HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-04-24, Page 3LARRY SNIDER MOTORS LIMITED FORD, FAERIANE, FALCON and FORD TRUCKS PHONE 235-1640 EXETER 69c Visit our store any time from now until Saturday night, and see how we determine the Special Prices for Our V.I.P. Sales • If you are thinking of re-decorating, painting, floor coverings, neW furniture or appliances . BECOME A V.I.P. (41 plums, what. 4 bergtecet Oat Itticie:b_coake )et',0 e,,, Tom tb4fAvtrwaiVe_r9i*, ...IN__-_,„___KIPOW-ki d- and capable mother. spread hid diff3014, 'Off Ail,04,': ' aWgt4 afi0,t.,./_to Pa014404%P. M '1049"41tig UP be ,rg seven hungry 1.40s., Am- 9 the I, , g like tile* ktr9.• one viallAering, near VA linvited : hackneys,' b and: forth. The Mattoq,..fpfaVealaZarbeen con* long before ' the, days Of soft ' came the red, ribbon lint net a by the existence of two pee. drinks and potato chips, a aTaliate !rpm Om, DOlo;#01ente.- vbicial farm organizations that iy katg lb pM). il will be often differ on solistalans to farm #00.; ,- We ,Weede '..ettr way to probamz$. the gt,iirilei where W '104lid. Tom, When! Merger talks- brote patiently bathing these ruffles dawn beitmerai existing organ- ion of Agricuattare endribe Out- All too soon this Memorable ado Fanners' Unaen, Ilinikelni day was over. A cold 'Mid rainy Davidson eteepted responsibility night arrived. We three started of headiing committ to '14t.rottet‘41C-10, vete eonibtg fte*41tii:biialt *411. -,of our test =even*, ;40•Pott4*.4hse- Or:Youni3OleOir the,Count le rYfain NOY Years' ago constitated • main' enthlit, fgt.' PftliP47 t Wi th tq fo A fi al *vs* fir "" as other forms of: amusement sec the people bringing,* the lik , 911. fairs. This has tie ' al. Mother and- c n$ p amp. etit, who. *in,. ,440 in Mt 1he litita,a4-41+ automile tunes stave changed It was a wOrlderfik,alght. "trucked from Iting. clistaliCeS „en:#051,A94 1q110401140-44 cfm.,* ,s9wR sleep d I hallfi the night be, chiefly of th ;Bee Iiiri176-401 have sprung up. However the finest' of poultry; ' ae MOW lye- hatl'an encenreging effect nen, So 0144 wiferelbey- that the finninieg 4401X , . thrill of the load fair ha left breeds not common tOthl0 VO - 9 AV toed youth, .,., .,. ,. , , a hating impression onsmany of Me " the RoUdlna and -0040 yanAUd.414.194 kek. wAtkt th.Pal- vi -cle 441 4 General Farm (*Vail: 4 have Sell•%'14,1A97 024 teereS tiMlb 4,I10 oil the 47int 0.900 ed by the Dale brothers to go, dueflo were mneh ulisti,09§0 of ring& can7Ying eltr dinner& I blee# te*, km. , Arne,Afield ciipation,will, be directly affect-with tbdfoi to help. verl, little tooay,. The pes„0 bitos, were feel sorry for those who have seemed leticlingtri the favour of ed hi7 the prOr4e4 c411'0. *nee at 5 o'clock and away. My fath- 1965 BEAUMONT WAGON, a beauty ,X2787 $1600 1965, FORD XL HARDTOr, buckets H77655 $1895 , 1967 METEOR RIDEAU 'SEDAN, 6 auto. E4105 $1895 , 1966 GALAX1E 500 SEDAK, loaded H6834 $2095 1966 FORD CONVERTIBLE H77654 $2395 1967 FORD GT CONVERTIBLE H76871 $2495 1968 FORD CUSTOM SEDAN, 6 auto. 1177850 $2395 1967 T-BIRD' 4-DOOR LANDEAU, a beauty- 1176892 $3895 us, gamburgs,.vettvit000froolgtt, Sharp en. time, ,at ;won', Mr. bikrnene,to.,equo 014, one, wAl take. atfiton For JILIN)°, r was ask. brow or, blaele; 0#$0, "ond gtounda' with a snaelelet far- The competition Wee keen, A emov, 0 to. bk.**. 04, 411 de„. May recall, a„ day spent at ti. TOW& allow all and Mrs: Dale dreve onto, 09 Theireigez Peot3,04 are 1962 RANCHERO C80$55 • $500 .- 1965 FORD PICKUP, custom cab C87512 $1595 1966 GMC PICKUP C80606 $1595 1965 DODGE, chassis 8; cab, long wheel base' C78593 $1695 1963 FORD F-950 trailing axle, fifth wheel, etc. C88083 $2995 AND, A BUNCH OF PICKUPS — TOO NUMEROUS TOO MENTION — AT PRICES TOO LOW TO MENTION • $OO . 1965 FORD COACH, V-8, auto. H76849 $895 1962 DODGE DUMP STAKE- 25018V $895 1966 FORD SEDAN, 6; auto. H76895 $1400 1965 FORD' XL CONVkRTIBLE, loaded H76847$1750 1958 OLDS 4-DOOR HARDTOP H789Z4 ' $225 1964 METEOR HARDTOP, 8 stick H78733 $675 1964 DODGE PANEL C62378 svi wge., &Oki 'the — " ii • en with the px..0A.Prel tQt1.11,46. titire‘74r-Pthe ,t;v1re ° faATII;Xj0144,111414. r:41•140 EXTRA SPECIALS! TRUCKS fore that memorable day. IJp whno tho. sh6i4 04 'rule., wore A clothes basket of sandwiches, asked. for 9 whin,, With...le: BO eip'ebi 4171 arg944aftioqz never experienced such food, the Preiva:tswaAllueuf0;:94kcidde,On-..e,Tsaviack. . pox . UK ' A a voice 44 went er gave me-a, dime to spend, Hy ini it of purebred' Seottish and cured ham, Cak0SO4,114 •Rtes, T ti. . 419's PIA .., hoc tlw all4I 'Paftiel* 8 o'clock Victor, Derie and I Shorthorns. fresb• apple eider, Peat* and that w P In stantly, , 9 and 404 M t itVe441 III view Of to help tbmpa,plyes., Is Was other teanas' ero-fOrgetren: 'JUL (*Med trY ouch .= ex. made. from' home baked bread , *of" aétWe 041,144;90 cloPend the ereaio1 hit F . on his winning team. .,- izatiens, the 'Ontario Fedemat- Soon- the " contests began. Each -boy. had hiS ditty te per, Mint helped. Vie ,to 10m a red- calf Which-we dragged , in. before the ' judge. There was no. special award for expert shewmanship-then as is evident In. the 4H clubs of today. How- ever, he won the Ted ribbon and the show went on. The to- cattle or trying to. They tried tal winnings on cattle were two in every way to turn back but firsts and three second prizes, we forced them on for nearly three miles. Just then a buggy pulled up and in the dark and Jim's voice called out "Where are you going": We answered, "home". "Well you 'will be a long time getting there, you are going toward Goderich." The . cattle turned, marched teams. Their light -manes and past us straight home, this time tails flying in the wind, corn- Without our, advice or guidance. bined• -.with good training, That day will ever stand clear 'brought--a- quick win, that day, in„nly .memory, though, sad to This team and, three other say, few of us are left-to tell horses were later killed on the itif the loyal 'friendships enjoyed railway track that runs through. in days gone by at the local his farm. The- A.t rieultittal • county fairs. • We then hurried to the horse ring where the classes were well filled. Colts, yearlings, two year olds were shown first. Then came the main event, the tearn cerxipetition. I can never for- get Jack showing his sorrel team with the general purpose --0.44019:40-7404 -1„0-44Xial:ii° LIE. these .0)thibiteHeOn$1.44ed lvaa.,ea d " b.:the lines, Of figieoblite!rtbseaSt,-,,tthltearet:jaWitothr ,,a,-.144Y0P-alk.„Ib04,:telvat 'ved 'b o end useageg,,w0eXtit, Thin - ilitY64;7117- b:11491iTtevPr°the title-of 44 ---6—t114"*632' - • op a ee home in the dark driving the *IMO !•'• ,P444410* Ji I OVEN READY TURKEYS, 8-10 lbs. - lb. 37c LEAN BUTT PORK CHOPS LEAN PICKLED COTTAGE ROLL SLICED BREAKFAST , BACON - 1 1/2 Ibs. $1.00 SEAFORTH MEAT MARKET t;p.1!; izeei „,00,,...Smag.„?,- • The.'..0ijr#0, *004 F tt4‘14T7le':- r4"R4:044':"'oampvpHu4'gil'C4r°IE6a, r,...9*";!:!::'4304124'9-4174 ta*v*P":00.4.0...e.P'ro**14474tIg'46: trepre* people. mont4 Ai* — A4, tkxaeim *0, PV4414C, ro- dalts71104079se'l; fli"0711,1$1**:lifil4P4.0:; • - , " Facetalers4, whes ahda tan-gy mesnth*.nv aver 241- ypaiTn. of age who are actively- engaged the farm opeor015.941.:09.1011101 time Aaw_c_t belOggtkfoLviote, .tho-, Qatari% 0e0;, era, Vapw. Qrgattbatiolt. WI" PAO eftVellig4*,.e.M WW1* Davidson, PrIKV40,04.. 04.447940; ICKWIlegt M441090, OW4P/ 04447im _PAWS CtadekAg.), 49- OM% Maz*Mlig, 40a$4; milli) Mckinnon, Port Eftioi,f) al4.P9411,14°. WeAi'113,4 e,91971.cerolitiegrtF; .411eand/ "foneeTly ,Oyei the executive 01 the 0,p.r2o Farmers' 'Dakar, . - lb. 65c lb. 59c DAHLIA and ...PLA0144- PEAT -MOSS — GARDEN 8i FERTILIZERS NOW IN ST • SAVE ON FERTILIZER COSTS OUR BULK BLENDER , IS NOW IN OPERATION fgRTILIZEa • racked or „ . IHC 3-FURROW DRAG-PLOW $611 IHC 5-SECTION SPR1NG-TOOTH DRAG HARROWS ... ., $60 MASSEY 2-ROW CULTIVATOR WITH SHIELDS $120 FORD 711 LOADER $125 BOGBALLE 3-POINT HITCH MANURE LOADER $175 8 FOOT KONGSK1LDE CULTIVATOR with extension • $195 S CASE TRACTOR $200 CASE 3-FURROW LIFT PLOW $400 1HC H TRACTOR $400 FORD 10 FOOT LIFT DISC , $450 JOHN DEERE 40-PLATE DISC •.-- $500 8N FORD TRACTOR $500 FORD 5-FURROW SEMI-MOUNTED PLOW $700 MASSEY 35 DIESEL TRACTOR $1300 MASSEY 40 GAS TRACTOR ,,,,,,. 41400 FORD 871 DIESEL TRACTOR $1795 61 SUPER MAJOR (Choice of 3) , $1950 FORD 3000 10-SPEED GAS $2650 ' FORD 300 8-SPEED DIESEL , ,, $2850 ' • 66 SUPER MAJOR 5000 DIESEL • . $3800 68 SUPER FORD & CAB $6500 • • Always hungry and shy DEAR DORIS — What can I do to overcome my self-con- sciousness? I went to my friend's home for the week end and even though I had a lovely time, I really didn't enjoy myself. like I wanted to. You see, I would just sit at the table at mealtime like a statue and just pick at my food. I was too scared and too asham- ed for, them to see me eating I was hungry and thought as each mealtime came around, "This time it will be different," and it was! It was worse than the first time, - We went to certain restaur- ants and wnen Bill would ask what we were going to have, the words -"Nothing at all" came -out. I carved for food but I just couldn't bring myself to give in and eat. I am 16 years old and four- foot-eleven. I weigh only 98 'pounds I have a very poor ap- petite, even at home. , Really Bothered DEAR BOTHERED — There are assorted reasons for pdor -eating habits. Since I take the word "ashamed", "self-consci- ous", "scared", as clues, -I'm thinking there -was some faulty early conditioning in your case. Even a baby reacts to jan- gling or unserene atmosphere ' by rejecting food. Later a small child may be scolded about eat- ing until his stomach is tied up in a knot. Can you think back to any untoward circumstances which put you off eating? 'Sometimes just knowing the cause is enough to bring about a better state of mind and feel- ing. My urgent suggestion would be a consulation with your doc- tor, a sindy of Canada's food rules and a resolution to try ag- ain to give your body the nour- ishment it needs. ,,- DEAR DORIS'— This man I loved is married but is not happy. He has a cute five year old daughter. He says he Jove§ world. But than anything in this But he doesn't believe me when I say I love him, and the reason he gives is that I hav- en't told his wife about us. Dor- is am- I supposed to tell his wife just to prove' I love him? Div- orce is Out because of his relig- ion. I am 19. Ile is 31. ,• Puuled DEAR PUZZLED — He thinks you were born yesterday — and I find myself wondering :how naive you can getr. No man Was, ever safer. He won't tell his wife himself; couldn't get a divorce if he wanted to, which he doesn't. Knows you won't tell her; and can, fool you into taking the blame for the situation. Don't let him break your heart. Run, don't walk, into the arms of someone your own age before all the nice ones marry somebody else. DEAR DORIS-'— For the paht two weeks I have been dating a fellow whom I feel I like very • much. The problem is that he is a Ne gro! He seems to be a very respect- ed and well educated person; as well as mannerly and friend- ly. I know that this relationship could lead to love, and even manage. I know the problems that a marriage could bring but we bath seem to have the same feelings for each other. It Seems that everyone thinks a girl is indecent if she keeps company with a Negro. Skin Deep SEAFORTH FARMERS BULK, BLENDED OR BAGGED for all your requirements TRACTORS it EQUIPMENT THERE'S STILL TIME tO PURCHASE MOTHER PARKER'S TEA BAGS 100 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! Phone 527-0770 Seaforth TO ALL THOSE CUSTOMERS WHO VISITED US DURING OUR ANNUAL AND HELP CRIPPLED CHILDREN IN SEAFORTH AND DISTRICT SEND YOUR DONATION TODAY TQ: CLAIR CAMPBELL, Chairman Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce ADDITIONAL GIFTS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET THE 0,000.00 OBJECTIVE' Seaforth Lions Club Easter Seals Committee Associated With Ontario Society For Crippled Children . DEAR SKIN DEEP — Not on your life, I don't! It's what's under the skin that counts. Yet racial prejudice still dubs the Negro-dating girl as degraded, in some quarters. Your love better be pretty strong and steady, • beeause there'll be problems a-plenty Your ebildren will inherit them. tour.families will come in f criticism — both families. W relationships, social co e l- ions, even (I'm sorry to say) church ties, may. come in for hampering, isolating treatment. Love — geed enough — can -weather it all. Confidential to Unhandy — We don't all get to university; and you can't make it by just being good in one subject, much as you feel like a philoSo- pher at heart. But you can rend • books; attend study groups; watch educational TV. We are happiest when we are opening new deers on life.