HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1969-04-17, Page 6ALBERT KRAMERS Albert Martin Knitters, 464, died Saturday at St. Joseph's Hospital, London. He had been in poor health for some months. An area representative of Lib- beys arid Brick's in) arranging cuemrvber contracts he was known to farmers. throughout the disvtrict. Born in Holland he came to this countre in the tkeMties. He is survived by his wife, the feather Coracle Vani Dorre steyn to whom he was married in Dublin in 1.029, a daughter, Mrs. Fred (Betty) Eckert, Galt; faun eons, Norman J.' Stratford; J. Louis, Dublin; Paul A,., Eg- mondville; and G. Carl, Mitchell. He also leaves four sisters and three brothers in Holland. He was a member of St.. Pat- rick's Roman Catholic Church, The body rested) at R. S. Box Funeral Home, Seaforth until Tuesday when funeral services were held at ''St. Patrick's Church,' Dublin. Interment fol- CASH BINGO Legion Hall, Seaforth 8:15 p.m. Fridayi April. 18th Three $25.00 Games $75.00 Jackpot to go, 15 Regular Games for $10.00 Two Door Prizes (Children under 16 not) Permitted) ADMISSION $1.00 Extra Cards 25c or 7 for $1.00 Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 Royal Canadian Legion Proceeds for Welfare Work BROWNIE'S ' DRIVE-IN THEATRE 'C. INT.ON • , fox Office Opens at 8.00 p.M. FIRST SHOW at 8.30 P.M. FRI. SAT.. SUN. - April 18-19-20 — DOUBLE FEATURE •-• "THE SAVAGE SEVEN" Ab1.4111ANCe Robert Walks, 10 Maas *Adam Retake nwol.c.°'07 Joanna Frank Showirie!at 10.18 pan. -- In Color "PSYCH-OUT" Stisan Strasbeig TO POSISS Dean Stockwell In Color Showing at 8.30 'p.m. -"Cartoon Coming Next: "Dark Of The Sun" (Adeit Entertainment) — AND - VreoBrovin, YoU've Got A' Lovely Daughter' 4.0featfea2 v. TSAI Of /44 04 Ova HEAR Evankelist Ed Martin Tuesday, April 22nd, at 8:00 p.m. Sunday, Apiil 27th, 11:00 am., 7:00 p.m. SEAFORTH PENTECOSTAL CHURCH Corner of Franklin and East William Streets Pastor Bruce 1Vlorrison — 527-1485 ALL WELCOME fig The .chocolate 10X' "camp'. went ever very, well. sale4 were made by .44P4ta Johnson, Dawna Reynolds Betty Thompson, Se fan the "c Coy- ers the cost of the chonola, WO.' Some of the -choCelate- • -- biWilittilletikfttre, bars are still being sold. . • - Cancer Campaign Auspices Of Group One The campaign has started and NPrthaide United church ucw the students have been given routes for collecting. We hope to increase the amount of mon- ey this year as it is for a very Classified Ads 'pay dividends. worthy cause, KE S Sat A rit 1910h ENTERTAINMENT 46. FRIDAY — Mike Hodgert SATURDAY — "Elgin Fisher", in the Ladies' and Eicorte Room Eruioy a Sing-A-Long with PEARL at the Hamniond Organ FRIDAY AND SATURDAY , COLORED TV TASTY BEVERAGE ROQM SNACKS- Smorgasbord SATURDAY, APRIL. -19th 6-9 p.m. —, $2.25 per person COMMERCIAL HOTEL, Sealotih FORMAL DA CE to the Music. of "The COPPERTONES" Seaforth District High School FRIDAY, APRIL 25th 9:30 to 1:00 a.m. Crowning. of "Formal Queen" Tickets available from Students or at the Expositor Office. o 0- ON EXPOPTO.R. EAFP Tt‘ 04144APRI4 11069 INFORMATION AtrigTINQ On the neral Farm Organization (GF0). On Wednesday' 441 23 at 9:00 IMn. HURON CENTENNIAL SCHOOL BRUCEFIELD Speakers — Phil Durand and Elmer Hunter Seaforth Chamber of Commerce DINNER MEETING LEGION HALL Wednesday, April 23 Speaker: J. C. R. Waddell of the Ontario Development Corporation - Short Film Reception 6:15 p.m. Dinner 6:45 p.m. TICKETS $2.25 EACH MEETING NOTICE . Annual Meeting of the HURON (PROV.) LIBERAL ASSOCIATION Will be held at HOTEL CLINTON • Thursday, April 24 at 8:30 p.m. J. H. ArilkEN, Secretary $.910 VARIETY DINING & DANCING Friday, April 18, 'The Bluetones" Saturday, April 19 "The Dimensions' "Back by Popular Demand" Come' bait And Enjoy Yourself PIZZA PATIO Restaurant- and. Tavein 350 Bayfield Road_ Goderich nwmty Hosp. *114 631rd year. Re was horn in County near Lueicnow bat has lived in Seaforth area for a number of 3ears. Surviving is a half brother, Robert Ross of London. A private funeral will be held from the G. A. Whitney Funeral Home on Friday, April 18th at 11 a. m. with Rev. J. C. Britton officiating. Interment will follow im Maitlandbank Cemetery. ' Stewart McGregler o f lleate.irth Th)14) „ at -Seafirthi -Cem,brates Kratishopfi, '.44.4*ao :EC1Celt 9:00 — 12:00 At SEAFORTH ARENA DRESS — CASUAL ADMISSION $1.00 THE MANEQUIN Saturday, April 19th '5IEWART MeGREGOR.4, 1.9w04 Southern Fried iChicken HURON HOTEL Dublin SEAFORTH TEEN TWENTY presents Saturday .Night The Ryans Beverage Room Snacks " • ,:•4 MRS. MELVIN CRICH Mns..Melvin firieh, 66, of Clin- ton died Thursday' in the Clini• ton Public tHospitall; She. was a widow, the former Amy Viola MoBmi n. Surviving are her stepdaught- er, Mlrs. Walter (Ivy) Scott, Sea- forth); stepson, Harry °rich, Clinton; two smile Ray Gibbings, Listowel and Harald Gibbings, Clinton. The service was held 'Satur- day at 2' p.m. at the Ball Funer- al Home, Clinton,' Burial was 'in 'Clinton Cemetery.. MRS. EPHRAIM' SNELL Mrs. Ephraim. Snell, 73,• Clin- ton. died Thursday at the Clin- ton Public Hospital. She was the former ,Margaret Ethel Mokire- house. • Survivors are her • husband;' daughters, Mrs. Alvin (Barbara) Betties, RR 1 Bayfleid; Mrs, M. (Jayne Mary) Taylor, Dawtsotn elreek. B. C.; sons, Richard', Bly- th; James, RR 1 Clinton; brother part weaminctsorPhell,,,goadaTnitinviwetor Sethi; wili'.4,eiothl,1.1174)61;9!balle• E°s$M04 *-4Y 30' vgalirenD°°Girenanal' Sane, NdraageyColRuneillan.ey, publik Augetax sOictoolif wore-,11...; • ' The Maloney Bros. Contractors Ruth' Ann Dunlop, 4044Ree HInloptsePper: held Tuesday from Boshrop.', hoUse on lot 3, Water Street, Jane Sills. Carol Ann Wallace, punera Home at i„ pm; tond Egmondville, to Mr. Ronald Kel- Rosemary Newnham, Debbie Wey, Mary Lou McGregor, Deb- bie Wallace, Brenda Dietz, Mary Oke, Janice Dietz. Boyi: Junior, K. Anderson, N. Dale, J. Stoll, S. McLean, R. Van der Wiel, J. Thompson, J. Put- t:Ian, 14 Weber, C. Kerslake, H. Groothms, D. Jewitt, J. Flan- nery; senior, J. McGrath (lead- er), D. Phillips, B. Leonhardt, B. Price, E. MeNab, R. Hender- son, J.,Dalrymple, G. Dolmage, R. MacKenzie, B. Wallace. The glee club sang various songs directed by Miss Reid and accompanied by Carol Shortreed. Their songs, included Whiffen- poof Song, All In The April Evening and The Bounds of Si- lence. Methbers taking part were: Mary Elliott, Laurel Hemingway, Carolyn Fraser, Dianne Fraser, Gail Traviss, Emma Shortreed, Elaine Roberton, Nancy Sillery, Janice Sillery, Maureen, Connol- ly, Diane Henderson, Evelyn Storey, Ann Nobel, Mary Cath- erine McQuaid, Carol Bell, Marg Elligsen, Darlene Elligsen, Mary Anne McLean, Nancy Forrett, Terry Kunz, Josephine Willems, Beverley McCall, Becky Nolan, Mary Leeming, Jane Sills, Hen- drina Verberne, Joanne Arts, Marion Nott, Helen Tilley; Elaine Carter, Sharon Marks, Sharon Staples, Barbara Gem- mell, Janet Otten, Mary Lou MacGregor, Barry Gordon, Bill Whyte, Bruce McDonald, Bill Shortreed, Bruce Scott, John Leeming. A special attraction during the show was the comedy skit fea- turing the grade thirteen stu- dents. Linda Farbes, Joe Ball and Ted Scott. The stage crew was directed by W. K. Murdie and included lighting, Bruce Wilbee, stage managera, Jim Rowatt, Neil Mc- Donald. stage crew, Ralph Smith, John Gorwill, Ron Dalrymple. The program cover was de- signed by Bruce Wilbee. Formal This week, the students in grades eleven, twelve and thir- teen elected candidates for the Formal Queen. Two girls were nominated from each of the three gradeS. They include Mar- garet Coombs and Cynthia Newnham, grade eleven; An, gela Devereaux and 'Sharon Tal- bot grade twelve; Jo-Ann Goet- tier and Mary Anne Kunz, grade thirteen. The whole, student. body, will vote and a queen will' be chosen 'from the six who were notainated..The queen will --. be crowned at the formal by last year's queen, Jane. Medea- Vcolate Bar, Campaign " Murdrock of gentaa,Pr9deeeeq94 2:1**(tr' Reidy and f Wed both girls was ,a postmaster ofertn*Lcige ' ' • - ing up residence '41' T°17°111°' 4e Property Changes A.F. and AIM. 224, genSill,'end chartered ittuelawl..'0:,,Thirion..- Property transfers made: re and Bruce Lodge, Toren*: ' . • , ,..cently through the real ' estate His. Wile the 'Aferiiiee,„,40,,,• office of Joseph McCOnnell, hint in 1964, • , , gi- .; . .P ,,:....koli',.• : ne hoe* and' 'PrePert$,Of , vice on $s_ltardelraJ:39 PP. restiedy_Jeffer)",. leanAOY.91% Dr, CAfirBEW ArghTean --6usi, Elaine Carter, Helen Til- Dr. Bye A. Ozint,Rhell Tqztv:'-7.0.910, 13-tgiol was ,the "f„!3.‘"4 'Kama Ruth Ann onto. passed amla,Y•let $040; Iftir, CeineterY. - UY't • on Hospital Saturday, April 1Xit Panleg, Ilendrina Verberne, July 1st this year bad, Ile:tub/eft ' ' - - • - • - -•- Carol Bell, Mary Elliott, Dawna in his 100th year- .-40.. Would have reaehed his)100th,4hirthdaY• 'HI:Olds. Meeting ...... ... . . Reynolds, Janice Dietz, Barbara McClure, Angela Devereaux, The late Dr. Canitcheil carne Seaforth 2 met at Jean Diver- Maroon Hoegy, Karen MeDon- to Lucent WedneSday evening to eatur's home when Huron Home aid, Glenda Little, Sharon John- attend a lodge Meeting ,and : Economist, Susan Heard was in ston, Janice McClure, Terry while sta,iriing Overnight with ' attendance. Della Wallace read Kunz, Lynn Moggach, JUdY'flui- friends in EXeter ' became ill the minutes. The next meeting ley, Sandra Johnston, Sharga and was taken to the boaPital, will be at Jane Sills. Zurich for 25 yearsPbefkne- talc- • . . . Marks, Mary Ann McLean, Marg lei Coombs, Brenda Fryer, Mary Dr. Campbell' 'prael*ed • . ' Leeming, Laurie Bell, Marg El- Surkuing., ere t4.. '74,!le. late Um Jebn Part, Eginantk and bnYs The wisise,1 ..:yeapt ..0441,, 04017;• vines to Nu., • mou.; img„ were girl.= Betty McGregor, Rita ten by Bev. Httether'.i4f Zurich. ,Burfal Was lam' Bensr~ull Union cemetery. — Pallbearers Were; Delbert Geiger, Ivan Kallbfleiscbt, Ivan. Kallifintsdh; Ivan) Ymingblut, Leroy O'Brien Dr. H. H. Often, Dotruald Joynt. I 11 4 e • JAI terhorn, Mitchell, possession . July, 30, 1969. The two faini y dwelling on Welsh Street, owned 'by Mr. Lewis Clark, Tuckersmith ToWn- ship to Mr. Larry Wesenberg, Seaforth. Possession July. let, 1969. LOCAL BRIEFS Mrs. Cora Barrows has re- , turned home afer spending the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. A. W4 Zurbrigg of Listowel were Sunday guests of Rev. J. Ike and Mrs. Stewart. Mr. and' Mrs. George Addison have returned from Lakeland, Florida where they spent the winter. Mr. ,an,c1 Mrs, JamesId.' Scott have returned after spending an. end oy abl boll day with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith of'Sweib- releken, Germany. aril touring with them through Italy and Holland. Mr. and 'Mrs, Murray Campbell of Theznalon were , Sunday guests with Wk. •and Mrs. Hugh Thompson. Mr. and. 'Mrs, Hugh Thompson were 'recent guests with Mr. and 'Mrs. Ken Thompson end family of ,Burlington. Sister' Discusses (Continued from Page 1) this year on June 26th and 27th were discussed and arrange- ments completed for a draw in connection with the Carnival which is being handled by a 'committee headed by Dr. J. 0. Turnbull. (Continued horn JOhnt, PleStneslelvet„ /044 gin, Anne Kunz, Jeanette ArietePt 4Ergnir Lre";' ri,,,ig„„,,cbast Tornb4 Plegh°4 ° fab411.Ait Vim, Diane 4'latterson, Jeanette Wat- 9 bong' 6rwoiertke Janerurw Sills, Pattia Etne, at Sk will bo held ^' in IOOF Hall Fri., Apr. 18, 1969 at 8:30 pan. (Continued from Page 1) council endorsed the resolution. A further resolution from Smith Falls asking that the province assume total cost of elementary and secondary school education -was tabled ,without action. "We all like to remove tax loads from real estate but at the seine time we must be rea- lists and see that the costs are met,'.' Mayor Sills said. He was concerned that by handing, over the responsibility for payment of educational costs the- areas would, lose control' and suggest, ed no action should be taken until we see how the new coun- ty boards work out. Agree On The C.P. and T. EUCHRE AND , DRAW Lunch provided Admission 50c 8:00 p.m. Everyone Welcome ligsen, Diane Henderam, Brenda Rodger* Mary McQuaid, Mary Anne Segeren. A gymnastics program wet' presented under direction, of Miss Weller and Mr. K. events, Taking TUPPERWARE PARTY St. Thomas' Church Parish Hall Tues., April 22nd *Ms AMMON.= \ TWO BIG HIES TO OPEN .THE SEASON Friday..Satarday. Sunday—April 18-19-20 "THE YOUNG RUNAWAYS" (Adult Entertaintnen0 • '.•*. "THE. STRANGER RETURNS" (Adult Entertainment) Coming Next WFekend—April .25-26-27 "Bonnie and Clyde" "Cool Hand Luke" (Adult Entertainment) (Adult Entertainment) A "MUSTANG" THEATRE LARGEST SCREEN IN HURON COUNTY ALWAYS A DOUBLE BILL Children Under 12 In Cars Free s • OP.ENING -FRIDAY , NIGHT BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 7.30 P.M. — FIRST SHOW AT DUSK DRIVE-IN NEAT r I -HWY.. a GODERICH AT CONCESSIOli RD. 4 . PRO 4 4 • .3 a 4 a 4 k, Id THURSDAY FRIDAY & SATURDAY DON'T MISS DICK PERFECT and the COUNTRY FOLK • Beverage Room Snacks PIGTAILS & SAUERKRAUT • AT THE QUEEN'S HOTEL SEAFORTH THANKS Having sold our business, Seaforth DiscOunt Centre, to J and L Vitamins and Cosmetics Ltd.r yve wish to express our ap- preciation to the people of Seaforth and district for the splendid support which has been' extended to us since we opened last year. We invite the same support and co- operation for the new owners who 'are saw in possession. Wibtn'er Johnston