 31st December, 1968, and the results of its operations for the year ended on that date. In conclusion, we wish to express our appreciation for the co-operation which we received from the officials of your Township with whom we were in contact during the course of our audit. 1101'4*U 1gie.11:ct -1,6#100, Office In i‘A'asiealo'Blak Main Street Phone 527.1610 : *Seiferih . • Nre,.•,Onttheillors and Ratepayers, • •Dt accordance with your instructions, we have corn- , leted an audit of your Township for the year ended Decem-ber.,314, 1968, and we now present the Financial Statements as rtquiredby the Department of Municipal Affairs. Operations for the year resulted -in a surplus of $6,206. ..as detailed on Statement 2-1. After adding the surplus for the year, the accumulated surplus amounted to $24,874. at the .year-end. • semehetly runs into it, who is 'responsible? A. I can not state who could be responsible. This, would be decided by the courts, only after they hale all the facts, but there are a few laws and regulations covering parking on the high- way such as Section 89-9 of the Highway Traffic Act which states, "Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section,' no person shall park' or stand ' a vehicle on a highway in such a manner to interfere with the. movement of traffic or the clearing of snow from the high- way.,, Notwithstanding means in spite' of. on, I can only state that in my accident the protection of life is the Most important matter. 1. have found at many accidents that the sight of blood tends to make some persons excited, and when people get excited they usually get a little irration- al. I -can state a case where a young police officer was attend- ing the scene of an accident and a person was badly injured, 'in fact his back could 'have been broken. The officer made the person as comfortable as possi, ble, and when he was informed that the ambulance would* be late. arriving, this officer had the tow truck very carefully take the motor vehicle with the injured party in it to the hospital where the person was removed by expert personnel. The person is very much alive today. (By the Ontario Provincial Police) .5 Dear Constable: Who is liable, in case of an accident and loss, of life, on the King's or Queen's Highway, Where a farmer's dog, under common knowledge, is allowed to chase vehicles on such high- way, for a good length of time, and such a farmer does noth- ing to control his dog? • A. The liability of persons 'in- volved in accidents is a matter that is decided in civil court. However, I think' if you check with the dog catcher in your township, he would be glad to hear about this matter, espec- ially if they have a by-law gov; erning dogs. SEED FOR SALE Good RED CLOVER (Grade 2 because of a trace of Sweet Clover. Excellent for plow-down purposes. Priced to sell.) • Yours faithfully, MONTEITH, MONTEITH & CO., Chartered Accountants. License Number 3574 We hereby report that in our opinion: • • 1) The financial transactions which have come under out notice have been within the powers of the municipality. • • HERTA BARLEY Canada Na., 1 • (Gennination 98% and 99%). Certified No. 1, Registered No. 1. STORMONT -OATS (Certified No, 1) See R. N. ALEXANDER ,,, at the Seed Plant in LONDESBORO Pate of Filing April 2nd, 1969. * STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE for the year ended December 31, 1968 Dear Sir; My friend and I had an argu- ment. He Said transports, bread, food or grocery trucks can park any place they want on our streets to deliver their loads. Sometimes it is very unsafe as No. 21 Highway has a 90 degree turn in our village and there are trucks blocking the, view on four corners. He says they pay big licences and can do this. The amount of money paid for a licence has nothing to do with where a vehicle can park. There are many laws and regulations governing parking on highways, and most cities, towns and Vil- lages have their own by-laws• governing parking. I, have taken the liberty of forwarding a copy of your letter to the police de- partment responsible for the • policing of yolk village for what- ever action they see fit. You don't have to worry, you will not be involved in any manner. REVENUE 1968 1967 Taxation Realty $153,168.00 $179,845.00 ,Business 244.00 164.00 Special charges 3,836.00 5,401.00 EXPENDITURE General government Protection to persons and property Public works ' Sanitation and waste removals Conservation of health Social and family services Recreation and community services Financial expenses County—share of expenditure Education—local contributions 1968 1967 $11,373.00 $10,126,00 6,215.00 5,417.00 87,964.00 105,442.00 83.00 '79.00 250.00 2,686.00 2,161.00 1,390.00 3,455.00 3,194.00 1,536.00 53,267.00 50,972100 64,544.00 79,830.00 "Dear Con-Stable: .Would you, please answer the • following question. When driv- ing through a city with two lin- es of traffic going each way, does the through traffic keep to the inside or the outside lane? A. T9 answer this question I will refer to the Driver's Hand- book which states, "On. 'Multi- Lane Streets or highways if you are driving slower than other traffic keep close to the right hand curb except when pre- paring for a left turn. At every opportunity do. all you' can to help _faster traffic to go through It is an offence to. block over- taking traffic by driving in the passing lane irrespective of your speed or the speed of the overtaking vehicle." This book • is an excellent book and it is available free of charge froth • the l:Issuer of motor vehicle plates or from most police of, flees. $157,248.00 $185,410.00 Contributions• from other governments , g.ayinents in lieu of taxes ' $48.00 Sub•A., dies 72,960.00 • Municipalities 549.00 • The Highway Traffie" Act states in part in SeCtiOn 143 (1) (a) and (b), "Where an accident occurs on, a highway, every per- son in charge of a vehicle or car of an electric railway that' is directly or indirectly involved in the accident shall, $50.00 68,306.00 1,272.00 Total expenditure • (2.10,.Note 2) .... $230,966.00 Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditure for the year 6,206.00 Surplus (deficit) at the beginning of the year 18,668.00 $259,018.00 $73,557.00 $69,628.00 Elk-11/10R PAINTERS INTERIOR and EXTERIOR -Phone 482-9512 Other revenue $6,367.00 $6,680.00 2,700.00 15,988.00 (a) remain at or immediately return to the scene of the ac- cident; (b)render all possible assist- ance." Surplus (deficit) at the end of the year $24,874.00 $18,668.00 Total revenue $237,172.00 $261-,718.00 ANALYSIS OF REVENUE for. the year ended December 31, 1968 Use Expositor Want-Ads Phone 527-0240 • 1968 1967 • General welfare assistance 974.00 1,054.00 Warble Fly 346.00 344.00 Twption , Realty — Residential and farm $151,938.00 $179,008.00 —Commercial and industrial 1,230.00 837.00 . . ,,,,, • .,•• • • Dear Sir:: As basis for my question I will give- you an instance I was Dear Sir: once told of. In a town. While driving, an elderly or city this sign of- gentleman . accidently knocked ten appears at a red light; "A was on right hand turn against red a boy from his bicycle. There were no . • light is permitted after , the veh- ly witnesses and the boy slightly hurt. Rather ide has come to a dead, stop." than- wait at the scene, he took 'Does the law compel a 'driver .,the boy to the doctor and then to make this turn, against the reported the • accident. in- red light? In making this turn, 'format said the gentleman was in Case of an accident, who is severely criticised by the police responsible? • for the way ,he handled the sit- A. The Highway Traffic Act uation. states in Section 70 (4), ."When The Driver's Handbook is, a red signal-light is shown at an sued by the Ontario Department intersection, every driver or op- of Transport gives only "a brief summary of the prdcedure to erator of a vehicle or car of an electric' railway that is-approach- be followed in ease of accident. ing the intersection and facing Does this mean that one must such light shall bring his veh- remain at the scene of an acci- icle. or car to a full stop at a dent. until 'help comes even if clearly 'marked stop line or if there is a possibilty that it may none, then immediately, before arrive too late?.. • entering •the nearest crosswalk A. prom. 4.6a,:bAg 14ter or,'_ if noneF.ithen,, Immediately wouar -say./ am receiving Third before entering - the intersect- Band information, and from ex-ion,,,thid,i shall not proceed until perience, I have found that when a green light is shown, provid- inforination is passed on froth ed that the driver or operator one person to another, usually may turn to the right after bringing the vehicle Or car to something is left out or added a full stop." The act states the driver may, so he is not' compelled to make the, turn. The HighWay, Traffic Act also states that you must „ yield the right of way' to any traffic • lawfully within •the in- tersection or to - any traffic that is so close You would cause a hazard by moving and yOu must also yield the right of way to pedestrians Jawfully., within the Intersection and to pedes- trians lawfully within a cross- walk. The liability or responding of any accident is always decid- ed by the courts. $72,960.00 $68,306,00 • Municipalities 549.00 1,272.00 • ,168.00 Business $153 $179,845.00 244.00' 164.00 Special charges 3,836,00 5,401.00 . $73,557.00 $69,628.00 Other revenue Licenses and permits Fines • $574.00, 113.00 2,069.00 1,235.00' 1,326.00 1,200.00 163.00 $157,248.00 $185,410.00 • $538.00 ' Contributions from other. governments Ontario enterprises $48.00 MM. $50.00 Service charges 2,831.00 •-• Penalties and interest ,oti taxes 1,087.00 Income from investments 1,911.00 Grader Sold Deferred revenue taken into income 'THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE xCOMPANY s48.0o $50.00 Ontario Per capita Residential property tax reduc-', 16,150.00 Roadways 47,645.00 59,847.00 $7,845,00 $7,061.00 $6,367.00 $6,6800 $237;172.00 $261,7178:60 Office — Main Street SEAFORTH Insures: • • Town Dwellings • All Classes-of' Farm Prepay', • Summer Cottages • Churches, Schools, Halls Total revenue • ., ANALYSIS OF EXPENDITURE for the year ended December 31, 1968 1968 • 1967 Social and family services General assistance $1,603.00 $1;675.00 $1,625.00 -• Assistance to aged persons 1,083.00 9,498.09 8,501.00 $11,373.00 $10,126.00 Recreation and community services ..0 -; • arid property Unclassified $1,390.00 $3,455.00 tioVernment ers`lof council General administration $1,532•00 829.00 V ' coverage , (wind, der "ciAnnitet falling eels, etc.) is also airailabie. AGENTS: James Keys*, RR 1, ,Seafortin V. J. Lane, RR 5, Seaforth; Wm. Leiper, , rerSelwyn Baker, Brussels; Harold Squires,' ., George CO ne, Dublin; Donald G. Eaton, Seaforth. $2,686.00 $2,161.00 Preeetion to persons Wee Stzeet lighting Unclassified 1,093.00, 31.00 4,293.00 1,499.00 17.00 4,699.00 $1,390.00 $3,455.00 a Financial expenses Interest on temporary borrowing Unclassified a $6,215.00 $5,417.00 $1,515.00 21.00 fir lie works adWayir Drainage Unclassified 740.00 PRocipwiAT: TowhroF $83,079.00 $99,589.00 1,495.00 2,832.00 '3,390.00 3,021.00 $3,194.00 $1,536.00 County — Share of expenditure $53,267.00 $50,972.00 • • $87,964.0$105,4.42.00 Education — local contributions - ', • . Elementary — plublic $15,711.00 $19,43L00 —separate 11,489.00 12,425.00 ' Secondary ••,• 37,344.00 47,974.00 ,• sanitation and waste removal Garbage collection and disposal • $83.00 $79,00 • $83.00 .$79.00 $64,544.00 $79,830.00 Conservation of health Grants to public. hospitals - $250.00 SIEAFORTH '1 0,!, $250.00 Total expenditure $230,966.00 $259,018.00 Dear Sir: If you leave your car parked on the side of the road and DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME REVENUE FUND BALANCE.SHEET as at December 31, 1968 The Council 'of the Town of Seaforth has instructed me to declare DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME, adopted for the Town of Seaforth, during the period of Sunday, April 27th, 1969 • at 12:01 a.m. ASSETS • LIABILITIES 1967 $4,906.00 Temporary loans Other. governments 7,000.00 Ontario Municipalities 1968 eras, at cost (1968 market $42,958.00 !OA) x, 7,000.00 ArskiSnts receivable rio 34,637.00 icipalitles 166.00 (fr . r 1.0140 boards and other funds ,latnicipal Drains fOleSgy Reserve Municipal savings Fund 1968 $73,000.00 $141.00 223.00 1967- $60.00 11,400.00 38.00' Local boards and other funds $23,344.00 .' Municipal Drains $23,375.00 $73,364.00 $60,00 • $462.00 V 84,761.00 $50,497.00 327.00 $73,364.00 $3,695.00 1,153.00 $522.00 $2,177.00 Other Sundry Debenture Debt Charges ... Sunday, October 26th, 1969 at 12:01 a.m. and respectfully request the citizens to observe the same. $135,585.00 $46,719.00 703.00 2.00 17,758.00 24,914.00 • °pot; after deducting allowance for 'doubtful accounts Ttfieft receivable, after deducting allowance for uncollectable taxes $78,212.00 $2,699.00 $960.00 $268.00 50,000,00 50,000.00 24,874.00 18,668.00 Other liabilities Reserves Surplus (deficit) r• 14? "Better trade that $100 bill in for a new one, Joe — I've noticed it's getting kind' cf dog-eared lately." $154,046.00 $71,635.00 $154,046.00 $71,635.00 F. C. J. SILLS, Mayor STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION. OF - - CAPITAL FUNDS.. for the year ended December 31, 1968 "GOD SAVE THE QUEEN" ' SOURCE OF 'FUNDS if Tlierbrainage Program Issued to the Public 1968 1967 $16,100.00 $7,300.00 1,516.00 $164100.00 $8,816.00 $16,100.00 $8,816.00 $1,516.90 Others Land owners—Tile drainage loans $16,100.00. $7,300.00 CONTINUITY OF TAXES RECEIVABLE 1 for the year ended December 31, 1968 • $16,100.00 $6,816.00 Balance at the beginning of the year Analysed as-follows: Taxes unpaid from 1967 1966• 1965 `and prior years - Reduction during the year Taxes, penalties and interest ceived • $24,914.00 re- APPLICATION OF FUNDS Public works $16,100.00 $8,818.00 $166,501.00 480 ($166,549.00) $14,739.00 6,525.60 2,485.00 $23,749.00 1,165.00 $1,518.00 CAPITAL FUND BALANCE SHEET as at December 31, 1968 LIABILITIES - • Taxes written off Balance at the end of the year ,,,,, $17,758.00 Penalities arid interest Analysed as follows: Taxes unpaid from 1968 10,834.00 1967 9,444.60 1966 and prior years 2,560.00 , Penalties° and interest ASSETS , Pane recdVertee from ,levies or rates $251,158.00 $24,914.00 1968 1967 Net long term liabilities (2-10, Note 1) General municipal activities (2.10, Note 3), $33,669.00 School boards (240, Note 4) 251,156.00 t Saadi boards (2-10, Note 4) Other $287,470.00 21,426.00 $288,896.00 138,498.00 Increase during the year Taxation revenue $157,248.00 Add charges added to the tax bills for collection 1,058.00 • $284,825.00 Axed, assets 138,496.00 $21;426.00 267,470.00 $16,838.00 920.00 $138, 284,825.00 $288,896.00 496.00 138,496.00 $423,321.00 II $427,392.00 •') Equity , iii 'fbted 'streets $158,308.0 Penaltiei;and interest added dur- tog 016 year 1,087.00 169,393.00 ••••1.••.•••••••*01..• $428,991.00 'S431,892.90 •-• $17,758.00 .o..s..4;A.•• • •rt.,11,4 •