The Huron Expositor, 1969-04-24, Page 10ON T„ AP IL 24, 1969
cup diced celery •
',A cup (heed green pepfOr
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 can (28-ounce) tomatoes
1 teaspoon tufteeric
1 teaspoon salt
teaspoon pepper
1 cup uncooked rice
Cut chicken in serving-size
pieces, sprinkle with salt and
pepper. Brown in hot oil, about
15 minutes. Drain on absorbent
paper., Saute onion, celery,
green pepper and garlic, until
onion is transparertt, about' 5
minutes. Add remaining ingred-
ients, Pour into greased casser-
ole and arrange chicken on top.
Cover and bake at 359'F -until
chicken is tender about
hours. 6 servings.
Quick Eggs A La King •
14 cup chopped onion
1 tablespoon butter
1 can ,(10-ounce) condensed
mushroom soup
11A cup milk
1/8 teaspoon salt
Dash pepper
1 cup cooked peas •
6 hard-cooked eggs, cut in eigh-
z tablespoons chopped pimien-
to (optional)
Saute onion in butter until
transparent, about' 5 minutes.
Add soup and milk, stirring un-
til smooth. Add' peas, eggs and
pimiento. Heat thoroughly and
serve on toast.' 4 servings.
The , Convenience Of The Can
Food tucked away in a can
and stored on the kitchen shelf
is a forth' of insurance for .to-
•dav's busy menu planner. Wlien
the storage area boasts a var-
iety of canned vegetables, fruits
and meats, the family is guarai-
grades of canned foods?
A. The grades of canned foods
are: Canada Fancy: Highest •
quality product, as nearly per-
fect as posiible — sound: clean
fruit or vegetables, free from
blemishes, of good color, uni-
form in size — packed at . per-
fect maturity. „
Canada Choice: Good quality
fruit, or vegetables that are
sound, clean and. free from
blemishes but have slight varia-
tions in size, color and maturi-
Canada Standard: Good quali-
ty fruit or vegetables with good
flavor but having variations in
size and appearance.
Occasionally Sub-standard
grade is .seen on canned goods.
It a low quality product,
sound and wholesome, but has
variations in maturity and. ap-
Q, How long is it advisable to
store canned foods?
A. Canned foods should keep
Indefinitely without spoilage as
long as nothing happens to the
Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime!
Are you financially able to stand a total crop loss this year? If not, you need
crop insurance. To get low-cost comprehensive coverage on your crops, you
must apply for insurance by the deadline dates listed below, or 10 days after
seeding — whichever cornes,first. Call your local Crop Insurance agent today.
Forage Crops: Apply by May 1st.
Spring Grain: Apply by May 1 5th.
Soybeans: Apply by June 20th.
White Beans: Apply by June 25th.
Grain Corn: Application deadline dates
run from May 21st to June 1st — -
depending on area.
Cheawith your Agent for the deadline
• date in your district. '
1/2 cup chopped onion
14 cup diced green pepper
2 tablespoons flour
1 teaspoon salt,
'4 teaspoon pepper
2 cans (14-ounce each) whole
kernel corn,
1 can (19-bunce) tomatoes
-4,2 cup crushed cereal flakes
Fry sausages slowly, until
• evenly browned, 15 to 20 minut-
es. Remove from pan, add.onion-
and green pepper. Saute until
onion is transparent, about 5
minutes. Stir in flour and seas-
onings. Add Corn and tomatoes.
Simmer until liquid has partial-
ly evaporated, about 20 minutes.
Turn into a greased 6-cup cas-
serole and arrange sausages on
top. Sprinkle with crushed cer-
eal flakes and bake at 350°F.
until lightly browned, 20 to 30
minutes. 6 servings.
- Chicken Rice Casserole
1. chicken (about 3 pounds)
3 tablespoons cooking oil
1 cup chopped onion
teed good eating when food,mon-
ey has been depleted. Various
supermarkets have featured
"!specials" on these convenience
foods during the past winter
and spring seasons and So many
wise homemakers have stocks
on. hand..
Canned foods withstand seem-
ingly adverse conditions ,such
as freezing or high temperat-
ures as long as the cans Vieth-
selves have .not been damaged
as Erni in texture.
Green peas are a colorful and satisfying ingredient in Home economists haVe had
"Quick Eggs a la King". Hard-cooked eggs, cooked peas and many requests for ways to use
pimiento are added to a cream 'soup together- with some sau- canned ,vegetables in casseroles,
teed onion. Served on toast it' makes a quick, hearty lunch. salads, etc. The result of these The home economists of the Canada Department of Agriculture enquires is a, new pamphlet •also provide two, main dish recipes feataring canned vegetables.
"Chicken Rice Casserole" uses canned tomatoes with onions which has just been released.
This timely booklet gives buy- and celery as a base and browned chicken pieces on top. Can- ing information and various ned kernel corn and tomatoes combine with cooked sausages ways to serve canned vegetables. to make "Sausage and Corn Casserole": (Canada ept. of .. Agri-Canned corn, cream style, is culture, Ottawa.) featured in a chowder; whole
kernel corn in casseroles,,,a sal-
oiPe, reduce the heat and keep ad and a relish. Canned tomat-
water just below sinimering- oes are used in various main
Let stand 20-25 minutes. Chill dishes and iellied salad as well
the eggs' immediately in cold ' as relishes. Canned peas appear
water to keep yolks from dark- in some main dishes. There are
ening: If you crack the shells several recipes for using canned
during the cooling the "eggs beets,' green beans and tome-
will peel easier. Sautted onion, to juice. Stock 'your storage
a condensed soup ' and canned shelves with canned vegetables
peas coantline with the . eggs and be prepared to try these at-
to make a quick dish to serve tractive and careful 'seasoned
on toast. , , recipes. Write for your copy of
For additional . recipes using "Thrifty Meals with Canned Veg-
canned vegetables write to the . stables" publication 1389,. avail.
Information ` Division, Canada able free froin Information Div-
Department Of Agriculture, Ot- ision, Canada Department of
tawa for your free copy of Agriculture, Ottawa.
"Thrifty Meals With Canned'
Vegetables", public-01On 1389. Questions and Answers en
Sausage And Corn Casserole Canned Foods
1 pound perk sausages Q. What are- the different
• to allow- air inside the can.
Canned Vegetables In 'Main .Dish as attractive in appearance or
However, the food may not be
PHONt 348-9121 RR 1, FULLARTON.
17 GIBBINGS ST., CLINTON — PHONE 482-3431 or 482-9357
• , • !...1144!!i If II III ! Hi!! I -11511
Notice is hereby given that the
Annual Meeting of
will be held
Tuesday, May 6th, 1969
at p.m.
In The Hospital
(Health Unit Conference Room, ground floor)
for the purpose of receiving the annual reports of the Board
of Trustees and of the officials and to elect four Trustees.
The public is invited
to attend
The by-laws of SeafOrth Community Hospital provide '
that the board of trustees shall include 12 trustees to be elect-
ed by members of the hospital corporation.
The by-laws provide with respect to members as fol-
(1) The following persons shall be members upon resolu-
tion of the Board: •
(a) A person who has donated or who donates $500.00 . •
in any one year to the Corporation shall be a life mem-
(b) The president or designated officer of an associa-
tion or organization who pays the Corporation $25.00 in
any year shall be ex officio a member of the Corporation
for that year.
(c) A person who pays the annual membership fee ,to
the Corporation in any year shall be a member of 'the.-
Corporation for that year. The amount of this fee shall
be established from time to time by resolution of the.
Beard of Trustees.
(d) Persons appointed honorary members shall not be
subject to fees.
(2) A' member who pays his fees annually shall' not be en-
titled to vote at any meeting of the corporation unless
his membership fee was paid in full at least thirty days
prior to the date of, the meeting.
By' resolution of the Board the annual membership
fee has been established at one dollar.
The meeting will provide an opportunity for
a discussion of hospital problems.
Refreshments will be served following the meeting
April 24, 1969
Reach for a can or two of
vegetables, combine them with
a protein food and you have a
quick, nourishing meal. The wise
planner has a few simple-to-
prepare recipes on hand for
those extra busy days. What a
short cut canned vegetables can
provide! With this in mind home
economists have selected three
recipes from their nets booklet
featuring canned vegetables,
"The Sausage and Corn Cas-
serole" lends itself to advance
preparation. Cooked sausages
are placed on top of a canned
corn-tomato combination in a
casserole then refrigerated till
baking, time. If mother is delay-
ed the children can put it in
the oven. However, the "Chick-
en Rice Casserole" •should be
prepared at meal time in. one
continuous operation;The ser-
ving-size pieces of chicken are
bibwifed then placed on- top of
a savory mixture of canned tom-
atoes, celery, green pepper and
rice. The casserole dish. is baX-.,
ed until chicken is tendef.
A real lunchtime shortcut is
the "Quick Eggs a la King' , es-
pecially if the eggs are hard-
cooked beforehand, Because
eggs are often abused when it
comes to hard-cooking them,
the home economists at the
Canada Department of Agricult-
ure remind you that eggs can be
hard-cooked without boiling
them. Cover the eggs with wat,
er and bring rapidly to) a boil.
Set pan off heat, or 0' cooking
the 6 eggs required for this re-
Parlianient Buildings, Toronto 5, Ont.
PHONE 527-1123
Canned And Frozen Peas
Peas are a "good buy" this •morith, say home economists.
Tender green peas, canned or frozen, become an elegant vege-
table when seasoned with butter and, crgp,:sliced-onion. Other
"go-wells" are various herbs such as marjoram Or rosemary
which are added to the cooking, 'using Y'4' teaspoon to
six servings. Heat or cook them according to directions. For a
diffefent flavor add 14 teaspoon nutmeg or savory to peas be-
fore heating, or a sprig of mint. If the oven is being used for
dinner preparation, cook frozen peaS in it too., They are de-
licious when covered and heated. with .,butter at 325 degrees
F. for 15 to 20 minutes. (Canada Dept, of Agriculture, Ottawa.)
by W. W. Haysom
your telephone manager
As I sat down to plan my column this nto th, I cpaldn't
help but think of an incident last year that ha at least one'
Bell Canada tester wondering about his sanity. On two dif-
ferent occasions, two different repairmen sent him the .same
report about telephone difficulties near Chippawa, Ontario-.
Both reports stated, "drop wire Chewed by llama". While one
might be inclined to write the whole thing off as a publicity
stunt to boost the Niagara peninsula as Canada's banana belt,
the reports turned out to be legitimate, Llamas are kept at
the Marine Wonderland and Game Farm at Chippawa and
one of them decided to test his teeth on our drop wires.
While this'was the first time we've had to contend
With llamas, we have had pyoblems keeping our Cable out of
the way of squirrels, lightning and bad weather, We've been
burying more and more of it; it looks better and also pro-
tects the cable from the natural hazards I've mentioned, How-
ever, it also means that cable could be buried on your pro-
perty and could,be damaged if you're planning to excavate — •
whethetld plant trees or shrubs, put, up a fence, .build a
patio or a barbecue pit. One healthy thitit-of a shoveL if its
directly above our cable and telephone service in hundreds
of homes and businesses could be disrupted. •
So if you're planning any major digging, could you
give us a call at 611 first. We can quickly tell you if there is
cable hurried on your property, If, there is, we'll come over
And show you where, free of charge. That way, you can
avoid disrupting telephone service both for yourself and your
* * ' * *
Here area few tips for long distance callers. Jot down
the important points you want to cover before you place
your call and keep a scratch pad and pencil• handy in case
you want to write something down during your conversation.
Check your telephone directory fqr .Area Codes and Long
Distance Rates. Don't forget that ratel get lower a8 the hour
gets later.
If you leave a babysitter in charge when you go out,
don't forget to leave her a number where you can be reached,
She should know where emergency numbers such as 'Fire,
Police and Doctor are located too. Your phone book provides
you with a special space for these numbers — right on the
inside front cover. If you haven't already filled in these num-
bers, why not do it now. Your babysitter may never have 'to
use them, but you'll feel More, seturd knowing she has them
Read the Advertisements,— It's o Profitable Pastime!
can tO make it lealt, In order to
get the maximum in food value
though, they should: be rotated
and Used up every year,
Q. Do- canned vegetables need
to be cooked?
A. No, vegetables canned com-
mercially are thoroughly cook-
ed and may be used just as they
come from the can.
Q. Is it safe to store leftover
vegetables in 'the can?
A. Yes, it is just as safe to
keep 'canned food in the can it
comes in — if the can is kept
refrigerated and covered — as
it is to empty the food into an-
other container. Use them in a
day or so because of the increas-
ed nutrient loss once the vege-
table is exposed to the air.
Stock Taking Time For Your
Most owners of freezers label
and date the contents of their
freezer.packages and keep up-
toklate inventory. Now is the
time to ,cheek your freezer and
see what should be used. with-
in the next few weeks because
it should be defrosted, cleaned
and organized for another sea-
son's crop of fresh fruits and
vegetables. Build your menus
around those foods which should
be used now as the quality will
begin to deteriorate if kept more
than one year. They tend to
lose in flavor and texture.
Stocks of such frozen foods
as rhubarb, peas and asparagus
should be used up to make room
for the 1969' crop. To assist you
in using those last packages of
rhubarb, home economists offer
recipes for two family favorites,
"Rhubarb Sauce" and "Rhubarb
'Pie". Cook the rhubarb while
it is still frozen. The sauce is re-
freshing by itself or it may be
served over puddings or a plain
cake, If you remember to label
the packages as to the number
of cups of rhubarb in each, yoh
can proceed just as if the-rhu-
barb were fresh cut, For a flav-
or change, you can make your
own rhubarb-strawberry sauce
by adding some frozen 'straw-
berries to the rhubarb at the
end of the cooking period Sweet --
en to taste. ' •
Let us prepare, your
Income Tax Forms
for you this year
Reasonable rates and
guaranteed service
Phone early for an
Rannenberg -
Insurance Agency
Phone Monkton 347-2241
(Open daily Monday to Saturday)
Brussels Office Phone 65
(Open Tuesday and Friday only)
Now much home are you missing
throiigh outdated wiring?
When this 'house was built it was
hard to imagine all the wonderful
ways in which electricity would
I be serving us today. That's why
the.wiring in so many older
homes. just isn't 'adequate for
today's needs.
There are many signs. Fuses
blowing. Lights.dimMing. Appli-
ances performing slugglshly.
Cluttered extension cords. Not
enough outlets./
So, if you're planning to mod-
ernize your home, think first of
the wiring. Have a qualified elec-
trical contractor'check it, You'll 'be surprised at how easily and
inexpensively itcan belupdated.
The Hydro Finance Plan makes
it easy to get started right away..
Just ask your Hydro.
litne llama of dm Gila* Is IIIN11i1 1 thin*
.„ •