HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-04-17, Page 8WANT A USED MUSTANG? WANT A CONVERTIBLE? Have a choice of five! Choice of five! WANT BUCKETS? Choice of eigitt! WANT TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF ME? I'm easy! WANT A WAGON? WANT A HARDTOP? Chtlice of fifteen! WANT A PICKUP? Choice of eleven! WANT A PANEL? Choice of three WANT A DUMP? Choice of one! WANT A TRACTOR WEI.H TRAILING AXLE? . Choice of. two! WANT A CHASSIS AND CAB Choice of three! WANT THE DEALERSHIP?? Choice of two! Save on These Extra. Specials 1968 OLDS Sedan, H78974 $250- 1965 FORD Coach,, V-8, Auto 1961 VOLKSWAGEN, H75925 $350 H76849 $895 ' 1964 METEOR Hardtop, V-8, Stick 1962 Ford Pickup, V-8, C89023 $595 H78733 $675 DID YOU KNOW . --- Yon Can F'urchase A NEW 67 P.T.O. HORSEPOWER "FORD 5000" DIESEL foras low as $5 I 9 WHICH INCLUDES: Standard Tires Thermostat 5" H.D. Starter - 128 Amp. H.R. H.D. Battery 540 P.T.O. A.T. 1900 RPM For Full 67 H.P. Guaranteed =Delivery at.Guaranteed Prices This Offer Good For A Limited Time Only DON'T PAY CASH — USE OUR FARM FINANCE PLAN WANT A USED TRACTOR FROM 28 to 55 HP? • • Choice of 14 WANT A USED PLOW? Choice of four! WANT A USED CULTIVATOR OR DISC? We have 'em! WANT A SKIDOO? Choice of two from $350.00! Choice of five! . • • • Flexible Linkends Pre-Delivered • • 50 Hour Inspection Loaded Tires 12 Month Warranty FORD, FAXRLANE, FALCON AND FORD TRUCKS P119NE-2354640 — EXETER A R ,R y n YDER RS II ED s., This eek and 73* Don Lunt Next 11' 4 NOW IN FULL SWING • GYM DANK 6-ft. — Reg. 15.95 SLIDE 7 BOW and GIRLS1, Reg. 22.95 value' GYM SWING SET - 19.77 JACKALL 48" — Reg. 21.95 JACK - - 18.71' °Spring Sale 'Ends Sat., April 19 SEAFOIRTIt FARMERS Phone 527-0770. Sod-OM"' WANT ADS BRING-QUICK' RESULTS:- Dial 527-0240 Read the Advertisements — It's a Profitable Pastime! "STA-RITE" 1/3 H.P. 'SUMP PUMP . - - 35.77 10X — cu ft. capacity — Reg. 92.00 CEMENT MIXER 79.97 • • 4 I CHECK ihe$e outstanding Saving5 SMOKED PURE PORK SAUSAGE— PRIME SHORT Ctn. RIB ROAST • FRESH. GROUND .BEEF BONELESS ROLLED JBFISKET MEAT BY PRODUCTS Macaroni & Cheese lb.' BURNS' OR COLEMAN'S WIENERS Stewing Beet lb. FRESH SPARE RIBS lb. Pantry Shelf _ APPLE JUICE, 48-oz. tins Gold Seal Chunk TUNA, 6 1/2 =oz. tins Rick's Baby DILLS, 24-oz. jar 440) Van Camp BEANS with. PORK, 14-oz. . • MAZOLA OIL, 32;oz. Antiseptic-Disinfectant DETTOL, 4-oz. (reg. 69c) Scott (Big Economy Roll) PAPER-TOWELS, assorted colors • • 394t SUPREME COOKIES, 14-oz,, Dare's-New Oatmeal 490 (Reg. 69t) 490 HANDIWRAP, 200-ft. roll B 71CrsCREAM, i/2 -Gallon 89 Super. Save HOTDOG or HAMBURG ROLLS (8's) or DO-NUTS (12'g) any 4 packages $1 lb.. lb. or chicken .Loaf lb. 3 for. $1 3 for$1 for 994 850 Mouth Wash SCOPE, 6-oz. (deal pack) Delmonte CHILI SAUCE, 94)z., NWT 270 690 49q WEEKEND SPECIALS; APRIL 16, 17, 18, 19, 190 MARK -Ontario FROZEN FOOD' Berry' land 15-oz. pkg. :Strawberries • • • • 2/890 PRODUCE No. 1 GOIden' Yellow Chiquita (Product Honduras) BANANAS • • • • lb. 120 No. 1 Jumbo Size 'Head (24'sj Product USA LETTUCE • • 2 for 490 - Pillsbury Layer Type — Chocolate, White, Spice - CAKE MIXES, 17-oz. 3 for• $1 lb; • , . Jc .1114 and Affra .A.. Uwe and Mr, and *tae -MacDonald en- tertained- with: a supper and social evening on the occasion o .the ;,§,th Wedding anniyer- satY Nr_Z end Mrs. George S. 4eyet.eo rvjoAdaY,. • SPAR* Inciallt?d$ Mr. and Mrs. ItarVre)." Beuerin,ay.. Miss Grace Beiterman, Mr. Neil Elegerman, Mr. and. Mrs. Martin McDonald, FIATiSmiTetosik zati Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hender- son, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hend- erson, Miss Julie MacDonald, Mr. Tom Love and Miss Lynda Pettit. 4-H Meeting • Walton Savory Chefs met at the home of Sandra Watson when the leaders, Mrs. Allan Searle and Mrs. Allan McCall 1.0. a discussion 960 "ATORt Roundoo". Plans wore discussed for the Achievement DO Seaforth May 3rd witl/ the'repic "Our meat is always tender." 17th and Boundary Unit The 17th and Boundary Unit met at the' home of Mrs. Jan Van Vliet, Mrs. Harold Smalidon opened the .meeting with the Call to Worship. The scripture reading was taken from Luke 24; verses 24-35 and Mrs. Harold Smalldon gave a reading "A Degenerate ' World". The tOPI,c "The Symbolism of the Crass'' was given by Mrs. Hugh Johnst- on. Mrs. Maud, Leeming gave a reading entitled "If God For.. got". Mrs. goFtio Doan presided for buCneSa and a crib quilt was qulf ted• The next Wing will be at the hone at l s, Harvey COM., Mr. 494, 37.4 Chitger, hose, Aggp,a vAtteit stAkil With qn Ws, Wnit 1149 Mr: • • 0 ki • W. S, tZ 14,Wt t-eg1A9. S . • ao. loran *41 44, For a year, he had been hint- ing that Canada would be pull- ing out of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in order to play an international role in world affairs. His trusted aides, Communi- cations Minister Eric Kierans and Secretary of State Gerard Pelletier had- taken every op- portunity to expound their the,.,,. onesthat Canada must quit every military organization.. Whether it was 43/ressure from the United States, pressure from the "hawks" within the Canad- ian Cabinet or "political sense," the Trudeau announcement was designed to please everyone. Even the oppOsition couldn't find complete fault. The Con- servatives had argued that Can- ada's only- chance of exercising influence and playing a part in preserving world peace was within the framework of allian- ces such as NATO, But the Prima' Minister didn't announce a withdrawal from Europe, a decision to "take early steps to bring about a planned and phas- ed reduction of the .size of Can- diart fOrces in Europe." The NDP was all for ,cim- plete withdrawal. Mit the 'act that the PM announced a with= drawal at sometime in the. 'fu- ture, gave the socialists little ammunition. The United States, which had been led to believe only a few months ago that Canada would drop out, expressed delight with the announcement. The U.S. ignored the with- drawal hint and concentrated on the Trudeau statement that "Canada will continue to be a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and to co- operate closely with the United States within NORAD( North American Air Defence Com- mand)." And to make it complete, the Russians applauded the Trudeau announcement. Quite a sweep! The quetion and answer per- iod that followed the Prime Minister's announcement again showed, that Mr, Trudeau does indeed know his politics. No, he wasn't going back on his pledge of 'a year ago to make "a tornpletely new and fresh, Kr. and Mrs; Gordon McGavin visited on Sunday with Mr. ,apc1 Mrs, John McGavin, Thernbury. Mr. George Taylor has return- ed home after spending the win- ter months in Me,xica. The 8th and 16th UCW Unit met at the home of Mrs. Harold Bolger, Tuesday evening. Hymn 104, verses 1 ,2 and 3 were sung with Mrs. Jim Fritz as pianist. The scripture from Peter 1:3-5 was read by Mrs. Donald Fraser and the topic on Mission Study by Mrs. Ian Fraser. Mrs. Douglas Fraser was in charge of business. Articles for the bale are to be taken, to the' church after_ April 16 and by May 19th. The 8th and 16th are to-look after flowers in the church for July. Items were brought in for the bazaar which is to be held in - "Ali Hail Power 9t Jesus Name" was sung followed with a reading by Mrs. Eugh John- ston "Easter brings Hope". Se:tendon closed with prayer. The McKillop UCW Unit met, at the home pf Misses Ethel and Tenie . Dennis_ Wednesday after- noon when Mrs. Murray Dennis presided fox the Devotions. Miss Tenie Dennis led in, pray- er and the scrlptnra from Mark 16: 1-8 was read by- Mrs. Laver- ne Godkin. The meditation was given, by Mrs. Murrayt Dennis. The topic on, Mission Study was given by Mrs. JaCkBpsanan. Business was condnete,A. by Mrs, Glen geNiehol after,. the reports onck,re.11,011: pans; were 'discussed for catering,:*-t4e Woree4: Institute —14199,414 ViredIv•Wy., MelCilibp Unit hes, charge of the floWers for the month, of August. • Lunch,,, was served by Mre. Charles McGavin, -Mrs. Norman S.chode, Mrs, Stewart McClelland the hostess, NOTICE To our customers of the past I say many •thanks but ow- ing to, the death of my hus- band we are not. having any plants this year. Again I say thank you. • Mrs. Albert Baker SEED FOR SALE Good RED CLOVER (Grade 2 becaose 'of a trace of • Sweet Clover. Excellent for plow-down purposes. Priced to sell.) • HERTA BARLEY Canada No. 1 (Germination 98% and 99%). 'Certified No. 1, Registered No. 1. STORMONT OATS (Certified No. 1) See • R..,N. 'ALEXANDER .at•-the Sedd Plant in. LONDESBORO t: COME IN TO SEE AND TEST RiavE A sweep for Trudean.--, ' The, squabbles with, Quebec and the gradual takeover of sev- eral key Ottawa positions • by French Canadians, has resulted in a re-examination of.the pont- ical power of Prime 1Vinister Pierre Elliott Trudeau. Western Liberals are blam- ing the PM's fight with Quebec and his insistence that gualism be a ' fact in govern- ment for the poor' showing in repent polls. Some pundits have gone so• far as to question his political . sense, hinting that the magne- tism that got him elected last year, was quiekly.losing its pow- er and the Trudeau that lay ex- posed was not a politician at all. Wasn't .it Trudeau the intellect- ual that toured Red China, lect- ured at Universities.. f Montreal Land wrote articles on the French Canadian's Search for an, ident- ity? . • Why, then, they argue, should • .Canadians expect the Prime Min- ister's job to change the man overnight to a -politician. For a "novice," the Prime Minister showed another fine political touch with his: recent • pronouncement o n Canada's stand on NATO. approach' to the problems of foreign policy." After all, hadn't he just announced a reduction in forces. That's a change! Of course, at this time say when the reduction's would take place or just how big they would be. That would have to wait for later meetings in May. And so on and so on, Such an announcement, like a budget in election year, had a little for everyone, The military could : read into it that Canada was not going to reduce forces but might indeed have -to increase strength in order to take over defensive roles in North-Ameri- ca now handled by Americans. The doves could rejoice at the first crack in NATO — even if it turns -out to be an imaginary one. • And the Prime Minister could head 'for British Columbia and a private ski holiday, secure in the knowledge that for a "no- vice" he showeda keen political sense. No one could completely fault the man. Remember! It takes but a monient to place an Expositor Want Ad and be money in pocket.- To advertise, just Dial Seaforth 527-0240. s I S